The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 611: Accidentally injured

"It looks like your ceremonies have all succeeded." On the third day after the blood fusion ceremony, King Saran summoned everyone and looked at the situation of the crowd and said, "The door is ready, What about you? Is there anything else I need to prepare?"

  Everyone said that they no longer need to prepare.

   "So let's go now!" Saran is not a nonsense, just led everyone to a single stone loft.

Judging from the stone material and the shape of the room, this should be the place where the castle used to hold criminals, except that the iron cage used to hold prisoners in the room and various criminal tools for punishing prisoners have been removed, and the entire room is empty. There is only a pool in the middle.

  The shape of this pool is very old, with the style of the ancient kingdom of Minsk. A large number of winding branches and leaves and simplified pictograms of beasts are arranged neatly together, dividing the edge of the pool into thirty-six different small areas.

  If you are familiar with the story of the ancient kingdom of Minsk, you can find that the symbols of these thirty-six different regions all constitute a legend of the ancient kingdom.

The ancient kingdom of Minsk is a hypothetical kingdom that has not been fully confirmed in the history of Velun world. Historians on the Minsk continent more than a hundred years ago thought that the eastern desert was a forest, and the oldest kingdom in the Savile region is still There is no ancient time, the Velen continent is still a tribe-based ancient period, and there is already a very large unified kingdom on the Minsk continent that rules the entire Minsk continent.

The reason why the scholars of the Minsk mainland will put forward such a view is that during that period, these scholars have found many ancient monuments in various parts of the Minsk mainland, and some of them are extremely ancient, whether in architectural form or The style of the items is very similar, and these ruins are distributed in the southernmost, northernmost, easternmost, and westernmost parts of Minsk.

For a long time, this hypothesis became a hot spot for historians, archaeologists and explorers from various countries on the Minsk continent. In order to be able to confirm this hypothesis, they managed to collect various data that might be related to it and edited them. According to some clues and traces on the data, the chronicle of the ancient kingdom was produced, and the corresponding ancient kingdom language was compiled specifically for the ancient kingdom.

There are even dramatists and novelists who have written thirty-six stories about the prosperity and decline of the ancient kingdom of Minsk according to the materials available at the time and combined with the chronicles of the ancient kingdom. These stories have all become novels and dramas. , Spread to all parts of the world.

It stands to reason that the existence of the ancient kingdom of Minsk should have been regarded as an established fact at this time, but after some scholars and archaeologists from other continents studied various data collected by the experts of Minsk continental scholars, they found that The vast majority of data and evidence have traces of forgery, and these forged materials and ancient objects are no lack of key exhibits supporting the structure of the entire Minsk ancient kingdom.

Later, after investigation, it was discovered that after several suspected remains of the ancient kingdom of Minsk were discovered in succession, the scholars of the remaining discovery and excavation work never found more ancient remains, as if all the remains disappeared at the same time. same.

Within the countries of the Minsk continent, there are also questions about the existence of the ancient kingdom. Even the French Empire and other countries have expressed doubts about the ancient kingdom of Minsk. They believe that the ancient times of the Velun continent are different. They arrived through the northern ice shelf formed during the Great Ice Age Before the Minsk continent, there were no humans on the Minsk continent, so there was no ancient kingdom.

   At that time, scholars on the Minsk continent, in order to refute the sarcasm from other continent kingdoms, and in order to continue the research, they forged some fakes according to the existing various ancient relics and ancient objects, and planned to pass this level.

In fact, this is very effective. The various archaeological funds that have been cut back on the Minsk continent have returned to normal, and even exceeded. It is because of the sweetness that the latecomers have followed suit, eventually causing the current loopholes. , An uncontrollable situation.

Because of international politics and regional academic disputes, after discovering the fraud of the ancient kingdom of Minsk, the vast majority of scholars from all countries immediately denied all the evidence of the existence of the ancient kingdom, and thoroughly pushed the assumption of the ancient kingdom into the abyss. Although scholars on the Minsk continent were dissatisfied, there was no way to do it, because the reputation of scholars from various countries on the Minsk continent had fallen to the bottom due to fraud, and even spread from the archaeological community to other academic fields. It gradually weakened more than a decade ago, but it still has not completely disappeared.

However, there are still some authoritative scholars who believe that the existence of the ancient kingdom of Minsk cannot be completely denied, and they also believe that the 36 widely-circulated stories representing the ancient kingdom from its emergence to demise should also be true, because The materials and ancient objects that created those stories have no trace of fraud.

   "Are you still not stubborn?" Sylvia said sarcastically to Saran when he saw the relief of the ancient kingdom of Minsk around the pool.

   "An ancient kingdom exists." Saran looked at Sylvia unpleasantly and said, "It will not disappear because of the slander of other ulterior motives."

  Sylvia did not refute, just shrugged.

   Several people came to the pool. Saran took a flat and smooth hexagonal prism from the box beside the pool, took it to the middle of the pool, and stuffed it into a groove platform in the water that just matched it.

   After plugging in, the hexagonal prism immediately emitted a burst of white light, and as if it melted into the water, slowly diffused in the water. Saran also came out of the pool and stood quietly waiting for the change.

   Just when everyone's eyes were attracted by the changes in the pool, Leo's attention was placed in the stone box taken out by the hexagonal prism. Because he recognized that the inside of the box was actually a small energy block condensation device.

This device also reminded Leo of the spaceship in the wilderness lake of the Mosang continent. If the spaceship is really well preserved and can be used, then the energy will make the key item to start the spaceship, and this The energy block condensation device and the energy collection device outside the castle will inevitably play an extraordinary role.

Leo didn’t think about capturing this device from Saran, and not to mention if he could capture something from this ancient witch, even if it was captured, he might not be able to install this device alone, so he thought more about it now. Most of them directly obtain enough energy blocks to activate the energy circulation device through transactions.

   Just when Leo was thinking about things, the water in the pool had all turned outwards, and the platform on the center of the pool where the hexagonal prism was placed disappeared, replaced by a vortex.

"The door is already open. Good luck to everyone." After seeing the light stabilized, Saran took a bracelet full of cosmic technology from his pocket and put it on his wrist. Then he said to everyone and he directly ascended. Jumped into the vortex.

  Others saw that Saran had gone down, and naturally they had no plans to wait. They jumped into the pool. In the end, only Sylvia, Serran and Leo were left.

"Remember what was discussed yesterday. If no one is found, go to the nearest open space, light a bonfire, and make a signal." Although Sylvia's words seemed to be to the two, they actually On the other hand, he was looking at Suran on the side.

   "Got it." Serran pouted and jumped ahead.

  Sylvia frowned and said nothing, nodded at Leo, and jumped into the pool.

   Leo looked at the energy block condensing device, and no longer thought, jumped into the vortex.

Just after everyone jumped into the vortex, the wisdom brain Sarah who was in charge of the entire castle appeared in this room in the form of illusion, and stood at Leo’s position, imitating his movement exactly and looked at the energy. Block condensation device.

   Leo did not know that after jumping into the vortex, the castle's wisdom brain Sarah appeared in that room, and imitated his movements, guessing his behavior. But even if he knew it, he wouldn't care, because he had decided to trade normal energy blocks with Saran, and would no longer threaten this intellectual brain, so naturally it would no longer be a hostile relationship.

After entering the whirlpool, Leo only felt a sense of falling for a while, and then became down to earth, and the scene in front of him also changed into a virgin forest with birds and flowers, the rotten smell of the ground, and the rich aroma of plants. Coupled with the hot and humid climate around, people who have just entered here feel that something is not right.

However, this discomfort is nothing to Leo. After returning to normal, he quickly collected some plant samples and insect samples from his side, and then quickly compared these plants and insects. Yes, at the same time look for content that matches it in the brain data.

Soon, Leo found the information he was looking for, but he was not happy because of this, but instead frowned, some doubts grew in his heart, and he murmured to himself: "The seventh cantilever sail Megalan star in the star field? How is this possible?"

Through a series of comparisons, Leo has found a planet corresponding to the plants and insects in front of him in his brain database. That planet is called Megalan, which is the seventh colonial planet developed by the Earth Federation Because that planet is a very rare naturally-occurring high-oxygen environment planet, the Earth Federation also pays special attention to the development and utilization of this planet.

However, a routine environmental test had extremely serious consequences. The entire planet was completely ignited, turning the planet into a fireball. After burning for more than two hundred years, the Earth Federation eventually extinguished the flame. But the entire planet has also been destroyed.

   This incident also caused a very large impact on the Earth Federation, which directly led to the promulgation of a series of planetary laws.

However, now, those plants and insects that belonged to Migallan star appeared in front of Leo's eyes and appeared in the Aixelly Forest, which made Leo temporarily unable to know how to explain this situation. Time reversal, or world fragmentation? Conjectures emerged in his mind.

Just when Leo was puzzled, a slight tremor from the ground awakened him from his contemplation. He sensed the direction of the tremor and immediately found a relatively tall tree next to it and climbed up. He quickly climbed to the top of the tree, drilled out of the branches and leaves of the crown, stood on the top of the tree, and looked over to the place where the earthquake came.

   I saw in the dense forest enveloped by the dense fog formed by moisture, a huge body high enough to be flush with the sky emerged in the distant fog.

  Because of the fog barrier, Leo couldn’t see the specific situation of the huge object, so he inspired the vision and tried to use the power of the vision to see the giant object.

"Damn it!" However, Leo just saw the huge figure and didn't see anything. He felt a sudden pain in his eyes that he had never had before. He immediately turned his attention to other places. Dispelled the power of Soulsight, then closed his eyes and drilled back into the trees.

  It was just that even though he responded the most correctly, his eyes were still hurt, and two lines of blood flowed out of the eyes.

   Leo felt the discomfort of his eyes and was not panic. He took out a few bottles of wizard medicine from the storage space. One bottle was taken directly and the other was used to clean his eyes.

  After washing his eyes with two bottles of wizard potions, his discomfort quickly disappeared, and a cool feeling soaked in his eyes, making him a little relieved.

  After checking the eyes repeatedly through the spiritual network and psionics, Leo opened his and looked around. Although the injury to his eyes was not serious, the injury just now hurt his eyesight more or less, and he felt a little blurred when he looked around.

   However, fortunately, it did not cause any hindrance to him. His current eyesight, combined with the spiritual net and the extraordinary perception of his body, still allows him to easily walk in this dense jungle.

   At this time, the vibration that caused the injury gradually weakened, and it seemed that the huge object was moving away from where Leo was.

   Leo also looked at the huge object with a lingering fear.

Although he didn't see exactly what the huge object was just now, but from the point of view of being injured from a distance when he just looked at it with vision, that object is definitely an omega-level higher living body, and it is still the kind that has been generated. Higher life forms.

  Just like the church in the Velon world has the admonition to not look directly at God, there are similar taboos in the universe that cannot look directly at omega-level higher living beings, especially those that produce the realm of life.

Leo has always used this taboo as a joke, because he has seen it more than once in the universe or in Velon, and even contacted Omega-level higher living bodies, but there is no problem, so he That's what happened just now, and the current results have also been obtained.



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