The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 620: Giant, ancient tree

Hearing Leo’s reminder, Sylvia and Selan, who also focused on the nature walker, also found that the cold wind that had entered through the crevice of the corpse’s frozen layer had disappeared.


   Both of them were very happy. They were preparing to stand up and open the frozen corpses of the monsters above their heads, leaving this narrow, closed pothole.


   It was just that they had just moved, and they saw Leo suddenly reached out and pressed their shoulders, pressing them back to the ground.


  Because they were unprepared, the action of sitting on the ground looked a little embarrassed. Sylvia looked annoyed. Leo was stunned when he was about to ask him what he meant by this, but he saw an amazing scene.


  I saw that Leo had two lines of blood on his nose, eyes and ears respectively. Sylvia was shocked and asked anxiously, "What's wrong with you?"


   "It doesn't matter, I saw something I shouldn't see." Leo shook his head, and then motioned the two to stop asking, and said softly, "Don't talk, wait a while and then go out."


   "What the **** happened outside?" Sylvia couldn't help asking.


   Leo wiped the blood on his face and said, "An existence similar to a **** is walking outside. The snowstorm just now should be what he did."


  Sylvia and Seran both spoke with surprise and curiosity. There was an urge to open the frozen corpse above the head, but reason never stopped telling them the fatal danger of doing so.


Leo also sat on the ground, closed his eyes and rested, and recovered the spirit he had just suffered. Although this is the second time, this time is much more serious than the previous one, because he does not look with his eyes, but directly through the spirit. The net senses that this omega-level higher living body, and the anti-biting nature also affects his spirit from the connection of the spirit net.


  If he didn't cut off the connection with the spiritual network in a timely manner, he would cut off the perception of the outside world, maybe he would suffer more damage now, and he might even become an idiot.


Leo saw this Omega-level higher life form is the divine presence that he saw after he just entered the Auxerre Forest, but compared with that time, this existence no longer made footsteps, and It was a snowstorm.


The reason why Leo did not find this dangerous existence before he was injured is because this time the Omega-class higher living body is like a feather, there is no sound in the footsteps, and the snowstorm is made by him when he walks, and he is also hidden in the snowstorm When the blizzard passed, his figure was also exposed, so that Leo, who had been paying attention to the outside world, did not have time to take back the spiritual net, and suffered a loss.


  Although Leo only felt a little energy fluctuation emanating from that being, he was able to confirm his identity from this distinctive energy fluctuation.


  It's just that the cautious and suspicious Leo wondered why this higher-level Omega lifeform suddenly appeared here again, by accident, coincidence, or was he directed at him?


However, this speculation just appeared in his mind and was immediately rejected by him. Although he knew that his body was special and attracted the attention of many gods, he did not let such a powerful presence of the true **** follow him all the way. If the other party really wants to do anything to him, finding him is a breeze.


   The cave became quiet, and all three seemed to have lost interest in conversation, and all were quietly waiting for the horrible presence above to leave.


I don’t know how much time has passed. Leo felt that the outside should be okay, so he tried to release the spiritual network to check it out, and released the super-sensation, sensing the situation of the outside world. After repeatedly confirming that nothing was wrong, he said to the two. : "Okay, we can go up."


  After he finished speaking, he directly used psionic shock to flush away the frozen body on the top.


The forcible corpse layer shattered into small pieces like glass, and fell from the air. Although I had been staying in the corpse before, I did not feel anything wrong, but these small pieces of corpses Falling on the body made the two feel sick, while shaking the flesh and bones falling on the body, and glared at Leo.


   Leo ignored the complaints of the two women. When he saw that the obstacle above had been removed, he drilled out of the pothole and looked around.


   "It doesn't seem to be any different from the previous one, and it's still a snow scene that can't be seen." The two women also climbed up behind them, and looked around, saying.


   "Look at it." Leo pointed to the sky.


   The two heard the words and looked up, and the scene reflected in their eyes surprised them and their faces became different.


I saw that the sky above the head had broken a huge hole at this moment, and the branches and leaves belonging to the old tree fell into the hole, and they fell into the endless snowflakes before they fell on the ground. Everywhere.


But not all broken leaves of plants turned into snowflakes, and there were still many branches and leaves of plants that fell to the ground, and some branches and leaves of such plants changed quickly after landing, and turned into monsters. After these monsters were formed, Immediately, he got up from the ground and rushed towards the mountain in the distance where the head of eternal wisdom was buried.


   "That's the source of these monsters?" Seelan saw a piece of wood hitting the ground in the distance, and then kneaded and reorganized like a slime, turned into a monster, and couldn't help but startled.


"Is this what the church said?" Sylvia quickly thought of the legends in various churches that mentioned gods working together to create all things in the world. She used to scoff at those legends before, but first saw A stump of a tree turned into a monster alive in front of her, and this scene completely overturned her previous concept.


   "No." Leo shook his head, denying Sylvia's speculation, because he had also seen similar legends of creation, but this situation and creation looked like the same, but in fact completely different.


   All things related to creation in myths and legends are that gods draw power from the void and create life out of nothing, but this is obviously not out of nothing, but more like some kind of material transformation, transforming trees into other organic matter.


"No, it's not just a matter of material transformation." Leo saw that a monster turned into a tree turned out to be a cosmic creature she knew, which made him think in his heart, and couldn't help looking at it with the eyes of scrutiny. Look at the ancient tree.


   If it is just a monster that is actually invisible, Leo will not have any doubts, even if it is a monster in the Velon world.


But now there are creatures in the universe among the monsters transformed from the stumps of trees, and if you want to transform such creatures, then the trees must have detailed data on the genetic cells and shape of such creatures, so Leo suspects ancient The tree probably has a lot of biological genes from all the planets of the universe.


  If it is really as he guessed, then this ancient tree that is the landmark of the Aixali Forest may have more meaning.


Although a big hole was opened in the sky, this big hole did not exist for long. I saw that the branches and vines of the old tree soon filled up the huge hole, and a thick mist sprayed from the leaves and formed Clouds cover the entire sky again.


   "What are we going to do now?" Sylvia returned his gaze from the vision of the sky and turned to Leo.


  Leo did not answer, turned to look at Suran, and asked, "Ms. Suran, what is your decision?"


   "Hmm!" Serran thought for a moment, and said, "It seems that following you guys can encounter some interesting things. I am a little boring to go back alone. Let's follow you to see the remains of that god!"


Now that the decision has been made, Leo is also glad to accept Suran's joining. The previous cooperation can see that Suran's ability is also very strong, and knows how to cooperate. After joining, he can also have an extra strength to cope with possible emergence. accident.


  Just like this, the group continued to walk towards the mountain far away.


  At the same time, the king-selector Saran and the forest succubus Denise Frank stood on a mountain, watching a giant drill out of the cracked ground, and then walked slowly into the distance.


Although looking directly at the gods is a taboo for criminals, even a powerful person such as a king-selector cannot avoid the absolute suppression of life registration, but she has transferred this repressive force from life registration to other places through special methods. So that she can clearly see the giant's every move.


   But the banshee in the forest has no such ability. She closed her eyes immediately after the giant came out, and closed any sensory instincts, and judged whether the giant had completely left by the vibration of the ground.


  When Saran saw that the giant had gone away, he immediately approached the witch colleagues who had not yet perceive clearly, and said, "Come on, there is not much time left for us."


"Don't worry, I promise that we still have a lot of time." Denise opened her eyes and looked at the figure of the giant that had been blurred in the distance. Then she sighed a little, and then signaled Saran to be restless and follow. A mist spread over her and then wrapped Saran.


   After that, the mist disappeared from its place, and it didn't take long for it to appear on the edge of the pothole where the giant crawled out, and reverted to two large living beings.


  After reverting to a normal human form, Denise frowned, because the giant had left, but there was still a lot of life energy breath left in the giant, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable.


"Look for it quickly. It can't be stored for too long, it will disappear soon." Saran urged Denise, and then took out two crystal boxes, one of them handed Denise said: " Put it in this crystal box, and then seal it again. It can be kept for a long time."


   "Okay, I see." Denise didn't say much, but the crystal box was found along the edge of the bottomless giant hole.


  Saran didn't stay where he was, but also searched in the opposite direction of Denise's search position.


Soon Saran had a harvest. After searching for it, she was as keen as a falcon and found a blood-red fruit the size of a fingernail. After finding this fruit, she did not put it in the crystal box. Instead, they ate it immediately.


   Just after she ate the fruit, the wrinkles on her face and the white hair on the temples were reduced, and the whole person's spirit was much better, not as exhausted as before.


  Saran felt the changes in his body, even if he didn't look in the mirror, he knew the changes on his face, and his smile appeared.


After   , she continued to quickly search along the edge of the crack until it converged with Denise, and found a total of seven. Denise may have found more of this fruit because of the special ability of her Banshee in the forest.


   "How many potions can I make from these fruits." Denise did not immediately give Saran things, but asked.


   "Five bottles." Saran looked at the fruit inside and quickly gave the answer.


   "So little." Denise frowned and said dissatisfiedly.


“It’s a lot,” Saran explained. “This kind of fruit is difficult to keep for a long time. If you want to keep it for a long time, you need to make it into a medicine. Although this fruit is the main ingredient of the medicine, But other materials for making potions are also important, and the value will not be much worse than it. It is enough to make five bottles for you. With these five bottles of potions, at least you have at least one hundred years without worrying about appearance ."


   Denise thought for a moment, and finally handed the crystal box to Saran, saying, "When will I get it?"


   "A month later." Saran carefully collected the crystal box while answering Danise's question.


Denise suddenly questioned: "Since you know that this fruit grows underground, why don't we go down and look for it? With my ability, as long as it is not a special environment, I can freely enter and exit between plants and underground The same is true of old tree vines."


   Saran glanced at Denise lightly and said, "Who tells you that the fruit grows from ancient trees?"


   "Don't they grow from old trees?" Denise wondered.


   "Of course not Saran shook his head and pointed to the direction of the disappearance of the giant, said: "This fruit is mutated after being contaminated with the power of that giant. Only when the giant climbs up from the next layer of ancient trees, use some peculiar forces when destroying the leaves and vines of ancient branches. Those forces will infect the surrounding trees and fruits, some of which will eventually mutate into these blood in our hands. fruit. "


  Dannis nodded inexplicably, and asked curiously: "The infected tree?"


Saran was silent for a moment, and then said with some trepidation: "The infected tree will be assimilated by the ancient tree at our level, but at the level below it will become some monsters." Then, she turned to Dan Nisi, said: "We are now going to the next level to collect another secondary medicine for making medicaments. You'd better come to help me so that I can collect more, so maybe I can refine one for you. Bottle of medicament."


"You have already said this, can I still refuse?" Denise seemed to look at Saran with the eyes of a profiteer, then reached out and grabbed Saran's arm and said: "Let's go! There is still a distance to the nearest entrance."


  Finally, the thick fog wrapped the two and quickly disappeared from the place.

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