"These lizards should have migrated here." Leo, who moved away from Sylvia's shoulder bag, looked at a lizard corpse that fell on the platform and could not see far away.

   "Why are you so sure?" Suran asked with some doubt.

   Leo answered briefly, saying: "Because their physiological structure and predation methods are not suitable for environments like Dashudong, they can only be foreign."

   Thurran didn't quite understand Leo's meaning, but she didn't know whether it was Leo's previous performance or his current tone. In short, she felt Leo's words might be right.

Over there, Sylvia has put all the lizard eggs in the shoulder bag, stood up, looked at Leo, and said, "The situation here is a little different from the previous one, shall we continue? "

   "Let's go!" Before Leo opened his mouth, Serran decided very decisively: "Since we already know that there is a problem, we should go now, at least to find out what happened."

   Hearing Selan, Sylvia and Leo looked at each other, then nodded in agreement.

After the decision was made, the three continued to move down, and every time they fell, Leo encountered a fancy creature living here, some were still invisible lizards, but there were some other even Sylvia They can't recognize the creatures and monsters, and the number of such monster groups is increasing, and even several different creatures inhabit the same area.

   These creatures prey on each other, forming a complete ecological cycle, which also allows them to multiply here.

  If there are no accidents, these creatures will begin to mutate or evolve in the environment of the big tree hole after multiplying to a certain extent, and eventually become the protozoa of the big tree hole.

Unfortunately, the arrival of Leo and others has brought disaster to these creatures. Leo’s spiritual network easily found all these creatures and monsters and eliminated them one by one, followed by Sylvia behind Leo After each battle, assist Leo to clean the battlefield and take out useful things from the monsters and creatures killed.

   This situation did not end until they felt a cold, biting cold wind from below the big tree hole, because the big tree hole went down further, and there was no more biome.

When he felt the biting cold wind blowing from the bottom, Leo frowned, because he remembered the image that the white deer saw it, where the head of eternal wisdom is located in a mountain forest with spring all year round, and The current situation is clearly inconsistent with what he knows.

  At the same time, both Sylvia and Seran also showed doubts on their faces, looked at each other, and said in agreement, "Are we going in the wrong place?"

   "What's wrong?" Leo turned and asked the two.

"It is recorded in the witch's notes that the witch's cemetery is in a garden that is always covered with beautiful flowers. The climate there is the most comfortable spring climate, but now..." Sylvia explained, and then looked again The road I walked over my head said, "The situation we encountered before is not like the road to the witch's grave. I think we should have taken the wrong path?"

Leo was silent for a moment, and made a decision: "Go down and have a look, and then say, if we really go the wrong way, we will go back and take the path you have traveled before, and you won't waste too much time anyway. "

   "Well." Selland and Sylvia nodded.

The three of them continued to descend. As the cold wind became stronger and stronger, the surrounding vines had turned into icicles, and the difficulty of walking became more and more difficult. Moreover, the three of them were not wearing winter cold-resistant clothing. The reduction has also had some impact on them.

Fortunately, these influences are not very large, and Leo’s weightlessness psionic ability makes this last journey unsurprising.

   When the three of them fell to the bottom of the cave, they walked out of the cave under the cold wind and bypassed the vine shelter in front of them. When they came outside the Dashu Cave, the endless scenery of the snow country also caught their eyes.

   Seeing this scene, Suran said with some disappointment: "It seems that we are really going the wrong way."

   "No, we didn't go wrong." But as soon as Serran's words fell, Sylvia and Leo denied her inference.

   Then, Sylvia and Leo looked at each other, and they both saw a prudent look in each other's eyes.

As the two judged, this is indeed the place where the witch cemetery and the head of eternal wisdom are located, but the forest here has become ice and snow, but no matter how it changes, the towering mountain where the head of eternal wisdom in the distance will never change, just Marked his position like a road sign.

Leo looked up at the sky. Although the thick clouds behind the sky were covered, he could still see the branches and leaves of the ancient trees from the clouds. Seeing this scene, Leo immediately thought of the evolution of the plant in the universe. Omega-class advanced living body, his body is a complete world, and the situation of the ancient tree seems to be the same, so Leo even doubts that the so-called Aixi Li forest may be this ancient tree.

   "What should I do now?" Silan Shensheng asked: "Shall we continue?"

"Already here, it's a pity to go back, let's continue!" Sylvia looked at Leo, made a decision, and then carefully recognized the direction, pointing to a very obvious Hill, said: "There, according to the directions written on the note, the witch's cemetery should be there."

  Serlan looked at the location pointed out by Sylvia, and recalled the information in her heart. After confirming that Sylvia's judgment was correct, she nodded and agreed with Sylvia's decision.

   After making a decision, the two were preparing to move forward, but Leo on the side suddenly pulled out and held the two, and before the two asked, they pointed to the empty snow in the distance.

  Sylvia and Serran didn't understand Leo's actions very much, because they didn't see anything from the snow that Leo pointed out.

   didn't explain much about this. He took a piece of high-energy material that he had previously removed from a psionic creature, and threw it at the open space.

  When the high-energy substance was still in the air, it was frozen into ice by an extreme cold, and the energy contained therein quickly lost, and it had been decomposed into some snow debris at the moment of landing.

  When high-energy matter was decomposed, both Sylvia and Serran also saw the reason why Leola lived with them.

I saw that while the high-energy matter was decomposed, they saw a burst of silver-gray light strips out of thin air, and spread and moved, and quickly outlined a piece of more than three meters high and more than twenty meters long on the open space. , A huge monster with many limbs.

   Seeing this monster, Sylvia and Serran both put on relaxed expressions, showing a serious look, and each took out their weapons.

If monsters are just huge, they have too many ways to deal with this huge monster, but this kind of monster can be invisible, and the body seems to be able to absorb and absorb close things like water, and then use the body to hide The power of decomposition of absorbed objects.

   "You stay aside, it will be handed over to me for a while." Leo gestured to Sylvia and was ready to move towards the monster.

"Are you able to cope?" Sylvia took Leo's hand and said with some concern: "If we can't cope, we will find another way. I know there is an entrance. After coming out, it is directly near the witch's graveyard. Forest..."

   "No need." Leo rejected Sylvia's kindness, and then stepped out of the protected area of ​​ancient trees.

   The high-energy substance Leo lost before had alarmed the monster. It had already stared at Leo and others, but it was hindered by the strength of the ancient tree, and it dared not move.

   originally thought that Leo and others would have returned to the ancient tree since they found their whereabouts, and it would also lose this prey.

However, what made it unexpected was that Leo actually came out of the protection of the ancient trees, which made him think of the sacrifices of the sacrificials in the past, the good life in the past, and the same In the present bad situation, the disparity between the two immediately made it extremely angry and resentful, and Leo became the object of its vent.

It moves the limbs on both sides of the body, quickly moves on the snow, and at the same time the tail turns around at a faster speed. The body stretches like a spring and stretches from 20 meters to more than 100 meters in an instant. It seems that I want Leo to be wrapped in the body, and use the decomposition power of the body to decompose Leo.

Although the monster's movements are fast, Leo's movements are faster. He nearly rushed down in front of the monster at a nearly flashing speed, and then the figure was short and the whole person was parallel to the ground like a ground, tight Then the two feet produced a psionic energy impact and said that the whole person's back was flying out of the air. At the same time, the twin swords in his hand were also lifted up and pierced into the monster's lower abdomen. After Leo's several shock moves, the monster's entire abdomen was completely separated by Leo.

At first, the monster did not care about the wounds in the abdomen, because according to its previous experience, any wounds can heal quickly, but then the severe pain in the abdomen not only did not weaken, but became stronger and stronger, and it also saw the strength of the body After quickly weakening, he didn't wait to look down at the injury of his abdomen, a feeling of powerlessness surged up, and the whole body could not support it. He lay on the ground, his consciousness gradually blurred, and finally disappeared completely.

   Watched the giant monster fall under the first round of Leo's attack, the body's abdomen was cut, the internal organs ran down, and the silver-gray blood was also left. The snow on the snow was dyed another color.

   Leo easily solved this huge monster, so that Sylvia and Serran could not help but have an illusion that this monster has nothing to say.

   Only after they walked out of the protection of the ancient trees and stood in front of the monster that had already appeared translucent, and felt the invisible power exuded from the monster, they could clearly perceive the strength of the monster.

  According to their estimates, if the two of them encountered this monster without prevention, they would have to pay a great price even if they defeated the monster in the end.

   Leo stood next to him, and he didn't have a look of triumph. He dropped the blood on the cross sword and changed back to the glove mode. The casual look made him feel like he was just drinking water to eat.

In fact, for Leo, dealing with this kind of reptile monster is indeed as simple as drinking water to eat, because the Earth Federation has encountered numerous strange and strange alien bug attacks in the past, and has already delved into it. The insecticidal tactics of the series, as long as they are insect-shaped creatures, can't escape the target range of this tactic.

"Let's leave here as soon as possible! The smell here is too strong. I believe that it will attract a large number of hunters in a short time." Leo smelled the monster blood emitting a very strong odor, and it was cold around There was no sign of dispersal in the cold wind, drifting away.

"Wait, I seem to have found something interesting." Sylvia seemed to see something, quickly walked to a section of the wreckage of the monster, slashed the shell of the monster with a thin sword in his hand, and then in the monster Before the liquid in the body flows out, let go.

Soon a lot of insect body fluid was flowing on the ground. After the liquid stopped flowing~www.ltnovel.com~Sylvia squatted down and looked a little on the ground. From the snow that was penetrated by the insect body fluid, I found it. A fist-sized metal box.

   "What is this?" Silan asked Sylvia, passing a hand towel for wiping.

   "I don't know." Sylvia looked at this block in his hand like a complete metal casting and turned to Leo and asked, "Do you know what this is?"

   "This is a standard module!" Leo looked at the square in Sylvia's hand, his face was surprised, and he answered truthfully.

   "Standard module?" Sylvia and Selan looked at each other. Although they could understand Leo's words, they didn't understand the meaning.

"This standard module was created by some great civilizations." Leo explained: "They are mainly used by exploration teams. Some exploration teams need to fight away from civilizations and live for a long time if they are supplied from the location of the civilization. It takes a lot of money, so those great civilizations will create such standard modules. Each module has a complete set of production lines that can collect materials from the local area to produce the required items."

"That is to say? This thing is a complete factory?" Compared to Serran, who had no deep contact with the outside civilization, Sylvia, who has a variety of knowledge, soon understood Leo's meaning. , Looked at the square in his hands with great shock.

  Although she really wanted to believe Leo’s words, she felt it was incredible and even more incredible than those myths.

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