After the news was sent back to the parent star, almost on the same day as the news arrived, the Earth Federation Government decided to fight against the civilization of Beposa.


  The high-level decision of the Earth Federation is not only affected by emotions, but also because the situation forces them to fight against the Bebossa people.


Since knowing the relationship between humans and the Beposa people, the Earth Federation has secretly collected a large amount of information about the Beposa people. The main data is the situation of the experimental races in the Beposa civilization, and the result is that the earth The Federation is angry and worried.


Undoubtedly, the Earth Federation will not think that the Bebossa people treat each other just because of the similar appearance of the human beings and the Bebossa people, so the Earth Federation is fully committed to the research of its own genes and strives to be in the Bebossa people. Before discovering the Earth Federation, find out the means by which the Beposa buried in the genes.


  However, this incident on the border planet was undoubtedly the Beposa announced to the Earth Federation that they were ready to harvest the fruit they had planted that year.


This incident completely disrupted all plans of the Earth Federation, but this incident also provided good news that the Beposa people's method of controlling other experimental races failed on them, but they did not know the reason for the failure. Is it the problem of their control methods, or the problem of human genes.


  However, the senior officials of the Earth Federation knew that this incident was their only chance to escape from the control of the Beposa.


The Earth Federation must completely solve the Bebossa before the Beposa return to God and start to study the human genes of the earth to find out why they cannot control humanity. Otherwise, once the Beposa find the cause, Then the Earth Federation will inevitably become a slave to the Beposa, like other experimental races,


   Therefore, the Earth Federation must be preemptive, and the Beposa people must be completely resolved in the shortest time, so that the Beposa people do not have enough time to find the correct control means to completely solve this shadow over the entire human head.


  As for the excuse, Bepozare offers the best excuse.


   So a fleet of vengeance quickly assembled and started to attack the star domain controlled by the Beposa.


  Although the Earth Federation is just a new race entering the universe of civilization, human civilization and technology have no shortcomings, and after exposure to the universe of civilization, they actively absorb the technology of various universe civilizations.


The Beposa civilization and the earth civilization are at the same level of civilization, and there is not much difference in their scientific and technological strength. When converted to war, the war experience of human beings on the earth is not always in peace and the war is all handed over to other vassals The Beposa can match.


   At the beginning of the war, the Earth Federation can be said to be invincible. The galaxies controlled by the Bebossa were lost one by one, and the casualties of the Bebossa also skyrocketed.


   After that, the Beposa let the vassals and the experimental groups join the war, and the battle reached a deadlock.


Although the two sides of the battle after the two sides have won and lost, the overall situation is very bad for the human beings on the earth, because the addition of a large number of Beposa civilization vassal races and experimental races compensates for the population defects of the Beposa people, and these races fight for years. Both war consciousness and tactics do not have to be much different from humans.


The most important thing is that the Beposa people have begun to study the genetic problems of humans on the earth, looking for why the control methods they left behind did not work, and the news from the spies, the research of the Beposa people has made a breakthrough Sexual achievements will not take long before they can fully master the methods of controlling humans.


   Faced with a terrible situation, the Earth Federation had to resort to the last and most unwilling means.


   When the Beposa crisis was first discovered, the Earth Federation came up with a variety of countermeasures and designed a set of plans, which naturally also have means such as biochemical attacks.


In a series of experiments, the Earth Federation’s biochemical weapon scientists discovered that humans on the earth possess a very special virus. The Bepoza people’s resistance to this virus is zero, and if it is infected, it will only be death. This kind of virus is an influenza virus that cannot be completely eradicated even if human beings enter the universe.


When the Earth Federation felt that the war situation would continue to be like this, there was little chance that it would send a death squad to sneak into the planet where the Bebossa people lived to spread the flu virus, and secretly sent someone to persuade the Bebossa civilization to have long been opposed to it. Vassal group.


As the influenza virus spread among the Beposa people, the Beposa people fell into a panic. Seeing this situation, the vassals of the Beposa civilization also agreed to the negotiations of the Earth Federation to directly rebel on the battlefield. Assisted the Earth Federation to solve most of the experimental races that were mobilized at the time, and then as the leader of the Earth Federation, rushed into the planet where the Beposa people lived in a virus panic before the Earth Federation. The Satans massacred and robbed all kinds of technology and wealth.


   For all of this, the Earth Federation is just watching beside it, and it feels like it has gone through a series of battles and cannot continue to fight.


It's just that when the flu virus and the vassal of the Beposa civilization are about to completely wipe out the Beposa, the Bepossa used the last resort to detonate several superneutron bombs where the vassals of the vassals are located. The planets of these tributaries are completely destroyed.


The remaining vassal groups killed all the Bebossa with the wrath of the genocide. Before they thought about what to do next, the Earth Federation tore up all the agreements signed with these vassal groups before. The identity of the successor of the Saskatchewan eradicate them, and take over all the remaining resources of the Bebossa civilization one by one and become the final winner of this battle.


  After winning the victory, the most important thing for the Earth Federation is to completely grasp the loot obtained, but at that time, the Earth Federation did not expect that the victory will come so fast, so rich, the biggest problem is the shortage of manpower.


  Whether it is controlling the already mastered planet, or controlling the edge of the star field, and preventing other alien civilizations from snatching these results, a lot of manpower is required, and this manpower far exceeds the estimate of the Earth Federation.


   In this case, the Earth Federation has to find another way to increase a large number of manpower in a short period of time, and the biochemical person is the Earth Federation that after repeated deductions, believes that the most effective way to alleviate the population crisis.


The reason why I think of making biochemical people is that part of the Bepoosa civilization scientific and technological information received by the Earth Federation has a lot of content about biochemical technology, and the Beposa people also have the idea of ​​making biochemical people to make up for the population gap, and have already This idea has been put into practice, and there are even relatively mature experimental results and procedures. All the Earth Federation needs to do is to transfer this set of procedures to the human genes of the earth.


   So the Fifth Research Institute was established, and the location of the Fifth Research Institute is also the place of the Beposa School of Civilization, which is the core science and technology college of the Beposa Civilization.


Previously, when Leo found out from the drawings that this underground pyramid building was the Fifth Research Institute, he did not think of the Holy College of the Bebossa. After all, the time for the Beposa’s demise has passed since the time he was made. A hundred years ago, it has been regarded as a part of ancient history just like the ancient earth age, and it is not a knowledge point that biochemical people must master.


However, after seeing this quirky symbol and the console now, Leopold immediately thought of the Beposa people, because that symbol was the Beposa script, a very high-level information symbol text, which was also the most important thing in the Earth Federation. Wish to master the text.


Because the scientific and technological information of the Beposa civilization is recorded in the universal lingua franca, the core content is recorded in the Beposa language, but unfortunately because the extinction of the Beposa people, no one can read these words, which makes these words So far, it has not been cracked, and the data sealed by these words has always been in a sealed state.


   Leo also can't understand the meaning of these words, but can only barely recognize the origin of such words from their unique shapes.


  It also made Leo wonder if this building was built by the relics of the Beposa people.


Although the Beposa civilization has long been destroyed, it does not mean that the Beposa people have been extinct. In fact, at the time, many Beposa people migrated to other civilizations, and some shells Possa's merchant fleet sailed through the universe, avoiding the catastrophe of civilization's extinction.


These Bebossa people did not want to restore their own civilization all the time in the following hundreds of years, but the result has never been able to do so, not only because of the obstruction of the Earth Federation, but also because the number of these Bebossa people is too great Less, barely able to maintain genocide, it is almost impossible to rebuild civilization.


  However, it is not difficult for the Beposa to retain their technological civilization.


In addition, due to the hatred of the Bebossa people on the earth, they created an uncultivated species similar to humans and controlled this species as a slave. This also explains the semi-cultivation in the engineering mechas at the entrance. The origin of humanity.


The only thing that puzzles Leo is that this building is huge, but it is only for humans. For those who are taller than humans, the area of ​​the floating mobile platform is too small, and the edge protection railings are too small. Too low, not to mention, the height of this room alone has already made the Beposa people feel depressed, which is obviously contrary to the common sense of architecture.


   The most important thing is the size of the handprint on the console. The handprint is much smaller than the hands of the Bebossa people. It is clearly the human handprint.


   "Did you think of anything?" Sylvia couldn't help asking when Leo looked at the grotesque symbol in front of him, with a thoughtful look on his face.


"I recognize this symbol. This symbol comes from a giant race that looks very similar to us." Facing Sylvia's inquiry, Leo did not refuse to answer, but used what Sylvia and others could understand. Language, explain it.


   "A race of giants that looks very similar to us?" Hearing Leo's explanation, not only Sylvia, but also the king-selectors and fire-bearers nearby were attracted.


   "They probably look like this." Leo gathered his psionic energy on his finger and quickly painted the appearance of the Beposa people recorded in the book in the air.


Everyone was immediately attracted by the illusion created by the psionic power, because, as Leo said, the Beposa are indeed similar to humans, but some unique physical features can still distinguish them from humans. For example, the Beposa people have a pair of pointed ears, and the Beposa people's skull is slightly raised upwards, and the brow bones are also much thicker and thicker than ordinary humans.


   Just when Sylvia and others were attracted by the appearance of the Beposa, Leo's attention was attracted to the past due to some small reactions produced after the psionic energy was just cast.


  In order to confirm that what he just saw was not an illusion, Leo secretly used psionic energy again, and this time he gathered psionic energy in his hands for a long time, so that it always emits unique pulsating energy outward.


I can see that, just like induction, the black hexagonal console and the surface of the stone ball at the top emit a burst of light, and this light rays form different patterns on the surface of the hexagonal prism and the stone ball, and these patterns Leo Everyone knows that these are all variants of the universal lingua franca, a variant produced according to the different writing habits of the shape and race, and this variant appears in Leo’s memory, only appears in one ethnic group~www That's the Veja.


Although the Supreme Council promulgated the complete universal lingua franca, due to the different habits of alien races, these linguistic terms have also been improved into variants. Such variants are rarely used in formal occasions, most of the time. It is used for daily writing records and the like, and various recording technology devices are everywhere in the universe, making each variant of the alien race a symbolic symbol. No one will ever really Writing them, no one puts these variant words that cannot be recognized by the recorder in some important facilities.


   Now, these variant words appearing in Leo's eyes obviously break this common sense. The person who made all of this obviously also knows what is the variant word of the universal lingua franca. He uses the Variant versatile word as the identification code. Obviously, it means that not many people recognize this variant word .


It's a pity that the builder met with Leo. Although Leo's mastery of variant words was only fur, he was very proficient in mastering the variant characters of the Weiya, almost similar to other daily expressions. This is because he once used the twisted variant dictionary of the Weiya people who could not understand any meaning as a cipher book.


And when he was on the frontline battlefield, the only reading for a long time was the Weiya variant handbook that was used as a code book for information, so when the war was gentle, he would pick up this handbook when he was idle. , Which makes him an expert on the Weiya variant characters even if he is not a specialist on the Weiya variant characters.

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