While Saran and Zhina Sarah had a headache for Leo’s unexpected trouble, several other people in the castle who were also concerned about Saran were also puzzled by Sarah’s move and guessed that Saran wanted doing what.

Saran didn’t hide her move to find Leo by holding documents. Several people saw it, and they also saw Saran’s gloomy walk out of Leo’s room, knowing that Saran had hit a wall at Leo. .

   As the witch group's oldest and most famous witch, Saran's every move has always been the object of speculation by other members of the witch group, not to mention that this witch rally is also an invitation sent by Saran, so Saran's move has attracted more attention.

Some witches who have a good relationship with Saran know that Saran has always been obsessed with the words and language of ancient civilizations. Almost every time a famous linguistics scholar appears in Velun countries, she will visit her personally with her manuscript to ask about the language of ancient civilizations. thing.

However, the language level of Saran’s ancient civilization is already very high, so the consultation will often turn into a school examination. Most of the so-called linguistic scholars will be questioned by Saran’s manuscript, so ultimately Saran Will leave in disappointment.

  However, this time the situation was obviously different. Saran left instead of showing disappointment, but showing an angry look. Obviously Saran didn't get any benefits from the occupants in that room, but ate it.

   This made the witches in the castle more curious about the occupants of that room, so the witch Sylvia who lived in the same area became the object of their inquiry.

Sylvia is also paying close attention to Saran's movements, because Saran has done unusual things such as welcoming Leo at the entrance of the castle, and personally arranging a living area for Leo. This is obviously beyond her knowledge, so She guessed that Saran must have something important to ask Leo for help, otherwise there would be no such attitude.

  However, the follow-up development was beyond her expectations. She was also confused. In her view, even if Leo did not be able to answer her problems, she would not be angry because of it.

This also made her worry about whether Leo offended Saran. If she really offended Saran, she felt that Leo should not be allowed to continue to accompany her to this witch party. Leo should be left immediately to avoid anything. accident.

So when other witches were curious about Leo’s identity, they came to Sylvia for details, but Sylvia left these people and went directly to the area where she lived, and came to the door of Leo’s room. outer.

Hearing the familiar door bell ringing in the room, Leo put down the book in his hand, walked over, opened the door, and saw Sylvia, who was standing outside and nervous, asked, "What happened? "

"Let's go inside and say." Sylvia was about to ask, but he saw a butterfly that shouldn't be there appearing not far away, his face changed, and he said to Leo without waiting for mine. Ou answered and walked to Leo's room.

   Leo did not refuse. After Sylvia entered the house, he closed the door and returned to his seat.

  Silvia sat opposite Leo, and asked Leo very seriously: "Did you offend Saran just now?"

   "No." Leo shook his head.

  Sylvia hesitated for a moment, wondering: "But she looked angry when she left from your room just now."

  Leo said very casually: "It's just academic conflict, mainly because she doesn't agree with what I translate."

"Really?" Sylvia raised her eyebrows and didn't believe Leo's statement at all, so she looked at Leo's face and seemed to want some clues from the other's expression, but in the end she didn't I can see anything, and can only say with a little worry: "If you really offended the old woman of Saran, then I will send you away immediately, otherwise let you stay and it will only hurt you."

   Leo frowned and said, "If someone offends her, will she strike to hurt the people who participated in the witch party?"

"Of course not." Sylvia shook her head and said: "According to the rules of the witch group, no member of the witch group, no matter what kind of grudges they usually have, are not allowed to hurt each other in the party, as long as the witch invites to the party People will also be protected by this rule, and no witch will take action against them, even if the two have a deep hatred."

   "Since this is the case, why do you have to worry so much?" Leo asked, puzzled.

Sylvia explained: "Although she can't shoot directly, she can send you to those dangerous places in the Axel Forest when she opens the door to her hometown. If you can't survive in those places, She is also not breaking the rules."

"Rather than asking me if I offended Ms. Saran, tell me about your witch party!" Leo Shensheng said: "The more I know about your party, the more dangers I encounter. Less. As for sending me away, it’s not necessary. Think about it. If I leave, Ms. Saran will have no rules for the witch’s party, can’t she let go of her and deal with me? I’m even more unsafe. ."

Sylvia nodded and said, "Yes, you are right. It is indeed more dangerous to send you away now. It is safer to continue to attend the party." Then, she thought for a moment. Zhao Leiou said: "The witch party is very complicated. If you want to say it, I am afraid it is difficult to make it clear. Or if you ask some questions, I will answer these questions directly."

   "Alright." Leo nodded in agreement with Sylvia's proposal, and then asked directly: "What is the witch party? A kind of ceremony? Or a kind of underground organization meeting?"

"It's all." Sylvia quickly replied: "Our gatherings are divided into three types. One is a temporary small gathering, usually just a witch in the area summons companions temporarily to cope with some things. One is what you said The meeting is usually selected at the annual harvest festival. The place is set by the witch of the witch group, and then the other witch is notified two months in advance. The last kind is the homecoming party, which is what you call the ritual party, and we are now This party."

   Leo interjected: "You don't seem to pay much attention to the ritual party. As far as I know, neither Ms. Black Night nor the chanters are meant to attend this party."

"This is mainly because it doesn't make much sense for them to continue to participate in the homecoming party. In the previous party, they have obtained what they want most from the Aixi Forest," Sylvia said slightly enviously, saying: "Although they continue to participate in the party, they can still get some good things from the Elsevier Forest, but compared to the dangers they will encounter, it is obviously not worth the loss, so they generally will not attend the homecoming party unless necessary. "

  Leo said: "If I guess right, getting something from the Aixel Forest at the homecoming party will directly affect the power of each of you witch, right?"

"Yes." Sylvia nodded and said, "Perhaps you don't know that the root bloodline of these witches of ours comes from the Axel Forest. If we want to fully excite the bloodline on our body, we can get unlimited Development potential, then you must find the source blood related to our bloodline in the Aixili Forest."

   Leo questioned: "What about Saran? Saran's bloodline should have been fully developed. Why should she go to love the forest?"

   "Unclear." Sylvia shook her head and said, "However, she is the guide of the Axel Forest. She should only lead other witches into the Axel Forest, then..."

  Sylvia made a little guess, but soon felt not right, shook her head, and did not go on.

   Leo asked in a puzzled way: "Since the return ceremony of the Auxerre Forest is so important to you, why are you looking for an outsider like me to participate in this matter?"

"Because of the degree of danger," Sylvia explained: "Although because the source of the witch is from the forest of Axelly, the forest of Axelly is equivalent to the mother of the witch, and will not harm the witch, but the blood of the witch After all, there are other blood lines that are no longer pure, and these impure parts will cause the rejection of the Axel Forest, which will have a bad impact."

   Leo quickly guessed some answers from the other party's words, saying: "My assistant is mainly to share those bad influences?"

The expression on Sylvia’s face looked a little awkward, nodded, and then took a deep breath of embarrassment in his heart. He continued: “We witches can use special methods to change their own The bloodline is shared with the assistant he found, and then the two people enter the Axel Forest together to share the repulsive influence of the Axel Forest, so that everyone will only suffer half the impact before and only half of the dangers encountered ."

   "Is there any danger?" Leo asked.

"Yes, but the danger is not on you assistants, but on us witches." Sylvia paused a little, and continued: "When you bear our blood, you will have a chance to discover our blood Secrets, which may be fatal to us. Once a witch was betrayed by an assistant who knew the witch’s secret, and died in the hands of the arbiter of the orthodox court, so unless a person who can absolutely trust is found, the witch will participate. You won’t find an assistant when you return home."

   "Absolute trust?" Leo frowned, frowning and questioning slightly: "Just absolute trust?"

Hearing Leo’s doubts, Sylvia hesitated and said, “Of course there is another way, that is to find a temporary assistant.” Then, she was worried about Leo’s misunderstanding and added: “I used to participate Of the two homecoming gatherings, never found an assistant."

  Although Sylvia’s words were not complete, Leo already understood the meaning of Sylvia, that is, to find an assistant who resolved directly after the meeting.

   doesn't have any special opinion on the witch's practice, and he will not ask what kind of stupid question he belongs to.

   Leo continued to ask: "What do I need to pay attention to?"

  Sylvia shook her head and said: "There is nothing to pay attention to, even if it is said now, it may not be able to be used, and it is different every time you enter the Aixili Forest."

  After asking these questions, Leo did not continue to ask them. He thought for a moment and said: "I am invited by you to attend the witch party this time is not pure, I have other things to complete."

  Sylvia's keen guess came to the meaning of Leo's words, confirming: "Also in the Elsie Forest?"

   Leo nodded, and then said about the encounter with the White Deer again.

   "White deer in the Black Forest?" Sylvia stared at Leo, his face full of incredible.

   Leo did not respond, but sat quietly, waiting for Sylvia to recover from the shock.

For the people on the Weilun continent, they have fallen asleep listening to all kinds of legends about the Black Forest since childhood, all kinds of Black Forest gods have long been familiar, and White Deer has always been a myth of the Black Forest. Legendary regulars.

The names of the Rangers of the Black Forest, the protectors of the knights, the guardians of women and children, eternal purity, etc. are all caused by legends, all of which have been put on the white deer. Say that the white deer who can see the Black Forest represents good luck all day long.

Because of this, the Black Forest White Deer can be said to be the favorite Black Forest deity of people in all countries of the Weilun mainland. In almost all traditional celebrations, there will be drama performances on the White Deer, and no matter how bad the performance is in each performance , Can attract many audiences.

  It's just that although there are so many white deer legends, there are very few people who have actually seen the black forest white deer.

  Sylvia is like most children on the mainland of Velen. When I was a child, I fantasized that I could own the Black Forest White Deer~www.ltnovel.com~ In the end, I can only get a common white deer to talk better than nothing.

  Now Leo actually told her that he had very close contact with Bailu and had some transactions with Bailu, which made her subconsciously think that Leo was kidding.

But this skeptical attitude did not last long. Based on her understanding of Leo, the other party should not be the kind of person who likes to joke, so that is to say, Leo did have contact with White Deer and had some transactions. .

   "Do you really have a deal with White Hart?" Sylvia confirmed.

   "Yes." Leo nodded.

   "What deal?" Sylvia couldn't help but asked, and then she felt that she shouldn't have asked, and said: "If you can't say it, don't say it."

   "For the head of eternal wisdom." Leo said indifferently.

   "Eternal Wisdom?" Sylvia froze.

If other people hear the name of this deity, they may ask if there is such a deity, but Sylvia also takes into account the arbiter of the Orthodox Court, and even knows more about things like churches and deities, even more than Leo. , Naturally know what eternal wisdom is.

   But, to her surprise, from Leo’s words, the eternal wisdom seems to be falling in the forest of Aisheli, which is a big thing that the Orthodox Church did not know. ...


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