"Little Sardinian, you're the little Sardinian in the Frans cloak shop!" At this time, the noble lady of the businessman couple in the crowd suddenly gasped at a young man who had just sat down on the ground who had just got off the airship. Shouted.

The young man heard the cry, turned back, looked at the place where the voice came out, and saw the businessman and couple, immediately got up from the ground habitually, walked quickly, saluted the two, said: " Good morning, Mr. Jon, ma'am!"

   "Sardinine, did you come from Deliyat?" The businessman did not recognize who the young man came from, but prevented him from asking questions.

"Yes, sit..." The young people didn't dare to offend the big customer in the shop in front of them, and quickly answered. When knowledge was answered at the time, I didn't want to understand for a while, raised my hand and pinched my finger, and then calculated Only then said: "It should have been sitting for six days and five nights."

   "Five days and six nights?" The businessman was stunned, and asked anxiously, "Is it only five days and six nights before I flew here from Deliyat?"

   "It can't be said that it is five days and six nights." The youth added quickly: "The airship landed twice midway and was repaired on the ground for two nights. It should be five days and four nights."

Hearing this, it was not just businessmen and couples, but everyone around them also exclaimed, because they knew that it would take almost a month to get to the southernmost city of Deliyat by boat from here, even if it was smooth sailing. It took only five days for the airship to go, and it took only five days to travel. The time has been shortened so much, which is really incredible.

   "Did you encounter any danger in the middle? For example, what was attacked by the flock of birds?" Then someone could not help but interjected.

"No, no danger was encountered." The young man shook his head and saw doubts on the faces of everyone. In order to prove that he had not lied, he immediately pointed at other people and said: "They are also passengers on this trip, you don't believe it Just ask them."

  Although the youth swears like a curse, everyone still cares about finding someone to ask each other. Except for a few who are not interested in answering, other people's answers are the same as the youth.

  At this time, the driver greeted the passenger who had just got off and got on the bus, and then said to the businessman and others: "Whether you want to sit, you have the idea now, get on the bus if you don't want, and get on the boat if you want."

Hearing the voice of the driver, some people just got off the airship and stood up and walked on the trailer, and a few of those who had just arrived in the trailer had heard the words of those people and knew that there was no danger in taking the airship, but the common sense was still They left them without a burden and returned to the trailer, while the rest were still hesitating.

At this moment, Leo, who was always quietly listening, said nothing, walked out of the crowd, and boarded the airship, while others saw that someone had already made a decision, they no longer hesitated, and went up, all soon Boarded the airship.

  Although the boat looks very simple from the outside, the interior of the boat is well decorated and it is more spacious than expected.

Someone had been waiting there in the cabin, and when he saw a person, he handed out a note like a ticket and told the person that the note was the room number on the front and the precautions when riding, and repeatedly told that Pay attention to the precautions above, otherwise they will not be responsible if something goes wrong.

After receiving the boat ticket, Leo found the corresponding cabin according to the above number. Although the cabin was very small, it was enough for one person. The original window of the cabin was inlaid with a transparent glass to let the cabin’s People can see the outside.

  Leo did not stay longer in the cabin, but walked out of the cabin and walked down the corridor and stairs to the deck.

I saw that the mast on the deck had already been removed, replaced by a two-person steam engine, and some other pipelines connected the steam engine to the huge airbag at the top and several jet holes in the stern, which was more than the original rudder. Some joysticks and the like.

Although the steam engine is the largest object on the deck and the most striking object, it is not something worthy of attention for Leo. With his ability, he can easily create a smaller, lighter and more efficient than this steam engine High steam engine, he is now concerned about the brick-like fuel that steam is placed next to the steam engine.

   As we all know, the fuel used in steam engines is charcoal that has been specially treated. The wood in this world contains extremely strong burning durability and temperature. After being made into charcoal, this durability and temperature will increase several times.

Although there is great demand for charcoal in various countries, plants in this world grow very fast. An ordinary tree can grow into wood in just a few months, and some faster-growing vine plants can also be made into charcoal, so here There is no need to worry about fuel shortages, which also leads to a very low craving for new fuels in the world. From the top colleges in various countries, there is no class for new fuel research.

However, the black brick-like fuel that is now in Leo’s eyes is obviously a new type of fuel. Although Leo is not clear about its effectiveness, it can be sure that this fuel contains great energy. Fluctuations are like the energy blocks required for the operation of various devices in the universe.

  With curiosity, Leo walked up to the brick fuel, picked up a piece of it, and looked carefully.

   This block fuel is obviously made of charcoal, but I don’t know what method the producer used to completely change the carbonized fiber of charcoal into something similar to ore.

"Hey, what about you? It's you, didn't you read the warning on the ticket? Passengers can't come up to the deck." At this time, a dirty technician got out from under the machine and saw Leona He shouted loudly at the fuel.

   "Is this made by you?" Leo ignored the shouting of the technician and asked the technician directly.

   He also used some small methods when inquiring, such as using the power of a little net weaver's imprint. While on board, he discovered that when the power of the Net Weaver's imprint was applied to the voice of speech, a mysterious power that could affect people's hearts could be produced.

Sure enough, the technician who was just an ordinary person had no way to resist the effect of this power, just like talking to the boss, explaining seriously: "No, this fuel is not made by me, according to teacher Jean Valjean A new fuel made from the formula

"Jean Valjean?" Leo was stunned when he heard the acquaintance's name. He remembered that Jean Valjean had been hired by the United Kingdom of France as the chief technician of the kingdom and led a team of technicians to be responsible for improving all the kingdoms. This kind of steam machine has an unusual status.

Every apprentice around such a person with a special status must be reviewed by the United Kingdom. Even if there are apprentices from other countries, such apprentices should not be allowed to leave the United Kingdom, nor should they be taken away by any kind of apprentice. The recipe is right.

  With doubts in his heart, Leo asked again: "If you are an apprentice of Jean Valjean, why are you in Deliat? Was the recipe given to you by Jean Valjean?"

The technician replied honestly: "Two years ago, after the teacher Jean Valjean was recruited to the Union Chamber of Commerce, he disbanded our apprentices. I did not find a job in Française and returned to Deliyat The recipe was given to us by teacher Jean Valjean when he dismissed the apprentice. Everyone was interested in one of his design drafts. My hometown is a famous snow country, and there is a great demand for fuel, so I It’s a fancy formula that can purify fuel."

  After listening, Leo looked at the fuel block in his hand and asked, "Is this fuel easy to use? What are the advantages and disadvantages?"

"It's easy to use, of course it's easy to use." This technician seems to be very concerned about the use of the fuel block in Leo's hand, and quickly replied: "This kind of fuel can produce higher temperature than ordinary charcoal, and the The gas is separated by a special method, and one part becomes the feather gas required by the airship, and the other part becomes the recyclable fluorescent gas."

The technician spoke, and ran to the edge of the ship’s deck. He reached out and twisted a switch, and then a glass lamp installed there radiated a burst of intense light, which was more than Leo’s day. The electric lights seen in Chaocheng are dozens of times stronger, which is enough to be used as the light of the lighthouse at night.

"This kind of fluorescent gas can be used for a long time. It takes about three days for me to test. This fluorescent gas will gradually weaken, and it will completely disappear after five days." The technician ran to another jar and said, " However, the consumed fluorescent gas can be poured into this jar, and after some method improvements, it can be turned into a culture medium. This culture medium is used on a luminous plant like a lantern tree to enhance the luminous intensity of that plant."

"This is not the whole effect of this fuel block," the technician ran to another metal tank and said, "The exhaust gas that cannot be separated in the end will be poured into it. When we fly into the air, we can From time to time, this gas is sprayed onto the deck. On the ship, this gas is very peculiar, with strong adhesion, even the strong wind will not blow away, and..." said, he suddenly got in front of Leo, pretending to be Mysteriously whispered: "I said, don't tell others, this exhaust gas can actually drive birds away. The reason why our airships can fly in the air without being attacked by birds is because of this gas."

   Leo put down the fuel block in his hand and asked, "Since this kind of refined fuel block is so good, why is it not used?"

The technician was a little embarrassed when facing Leo’s inquiry, and it didn’t seem like it was said, but in the end he couldn’t resist the role of the web-weaver’s imprint. He said it completely: “This kind of fuel block has only one disadvantage, that is, it needs a lot of Charcoal is refined, as far as the fuel in your hand is concerned, it may need 500 charms of charcoal."

   This technician said a dose unit of Deliyat, Leo did not understand.

   The other party also seemed to see that Leo didn't understand, so he added: "It's roughly equivalent to the total weight of 200 charred cedar wood after firing city charcoal."

Leo knows the kind of cedar tree, which is the most common tree in the northern ice and snow zone. This kind of tree is also an important material for the people of the North to rely on. Whether it is used for fuel or for building houses, it needs to be used. To this tree. Probably because of the temperature, its growth cycle is slightly longer than that of ordinary trees, so people in the northern zone do not use tree fuel as much as the southerners, and they all plan carefully.

Two hundred cedar wood is enough to supply the residents of a small town for heating fuel in winter, but now it can only be made into a brick-sized fuel block, and it may not be used for a long time. No wonder this fuel block Not promoted in Dairyat.

  In fact, this apprentice of Jean Valjean was completely in the wrong direction. He should not go to Dairyat to promote this fuel, but should go to Mozambique to promote this fuel and by the way to promote this airship.

  The climate of Mosang mainland can shorten the time for a tree to grow into two months, and the variety of plants is almost endless, so it is no less worrying about consumption.

In addition, because the plant growth in Mozambique is too fast, it is very difficult to maintain the road. This is also the biggest headache for the governments of Mozambique. If the airship that can disperse the attack of birds is taken to Mozambique, it will definitely become An important machine most concerned by the governments of Mozambique.

Although Leo soon thought of the most suitable place to sell this fuel block and airship, he did not tell the technician to listen to it. As he prepared to inquire more about the recipe, a footstep passed from the stairs. After coming out, I immediately saw the receptionist in the lower cabin and two people who looked like security guards on board came up~www.ltnovel.com~ When they saw Leo standing on the deck, they were helpless. Suddenly, when he was about to say something, Leo opened his mouth to the technician and said, "I had a great conversation with you just now. I hope we will have a chance to talk on the next journey."

When    finished speaking, he walked through the middle of those people and walked up the stairs to the cabin.

The crowd watched Leo leave, but no one stopped him. It did not react until Leo disappeared from their line of sight, and asked the man who was in charge of the passenger who was responsible for receiving passengers: "You know him ?"

"I just met, is a mechanical enthusiast, a very interesting guy!" The technician answered casually, but after answering, his face was again puzzled, because he found that he did not remember just with Leo. Something said.

  The technician's answer did not make the man aware of any anomalies. He also believed that Leo was a general mechanical enthusiast. He quickly left it behind, and then discussed with the technician about the airship's route and sailing matters.

   After making a flight plan, the man went down to the cabin to close the access door, and then notified the passengers of each cabin, and the other two remained on the deck to help the technician start the steam engine.

   Ten minutes later, the airship slowly lifted off. After reaching a certain height, it moved towards the north with the airflow of the jet hole. ...


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