The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 334: Alice's notes

It can be seen from some details of the notes that Alice should have some status in Yam City at that time, or that the Yam people are using Alice to master the use of those universe civilization items, so Alice can touch almost all The so-called artifacts enshrined by man also include psionic suppressors.

   is also because of her special status and role that she was able to walk freely in the city of Yam, even in places that were considered taboo.

It is just strange that although she traveled the entire city of Yam, she could not leave a map related to Yam City. Any geographical details related to Yam City or even Yam Island could not be She recorded it on paper, even if she could clearly remember the location of every street in the city.

In this regard, Leo also tried it, and found that as Alice wrote, he was indeed able to remember the geographical location and topography, but he could not write down these materials carefully. Whenever he picked up the pen to write At the time, all the memories of the terrain will become very vague.

  Because he has been accustomed to all kinds of strange things, even if there are such things that interfere with his memory, he is not too surprised, as if in his heart he thinks that no strange things happen on this island.

In Alice’s notes, there is not much about the human history of Yam Island and Yam City, but it is clear that Alice also brought her scientific way of thinking into the records of these materials, so she recorded The content is not many, but it is very critical. Almost every related content can let Leo learn more about Yam Island.

There is no record of when the city of Yam appeared as humans, when humans controlled the city of Yam, etc., but the history of the city of Yam clearly recorded one thing, that is, the city of Yam was built by giants and built The location is the top of the northern mountains.

   And the place where Alice saw these records was not a library or a book, but the original megalith on the altar of the mountain crater.

According to Alice's records, the original Boulder text has a cube shape without any text on the surface, but as long as you touch the original text, you can get some pieces of knowledge in your brain. Among these pieces of knowledge are the deeds of Guha giants, and more Some unreadable symbols and text.

Alice recorded these incomprehensible symbols and texts in her notes, and Leo couldn’t help smiling after seeing these symbols and texts, because he found that these symbols and texts were simply ship coordinate data Figure, so he guessed that the so-called megalithic original text should be a spacecraft's navigation data collector, because the spacecraft's navigation record collector, especially the subspace record collector, is very large, and its shape is also a cube.

However, the voyage record collector is encrypted and does not have the ability to transmit information. As described in the Alice book, if you touch it alone, you can get some knowledge. This kind of thing is in Leo’s memory. Never happened.

But Leo doesn’t think it will never happen, especially in places like Yam Island, where many inexplicable things can happen, just like Alice can use witchcraft to add steam machinery theory The precision equipment that drives the spacecraft to run, this is already an incredible thing in itself.

The power that controls the city of Yam or half of Yam Island is called the sect, and there are two mysterious existences within the sect, and the people of the sect are divided into two groups, a group of eternal giants, they are called The Black Church, living in the Black City on the mountain, another group of people who believe in the light of all things, these people are called the White Church, living in the White City under the mountain.

The main reason why there is a split in faith is also related to the original megalithic crater, because everyone who became a priest touched the original megalithic text and saw a shocking scene. According to the sect, it is heaven and earth Open up the scene.

   Alice did not see such scenes, but she knew the scenes from other priests and recorded them.

According to Alice's description, the scene is not so much a world as it is a war. One side of the war is a giant, and the other side is a light man flying down from the city of the sky, because I don't know. The names of these light blades gave the light man the name of the light of all things.

   The two experienced a great war, and ended in the defeat of the giants. The impact of the war spread throughout the world. The mountains changed into islands, the deep valleys turned into oceans, and all environments changed fundamentally during the war.

  After seeing this text, Leo immediately thought of the Weiya, because the Weiya have a nickname in the universe, called the light target.

  Because of the light of the origin of the beliefs of the Weiya people, they are all shining, whether they are fighter planes or armor, fearing that others will not see them.

Although this kind of costume looks very powerful and sacred in ordinary times, on the battlefield, these decorations are larger than the actual light, which is equivalent to a standard signal. The enemy only needs to be equipped with a light guide device, which can be used as a fixed target. Fight those Vejas.

The Weiya people are well aware of the shortcomings of their outfits, but they simply did not want to make changes in the past. They are more willing to put the modification program on strengthening armor defense, so this also makes the Weiya people’s armor strength and various types of defensive weapons in the universe. The top three in the absolute ranking.

As for the sky city described in the text, it can be regarded as a space battleship, like the Weiya space battleship, which is both their weapon and their home, so the battleship is much larger than the general space battleship, and even some Can be comparable to a planet.

Judging from the above content, it should be a supplement to the book of Guha giant. Guha giant came to the world of Velen, settled down, and then waged a war with the Weiya who came here. The result of the war was Guha giant. In the end, the Weiya won.

Although in this text, the geographical environment of the Velen world was changed during the war, Leo felt that it should be changed after the war, because the change of the world’s geographical environment is much like a kind of prohibition by the Supreme Council of the Universe. Taboo device, space environment modification device.

As the name implies, the space environment transformation device is used to transform the planet. This device is made by a cosmic race called exaggeration. This cosmic race is aggressive. Once a planet is captured, it will be transformed into that planet. A planet suitable for them to live in, and such transformation will inevitably destroy all species on this planet.

After more than three hundred discussions, the Supreme Council of the Universe finally defined this race as a threatened civilization, wiped out its entire family from the universe’s known literary stars, and defined the space environment modification device made by this race as a ban on any Once the taboo machines used by races are found to be used, they will face the harshest punishment from the highest council of the universe.

Because the Supreme Council only wiped out the existence of this boast of this race in the known celestial star system, but there are still many boasting tribes in the wild galaxy in some marginal areas, and these survivors have to create some space environment in order to survive The retrofit device is sold in the black market of the universe, and the price of this device has always been high.

They are all bought by the mysterious forces at an absolute price that no one else can give.

The Supreme Council of the Universe has also traced this mysterious cosmic force because of this taboo machine, but in the end the results were all in vain, and because there has never been a planet transformation event since then, this matter will be gone. .

  Now, from Alice’s record, Leo can vaguely feel that the mysterious forces that purchased so many retrofit devices may be Veja. Think about the entire universe, in addition to the Veja who specializes in business, which cosmic race can afford such a high absolute price? What's more, the Weiya people themselves are members of the Supreme Council. He is qualified to listen to almost all decisions made by the Supreme Council. In this case, how can the Supreme Council's investigation of taboo machines be carried out with great fanfare?

   Of course, this does not exclude that the Supreme Council itself already knows that this matter is related to the Weiya people. We deliberately made this attitude to let the Weiya people calm down and hinted that they should not use those machines.

Leo has been to a planet transformed by the Kwaqua, and has seen the original look of the transformed planet. I have to say that the effect of this space environment transformation device is really amazing, not only has it changed the terrain, Even the original basic energy index of the planet has changed.

According to the Guha giant's book, when the Guha giant first came here, it was extremely desolate, and the environment was harsh. If it were not the Guha giant itself, it would be difficult to survive in such a harsh environment, and now The environment here is completely another world.

   A more important point is that the Guha Book clearly records that this desolate world does not have any sacred existence, and the transformed world has become a psionic world, and there are constantly occurring naturally occurring Omega-level higher creatures. This reminded Leo of the Veja people's fanatical belief in the light of origin, thinking of the Veja people artificially creating a psionic world through the space environment modification device, in order to enable the light of origin to reappear in the universe.

"Humans?" Leo suddenly thought of the humans in the Velon world, perhaps not naturally produced in the Velon world, or even all the creatures in the Velon world were not naturally produced, and were made by the Veja people. If viewed in this way, the Velon world might be A proving ground for the Veja people.

  Through Alice's notes, Leo thought of various things and made speculations that were shocking. Although these speculations seem a bit absurd, they are intertwined when you think about them, making it impossible to tell the difference between true and false.

Leo quickly calmed down after making guesses about the Veja people, and temporarily stored things about the Veja people into a memory database built by the brain. Waiting for a chance to review it again to see if there is anything that he has not discovered. Other clues.

   Pulled his thoughts back to Yam City. In Alice’s notes about Yam City, almost one-third of them were research reports on parasites called sacred insects.

In her research report, this parasite is a special creature that grows inside obsidian. The birthplace of obsidian is deep in the bottom of the volcano. Only from the melting hall of the giant palace in the black city can the obsidian be produced. In the lava lake.

   This obsidian is like a fruit. After harvesting this time, it will grow again after a while and can be harvested again.

   From the diary in the research report, Alice spent a whole year beside the lava lake that produced obsidian, in order to record the growth cycle of obsidian and the formation rules and causes of the parasites inside obsidian.

  According to her records, obsidian is formed automatically almost every month, and the blood moon of each month is the last day of the formation of obsidian, but not every obsidian can produce a parasite.

  Alice speculated that this parasite should be a strange creature living in lava. During the formation of obsidian, it entered the interior of obsidian, merged with obsidian, and eventually became a holy worm.

She wasn’t cranky, guessing casually, because in her record, she had completely recorded the process of a worm-like object before the formation of obsidian, the lava flow connected from the bottom of obsidian into the obsidian, and then gradually mutated into a holy bug .

It's a pity that when she recorded these things, she didn't know whether it was because of the bad environment, which had an adverse effect on her body and or because of some other unknown reasons that affected her emotions. In short, this Part of the information is recorded very confusingly, sometimes incoherently, Leo also spent a lot of energy to interpret this part of the content.

   In this part, Alice carefully describes the initial protozoan form of the obsidian parasite.

  Although there is no more intuitive image, from some character descriptions, Leo thought of a test product.

Because the Supreme Council has seen the power of the Zerg, and although the Zerg has finally been resolved, in order to avoid the emergence of new Zerg, several cosmic advanced civilizations with the top biotechnology were entrusted by the Supreme Council to study the Zerg’s physiological structure and spirituality Can root.

  After years of research, each of the several cosmic civilizations has achieved certain results, and after synthesizing their respective research results, they have created a final result that they named evolution.

   It was unexpected that after the Supreme Council obtained the research materials, it immediately blocked all the research institutions designed to the evolution project, and all the people involved in it were put under house arrest under closed conditions, knowing that they had never died again.

The reason why Leo knew this was because there was a piece of incomplete research data on the evolutionary project in the universe black market, and Leo’s combat team was near the black market at the time, so he got a federal order to **** this information. During the robbery, he inadvertently read some of the content of this material, including the evolution of this artificial creature.

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