The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 603: Saran's arrangement

Although the weapon use records are not complete, the maintenance records are very detailed, especially the weapon maintenance records of the last period show that the battleship was in a fierce battle at that time, and the beam core was replaced every three hours on average.

In energy weapons, the beam core is the most critical part, which is related to the final output strength of the energy weapon, so the material for manufacturing the beam core is also very special. Basically, as long as it is not used for a long time, the beam core is enough. At the time of dressing, the final output deviation value of the beam core will repair itself through the particularity of the material itself.

And now the beam core must be replaced every three hours, then it means that this weapon is basically continuously used, and it is used at maximum power output, because each beam core that is replaced is marked The word scrapped.

The weapon repair record stopped abruptly on the third day after the war. It should have been an accident with the spacecraft. Other equipment maintenance records were also suspended at the same time.

Although Leo did not find what he wanted in the information about what happened to the spacecraft during the last time the spacecraft experienced, in some scattered records, he found two quite useful Key content.

A key content is where the battlefield this spaceship last rushed to. According to some scattered voyage record calculations above, there is only one place for the final direction of this route, that is the Devil Nebula.

According to some time records in the maintenance data, this spaceship was reactivated 377 years after his death.

At a time so close to the date of his death, an event that caused the entire universe to turmoil, and even the Supreme Council to destroy the Veja people, a very special race, then the source of this series of events will definitely not happen suddenly. It may have been brewing a long time ago, and it is also related to the Veja people, so it is inferred that before Leo’s death that year, there should be signs of turmoil in the universe.

Thinking of this, Leo began to recall carefully, recalling the major events that were happening in the universe at that time, and even the major events that occurred in the universe before.

Soon, Leo found a very likely clue, this clue is related to the Weiya people. More than 600 years before the day of Leo's death, the Weiya people suddenly declared that they had found a way to safely develop subspace. , And there are also rumors that the Weiya found the whereabouts of the light of origin in subspace.

Since the discovery of subspace, various civilizations in the universe have begun to find ways to develop subspace resources. Even if tens of millions of years have passed, various civilizations have not developed subspace. Even if they don’t know much about it, the only thing that has been proven is Any known principles of physics, chemistry, etc. in the universe have failed in subspace, and everything in subspace is disordered and chaotic.

Therefore, when the Weiya people said that they had found a way to safely develop the subspace, all the cosmic civilizations did not believe in the way the Weiya people said, and they all waited to see the jokes of the Weiya people.

However, what happened next was somewhat unexpected. The Weiya people did not become a joke. The Weiya people did develop a fixed residence in subspace, and even captured some subspace creatures that were once thought to be impossible.

This incident caused a lot of sensation in the universe. Various cosmic civilizations have explored the way of developing the subspace to the Weiya people. Some powerful civilizations even used disgraceful means until the Supreme Council came to an end. And the topic of subspace development soon cooled down, even disappearing from the development plans of various civilizations.

In Leo's memory, it seems that the Veja people can only affect this entire universe.

Leo checked the scattered data twice again, and after confirming that nothing was missing, his attention was also withdrawn from the list, and then said to Zhina Sara, who was always waiting. "How many devices are there now?" can use."

Sarah did not answer, and directly showed the structure of a castle. From this, it is not difficult to see that the castle was built on the wreckage of the warship, just like the National Bank of the Kingdom of England.

However, compared to the relatively complete battleship of the National Bank, the battleship where Zhinao Sara is located has only a few debris left. The reason why it can still use some functions is entirely because of the construction of the castle , These debris have been connected together through some special energy connection channels, so that these debris can play a part of the function, such as creating a life illusion.

Leo slightly disappointed to see such a situation, but this is also what he expected. After all, even the Zhinao database is fragmented, how can the spacecraft body be intact.

Leo then commanded: "Restore the initial state of the room, clear the authentication data and subsequent operations related to me just now."

Wisdom Sarah was stunned, unable to resist and began to control the interior of the room according to Leo’s instructions, restoring the room from the working state to the living room state, and then clearing the data related to Leo just now, Sarah His expression was a little dull, and soon returned to normal, and he looked around with some doubt, and finally his eyes fell on Leo.

"Why am I here? Mr. Leo Dodd." Sarah Wisdom asked Leo with doubt.

"Who are you? Why did you appear in my room?" Leo looked at each other with a pretentious look and challenged him.

"I..." Sarah didn't know how to answer for a while, she said nothing, withdrew the humanoid image, and exited Leo's room.

After Sarah disappeared, Leo turned and lay down on the bed, rested, and didn't trace the sudden addition of someone in the room.

At the same time, Sarah’s image appeared in the top room of the castle’s highest minaret. This room belonged to the king’s room, Saran. She was taking off all her clothes and soaking herself in a conditioning cabin. In nutrient solution.

Although the evolution of life can increase her longevity, she can not perfectly preserve her appearance. She must rely on other methods to keep her appearance unchanged, but the main ingredients of the nutrient solution have been used up, and the main ingredients are modulated. But the fruit is only in that place, so she had to hold a witch party in advance this time.

Because of this, some of the witches who had the time and ability to participate in this party could not be present, but fortunately, the number of these witches who have come over has reached her minimum requirements, and there are many among them. A powerful witch such as the Fire Bather, her chances of getting fruit again this time will also increase a lot.

At this time, Sarah suddenly appeared in front of her, which surprised her. Although she created an image for Sarah based on the knowledge she acquired, Sarah did not seem to like this human image, so she rarely used human illusions. Appeared in the way, even if talking with her is directly talking with voice.

"I have something to tell you." Sarah looked at Saran very seriously and said.

Seeing Sarah's expression, Saran also focused, and then Sarah showed herself in Leo's room just now, and told Saran that she had lost her record for a while.

"What do you think is the reason?" Saran asked thoughtfully.

"There is not enough information to make a judgement." Sarah responded, proposing: "I think that the person Leo Dodd should be monitored, this person is very suspicious."

Hearing Sarah’s suggestion, Saran did not make a decision immediately, but pondered for a moment and shook her head: “No need for the time being, our main task now is to return home, and nothing else can affect the return home. ."

"Whatever you want, I don't like him anyway." Sarah said with some emotion, and removed the image.

Although Saran made a decision, she was still thinking about Leo Dodd. Then she got up and walked out of the conditioning cabin, looked for it in the bookcase, and extracted the information about Leo Dodd. .

Before the start of the witch party, she had carefully planned the whole process of returning home, and analyzed those people who could help her get fruit, and those people would hinder her, so when sending the party letter Some tricks were also used to let the witch who would hinder her take the initiative to give up the party.

Despite one or two accidents, the others finally arrived according to her wishes.

She is also full of expectations for the witch assistants who come afterwards, because from the past situation, some witch assistants have played a role even more than the witch herself, and among the witch assistants she is looking forward to, she is the most popular. It’s Leo’s concern, otherwise she won’t greet her at the entrance of the castle.

She had her own intelligence network. When she knew that Sylvia had chosen Leo as an assistant, she had collected Leo's data specifically. From those data, she already regarded Leo as a powerful transcendent. And after the news that Leo killed the shadow of God came, she already regarded Leo as an equal existence.

Not to mention that it is now the case that the homecoming ceremony is going to happen, even in the ordinary period, she is not willing to offend a powerful transcendence because of a little suspicion.

It’s just that she didn’t plan to do nothing, because Sarah had never seen this happen before. No matter what caused Sara’s situation, it was definitely related to Leo, so she planned to go directly to Lei. Talking about Europe, it is just that she also has some writing problems that need to be consulted with this writing wizard who is often hung by the elderly of Rembrandt.

Saran, dressed, found a folder in the bookcase and turned to leave the room.

At this time, the dark clouds in the sky seemed to have accumulated enough power to gather a lightning bolt that fell on the spire at the top of Saran's room, and these lightnings were almost hit by the spire of the spire, and the dense wire of the spire. It shunts to various parts of the tower body and converges into the energy storage device hidden in various ornaments, serving as the energy source for maintaining the normal operation of the castle.

When the energy storage chip fed back the energy storage to the top of the tower, Saran frowned as she looked at the light on the wall next to it, because she found that the energy storage did not reach the minimum standard. The situation is the 16th in the most recent year, and this is something that has not been encountered before.

Although she didn't know what was going on, she felt that it was definitely not a good thing for her.

"It seems that some things need to be prepared in advance." Saran murmured to herself, then opened the door and walked out of the room.

Leo didn't think of anything while lying in bed, just staying quietly, enjoying the rare tranquility.

In order to get the best rest for the soldiers on the warships, most space battleships are equipped with very powerful sound insulation devices in the cabins of the warships, which can isolate all sounds from the outside world, even if the outer warships have been blown into Fragmentation, as long as the living cabin remains intact, people in the cabin will never hear any sound from the outside world.

Although the sound insulation function of the residence cabin is so powerful, few people actually use it, because if you can’t hear the outside movement, it means that you cannot escape in time after encountering an emergency, so most of the time the residence cabin The sound insulation function will not open, or even only part of it.

Now because the environment is different, Leo fully opened the cabin's sound insulation function and put himself in an absolutely quiet environment, which also made him feel a little more comfortable.

While physical evolution brought him some abilities, it also brought him some inconveniences, and various acousto-optic effects amplified through supernormal perception. Although he can control the body organs to shield these sounds and lights, but this shielding is not complete, and will still leak a lot of special light waves and sound waves.

These sound and light effects naturally also affected Leo a little bit so that he could not get the best rest, and now this living cabin that can isolate sound and light is just right for his current situation.

However, this tranquility was soon broken by the old-fashioned electronic doorbell and the voice of King Saran.

Leo frowned, walked to the door of the cabin, opened the metal door, and looked at Saran, who was completely a student with his eyes holding a book, and asked, "Is there anything wrong?"

Saran showed the folder in her hand and said, "I said just now, I hope I can ask you some questions about your words. I don't know if you are free."

"Come in! Madam." Leo let go and let Saran enter the room.

"Sarah, change to the study mode of the city." Saran didn't seem to like Leo's current simple room with only one bed, so she opened the door to Leo and told Sarah.

As she commanded, the room gradually turned into a very quaint study room. The room was very warm. There was a fireplace with a fire on the wall, and various exquisite candlesticks were placed around it. Although the light on the candlestick was not very bright, but The large number, and the large number of copper mirrors around it reflect the light, making the room not too dark.

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