"Damn! You can't use it again until you find a solution." Leo looked slightly better after resting on the wall for a while, but he still felt a little confused and couldn't help it. Cursed.

Now his situation is very weird. Now his brain thinking is not the kind of knowledge that has been instilled with a lot of knowledge. The formed thinking is chaotic. His thinking is more like a corroded machine. It runs much slower than in the past. In the past, problems that could be understood with at least a little thought, but now it takes more time to meditate, as if his brain has degenerated.

Although he knows that this situation is not permanent, it should disappear after a while. After all, he is the first time to use the power of the corpse’s imprint, but he still has a lingering fear about this situation, and he has made a mistake in lifting the imprint. Before, the decision not to use this power.

"However, it's not a loss, at least it saves me a few years of accumulation." While adjusting to the brain's slow response, Leo also checked the body's condition and saw that the total amount of psionic energy in his body had increased by several times. Times, and this improvement has not ended, and will continue to improve for some time in the future. Until the breakthrough momentum weakens, the annoyed expression on his face is also relieved, and a smile comes out.

It's just that this is not a good time for him to become familiar with the changes in spiritual energy in his body. He still has more important things to do, such as the preparation of drugs that can prevent this plague, or parasitic disaster.

In fact, after Leo checked the physical conditions of those patients through the mental network at the beginning, it became clear that this disaster, which looked like a plague, had nothing to do with the disease. In fact, it was a breeding reaction of the body after parasitic spore plants. Even the origin of this parasitic spore had some speculation, but this speculation was not confirmed until he saw the treasure hunters who had mutated into trees.

Kaga Kaga is the original name of this plant. This name is derived from a horror monster in the legends of various tribes on the Mosang continent. This monster is said to be able to silently assimilate other people into monsters and kill these monsters. The only way is to kill the mother monster.

The early explorers of Mosang continent scoffed at the legends of various tribes, thinking that this is like a bedside story of other kingdoms. It is all nonsense to scare children until they really talk to Adaoka. This kind of plant, Kakaga, realized that the legend is not fake.

All people infected with Kaka Kaga will die for a period of time and then become a tree person, and in the process of this transformation, they will continuously emit a spore. This spore is very light and will follow the wind. Flying in the air, until it touches the person and sticks to the skin, it will automatically penetrate into the person's body.

Although the infection effect of this spore cannot be compared with the seeds of Kaga Kaga directly infecting people, it can still make the body gradually mutate into a tree, but there are also differences. Those bodies are extremely strong and even have extraordinary strength. People will only get a serious illness, and then the body's immune system will kill the spores that invade the body, but those with ordinary physical qualities and special systems are not immune.

At that time, almost all the infected people died because the explorers of Mosang mainland did not know the treatment of this parasitic plant. The explorers at that time were extremely afraid of Kaka Kaga.

Until later, it was found that every tree person mutated due to infection grew a heart-like fruit. By refining a certain component of this heart fruit, and then using this component with some psionic substances, you can Create a medicine to treat this parasitic spore.

After finding a way to deal with kaga kaga, the explorers started to clean up this dangerous plant. In fact, the main force at the time was not the colonists and explorers, but the local tribes, because they both I was deeply hated by this plant, and I have hated it for a long time. Now I know that medicine will not let this plant go, so when the medical school rushed to keep a little seed of this plant, this Plants have been completely extinct by local tribes.

Regarding Kaka Kaga, Leo was seen in a handwriting in the Wizard Valley of Death Valley. The person who discovered the Kaka Kaka antidote was a wizard, but not a high tower wizard, just an ordinary man. Free wizard. I don’t know if it’s because of the extinction of Kaka Kaga, and the method of making Kaka Kaga Spore Antidote has not been recorded.

Even if Leo has the main materials for making antidote, he is not sure whether he can finally produce a finished medicine. He needs to try again and again to know.

So after a little recovery, he immediately returned to his cabin and began to prepare antidote.

In this middle, the old captain came to visit him once, mainly to ask him if he could solve it, because just now a group of sick people were sent to the yoke island, and now the forbidden dock is already full of old patients. The captain had to let the sailors on the boat connect the small fishing boats that hadn't had time to go and lay the deck, creating an extra platform.

The old captain knew very well that in accordance with this momentum, more people will be sent over, and he has no way to solve this matter, so he can only find Leo and ask for help.

Leo did not have any ambiguity in this matter. He directly told him that he was configuring therapeutic medicaments and asked him to find some supplements that he needed.

Perhaps I heard something about Leo's ability from Old Belem, so the old captain did not express any doubt, and immediately went to find the officers and government officials on the island who were specifically responsible for the blockade mission.

Because of the practice of isolating patients, they still cannot stop the spread of the plague they think, and some people are still found to be sick, so they are also a little panicked. Now that they hear someone has the ability to make therapeutic drugs, it is like catching the last help. Like straw, I didn't think much about it, and immediately collected a large amount of medicinal herbs needed by Leo according to the documents taken out by the old captain.

On the other hand, the process of Leo's manufacturing of therapeutic medicaments is also not smooth. Because of the influence of the brain's thinking, some problems that were easy to see in the past can now be discovered after several failed experiments. Others The refining method that should be easily discovered, but it takes longer to think about. In short, the malpractice of using the sign of the corpse collector has begun to affect him.

Fortunately, Leo's willpower was very firm, and he was not affected by these problems. He still carried out everything in an orderly manner, but with a little more time and materials.

After trying it for nearly thirty times, Leo, with his rich experience in refining wizard potions, finally made the potions for the treatment of spore parasites, and let the old captain distribute them, and also let the old captain tell the person responsible for these things Officers and officials ignited a large number of bonfires around the town, which can purify spores in the air.

With the treatment and prevention methods, this sudden outbreak of plague will naturally be extinguished quickly. Although Leo has made the treatment in time, there are still some people with weaker systems who cannot support it. About thirty people died in this sudden parasitic plague, most of them elderly and children on the island, and two passengers on board also died.

Although the parasitic plague was eventually extinguished without the people on the Ice Queen, such as Leo, who made potions, such as the sailor responsible for assisting the garrison to set up a bonfire in the city, etc., this plague was brought by the Snow Queen after all. After the incident subsided, the mayor, who had been hiding in the mansion, showed up and asked the Ice Queen to leave Yoke Port immediately after completing the supply.

In fact, according to the mayor’s intention, he would rather detain the ship, seize everyone, and hand it over as a scapegoat. After all, this plague killed so many people, and it’s a big deal wherever it is, even if the cause of the plague is foreign, but As the mayor, he could not escape this responsibility.

It is a pity that the Queen of Ice and Snow is the private property of Queen Deliyat. He forcibly detained the Queen of Ice or the people on the ship, which is equivalent to declaring war against another country. This kind of responsibility is not something he can afford.

The old captain did not say anything about the eviction order of Shackles Port. He was able to leave here and get supplies. This was already the best case he expected. He even did his own detention and then redeemed the consulate of Deliyat Human intentions.

Compared with the painless eviction order of Yoke Port, the angry passengers on the ship are the biggest trouble he is facing now. If he does not handle it well, then this matter may even damage the Queen’s reputation. , Which he would never want to see.

Now the problem on the ship is mainly focused on whether the ship is safe or not. In their view, the plague was uploaded from the ship, so the source of the most dangerous plague is naturally on the ship. If the plague breaks out again, they are in At sea, there is no herbal medicine provided by Shackle Town, how can they stop this plague and ensure that they will not become victims of this plague.

While the old captain appeased the passengers on the ship, the old Belem found Leo, and after closing the door, he said without a word: "It's the only thing on our ship."

"What?" Leo looked at Old Belen a little puzzled.

"I contacted other people, and they found that all the treasure hunters who had planted the seeds did not have an accident, only our ship had an accident." Old Belen said very seriously.

"Do the other treasure hunters who have planted the seeds remain the same?" Leo Shensheng asked.

Old Belem replied: "Several behaviors have become a little weird and unexpected, but generally normal."

Hearing these words, Leo couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. He also carefully recalled the results of the inspection in the entertainment room that day. He did not find any abnormalities in those people, and the seeds were also mutating in the direction he speculated. It shouldn't be mutated into what it is now.

However, Leo soon thought of what happened afterwards. If something to be said would cause an impossible mutation of the seed, then only the corpse-receiver avatar tried to enter the Velon world and was assimilated by the world.

Although most of the power of the corpse avatar has been assimilated by the world, and the rest has been absorbed by the corpse collector's mark on Leo, there are still some corpse collector powers that have spread into the Ice Queen and are more likely to be Those seeds are absorbed.

After absorbing the power of the corpse collector's imprint, those seeds will definitely undergo unpredictable mutation, and eventually they may become the current situation.

"What are you going to do?" Leo asked.

"I can't do anything," Old Belem shook his head and sighed. "I've said everything I should say, how to decide what's going on there."

Leo could hear Old Belen's tone somewhat disheartened. It seemed that he was very disappointed with the organization he was staying in. Leo couldn't say much about it. He could only be silent.

Old Belem then sighed again, and then took a crumpled, unsigned letter from his pocket and handed it to Leo, saying, "If you are free on your journey, take this letter to Pandel A trip to the White Baron Manor in Hong Kong is good for you."

"This thing is..." Leo questioned the letter in his hand.

"Recommendation letter, every official member of the Hearing Society has a recommendation quota. Rembrandt's recommendation quota has been used for a long time, and only my one is still retained." Old Belen took out his pipe and fell to his mouth. I lit the cigarette and said, "I was going to sell this quota for the price. I should have been able to sell a good price, but now it seems that it is more appropriate to give you this quota."

"Thank you." Leo was also not polite. After expressing his thanks, he put the envelope in his pocket. Then he questioned again: "Is the White Baron Manor the headquarters of the Odor Society?"

"No~www.ltnovel.com~ It's just a meeting of the Odor Society in Minsk." Old Belem shook his head, and then said with some doubt on his face: "I don't know what Odor Society is Where is the headquarters, I just know that the center of the Yiwen Society is now on the Mosang continent. If you want to know where the headquarters is, it is best to ask Rembrandt that he should have been to the headquarters."

After he finished speaking, he got up and walked out of the room, and in the room, Leo You took out the recommendation letter again and looked at it.

For Leo, being able to join the Yiwen Society will certainly be of great help to him, because the Yiwen Society must have a lot of information inside, which can make him have a deeper understanding of the world.

Although he now knows the world far more than most people in the world, he has seen the underlying structure of the world and knows the mysteries about the world, but even so, he still rushed to himself He knows very little about this world, and all previous speculations about this world have been overthrown and reorganized because of the supplementary information, so he has more and more questions about this world, so much that he feels that he never seems to understand This world looks like.

. m.

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