The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 588: 2nd nervous system

"Origin star?" Leo didn't look at the surrounding environment for the first time, but at the very strange celestial star in the distance of the sky, and a corresponding data immediately appeared in his mind, almost instinctively guessing Road.

I saw that in the cosmic sky above Leo’s head, an incomparably huge planet hung on it, surrounded by hundreds of suns, tens of thousands of satellites tens of thousands of times than Earth, and Leo’s planet is one of them. .

  Although there are endless numbers of various celestial celestial objects in the universe, celestial celestial objects like the one in front of the eyes are unique. Only the legendary origin stars born from the legendary light of origin have such a strange celestial phenomenon.

In legend, the origin star is a very magical planet. First of all, its shape is much larger than any planet in the universe. Second, its gravity is extremely powerful. It has captured more than a hundred of the same huge sun from the universe. Illuminate the whole world for it and bring light to it. In addition, it has captured tens of thousands of giant satellites at night.

Secondly, such a planet whose gravitational gravity is far beyond the usual is a life planet. According to the legend of the Weiya, countless races have grown on the origin planet. These races are the origin of all life in the universe, and any member of these races has almost omega The power of advanced living organisms.

The last magical and weird place is that such a planet with so many powerful life forms does not have a real omega-level higher life form. Until the emergence of the light of origin, this planet really has omega Higher-level life forms, and at the moment when the light of origin appeared, the planet was also plunged into destruction. All the factors with life were sent to various places in the universe during the destruction, and became the origin of various life in the universe.

Regarding the claims of the Veja people about the creation of cosmic life by the light of origin, almost no one of the various civilizations in the universe believes this statement. Most people think that this is the Veja people who subsidize their own identity because the Veja people created it by the light of origin. Cosmic races, they often claim to be the sons of origin, far above other life in the universe in the sequence of life.

At the same time, many scientists of cosmic civilization refute the legend about the huge degree of the origin star, because according to the legend, the shape of the origin star is probably already similar to a large galaxy, and the surrounding galaxy is absolutely It exceeds the size of any known nebula in the universe.

Now that I see this celestial celestial body that is similar in shape to the origin star in the Weiya legend, Leo feels that if everything in front of him is true, the Weiya legend may not be an absurd lie, because everything in front of him gives him the feeling of origin Star is really so big in legend.

However, the same rational thinking is telling him that everything in front of him is just an artificial fantasy, a scene that cannot exist at all, because there is a biggest flaw in it. This flaw is that if the originating galaxy is as huge as a giant nebula, then So is it possible for his eyes to see the entire origin galaxy in his eyes?

"Earthman, your psychological quality is much stronger than mine. You must know that when I saw this scene in front of me, I was completely shocked by the greatness in it. I lay on the ground crying and praying." Then, a voice suddenly sounded beside Leo, and then he saw a Weiya in armor appear beside him.

  Compared to Leo being completely empty, this Veja can be said to be fully armed. All the weapons and armor that Leo can recognize on his body are the best among the Veja's open armor and weapons.

   "Are we going to fight a big battle, and then decide where the body belongs?" Leo said calmly as he looked at the Veya.

  In fact, when he entered this world, Leo quickly contacted the cause and effect, and had a guess about the situation in front of him, and the appearance of the Weiya just confirmed his guess.

   "Aren't you afraid?" The Weiya people were a little surprised by Leo's calm and couldn't help asking curiously.

   Leo replied slowly: "Compared to being scared, I hope to know the truth of some things before death, such as who are you fighting with, what is going on in this world?"

   "Sorry, these things you said, I also want to know." The Weiya shook his head and sighed.

   "Don't you know?" Leo looked at the Weiya with some disappointment and sighed, "Since then you don't have to exist."

Almost as soon as Leo's voice fell, a force suddenly emerged from the side of the Weiya's body to control it, and then it was torn into fragments in front of Leihou's eyes, and these fragments of the Weiya together with the surrounding stars of origin The illusion, together into countless light spots, poured into Leo's body.

   Leo only felt a flash of light in front of his eyes, and returned to the cabin of the Ice Queen, and heard the sound of the waves hitting the hull outside.

   "It's such a poor guy!" Leo smiled disdainfully and said.

   It’s no wonder that Leo would do this. By absorbing the remaining information in the light spot, he knew the cause and effect of the incident just now, so he also lamented that the Veja was really bad luck.

   That feather not only reactivated the Weiya corpse, but also allowed the corpse to integrate from the remaining Weiya shards through the feather.

If the Veja can be a little patient, lurking in his body, waiting for Leo to reveal a flaw in his will, and then using other means, maybe Leo will be recruited, just like he replaced Leo before, this Veja Replace it.

It is a pity that this Veja is too anxious to attack Leo in the first place, and he still uses this method to bring Leo's spiritual origin into the soul dream. He does not know that Leo has mastered the nightmare. For him, the dream is as easy as going home, not to mention Leo’s own spiritual will up to level 9. This is the main reason why it will not be shaken by the magical scene of the origin star.

Although the battlefield was made by the Weiya people, and the Weiya people were also prepared, Leo had absolute power. The Weiya people could not make any resistance, and they were wiped out again, and this time they completely disappeared. The remnant memories are also integrated into Leo’s consciousness and become part of Leo’s database.

After absorbing these memories, Leo also felt a little disappointed, because it did not get the important information it wanted, especially the relationship between the Weiya people and this Velon world, what the Weiya people are doing, and the Weiya people fighting Is it the fleet sent by the Supreme Council and so on.

The whole memory is very fragmented. Most of them are memories of the Weiya people’s special armor and abilities. These memories are not useful to Leo, except for a little memory about feathers, because this Weiya knows what this feather is. .

"Breath of life!" Leo muttered to himself the name of the feather, or the name translated into English, in fact, the name of the Veayas contains more hidden meanings, if it is fully translated , I am afraid that a long name will be used.

And the most important point of this breath of life in the Veja knowledge is that it comes from the breath of the light of origin and has the ability to regenerate all life, and this thing is only where the light of origin has existed for a long time. Will produce.

"The light of origin is at the end of everything?" Although Leo was unclear about how to get this feather, he knew very well that this feather was obtained at the end of all, so it represented the light of origin. Where to stay for a long time.

At this time, Leo also thought of the old man Rembrandt. Obviously the old man of Rembrandt knew the role of this feather. He wanted to get this feather to resurrect someone, and his deal with Leo was more like a fisherman. Casting a net, there are certainly a few people who have had similar transactions with him, but the question is from where did the old man Rembrandt know that this feather has the ability to regenerate life.

   "Someone must have used this feather in the world of vinylon, and left a record." Leo whispered softly, made a guess, but shook his head not surely.

Because if someone really used feathers in the Velon world to regenerate someone who has died, they must leave a record, so the old people of Rembrandt can know, and if they leave a record, then every church in the Velon world, even high The mysterious forces such as the tower wizard can’t possibly do not know these things, they should also leave a record, but now Leo has never seen a legend in any book that can regenerate the dead.

So Old Man Rembrandt's understanding of this feather will definitely not come from any books and materials, and with the reason of Old Man Rembrandt, unless he sees someone reborn through feathers, he will never believe in feathers that much. Of efficacy.

Leo did not think about this matter too deeply, because there are other more important things waiting for him to deal with, such as the nerves that have been integrated into his body and become the bones of the Veja people who are the second nervous system of his body as he wishes. network.

I don’t know if it’s because of the ability of the Veja people, or because of the additional effect produced by that feather. In short, Leo can feel that this nervous system and body are perfectly integrated, without any repulsive effect, as if born. general.

And as he expected, this nervous system can be perfectly transformed into any kind of power required form, for example, when he uses the power of the net weaver's imprint, the entire person becomes completely and completely transformed with the nervous system. The net weaver is the same, even if he feels he can even use his own power to form a silk thread connected to the big net above the sky if he wants to.

  It is just that he found some drawbacks of this approach. If he does not have enough willpower to use this ability, he may lose himself.

For example, when he used the power of the eyeball of the abyssal snake, he completely felt that he really turned into an abyssal snake with front teeth, and he could hear some murmurs from the depths of the abyss. These whispers can make Any normal person who has not been determined is crazy, but for him at this time, it seems like a calming soothing song, soothing that he has the urge to sleep in this past.

However, Leo knew that if he really slept past instinctively, then when he woke up, he didn’t know what kind of monster he would be transformed into by the power of the abyss. Fortunately, Leo’s ninth-level psionicist’s willpower was enough Suppress this urge.

In addition, Leo also found a not-so-good place. When he used the second nervous system, although he could more easily use the power of the spirit imprint in the body, he could even use some churches and wizards to enhance these powers, but with At the same time, he became a spiritual insulator.

Yes, although he can sense the psionic energy in his body, he cannot use psionic energy. Even if the second nervous system turns to contact with psionic energy and turns himself into a psionicist’s nervous system, he still cannot pass this. Set the nervous system to use any psionic-related skills.

However, although there are so many disadvantages, the benefits are obvious. He can become the clan of these gods through the perfect incarnation of the nervous system, and even the deity’s clan. Through this disguise, he can also obtain some things that were not previously available. information.

   For example, when he uses the power of the abyss of the eye of the abyssal snake he can clearly sense that the power of the abyss in the Velon world is entrenched. Although this induction is only a vague feeling and does not have any exact location and orientation, he believes that as his mastery of the power of the abyss deepens, and the strength of the abyss itself improves, this induction will become stronger and stronger, It will become more and more precise.

   In addition, he was able to overhear the information exchange only seen by the web weaver by disguising himself as the web weaver.

In the past, these exchanges of information were fragmented and incomplete, but there were many interesting things in them. For example, the border dispute between the Kingdom of Marais and the Kingdom of Savile has escalated again. Small-scale wars have also appeared After a certain number of casualties, it is now one of the key areas of soul guidance that web weavers pay attention to.

Although Leo has repeatedly tried the power of the imprint of the gods in his body with the second nervous system, there are two kinds of power of the imprint of the god, but Leo has never been useful. One is the power of the mysterious existence of the Throne of Stones. Although judging from the previous circumstances, the mysterious existence of this stone throne seems to be harmless and harmless to him, but in the face of the unknown powerful force, he always has some inexplicable worry and fear. He felt that at least until he was able to cope with some unexpected situations, the second nervous system should not be transformed into the stone throne power mode.

In addition to the power mode of the Throne of Stones, the power of nightmare is also the power that Leo did not use the second nervous system to transform. In fact, he was initially prepared to try to transform himself into a mode of power of nightmare, maybe he could find the night **** sighing this The whereabouts of this book, but when he was preparing to do so, he felt a danger, a strong danger.

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