The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 623: Will tempering device

   Just when Leo felt dangerous, a huge black shadow suddenly appeared in the fog wall in front. This black shadow moved forward against the fog wall, and the body looked like the tentacles of some marine life.


   At the moment when he saw this shadow, Leo felt a repression from higher life, but this pressure was strong, but he had never seen the giant before and could not bear it.


   "God projection?" Leo quickly made a judgment.


   This black figure appeared suddenly and disappeared quickly, and it completely disappeared from the fog wall in less than ten seconds.


However, just when Leo thought it was over, another shadow appeared from the fog wall. This time it appeared to be a huge foot. This foot is not the foot of a human. It looks like the foot of an animal. .


   The same life suppressed, the same appearance disappeared quickly again. Leo calmed down a lot this time. After the shadow disappeared, he did not turn around and left, but continued to wait for a while in front of the fog wall.


It turned out that as he expected, another black shadow appeared. This time it was a creeping bug. It came from the suppression of higher life. It disappeared immediately after it appeared. It felt like playing some kind of pre-recorded video. .


In the next two hours, this kind of image appeared continuously. After a dozen different images appeared, the tentacle image that Leo saw at the beginning appeared again, with the same motion and speed, from the fog in front of Leo Move past in the wall.


   "Pre-recorded images?" After making such a speculation, Leo suddenly seemed to think of something, and then walked into the fog wall with the uncomfortable feeling of life suppression under the shadow.


   After he entered the fog wall, the life pressure that made him suffocate disappeared instantly, and the shadow disappeared, leaving only a thick fog so thick that he could not reach his fingers.


"Sure enough!" Leo showed a smile on his face after seeing all the changes, and it was an excited smile. Then he reopened the spiritual network he had recovered before, searching every inch of land around him, and finally found him thinking The target you are looking for.


Leo guided the direction through the spirit net, and soon came to the front of the object. I saw that the thing that made Leo smile is a icosahedron with a smooth and transparent surface like a mirror. It looks very beautiful, but it does not. What powerful and mysterious power is contained.


After seeing this icosahedron, Leo carefully checked whether there was a danger. After confirming that there was no danger, he picked up the icosahedron and took one from the bracelet he carried. A very thin line, smaller than the hairline, touched the mirror surface of the icosahedron.


Just when the thin line touched the icosahedron, the thin line immediately spiraled up and spiraled into a circular suction cup, attached to the icosahedron, and at the same time a light was released from the bracelet, in Leo Formed a simple operation interface in front of.


Although for various reasons, the universal universal recorder of Leo has lost most of its functions, but the low-level compiler of this universal recorder can still be used. This compiler is to allow users to edit specific ones according to their own wishes. Functional plugin.


  Now Leo needs to use this compiler to edit a single shell unplugging plug-in, which is used to unlock the defensive shell of the icosahedron in his hand and obtain the control code of the icosahedron.


   The real name of this icosahedron is called the 7th-level combatant will detection and training holographic device, referred to as the will hammer device.


   This device is mainly used by cosmic civilization to temper the will of regular warriors.


  Although the number of Omega-class higher living beings in the universe is scarce, and rarely take the initiative to participate in war, no one can predict whether they will encounter Omega-level higher living beings on the battlefield.


Although almost every battleship has an isolation device that can block the suppression of life bodies, so that the people on the battleship will not be affected by the life class of the higher life class of Omega, but for those fighters that cooperate with the warship, they do not have this. This kind of protection, once the Omega-class higher life bodies appear, their lives will be absolutely suppressed, so that they will completely lose their will and ability to fight, and become the cannon fodder of anyone on the battlefield.


Prior to the invention of the will-forging device, Omega-class advanced living organisms appeared on the battlefield, which was almost equivalent to the death penalty for all participating fighters. They did not even need to attack these fighters. The pilots in these fighters will be in Omega. The life forms of the higher-level bodies of the Gamma class completely collapse and become lost, either becoming idiots or lunatics, without exception.


   It didn't get any better until the will-finish device appeared.


The function of this device is to record the image of omega-class higher life forms. This kind of image is not only the image, but also the life form of the higher life forms can be perfectly recorded, and according to the model of the device, the percentage Seventy, sixty, fifty descending image effects.


  Like Leo's icosahedron is a 40% image effect will-hammering device, and depending on the situation, this device also records the life images of more than one omega-level higher living body.


When I saw the recurring image just now, Leo had doubts about it, because he had been trained on this device, but the device at that time was not blocked by the fog, and there was only one omega-level advanced life. Body image.


"Original factory model?" After Leo used the shelling plug-in written by himself to unlock the code of the first layer of this device, he saw a string of data written in common language on the code. From the data, this will temper The device turned out to be the most original factory model, which means that this decoration has not been used by anyone.


  According to normal circumstances, after the device is shipped, it will be re-encoded by the user, replacing the original code with its own underlying activation code, so as to obtain control of the device, and also activate the code barrier of the device.


But now Leo found that the original code means that the decoration has not been used by people, at least not normally used by people, and Leo now sees the fog wall and the image of higher-level living organisms of Omega level is probably this device. Record yourself.


This device has a characteristic that the recording mode is modulated into automatic recording when it is shipped from the factory, because Omega-level advanced living things sometimes appear very suddenly, fleeting, and many people cannot accurately and effectively capture the Omega-level The image of the higher living body, so when automatically recording the life energy of the higher living body of the Omega level, the recording mode will be automatically turned on to record everything around.


Now this device actually records images of more than a dozen omega-level higher life forms, and there is also dense fog, then it means that it has really encountered a dozen omega-level higher life forms early, and there is no If the person is around, the person will also be recorded.


  After cracking the data shell of this device, Leo replaced the original code with his own code according to the normal method, and obtained complete control of the device.


   Then he controlled the device to turn off the surrounding images, and the surroundings changed back to the original appearance of the snowy top and the bones below.


   Leo did not put away the things, but continued to call up the device's activation record data, and after seeing these materials, Leo's face showed a puzzled look.


Judging from the factory date of the most advanced device on the record, this device was produced in 174 years before the accident. According to the time, it should belong to the first five batches and also the most powerful batches. This time, this device is able to record more than a dozen omega-level higher life forms.


  Estimated according to the batch, this batch of goods should be supplied to the top civilizations in the universe, but I did not expect that one was lost here.


  In addition, according to internal time records, this thing has passed 137,767 years from the factory to the present. Such a long time is completely beyond Leo's expectations, and Leo is very confused.


  If it is estimated according to this time, then his soul has been in a blank period for more than 100,000 years. In the 100,000 years, what is his soul doing?


   And the time of 100,000 years is too long. According to his current understanding of the soul, even the soul of the gods, it is impossible to preserve it intact for more than 100,000 years, not to mention that he was just a bioman at the time.


Another thing that caught Leo’s attention was the time it took to record these images. Leo originally thought that this device recorded these Omega-level higher living creatures in sequence during this 100,000 years, but he found that It's not the same thing. The recording time shows that these dozen omega-level higher living beings were recorded within one year, and this device can only record a dozen, so it is very likely that there have been overruns during that time period. The device records the number of omega-class advanced living bodies.


  In addition, the year that recorded the background of the omega-class higher living bodies is not far away now. Roughly calculated, it seems that it was just during the time when the Aixali Forest and the Black Forest completely broke off.


   "I'm afraid there is a connection between the two." Leo also had speculation in his mind, and he also wondered why this device appeared here.


It’s just that Leo didn’t think too much about it. After all, he didn’t want to use it at all, so he turned his attention back to the will tempering device in his hand, and his brain was thinking about how to use this device. .


Soon he had several plans to use this thing in his mind, for example, to equip his residence with a defense system. Although this thing is just a non-lethal image, the kind of life suppression is solid, as long as People whose life forms do not reach the omega level will be subjected to this life-suppressed image, and any image will become a lethal factor during combat.


In addition, Leo also hopes to imitate this special breath of life, imitating the breath of life of omega-class higher life bodies. This is a difficult thing for others, but Leo has the power of nightmares, Coupled with some abilities from Sylvia's bloodline, he may be able to accomplish this feat.


  If he really masters this skill, then he will use it in battle, then he will take the lead in any battle, as long as the strength is not too different, then he will be the ultimate winner.


   Leo took a moment, after having some utilization plans, he received the items into the storage space, and after leaving the Axel Forest, he set out to try those plans.


After tidying up, Leo continued to search for the channel according to the previous method. This time he did not spend much time, he found the correct root of the tree, and found that the position of the next root was re-aligned with the mountain, see It looks like he made a turn halfway.


  , Leo did not care about it, continued to sneak, and soon came to the area where the last tree described in the novel is located, which is located near the foot of the mountain, slightly above the hillside.


Leo carefully searched around, and soon found the passage he was looking for. Just like the surrounding ground, this passage was also buried by a large number of corpses, and this kind of burial is not only on the surface, even all Going deep into the channel, at least beyond the scope of his spiritual network exploration.


  After discovering the Leo did not show a smile on his face, but was full of doubts, because he did not feel any extraordinary power in the passage, as if it were an ordinary underground passage.


  With doubts, Leo carefully sensed the construction of the channel through the spiritual network and compared the appearance of the channel described in the novel.


Although the novel is just a text description, it is not as intuitive as it is directly seen, but some of the main features of the passage are still clearly stated, such as the walls of the passage are presented with spirals, and the statues at the entrance are oddly shaped and cannot be described. A little comparison between the two makes it clear that Leo did not find the wrong place. This is the channel mentioned by Will Jackson.


Although the channel he found was a little different from what he had expected, Leo still decided to explore it, but he did not plan to go alone. After recording the location, he walked back along the foothills of the mountain, and Sylvia They talked together first.


Because there is no need to find a road, the time it takes to go back is nearly half less than when he came here. When he was about to reach the meeting point with Sylvia, a pillar of fire suddenly appeared in front of him, which looked like The fire-bearer Thuran did.


Worried about what happened, Leo raised his speed to the extreme, almost flying down the site, and then saw that Sylvia was standing in the distance with other people, and Selan seemed to be in full control. The powerful force erupted from his body, and the situation did not appear abnormal as he guessed.

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