The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 634: Crystal Knight

There has never been a generally accepted opinion about the origin of wizards in the Velon world, and even inside the wizard tower is divided.


Leo has seen a lot of research notes on the origin of sorcerers in the towers of Death Valley, and among these notes, there are many sayings about the origins of sorcers, but there is an inference that has been mentioned many times in these origin hypotheses. They all think that the wizard is a foreign thing.


  Because from various sources, the wizards of the Velen world suddenly appeared, and the witchcraft used was completely different from the magic given to the believers by ancient deities, and was extremely mature. It is a method of using extraordinary power with a complete system.


  All the time, the wizards are looking for their roots, but there is no result. Leo, who has read the relevant books, even feels that the Lake Town Wizards Association surrounded by thick fog may have been established for the root-seeking high tower wizards.


  Now from the memory of this great sword knight, Leo discovered that the wizard is the product of the large library, and they are a method of use of power carefully created by the grand duke of the library for his students.


  If the memory of the Great Sword Knight is true, then the wizards of the Velen world may really originate from the large library.


   It's just that Leo was soon left behind about the origin of the wizard, because the more important memory content has begun to appear in front of him, because he saw the Weiya and the Weiya spaceship in this memory.


The Great Sword Knight refers to the Weiya as the Moon Man, and believes that they are from the Moon. From his memory, the relationship between the gods of Janor Lund and the Moon Man does not seem to be harmonious. After conflict, Yueren escaped the attack of the gods after paying some price.


However, these are not the focus of Leo’s concern. What he cares about is the Weiya’s mother nest spaceship, that is, the moon in the eyes of the big sword knight. This spaceship is intact, and Leo looks through the extraordinary vision in the Velon world. The dilapidated conditions on the arriving moon are very different, which means that the memory of the Great Sword Knight occurred before the war that caused the destruction of the Weiya.


   In this way, the Weiya came here to find a Titan who was regarded as a god. The purpose may be to invite the Titan to participate in the war, and the result may be to collapse, or even to anger the Titan.


   After that, the memory of this big sword knight is fragmented, but from these fragmented memories, it can be seen that the Titans and a powerful foreign group have fought a great war, and this war ended in defeat.


   While the Titans were recuperating, the power of the abyss began to erode the entire world, and even the gods could not resist or even eliminate this erosion.


The Grand Duke of   , for this purpose, personally took action to cut off the connecting road between the large library and Janor Lund, and moved the entire large library to the subspace to avoid being infected by the power of the abyss.


   It's just that although the power of the abyss comes from the abyss, it is the hearts of the people that lead it out of the abyss, so soon the power of the abyss has infected the large library.


The Grand Duke saw that he could not stop the infection of the power of the abyss, so he instead studied the power of the abyss, hoping to find a solution to the problem, but the result was still unsatisfactory, but it made more and more infected people. In the end, he used Witchcraft freezes all people who have not been infected with witchcraft to prevent infection.


   But, in the memory of the Great Sword Knight, there is no reason why he will be placed on the square as a test to test the strength of the entrant, nor why does the large library return from the subspace to the side of Janorlund?


After absorbing these memories, Leo gained a lot of things, such as some ancient witchcraft, some swordsmanship of big swords, some secret things about Janor Lund, the big library, etc., but after leaving this memory All Leo’s attention is not on the content of the memory itself, but on another thing that makes him very confused. This thing is that he has not been able to figure out whether all this is in front of him. The world of consciousness created by Yi still came to the big library.


   If he was still very sure that the large library he saw in front of him should be the world of consciousness created by the deep consciousness introduction instrument based on some of his deep memories, then now he is not so sure.


   "Does the memory I lost contain the memory of this big sword knight?" Leo was also puzzled and made a guess in his heart.


   Although there is no evidence to prove this guess, it is not without precedent. In the medical community of the Earth Federation, there have been a large number of examples of using deep consciousness introduction instruments to wake up the memories of vegetatives or amnesiacs.


If Leo’s lost memory once had the memory of fighting the Great Sword Knight and the memory of the Great Sword Knight’s fire, then now when the Deep Consciousness Introducer builds this world of consciousness, it will naturally take this The memory is imported.


Thinking of Leo’s face here becomes a bit gloomy, because if his guess is true, the memory of the big library will be restored in the big library in front of him, then it means that he will definitely encounter the caretaker of the big library. Crystal old man.


When he entered the abandoned capital from the town on the lake that day, Leo can say that the ignorant is fearless and knows nothing about the crystal old man. He thinks that he is just a general wizard, but now he only recognizes the crystal old man from his memory of the great sword knight. The true strength of the is comparable to the gods.


In the memory of the big sword knight, when he joined the big book library, the crystal old man was already one of the big three of the big book library. He ruled all the wizards of the big book library, and once participated in the battle with the Yueren, that is, the Weiya The damage and damage caused to the Weiya people is not much worse than the gods of Bianollund, and even used witchcraft to directly destroy a small Weiya warship, showing the strength to catch up with Omega-class higher living bodies. .


   The identity of the crystalline old man is very mysterious. The big sword knight does not know its origin, but only knows that the relationship between the Grand Duke and the crystalline old man is not like a superior, but rather like two equal communicators.


   The crystalline old man holds a very unique crystalline magic, which is claimed to make people immortal, so not only the Grand Duke is attracted, but even the gods of Janorlund.


   In order to attract the crystal elders and learn the crystal magic of the crystal elders, the Grand Duke did not hesitate to give the crystal elders the greatest right, and even handed over all of his students to the crystal elders. Of course, this is also to suppress the crystal elders.


However, when the Grand Duke was addicted to crystal magic, the Crystal Old Man used his power and strength to gradually divide some of the arrangements made by the Grand Duke and became the actual masters of the big library, even if the Grand Duke returned to the Grand The library has not been able to change this situation.


Therefore, even if the crystalline old man created by the introduction instrument based on his memory is only half the strength of the crystalline old man from the memory of the Great Sword Knight, he may be difficult to defeat the crystalline old man. If the consciousness node is in the crystalline old man, then he may Will face a dilemma that cannot be solved.


"Anyway, let's talk about it in advance, and try to solve it when we encounter problems." Leo took a deep breath, suppressed the uneasiness and worry in his heart, and said to himself, then he didn't think about it anymore and stepped forward. Walk towards the big library.


   Soon Leo walked across the square, entered a cloister, and then turned a few bends along the cloister to a wide staircase.


This staircase is about two or three hundred levels, and it looks like a small hill. On the three hundred level stairs, there are five pairs of monsters wearing knight armor. These monsters are similar to other corpses, but the difference is There is also a crystalline column on their body, and these crystalline columns and armor are fused together, making them look like crystalline stones that can walk.


Of course, Leo is not stupid enough to think that these crystal knights are some statues. Even without using the spiritual net and supernormal perception, they can clearly feel that these crystal knights contain great energy, and the energy in these crystal knights It is also extremely unstable, like a bomb that may be detonated at any time.


   In addition, Leo also felt that if he touched one of the crystal knights, then the other five crystal knights might be touched and attacked together.


If the king and queen fall in the hands and if the king and queen are on the body, he will not have a headache, just use the king and queen to shoot from a distance, but the problem is that the special gem of Gemini can enter this consciousness. Space, and perfectly show all the power, but the king and queen are not around, as if they were searched before entering the large library.


Although there are no two long-range attack weapons for kings and queens, it does not mean that Leo has no means of long-range attacks, and it does not mean that it takes time to accumulate to exert a lot of power. Even if it is a general psionic skill, he There are also some remote methods, but the power is a little worse.


   Considered a little, Leo did not break hard, looked at the surrounding terrain, and then retreated back to the entrance of the corridor, squatted down, and quickly arranged several psionic traps with psionic energy.


After arranging the psionic trap, Leo retreated into the corridor, and raised his hand according to his own method, condensed a few psionic **** on the palm, and then controlled the psionic balls, toward the crystal closest to him. The knight fought.


   has no catenary, and the psionic ball easily hit the crystal knight.


  The crystal knight like a stone figure immediately locked the position of Leo as an activated armed robot, and carried a long sword with a layer of crystal stone on the surface, and rushed towards Leo.


  At the same time, the other five crystal knights also moved at the same time as Leo expected, and rushed towards Leo at a certain rate.


Seeing this situation, Leo has no doubt that as long as he fights with the first crystal knight for a while, he is likely to fall into the siege of the lumen crystal knight, and most importantly, Leo is worried about these crystals The knight will cause unstable energy in his body, and he will die with Leo.


   Therefore, Leo decided to use clever methods to solve these crystal knights.


   The movement of the first crystalline knight was very fast, and he immediately rushed down the entrance of the corridor, less than one meter away from the trap under Leobu.


   Surprising things happened, the Crystal Knight seemed to have the same wisdom, stopped the pace, and then always trapped about a meter or so, and walked back and forth, and armed with caution.


   Leo soon discovered something was wrong, because although the Crystal Knight was the guardian again, his eyes did not look at Leo, which was a few meters away.


The following crystal knights also stopped at a distance of about one meter from the trap, but they did not walk back and forth like the first crystal knight, but regarded Leo as nothingness and turned directly. Go back and forth when going back and forth.


  Seeing this situation, Leo, although he was puzzled, was not willing to let these crystal knights leave, so he gathered a few groups of psionic **** and fought toward the crystal knight.


The crystal knight hit by the psionic ball seemed to find Leo’s trace, rushed towards Leo, but stepped on the psionic trap arranged by Leo without two steps, followed by the crystal knight. All fell into the trap in turn.


   At the moment when the trap was activated, the energy beam was rushed out of the trap and directly penetrated into the body of the crystal knight. The energy that would barely maintain a stable state was completely disturbed.


  Crystal Knight immediately stood like a patient with epileptic seizures, trembling violently, and then all the crystal stones on his body burst into a strong light.


  Leo felt the energy contained in the light, and immediately retreated back quickly, and used psionic energy to arrange several protective layers in front of himself to block the attack of the energy light.


Because the energy of the explosion was too strong, the explosion did not occur, but it became a collapse, and it was not only the crystal knight who first stepped on the Leo trap, but other subsequent crystal knights were also killed by that. The violent energy light radiated to triggered an energy riot in their body.


  After the light disappeared, the place where the trap was placed has become a deep pit. All the crystal knights disappeared. Only the bottom of the pit was laid with a layer of crystal stone like broken glass and gemstones.


   Leo walked over, crouched down, checked the crystal stones, and found no flame crystals after the death of the Great Sword Knight.


  After feeling a little disappointed, he didn't stop here anymore, stood up, prepared to go on, and entered the large library at the end of the ladder.


  However, at this moment, Leo suddenly felt something conveying some thoughts to him, and these thoughts seemed to be urging something.


   Leo stopped and examined carefully, and found that these thoughts that affected his emotions did not come from his own body, but from the outside void, or more correctly, his storage space.


   "Crystal magic book?" Leo suddenly realized the origin of these ideas, and his attention also fell on the crystal magic book collected in his storage space for a while.

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