The first to be cracked by Leo is the engineering mecha control record. From the control record, the huge access to the mountain is created by these engineering mechas, and the interesting process is the control process of these engineering mechas. It is very simple manual handling, setting and grinding, does not involve any intelligent control system and complex engineering operations.


These records are consistent with the modified control source code found by Leo, and it can be concluded that there were one or more people who were very familiar with these engineering mechas at that time. They were specially developed for certain intelligences and could not control the complete morphological engineering. Ordinary people in mecha have written a set of simple control procedures in order to create this passage and some buildings at the end of the passage.


After the control record data was cracked, the deeper control locks were also unlocked one by one by Leo. The reason why Leo only used a simple shelling program he wrote to crack the control station was not because of Leo’s cracking level. How high is it, because the recompilers of these mecha original codes have not considered that someone can crack these codes, so when writing control locks, they simply wrote a layer of defensive shell, and still follow the fearless Written by the engineering mecha control manual, it is hardly too difficult to crack.


  Obtained the control code, Leo immediately sent a command to the relatively intact mech cockpit in front of him.


Sylvia and others on the side only saw the metal sphere vibrate in front of Leo's eyes, followed by a slightly louder mechanical sound, and then a large hole appeared on the surface of the sphere without any gaps. The hole slipped and fell to the ground.


   "Is this a **** warrior?" Sylvia asked, looking at the mummy on the ground.


   "Is this like a human being?" Ceran also said in a questioning tone.


   "It's a human." Leo crouched down, inspected the human-shaped corpse covered with hair and said, "But it's not human."


Leo easily inferred that this humanoid corpse is a human body that has not fully evolved, and he can also be sure that this incompletely evolved human is not naturally produced, but is modulated by methods such as genetic cultivation. .


   Leo squatted down, turned the face-up corpse upside down, and took a look at the long hair behind the cadaver's brain. I saw a port of the brain control nerve control device behind the occipital bone of the human cadaver's brain.


Leo is no stranger to this port. Almost every biochemical person has such a port behind the brain. In addition to transmitting data to facilitate the biochemical person to download and upload data, this port is also mostly used to connect various brain control devices. And weapons, easy to use for biochemical people, of course, an external control chip is also one of the important functions of this port, but pure military soldiers like Leo rarely use it.


This technology is mainly for civilian use. For example, some people with physical defects can connect biochemical people through this technology to obtain the experience of ordinary people. Other extremely dangerous engineering environments that require manual operation also need to be controlled by this port device. Biomass to carry out construction and operations.


  It's just that this technology is used for biochemical humans, because biochemical humans can directly connect this port when they are cultivated, and then make it a part of body tissue.


But ordinary people are different. They need an extra operation to insert a port, and this port cannot be integrated with the body. After permanently, there will be adverse effects such as rejection reactions, so basically no ordinary people will give Install such a port yourself, even if this port can make people a hundred times easier in learning, work, etc.


   "What is this?" A port so large behind her head, naturally saw the three witches, and Sylvia asked, wondering.


   "Neural control port." Leo explained to Sylvia as much as possible in English and corresponding words.


It’s a pity that even if the three people in Leo’s words all understand the meaning, they don’t understand it very much after combining them, but they feel like a magical thing. After all, this thing appears on a **** warrior, even This **** warrior looks strange.


  At this moment, they also understood that Leo must have learned a lot of knowledge that they did not know, such as how to use the bones of this **** warrior.


   Leo ignored the current curiosity and doubts of several people. Under everyone's attention, he got into the cockpit of the engineering mech from the entrance just opened.


   The interior of the cockpit is fairly well preserved, with some cracks caused by impacts, but it does not seem to cause any damage to the internal instruments.


  Leo fixed himself in front of the console, then pulled out the cable, found the docking port on the console, and connected the recorder with the recorder in his hand to activate the manual virtual console in the cockpit.


  The holographic image on the console appeared before and after the eyes, Leo immediately skillfully read the state of this mech first.


He found that the cockpit of this mech is still intact, only a few unnecessary devices such as air conditioning devices are damaged, and other major components are intact. In addition, only six mechanical arms can be used for the entire engineering mech, other The manipulators have been damaged and are completely damaged.


In addition, the energy of this mech is still three and a half, which is enough for this mech to carry out excavation work in sequence, not to mention that there are many engineering mechas of the same type in this channel. Found ancient energy modules on these mechas.


  After checking the status of the engineering mecha, Leo determined that the mecha could operate normally, and then fixed himself on the chair of the console, and then called up the console projection to manipulate it skillfully.


   Outside the cockpit, the hole was closed in Leo shortly afterwards, and then Leo’s voice came out and said: "You are far away, I am going to open the way.",


Just after Leo's voice fell, he saw that the spherical cockpit began to vibrate, and then a mechanical arm was drawn from a mess of mecha skeletons, followed by the second, third, and soon six available machines The arms were all pulled out.


   When the movement occurred, Sylvia and they had already evaded far away. When they saw that the engineering mech was detached from the pile of mechanical skeletons, they couldn't help but exclaim.


Leo in the cockpit ignored the movement outside. He observed the outside situation and the state of the mech through the hologram. After confirming that the other twelve mechanical arms were completely damaged, they could not be extracted from the entanglement of other machinery. , The separation device is immediately activated to separate the twelve mechanical arms.


After the engineering mecha came out, Leo did not rush to use the engineering mecha to dig the tunnel, but found the cockpits of several nearby engineering mechas, and skillfully controlled the particle cutter of the mechanical arm to divide the several cockpit shells. Unwrapped, took out the energy modules inside the cockpit and hung them on the ports of the external modules. The energy index on the holographic console also increased by more than fifty grids at this time.


After solving the energy problem, Leo began to decompose the mech skeletons that blocked the passage. If there are intact mechanical arms and energy modules in these mech skeletons, he will disassemble them and attach them to his present. Above this mech.


Soon Leo's control armor changed from an incomplete engineering armor to an engineering armor with a full number of mechanical arms and full energy index. The only flaw is that the energy module hanging on him is too More, it feels like a huge package for the mech.


With the assistance of engineering mechas, the original problem of blocking the front path has become a lot simpler. The particle cutter of the robot arm easily cut the weak joints of these robot arms and breaks them into small pieces of metal. Move to both sides.


  It took about fifty minutes or so, and the more than 100-meter-long passage blocked by the engineering mech was opened.


Sylvia they watched the construction process of Leo not far behind Leo, and their hearts gradually changed from surprise and doubt to calm and curiosity. They can already be sure that Leo is mastering the knowledge related to ancient gods, And there seems to be a lot of knowledge, and even the use of the **** warrior armament has been involved.


What this thing means is that Selain, the lone sorceress, is not very clear, but Saran, the king-selector who once ruled the kingdom, and Sylvia, who is now a high-level in the new kingdom, know what this represents, especially Leo Their proficiency in manipulating that **** warrior's armament, and the terror fighting power displayed by this set of arms, made them wonder how it would look like if some kingdoms mastered this weapon.


They hardly need to think about it, they all know that such **** warriors do not need too much armament, up to ten, and the entire Velon will be unstoppable. At that time, whoever has mastered them will be the only kingdom in the Velon world. Or empire.


When the channel was opened, Leo did not get off the mech, but through the amplifier, he said to Sylvia and others outside: "Wait a moment, I will walk in front, you are a little farther from me, If there is any danger, you also have enough time to prepare."


  Finally, without waiting for Sylvia's response, Leo drove the engineering mecha and moved deeper into the passage where there was no obstruction.


   Leo’s caution was not unreasonable. Just when he drove the mech out a distance of more than ten meters, a mechanical arm accidentally touched a floor tile with a slightly different pattern on the ground.


Immediately afterwards, I saw a circle of electro-optical light forming a large net that wrapped the entire engineering mecha in it. The intensity of the energy contained in the electro-optical light made Sylvia, who was far away, feel his skin numb, and his hair also The involuntary spread out made the witches feel a little uncomfortable.


   At this time, Sylvia and others felt that if they were trapped in such a strong power grid, they might not be able to escape anymore, so they were also worried about Leo’s current situation.


  It's just that they soon realized that worry was completely unnecessary, because when those lights fell on the engineering mecha enclosure where Leo was located, the energy delivery mode opened by Leo was transferred from the surface to the energy module.


  Originally Leo could destroy the ground and trap runes under the slate to end the grid attack, but he did not do so, but let the grid fall on this mech, and consumed these energy conversions.


  After sustaining a strong blow for nearly three minutes, it gradually weakened and eventually disappeared completely.


   Leo is not at ease, but continues to try to trigger the trap to see if there will be an energy response, and does not move on until it is confirmed that the trap has been completely abolished.


In the subsequent passages, various traps emerged endlessly, both energy traps and organ traps, and most of these traps could not cause damage to engineering mechas. There were only three traps made of particle cannons used on battleships. The mech caused damage and damaged four mechanical arms.


  In the process of triggering the traps again and again, Leo also felt that the builder of this passage was a little weird. Obviously, when the other party built this passage, he should have considered the problem of intruders, otherwise he would not build so many traps.


In addition, the channel builder also took into account the psionicists and other extraordinary power owners, because all traps are equipped with shielding devices, which makes Leo's spiritual network and other exploration capabilities related to psionic power lost. effect.


If Leo is not manipulating an engineering mech, go directly into it as he originally planned, I am afraid he will be difficult to walk through this triggering a few traps, he will go Go back.


But now, there are engineering mechas opening the road, and then nearly a kilometer-long underground passageway, Leo and others can be said to be panic-stricken, until they come out of the passageway, standing in front of the destination of this trip, few people Injury can be said to be quite lucky.


   It's just that at this time, everyone's attention was not on the passage behind him, but on the scene reduced to the front.


  According to Leo’s estimate, the distance so far into the channel should have reached the mountain’s belly. This should be a huge underground cave, like the underground caves he had seen before.


However, he found that this is not the same thing at all. It seems to be another space. There is an endless land and sky, there are hundreds of thousands of lakes of different sizes. Looking away, you can see ocean.


   is dense on the ground from zero, countless plants and animals that have disappeared in ancient times survive here, many of them are creatures that can only be seen in myths and legends.


For example, the flaming-winged eagle flying over the heads of the people just now is the holy beast mentioned in the classics of the Church of the Sky. This holy beast has been extinct from the mainland of Velen and Minsk long ago. When the Lord’s Church reached the mainland of Mosang, it could occasionally be seen, until it completely disappeared in the sight of everyone, and now only in the frescoes of the Temple of the Lord of the Sky can see this figure of the holy beast.

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