The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 632: Deep consciousness introduction instrument

  Thinking about this, Leo tried to gather psionic power in his hands again, and then pressed it on the hexagonal prism.

This time, the changes appearing in the room are no longer trivial. A ray of light is projected from the floor, forming a mysterious pattern. At the same time, the top ball slowly sinks, and the surface begins to disintegrate. One by one small modules, and then these small modules are put together again, forming a deep consciousness introduction instrument that looks like a recliner.

  When the induction instrument is formed, the surface of the induction instrument is also. There was a burst of light, and the symbols formed by these lights were perfectly integrated with the symbols on the surrounding floor, and continued to spread to me outside, it seems to spread to other places in the pyramid.

   The moment I saw this deep consciousness importer, Leo’s doubts not only did not weaken, but became stronger, because the deep consciousness importer was a machine that only earth talents would try, and other alien races have never used it.

   In the universe, there are some races that are inherently weak, and all body skills cannot adapt to the survival of the universe, and human beings are one of them.

  When we first entered the universe, the way that man thought of was to create a cosmic environment suitable for human survival by changing external conditions. This approach was very useful in the early days, and even established the most important foundation for human colonization of other planets.

   But soon humans discovered that merely relying on changing the external environment is not enough to make humans unimpeded in the universe, because there are countless special environments in the universe that cannot be changed by any method, and can only be adapted by their own bodies.

   At this time, the Earth Federation began to formally search for ways to change human physique. Among them, in addition to methods such as transforming the human body and adding auxiliary organs, it was considered the most stable and the best method by the humans at that time is the deep conscious gene regulation method.

The theory of this method is very simple, that is, through a special, suitable human deep consciousness introduction instrument, let humans enter the state of deep consciousness, through the corresponding consciousness guide chip, to stimulate the special power of the subconscious mind, change their genes, and make themselves more Adapt to the cosmic environment.

   It's just that after using it for a period of time, they found that this method is safe and dangerous, but the effect time is too slow, and not every human is suitable for this method.

   Eventually this method was abandoned, but the deep consciousness introduction instrument specially made for this method was not abandoned. Instead, it was used in the transfer of knowledge and became the basic supplies used by ordinary humans to learn knowledge.

  Because this kind of thing is made entirely of human genes and brain structure, except for human beings on the earth, no other races can be tried. The result of forced use is either to cause genetic mutation or the brain to be completely damaged.

   At that time, Leo, as a biochemical man, had a set of knowledge transmission devices specifically for biochemical people. Although this kind of deep consciousness introduction instrument is often seen and knows how to use it, it has never been used.

   At this moment, Leo can only start from the activation of the deep consciousness importer, and the various changes that have occurred determine that the entire pyramid should be part of the deep consciousness importer. This deep consciousness importer may also be the console of the entire pyramid.

At this time, Leo suddenly found that when Saran saw the deep consciousness introduction instrument, the look and eyes on her face were different from those of Sylvia. Obviously, this was not the first time she saw this deep consciousness introduction instrument. Know the function of this instrument.

   "Do you know what this is?" Leo asked directly to Saran without turning around.

   "Yes." Saran did not deny it, nodded and said, "I got the same thing before."

   Saran didn't go on, but for Leo, there was no need to say more, because Saran's reform knowledge of the Kingdom of Marais obviously came from her deep consciousness introduction instrument.

   "What should I do now? What is this thing for?" Ceran looked at the magic symbols in the room with surprise, and then turned his head to watch the deep consciousness introduction instrument. He could not help but ask in a deep voice.

Leo explained: "This is a magical machine. You can be brought into a magical deep spiritual space by lying on it, and through its identification, in this space, this machine may be Building a room for you may build a world for you. In that room or world, you may harvest a lot of ancient knowledge beyond imagination, or you may harvest some unreadable patterns and words."

  Saran suddenly added another sentence, saying: "However, receiving this knowledge is very dangerous, because you are likely to be crazy because you cannot mature this knowledge."

Leo looked at Saran, although it was only a sentence, but Leo had learned that when Saran got the deep consciousness introduction instrument that gave him knowledge, there were other people around him, and that one or those people also used It’s a pity that I don’t know how to operate such a machine, and I can’t bear the introduction of knowledge.

Although Sylvia did not understand things as thoroughly as Leo did, she also understood some things. At least she knew that the mysterious metal platform in front of her was related to some ancient and mysterious knowledge, and it seemed that Saran 'S knowledge is obtained from this mysterious object, and Leo's knowledge may also be obtained from here.

   "Can I give it a try?" Sylvia was also full of curiosity and longing for the mysterious ancient knowledge, so he asked Leo.

Leo thought for a moment, looked at the variants of the Weiya lingua franca around the prismatic console, quickly translated some words, found some instructions and the like, and then put his hand on that again On the hexagonal prism, in accordance with the instructions, it controls the connection and cuts off the connection between the deep consciousness introduction instrument and the pyramid, and the appearance is that the light of the variant word line on the introduction instrument disappears.

  After trying, Leo nodded to Sylvia and said, "Although I don't recommend it very much, you can give it a try. I should be able to guarantee your safety."

   Hearing Leo’s words, Sylvia did not continue to ask Leo how to protect his own safety, but trusted Leo extremely, and asked, “What shall I do?”

   "According to the way you sleep, just lie on it." Leo pointed to the guide and said.

  Sylvia was lying on the induction instrument according to Leo’s instructions, her hands were on her chest, her eyes were slightly closed, and she looked like she was really sleeping.

  Leo carefully controls the induction instrument through the hexagonal prism console, and starts the induction mode of the initial stage of the induction instrument.

   Leo is not clear what exactly the import chip of this importer is. He can only activate the primary import mode to prevent Sylvia from being guided to a deeper consciousness space, encountering any accidents, and unable to pull her back in time.

   I saw that with Leo's control, dozens of tiny hair-like connecting wires protruded from the introduction instrument and connected to the corresponding skull of the ganglia of Sylvia's brain.

   The moment the connection was completed, the induction instrument immediately emitted a wave of electricity, directly affecting Sylvia's consciousness field, causing her to immediately fall into a deep sleep.

Almost immediately when Sylvia entered into deep consciousness and began to connect with the introduction chip of the induction instrument, a powerful force erupted from Sylvia's body instantly, throwing her away from the induction instrument. He fell to the ground.

   Things happened so suddenly that they didn't respond to Leo until Silvia made a humming noise before realizing what had happened and ran to Silvia quickly and asked about the situation.

   "What happened just now? How did you suddenly throw yourself out?" Leo asked first before the crowd spoke up.

Sylvia rubbed the broken place and stood up with Leo’s help, then said blankly: "I don’t know what happened, but it suddenly broke out and was lying when I was awake. On the ground."

  Saran seems to have some experience, explaining: "It should be the power of the witch that sensed your danger, so it automatically broke out, taking you away from danger and protecting your safety."

"That is to say, if I just stayed on that thing, there would be danger?" Sylvia frowned, looking at the induction instrument, and then asked Salan, unwillingly: " Why were you able to use that thing and gain knowledge before, but I..."

   "I never said that I have used it successfully." Saran looked at Sylvia indifferently without waiting for Sylvia to finish his speech, refuting it, but without giving too much explanation.

Leo was also curious about Saran's situation. He could hear that Saran said that he had not used it successfully and it should be true, but he was also very clear that Saran must have gotten a lot from the importer she found before. The knowledge that belongs to this world and that era,

However, seeing that she didn’t want to say, Leo did not intend to follow up. He quickly checked Sylvia’s condition. After confirming that she was fine, she said, “It looks like your witch is not suitable for using this thing. Right!"

   "Are you in danger?" Sylvia asked with some concern.

   "It doesn't matter." Leo responded casually, then walked to the induction instrument and lay on it.

   "Do I need to do anything?" Sylvia and others also followed and asked.

  Leo said very seriously: "No matter what happens to me in a moment, don't disturb me, don't touch me, even if I'm comatose, don't wake me up, I will wake up by myself."

   "Okay." Sylvia nodded.

  Leo didn't say anything more, directly stimulated the console through the psionic power, so that the brain ganglia and the port of the introduction instrument were connected together.

After the port Leo was connected, Sylvia was standing next to the importer. It seemed to be waiting for Leo to be rejected by the importer like her, but the result did not happen anything unusual, but the patterns on the importer The text began to change rapidly, and the patterned text on the surface of the pyramid connected to it was stirred to change together.

Just as everyone was attracted by these fast-changing words, bursts of roar came from the channel that came in before, and then heard some noisy moving sounds, almost no need to think, Sylvia they It can already be guessed, I am afraid that the monsters inhabiting the passage are attracted for unknown reasons.

  Sylvia can be sure that this is definitely not a coincidence. There must be some force trying to interrupt what Leo is doing now, so it will drive those monsters to destroy this matter.

  Sylvia would naturally not allow these monsters to break into the room. She hurried towards the entrance, followed by the bathers and kings. When they ran to the entrance of the room, they saw dozens of giant monsters that looked like worms crawling out of the passage without any hassle. The heads of these worms were full of mouths. They were all held in their mouths and wriggled while eating.

   "Surran, can you still use flames?" Sylvia asked this situation when she saw this, her face became very serious.

"Of course, how much is there for the flame?" Although Suran felt inexplicable fear of these huge worms in her heart, after Sylvia asked, she still held back the fear, straightened her waist and patted her chest. Said.

Sylvia nodded and prepared to deal with these worms just by dealing with the human face spider, but before she could start, Saran on the side reached out to stop her and said, "No, these are just some instincts. I am enough for the lower creatures that respond."

  Finally, Saran didn't say much. He took an object similar to a kettle flute from his pocket, held it in his hand, and then slowly blown it up.

It's just It's weird that she was playing the kettle flute, but she didn't hear any stiffness around her, and the originally violent worms on the opposite side calmed down and turned suddenly He went back and returned to the passage. And fight with other monsters that perched in the channel and perched in the pyramid.

Saran exhaled the pot flute from his mouth and turned his head to look at it. Leo lying there said, "I can hold it for a while, I hope he can hurry over there End."

   "I wish..." Sylvia also turned to look at Leo over there and murmured softly.

   At this time, Leo's subconsciousness has entered the world constructed by the introduction of the chip under the influence of the deep consciousness introduction instrument.

And after seeing this constructed world, although Leo knew he was in a deep consciousness space, he was still shocked by everything in front of him, and wondered if he was actually using the introductory instrument, because everything in front of him It is not some cities or regions of the cosmic civilization he thinks of, or what kind of space station or the like, but a waste capital, or more accurately, a large library of waste capital.

Although Leo had somehow got a crystalline magic book, from all the signs he has been to the large library of the abandoned capital, but there is no memory related to it in his memory, so he is too big for himself The library has always been somewhat skeptical. And now this doubt has completely disappeared, because when he saw the huge strange building in front of him, he didn't even think about it, and the name of the waste capital library appeared in his mind, just like some kind of common sense knowledge. The same can be activated at any time.

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