The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 281: 1 other world thing

Perhaps it was driven by Leo’s French-Indian power, or maybe Aisha wanted to talk to someone deep in her heart to relieve the pressure for so long. Aisha did not conceal her experience of these years carefully. Once again, and when she finished, two hours had passed, and there were four or five more wine bottles on the table. ◢щЩш.suimEnG.1a

Although she drank a lot of wine, Aisha was not a little bit drunk, but she became more and more energetic. This is also one of the characteristics of her body. According to her, drinking not only can make her sober, but also can increase her strength. Even after drinking that pure alcohol, she was able to gain some extraordinary power in a short period of time. It is because of this ability that she could be safe and sound under countless pursuits.

"My things have been said, it's time for you now." Aisha put down the glass in her hand and stared blankly at Leo, her faintly tight muscles showing her thoughts, if Leo could not say something to satisfy her Things, she will let Leo suffer some hardships, after all, after a large amount of honey, she has enough energy.

Leo didn't care about Aisha's attitude, thought about it for a moment, and then asked: "Do you know any clan?"

"Family? I really want to see this word somewhere." Aisha was stunned, her face showing thought, asking: "How do you pronounce this word in Maris?"

Leo said it again in Maris, and repeated it with the pronunciation of ancient Maris learned from the dream world.

Aisha suddenly said: "Ah! I remembered that there was this word in the sheepskin scrolls of that temple. This is ancient Marais. This word has a consonant vowel more than the modern Maris. And two endings." She said, she asked with doubt: "What is this family member? After I found the sheepskin roll, I was attacked. Although the sheepskin roll was preserved, it was taken by the college. I have always been curious about the content above. Is this family related to me?"

Leo explained: "The clan is actually a broad general term for a race. Anyone who is infected by any mysterious force and eventually makes the blood line mutated can be called a clan."

Aisha froze for a moment and said, "You mean that I am a clan, and my body is also infected by certain mysterious forces."

Leo nodded and continued: "But in the dark world, there are many classifications of family members. According to my understanding, apart from the classification of ethnic groups, they can be roughly divided into three categories. The first category is passive acceptance of mystery. The infection of power cannot control the variation of blood vessels, and the body also changes abnormally. It looks like a monster. This category occupies the vast majority of the clan, and the clan in the dark world generally refers to these clan."

"Monsters? Are you talking about those monsters in mythology?" Aisha has been completely attracted by Leo's words.

"Some are, some are not." Leo answered briefly, and then continued: "There is another type, which has formed a stable blood line mutation and can control the alienation of the body. This type of clan has been removed from the clan category in the dark world. Divided in the middle, it has become a new group different from humans, such as vampires and werewolves."

"Vampire, werewolf?" Aisha was completely ignorant. These two monsters are definitely her childhood fairy tale nightmares. Almost all myths and fairy tales in the Kingdom of Marais have more or less these two monsters. Who let the relevant The legends of these two monsters are all from Asha County in the Kingdom of Marais.

Leo continued: "In addition to the previous two categories, there is also a category called the divine clan, divine clan, or divine clan. This type of clan, as the name implies, is a bloodline mutation produced by the influence of the divine power, some of which are Passive influence, some are the result of active requests."

Aisha took a deep breath, calmed down the fluctuations in her heart, and confirmed to Leo: "Aren't you talking about these things?"

Leo said quietly: "I don't think I'm a person who likes to joke with strangers."

Aisha didn't speak, and was silent for a moment, then suddenly said, "Am I a **** clan?"

"Why do you think so?" Leo didn't answer directly, but asked rhetorically.

Aisha said in a deep voice: "Because some of the ancient books I saw depict the king of the hills has a guardian of the temple named Son of Rock. Their situation is very similar to mine."

"Yes, you are indeed the Son of Rock." Leo nodded and said, "The Son of Rock is the darling of the Hill King. They were personally transformed by the Hill King. They eventually became the strongest church warrior of the Hill King. It is similar to the Paladin and the Adjudicator in the Orthodox Court. Almost all religious wars waged by the ancient Hill Kings Church can see these figures of the rock children. Although you are not a rock child, your ancestors must be someone. , And the status is very high, so he received the purest divine power and the most complete blood line variation, otherwise, it is impossible for so many generations to still be able to make your blood line complete variation."

"No, if I were the son of Rock, then I should have a high status in the Church of the King of the Hill. Why should I be wanted and arrested?" Aisha said with doubt:

Leo explained: "This involves some of the secrets of the Church of the King of the Hill. I haven't been very clear about what happened. I just mentioned it from some related literature. The Hill King who betrayed by the Son of Rock for all unknown reasons It has been sieved by the Hill Kings Church, so the current Hill Kings Church does not have the system of Son of Rock, and even the name has become a taboo, it is difficult for you to find relevant content."

"Why? How could this be?" Aisha didn't know how to face her situation for a while. Although she still doubted Leo's words, she actually agreed with this statement in her heart, but still There are still a few questions that bothered her, and she had to ask, "Mr. Dodd, you just said that the blood of the deity's clan needs spiritual power to mutate. Why am I..."

"You actually have the answer, but you didn't pay attention," Leo reminded: "Don't forget the sacrifice pot."

"Sacrifice pot?" Aisha still puzzled.

Leo continued to explain: "Although the blood of the Son of Rock needs the Divine Influence of the Hill King to be awakened and mutated, there is another method that can also be done, that is, the sacrifice pot. Your luck is very good. At that time, the slaughtering around the temple was happening, and you happened to enter the temple, and there was just a sacrifice pot that could be used in the temple, and all the conditions were finally completed. The soul of the victim of the massacre was sacrificed The sacrificial pot absorbs and becomes an external force that inspires your bloodline, and your bloodline is so pure that it is finally perfectly excited to become the new son of rock."

Hearing that the power to mutate his blood stems from the soul of his colleagues, Aisha's face became very ugly. She quickly stood up and walked to the wine cabinet, took another bottle of wine, poured a glass, and swallowed Go down.

After a long breath, Aisha couldn't help but asked again: "Is there a way to get me back?"

"As far as I know, bloodline variation is irreversible." Leo replied truthfully: "However, you can try to control the power in the bloodline, so that this power is blocked when not in use. In this case, your The body should be able to keep the same as ordinary people in ordinary times."

"Is there still such a way?" Aisha heard the words, her eyes lit up, looking at Leo with anticipation, and asked: "Do you know this method of controlling blood power?"

"I don't know." Leo shook his head and said, "Because I'm not a clan, I don't know much about how the clan controls the blood."

Aisha couldn't help but show disappointment on her face, but soon she suddenly thought of something and said: "According to your opinion, as long as the family members can know the method of controlling the power of the blood, right?"

Leo nodded and said, "I know a blood clan. She is no different from ordinary people in ordinary times, but she doesn't like to bask in the sun, but when she exerts her power, she can become a blood clan and fight."

Aisha is obviously also a very adventurous person. Hearing about the vampire did not show fear or disgust, but was full of curiosity, and her curiosity was transferred to Leo involuntarily. : "Aren't you dependents?"

"Of course not, I said it from the beginning, I am different from you." Leo did not conceal his identity, said: "I should be a wizard."

"Sorcerer?" Aisha looked at Leo curiously and asked, "Is the kind of wizard who uses crucibles to make pharmaceuticals and lives in the forest to control animals with sorcery?"

Leo smiled and said, "I will make pharmaceuticals, but I don't use crucibles. After all, test tubes and pharmaceutical equipment for medical experiments are much easier to use than crucibles. As for controlling animals, I'm not good at it, I'm better at controlling people. ."

Aisha stunned slightly, as if thinking of something, looked at Leo with a gaze, and said, "I was under your control just now?"

"No." Leo shook his head, not waiting for the other person to let go, and added: "However, I did use witchcraft to affect your spirit so that you can say more."

After knowing that he was affected by witchcraft just now, Aisha’s worries just disappeared, and now she is more curious in her heart, and recalling the situation after meeting Leo, she didn’t feel any anomalies. It also made her more curious about witchcraft.

"Can you tell me something about the dark world?" After seeing the magical witchcraft, Aisha was more curious about this fresh world like a newborn baby, and she gradually became sure that Leo did not treat her. Malicious, so I continue to ask about other things about the mysterious world.

Leo didn't mean to answer, just like Aisha had completely said her experience, he also carefully talked about the dark world, including family members, gods, churches and wizards. Waiting for all mysterious and unpredictable things, Aisha was exclaimed again and again, many times couldn't help getting up from the sofa, excited to walk around the house with excitement.

No wonder Aisha has such a response. She is a person who likes to explore the mysteries of the world. Otherwise, she will not hire a archaeological team for a clue and dig into the wilderness for half a year. time.

Now, she knows that a mysterious world is hidden beside her, and that mysterious world contains countless things only seen in myths and fairy tales, and that mysterious world also hides the real world history. This made her completely forget the encounters and possible dangers, and her mind was completely focused on exploring a new world, just like the nautical adventurer who discovered Mosang.

After Leo stopped introducing the dark world, Aisha immediately stood up and gave a very solemn salute to Leo, sincerely saying, "Thank you very much. If it’s not you, I might not know if I’m still around. There is such a wonderful world."

"You don't have to thank me," Leo shook his hand and said, "Even without me, you should be able to reach the dark world in a short time."

"Why do you say that?" Aisha puzzled.

Leo reminded: "Don't you forget how you came to the port of Venaya?"

"You mean..." Aisha immediately realized.

Leo gave an affirmative answer: "If I expected it, I saved you and suggested that the person you came to Vinaya Port is a family, but I don't know what kind of family he is."

Aisha wondered: "The problem is that I have been here for almost a year, but I have never met any people and things in the dark world, and no one came to me."

"Although no one comes to but they may be observing you in secret." Leo explained: "You have to know that there are enemies in the clan, I said the night watchman, orthodox. The court’s adjudicator and even some wizards are enemies of the clan. In ancient times, they hunted the clan like hunting and prey, just like you encountered in the Kingdom of Marais." Said, he saw Aisha's face He panicked and exhorted: "Although compared to ancient times, the situation of the clan is relatively better, as long as it does not cause trouble, even the clan will not be killed for no reason. That’s it, so you don’t have to worry about someone popping out to kill you.”

"Why did that person want me to come to the Port of Vinaya? Does this have any special meaning to the family?" Aisha calmed down a little nervously and asked suspiciously.

"This is what I want to know." Leo frowned, saying: "Vinaia Port is very strange, it seems to be a refuge for families, I actually saw many young families belonging to different ethnic groups in groups of three or five Walking on the street, which is not visible in other places. I think this is the reason why that person asked you to come to Port Viñaia."

Hearing this, Aisha wanted to say something, but Leo raised her hand to stop her voice, then stood up, turned her head towards the balcony outside the window, and said, "Have you heard outside for so long, don’t you Ready to come in and talk?"

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