"Is there something wrong with this Turing root?" Dior Browno, who can't see the psionics at all, saw Leo staring at the Turing root on the table without blinking, and asked a little puzzled.

   "No problem, I just didn't expect to be able to draw such a complete Turing root." Leo concealed a little, and sighed appropriately.

  At this moment, Leo already knows that he has mastered the Turing roots, and then he only needs to continue to accumulate along this line. Although the mastering of Turing roots does not immediately improve his strength, it has an extraordinary meaning in terms of the wizard. Because according to the fuzzy classification of wizards, he can now say that he opened the door of the mystery of the wizard and stepped into the door. It is regarded as an official high-level wizard and the wizards of the wizarding hall of the blood wizard Lawrence. It can be regarded as two categories, one advocating power and the other pursuing knowledge.

  Although there was a leapfrog breakthrough in wizardry and witchcraft, Leo’s heart seemed very calm, and even he felt a little incredible. However, when he thought about it carefully, he felt that this mentality was in the sense. After all, he had seen so many magical existences and felt so many powerful forces. Now this breakthrough in knowledge is not enough to shake His heart is gone.

"But this is just the beginning," Dior Browno didn't understand Leo's inner thoughts, and just said according to his own ideas: "The Turing roots of the three basic roots are only the most basic, even the most basic things. It will take a long time for us to fully understand and master. Consider the number of basic roots known in the Gamore language. The Turing roots composed of these basic roots are already extremely complicated, plus the unknown The basic radical," said here, he could not help but sigh, said: "I don't know if I can finish finishing the Turing radical before I die?"

Although Dior Browno’s words sounded like he was lamenting that he was too old to complete the restoration of the Gamorian language, Leo could feel that the other party’s words had other meanings and seemed to be rushing at him. Here.

Sure enough, Dior Browno then asked Leo: "Now I am funded to go to Mosang mainland to study the remains of ancient civilizations unearthed there, mainly for the language, writing and culture of ancient civilizations. This project is very large, although Funders will arrange assistants, but those people may have problems with their level. I need an assistant, you..."

"Sorry, teacher." Leo shook his head and refused Dior Browno's proposal before Dior Browno finished his speech, but he did not say anything to death, but said politely: "I am going to return to England now. The Kingdom of Georgia has lived for a while and sorted out the knowledge I have learned, so I can’t be your assistant. However, I will definitely go to Mosang mainland in the future. If the teacher still needs an assistant at that time..."

"Yes, I will help you keep this position." Dior Browno is a pure research scholar. He has no utilitarian thinking. As long as he is recognized and helpful to his research, he will get his Support and attention, so he added: "You don't actually need to go to the mainland of Mosang. You tell me the address of your residence. After the information on my side comes out, I will send it to you. You can help me Organize."

"I don't have a specific residence in the Kingdom of England now, but I should live in Port Sait because I still have a few properties there." Leo said with words, found pen and paper, and traded those places. The address of the property was written down and handed over to Dior Browno, and he said: "You can give me your address, I will settle down and I will write to you, then you will know my definite address. "

   "But I don't have a fixed address?" Dior Browno frowned, and then thought of a way, said: "You just said you would settle in Port Sait, right?"

   "Yes." Leo nodded.

"This time the archaeological work of the Mosang Continent, the Inge Kingdom Humanities College of Seth will also send people to participate. I will write you a letter of introduction and recommend you by the way. Researchers in Morey’s subjects are more than enough.” Dior Browno said his way: “You only need to work in the Faculty of Humanities, and I have the materials that need to be collated there, I just mail it to the Faculty of Humanities. .what do you think?"

   "That's fine." Leo had previously thought about what he would do to return to the Kingdom of Inge, and now Dior Browno's proposal just solved his problem.

Seeing Leo agree to come down, Dior Browno took out a special letterhead paper from his package, quickly wrote an introductory letter with very decent squiggly characters, and then put it in the envelope After sealing, write the name of the recipient and give it to Leo, saying: "After you arrive at Port Saite, you will directly hand this letter to Professor Matt of the Faculty of Humanities, who is also a research expert in ancient civilization. , And communicate with me for many years, he should arrange your position."

  Leo took the letter of introduction and got it in his pocket.

After   , both of them were very tacit and did not ask why the other person left the United Kingdom by smuggling. They returned to the state of teachers and students.

Dior Browno intends to impart as much knowledge as possible on the way to Leo, and then recommend some books so that he can continue to study while in the Kingdom of England, and he also asked Professor Matt to help in the recommendation letter. Professor Leo.

   For Leo, Dior Browno, with his real talent, is definitely a qualified mentor. At that time, the old man of Rembrandt was only a systematic professor of Gamoret language. Most of the other times, Leo asked him to read a book. Now Dior Browno is very detailed about his study of Gamoret language, which is almost Hand-in-hand teaching.

   Leo with extraordinary

The brain and memory, like a dry sponge, absorb the knowledge of Dior Browno and increase their database quickly.

At first, Dior Browno just wanted Leo to familiarize himself with the Gamore language, but soon he found that Leo's learning ability is very amazing. As long as he has spoken any knowledge, Leo has already remembered, This made the content about Gamore language quickly finished.

Seeing Leo’s excellent learning ability, Dior Browno is also very happy. Although the content of Gamore language has been finished, he has other languages ​​to speak, so he began to branch the language of Gamore language, The ancient language is the same as the Gamore language, and the very special religious language and so on.

   Later, Dior Browno even began to transfer the content of the lecture from the language to the words and culture of the ancient civilization. In short, he really wanted to see where Leo’s learning limit lies.

Leo is also happy to learn more knowledge from Dior Browno. Most of the knowledge is written down, imitating the ability of the para-brain system, and the knowledge is compiled into data and received in the brain database until Dior · When Browno rested because of exhaustion, he would take this knowledge out again, learn and consolidate again, which also made his train journey very fulfilling.

  Because it has been determined that Leo and Dior Browno are just ordinary fugitives, they are not spies or conspirators who subvert the kingdom. The two spies got out when the train first stopped.

Because it is a freight car, the train only needs to stop in the suburbs of several large cities for a period of time. The overall speed is much faster than those of ordinary trains, but even it took nearly four days to stop in Lyon. On the remote town of Wuwan, Hong Kong.

County Lyon was the third largest administrative region in the French Empire before, and is now the largest administrative region in the United Kingdom. The administrative center of this region is Lyon City, which is only two days’ drive from Lansing, while Port Lyon was fifty years ago. Newly established port city.

At the beginning, Port Lyon was just a secret base for smuggling merchants. Under the siege of the Lyon Governor of the French Empire, this smuggling base was destroyed, and because of its geographical advantages, it was very suitable for the construction of deep-water ports, which led some businessmen to lobby the Lyon Parliament and invest in The port is built here. It is precisely because the merchants both invested and contributed when constructing the port, so after the port was built, the merchants occupied more than half of the seats in the port council, and in the subsequent development, more and more merchants’ seats became the present. This merchant city.

  The town of Wuwan is a small town that gradually formed after the establishment of Port of Lyon. Most of the residents in the town are fishermen. They catch and sell to live in Port Lyon. However, this situation has changed since the establishment of the United Kingdom.

Because the United Kingdom improved the steel smelting technology and the structure of the steam ship engine, the cost of the steam ship became cheaper, larger, and the ship was faster. For this reason, various ship operators began to replace all the steam sailing ships on hand with Full steam-powered steam ship, and the port of Lyon can not fully adapt to the replaced steam ship, so the Lyon Port Council decided to expand the wharf and incidentally transform the port city.

In the reconstruction plan, some important areas of Port Lyon were relocated outside the port city area. For example, the passenger railway station was relocated to Hongfeng Town on the outskirts of the port area, while the freight railway station was relocated to Wuwan Town and was built in Wuwan Town. A small freight terminal, specializing in transshipment of domestic goods.

However, with the war between the United Kingdom and the French Empire, the original freight ships in Wuwan Town also started to carry out some illegal business, such as the import of some prohibited goods from other places, and for example, to help some special people smuggle out of the United Kingdom and many more.

  After Leo and others got off the bus, several people gathered around and introduced them to Leo. It's just that they are very cautious. None of the words they say involve smuggling. They only introduce the speed of the ship, have registered in those places, are familiar with what channels, how many times have they operated, etc. Even if someone takes the initiative to ask about the smuggling, they will refuse to justify each other as if they are serious business people.

However, there are also some smart people in the crowd. They quickly understood the meaning of these people’s words, and also used obscure language to indicate that they wanted to hire their ships. They just came and went, and these quickly got off the freight train. The only people left are Leo, Dior Browno and a few people who are so stupid that they don't understand anything.

   "Teacher, don't you plan to buy a boat ticket from them?" Leo asked Dior Browno, who had been silent since the beginning, as the captains of the smuggling group were turning away.

"No, they are all offshore vessels. They have to change ships midway, and it is not safe. I will be picked up later when I will be picked up. I will also stay in Lyon for a few days. The sponsor arranges the boat to take me away. "Dior Browno took out his pocket watch and looked at the time, then gestured to Leo and walked outside the train station together. On the road, he also asked Leo: "How about you? How are you going to Inge?" kingdom?"

   Leo asked: "Is there an ocean-going ship leading directly to the Kingdom of England?"

"No, most of the ships here only take the offshore route of the mainland of Velon and will not go as far as the Inge Kingdom." Dior Browno thought a little and suggested: "You can take a boat to Nice Port and then Take a cross-continental ocean liner from the Port of Nice. Or wait for a while, the United Kingdom’s envoys will depart from Port Lyon to the Kingdom of England to discuss trade matters, and then there will be several ocean-going ships to follow, you can take that Several ships."

   Leo thought about it, did not accept Dior Browno's proposal, said: "I still find other ways to leave!"

   While talking, a private steam locomotive

Walk around, the huge headlights will illuminate some dark roads in the morning~www.ltnovel.com~ until they stop in front of the two.

   The driver sitting in the driver's seat raised his head out of the window and asked Leo and Dior Browno: "Who is Professor Browno?"

   "I am." Dior Browno stepped forward and asked, "You are..."

   The driver came out of the car and opened the door of the passenger compartment while saying: "I am the driver and bodyguard arranged by the college for you. I will be responsible for receiving you during your time in Port of Lyon."

   "Leo, there is no carriage here. Come into the city with me!" Dior Bronno said to Leo and was ready to enter the carriage.

   "Wait!" Leo suddenly pulled out Dior Browno, turned to look at the driver, and said, "Are you a driver and bodyguard specially arranged by the college?"

   "Yes, sir." The driver froze a little and smiled.

Leo stepped forward and walked in front of this man, just behind Dior Bronno. Then he said, "Is the college very short of money? Even the right clothes are not prepared for you, and there are still Such a strong blood, do you work in the slaughterhouse?"

  As Leo's words fell, the driver suddenly raised his hand, and a short sword came out of his sleeve. He was just held in his hand, and he poked towards Leo's heart. However, before the tip of the dagger touched the target's clothes, he felt his head faint as if he was hit by a sledgehammer.

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