The port of Vinaya, the largest seaport city on the mainland of Velun, is also the most disaster-stricken city on the mainland of Velun, and it is also regarded as a water city of architectural wonder. Many names are accumulated on the name of this city, making it a One of the most legendary cities in the entire Vellon world.

The earliest Vinaya was just a beach at the end of the estuary of the Pompo River. A large amount of sediment washed away from the upper reaches of the Pompo River gathered here, and gradually formed a small island after countless years of accumulation.

Just like the vast majority of landlocked countries, the French Empire did not pay much attention to this small island at the beginning, and did not even consider this small island as its own land. A large number of debtors, criminals, escaped serfs and ordinary people who escaped the war gathered here, and gradually established a place outside the law, and it has also become a well-known place for selling stolen goods and smuggling.

As the Kingdom of Sigma and the Kingdom of England began to colonize the Mosang continent, and brought back a lot of resources and wealth from the Mosang continent, the French Empire also became interested in the Mosang continent, so they began to form the first navy of the French Empire and The first formal port city, Vinaya, with its excellent location, became the first choice of the French Empire.

Those who have settled in Vinaya for hundreds of years have not regarded themselves as French, they are more willing to call themselves the Venayas, and believe that Venaya is a land of freedom and does not belong to the French Empire. So when the French Empire was preparing to establish a port city in Venaya, the Venaya chose to resist.

A war that should have been disproportionate in strength lasted for half a year. Two-thirds of the Venayas died in the war, while the people of the French Empire died more. The remaining Venayas are only some old and weak. The disabled are unable to support the occupation, and ultimately can only choose to surrender.

However, what made the surrendering Venayas unexpected was that the commander of the French Empire at that time, and also the first Frank Morrison, the governor of the French Empire in Vinaya, did not intend to let these people go, but rather Choosing retaliatory massacre to kill all the still-lived Venayas, and the foundation of the construction of the Port of Venaya is to bury all the bones of the Venayas in the foundation, so that these Venayas will be forever Trampled by others.

Nobody cared about this massacre at that time. After all, the Venayas who died were not considered to be in the eyes of many people, but the practice of burying the dead in the ground was criticized until now. Many French people think that the reason why the port of Venaya is so many disasters is related to the bones of the Venaya in the foundation, and that the undead are cursing the port of Venaya.

At the beginning, the French Empire formed a navy and built a port for the great interests of the Mozambican continent, so the port of Vinaya was originally a military port, and the first navy of the French Empire was stationed here, and from here. Departure towards Mosang mainland.

Although the French Empire is a land power, with the strongest army and knights in the world, its maritime strength is very weak, and it is impossible to compare with the powers of the two seas, and the timing of his choice to join the sea battle is also very inappropriate. It was the strongest period of maritime power in the kingdoms of Sigma and England, which resulted in a series of maritime plans formulated earlier by the French Empire that ended in failure and suffered heavy losses.

Not only is the loss at sea, but the superior geographical location of the Port of Vinaya also attracts the attention of the Sigma Kingdom. They feel that they can use the Port of Vinaya as a springboard to allow their national influence to penetrate the Velun continent and complete Sigma. The dreams of countless ancestors stationed in the Weilun mainland.

Driven by the dual ideals of the ancestors’ ideals and real interests, the Sigma Kingdom suddenly launched an attack on the Port of Venaya, which captured the Port of Venaya in less than three days and wiped out the defenders in the urban area. The first change of hands in the port of Venaya.

The French Empire was naturally unwilling to be taken away by such a hard-built port, and immediately organized an army to launch a counterattack. This counterattack opened a three-hundred-year battle for Vinaya.

In the past three decades, the port of Venaya has changed hands hundreds of times between the two countries, and as many as two million soldiers died in this war. The purpose of each other is no longer to compete for the port of Venaya. It became a kind of attachment, a kind of inexplicable attachment that later generations wanted to come. It's as if the port of Vinaya became a symbol of the Velen continent. If you got the port of Vinaya, you would get the Velon continent. If you lost the port of Vinaya, you would lose the Velen continent.

According to some good people now, the top leaders of both countries were cursed by the undead of Venaya at the time, and there was only one thought in their minds, that is, to capture the port of Venaya.

The thirty-year battle between the French Empire and the Kingdom of Sigma against the Port of Vinaia eventually ended with the Français retaking the Port of Vinaia, but the final winners were not these two countries, but the Kingdom of Inge.

After thirty years of war with the French Empire, although it is only a partial war, the manpower and material resources of the Sigma Kingdom are in the hundreds of millions, and even the immense wealth transported from the Mozambican continent is still difficult to fill this huge pit.

Because the Kingdom of Sigma wants to attack the Port of Vinaia, they can only rely on their strong sea transportation, so during these thirty years, the proportion of navy invested by the Sigma Kingdom here has increased day by day, from the beginning to less than one-fifty, and later Nearly two-thirds of the naval ships were deployed to the port of Vinaya.

A large number of the Sigma Kingdom navy was transferred from the route of Mosang mainland, allowing the navy of the Inge Kingdom to take advantage of it. It’s just that the Kingdom of England is very clever. They did not expand the navy blatantly to occupy the loopholes in the control of the Sigma Kingdom. Instead, they secretly formed private sailors, disguised as pirates, and looted the control of the Sigma Kingdom. Pirate Earl Drake It was the outstanding figures who appeared at the time.

If the secret plan of the English kingdom is only the external cause of the loss of maritime hegemony in the kingdom of sigma, then the exploitation of the colony by the kingdom of sigma is entirely because they are digging their own graves.

In order to fill the huge financial loophole in the battle of Wienerya Port, the Sigma Kingdom increased the taxation of the colony and kept raising taxes. Within 30 years, the Sigma Kingdom’s taxation on Mozambique had increased by one. More than one hundred, even marriage and childbirth have to pay taxes, and the tax has been adjusted more than ten times.

Faced with such a heavy tax, the people of the colony simply could not bear it, and within thirty years, the kingdom of Sigma continued to erupt the war of resistance.

It is this kind of resentment derived from interests and accumulated over the years that makes the people of the entire Sigma Kingdom colony turn back and forth. The Inge Kingdom seized the opportunity to attack the Sigma Kingdom colony with the slogan of eliminating all harsh taxes and miscellaneous taxes. The resistance of the entire colony is minimal, just By five days, all the colonies of the Kingdom of Sigma on the Mosang continent had fallen completely.

The loss of the colony is not the most real reason for the Sigma Kingdom to lose its maritime hegemony status. The real reason for the Sigma Kingdom to cede the maritime hegemony to the Inge Kingdom is that the invincible fleet of the Sigma Kingdom is withdrawing its troops from the Port of Vinaia and going to the colonial rebellion. On the way, an unknown shipwreck was encountered, and the whole army was annihilated, making the Sigma Kingdom less than ten warships available in the country in 20 years.

After gaining maritime hegemony, the Kingdom of Engel seemed to have gotten some sort of curse like the Kingdom of Sigma, and suddenly launched an attack on the Port of Venaya, and captured Port of Venaya from the French Empire.

In the face of the new maritime overlord, and the resources and manpower are at the peak of the Inge Kingdom, even if the French Empire is unwilling, it will have to temporarily stop the competition for the Port of Venaya and instead recuperate.

Although the Kingdom of Inge almost became the actual controller of the Port of Vinaya, the war against Port of Vinaya did not end. On the contrary, in the next hundred years, the French Empire would often attack Port of Vinaya Take control of the city from the Kingdom of England.

However, the luck of the French Empire was not very good. In more than 100 years, countless offensives have failed to regain the Port of Venaya. The closest one to the success has even occupied three quarters of the urban area. As long as the siege for half a day, the remaining army of the Inge Kingdom can be completely resolved. However, because the defending commander of the Inge Kingdom used a small batch of ships to directly attack the inland towns along the Pompo River, the troops attacking the Port of Vinaya had to return to the defense, and this was also missed for a hundred years. The only time in the future that it was possible to recapture the sergeant in Venaya.

However, five years ago, the inexplicable war between the French Empire and the Kingdom of England ended in defeat by the Kingdom of England, and the defeated troops had to retreat to the port of Vinaya in preparation for evacuation from the sea.

But the French Empire sent airships and all warships to intercept the rescue fleet of the Inge Kingdom, which caused nearly half a million troops to be trapped in the port of Vinaya, advancing and retreating from the Victoria Valley. The most troublesome thing was that the grain and grass had been exhausted, only a week at most. In time, everyone in the city will be so hungry that they have no ability to fight.

For this reason, the Kingdom of England had to negotiate with the French Empire to rescue the more than half a million troops, and because of the changes in West France, the Empire of the French had no intention of fighting the Kingdom of England again, which made the negotiations very smooth. In the end, the French Empire regained half of the control and ownership of Wieneraya.

After signing the negotiation agreement with the French Empire, the Kingdom of England also felt that they could not fight the French Empire alone, so they brought in the newly formed United Kingdom and traded half of their control rights to the United Kingdom. The port of Naya entered the period of tripartite control and was also called the period of the three governors.

Leo had been to Wienaya Port before, or more accurately, the predecessor of Leo. At that time, all the English troops were landing in Wienaya Port, and then assigned to various fronts.

It’s just that Leo can’t remember what the port of Vinaya looks like no matter how he recalls it. As if this memory was erased by some kind of power, the only thing left is an impression, that is, weird. The appearance of the port of Vinaia in the eyes of Europe is very strange.

It was precisely because of the abnormal memory that Leo was more curious about the port of Venaya. When he knew from the captain's mouth that he could reach the port of Venaya at noon, he left the cabin early and walked through to see The direction of the port of Vinaya.

After a lighthouse promontory that protruded out of the cargo ship bypassed, as several oncoming cargo ships greeted with a whistle, the distant port of Venaya also appeared in Leo's eyes.

Immediately after seeing the appearance of Wienaya Port through the ability of hyperopia in Lingshi skills, Leo immediately understood why the predecessor thought that Wienaya Port was weird, because Wienaya Port is a city built on a hive.

The official urban area of ​​Wieneraya Port is about thirty to forty meters from the sea level. Below the urban area are foundations piled up by countless city ruins. These foundations are not filled with holes, and they look like a huge beehive in the distance. Get.

"It's shocking, right?" The captain now walked beside Leo, staring at the port of Venaya in front, saying, "Every time I see the port of Venaya, I can feel it clearly. To the more than 100 years of war that took place here, I sighed the cruelty of war from the bottom of my heart."

Leo asked: "Are the foundations below all the ruins of the former Wieneraya port?"

"Well." Perhaps it was because he was about to reach his destination, and the captain was always nervous. He did not mind chatting with Leo, so after hearing Leo’s inquiry, he took what he knew about Wiener. Leo told the story of Yagang.

The small island where the city of Venaya is accumulated is made of sand and sand. There is no stone for construction, and it needs to be transported from outside.

The materials used to construct the building of the Port of Vinaya in the beginning were the stones transported from the Pangbo River Petroleum Quarry, which cost a lot, and it was very difficult to reconstruct after each war because of the need to clean up a large number of destroyed and abandoned building stones Before it will be rebuilt, and none of them has increased some costs.

To this end, a Sigma officer who was occupying the port of Venaya thought of a temporary solution, that is, instead of cleaning up the waste stone, it directly filled the ruins, leveled the foundation on the ruins, and rebuilt new buildings.

This method is only a temporary method, and the flat foundation is not a building like a residential house, but a simple fortification to resist the attack of the French Empire.

But no one thought that this temporary method had become a unique architectural model of Viana Port after repeated use.

Every time after the war, the new Wieneraya port city will build the city on the filled ruins. Sometimes the ruins are not even filled, just a little flattened. In the end, the urban area was continuously piled up, and it turned into what it is now. The old ruined urban area became a sewer.

Although the fighting in Port Vinaya has never really stopped in more than a century, these wars will not affect the commercial activities in Port Vinaya, and the more the war is at its most intense, the more commercial activities there will be Is prosperous.

Portland wines, precious specialties of the Black Forest, wild beast fur of the northern icefields, etc., are all gathered here, and shipped to the world, and the goods from all over the world are also shipped here and sold to the states of the mainland. County town.

This is not just because of the special geographic location of the port of Venaya, but more importantly because the port of Vinaya has gathered more than 90% of the chambers of commerce in the Velon World. The official chambers of commerce in almost all countries have offices here. Department, here can be said to dominate the business activities of the entire Velon world. ()

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