The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 264: Benefits of contract

   Hearing the white deer's rhetorical question, Leo couldn't help but stunned, and his face also showed a thoughtful look, as if analyzing the connotation of the white deer.

After knowing that Louis X and the Black Forest signed a sacrificial contract to sacrifice the seven mountains to the Black Forest as a hunting ground, Leo directly determined that Louis X was forced to do it, and the Black Forest wanted to influence himself Force to expand elsewhere.

   But now from Bailukou, Leo heard another version, everything was actively requested by Louis X, so the signing of the sacrificial contract is worth considering.

  Why did Louis X actively sacrifice seven mountains to the Black Forest? What are the benefits of doing this? At the moment, Leo had two problems in his mind.

Allowing the army to pass through the Black Forest smoothly to achieve the purpose of assaulting Milia City, destroying the United Kingdom, and reunifying the French Empire. This benefit seems to be in line with the exchange conditions of the contract, but if you think about it carefully, you can feel this There is a problem.

Because of the various actions after the French Empire entered the West French continent, you can feel that the purpose of the French Empire’s entry into West France was not to destroy the United Kingdom at all. Otherwise, the French Empire should continue to impact in various ways. The defense line of the Dibia Mountains even considered convening a fleet at the Port of Leon to bypass the Dibia Mountains from the sea.

It’s been almost half a year since the army of the French Empire entered the city of Miria. What they did more was to clear the United Kingdom forces in Miria and to block the United Kingdom’s army south of the Dibbia Mountains. On the side, there was no such thing as a slight increase in troops south. This shows that the surprise attack of the French Empire was not directed at the United Kingdom at all.

Since there was no plan to destroy the United Kingdom and unify the original territory of the French Empire, then Louis X used the seven mountains as a condition of the sacrificial contract, and the benefit in exchange for it would definitely not be for the army to pass through the Black Forest smoothly. This benefit is only incidental Only, there should be other benefits that make Louis X more exciting.

  Leo carefully recalled all his experiences after returning to Weilun at this time. The white deer on the side saw Leo thinking about things without disturbing them. Instead, he turned to pay attention to the movements over the camp of the refugees.

  Although he showed confidence in front of Leo just now, in fact, he was also a little uneasy in his heart. After all, the **** of darkness was so powerful in the past, even the golden giant deer did not have enough power to suppress each other. Such a strong presence will set him up for his resurrection, will he be destroyed by him, he has no heart at all. So at this moment he is ready, in case something goes wrong there, he will risk using some power that should not be used to completely solve the God of Darkness.

A wave of invisible psionic energy was like a roar of pain with psionic energy. It came out from the black shadow, a smile appeared on the white deer's face, and Leo was also roared by this psionic energy that ordinary people could not hear. Woke up in contemplation.

  At the same time, some black forest clan and monsters controlled by the divine clan on the periphery seemed to get the charge command, ignoring the traps arranged by Leo, and rushed toward the camp like crazy.

It's a pity that Leo's trap circle has become more perfect after being trimmed. If it is tentatively penetrating from one direction step by step, there may be a chance to rush through the trap circle, but now it is irrational from all directions of the trap circle. At the same time, only one body and a lot of crazy monsters controlled by the riot runes were left behind.

When Leo's half of his attention was still on the problem in his heart, and the other half of his attention fell on those dead monsters in the bottom of the Black Forest, he was like some kind of inspiration, and his mind immediately appeared After a guess, the real benefit of Louis X's contract was actually the seven mountains.

Although from the sacrificial contract, Louis X seems to betray the seven mountains and cede them to the Black Forest, but in fact the control of these mountains is still in the hands of Louis X, these mountains are both Black Forest family and The monster's hunting ground can be seen in another way, and it might be the hunting ground of Louis X.

  Most of the industry in the French Empire is in the West Flanders region centered on Ceylon, which is the territory controlled by the United Kingdom. When Philip declared the United Kingdom’s independence, the French Empire’s industry could be said to have completely collapsed.

Without industrial support, no machinery can operate. Not to mention that the steam machinery technology of Louis X has reached the ultimate floating airship, even if it is a general steam company, or even an ordinary cold weapon, it is very important to manufacture in large quantities. difficult.

  Although the previous inventory can still support the French empire for a period of time, this period of time is certainly not long. Five to six years has almost reached the extreme. This may be why, after the United Kingdom declared independence, there were only some small regional conflicts with the French Empire, and there had never been a large-scale legion war.

Obviously, the industrial foundation of the collapse of the French Empire has been unable to support a large-scale war, and the United Kingdom has seen this. It should be prepared to wipe out the French Empire completely when the French Empire falls to the bottom. .

   Leaders on both sides clearly saw this, but it was just a choice with a lot of money to wait, while the other one who had already reached the end had to choose to change. In this way, the French Empire will study artificial family members, and will work closely with some dark world forces to study all kinds of extraordinary powers. It will make sense to study taboo medicine with some crazy school doctors in the medical school, because these methods can undoubtedly be used in In a short period of time, the strength of the French Empire was increased several times, or even dozens of times.

However, to perfect and implement these methods involving supernatural forces requires a lot of experiments, corresponding to a large amount of experimental materials, and the manufacture of artificial clan also requires some real clan and even mythological organs and high-energy substances, so Louis X and the Black Forest sign

The contract made is extremely critical.

Now that the seven mountain ranges have become hunting grounds, monsters and family members in the Black Forest can naturally enter these mountain ranges to hunt prey, and these hunters will also be used as prey, and their valuable parts will be harvested by people, just like thunder What Europe did before.

As a result, only the Western Continental region, which is a hunting ground in the Dibia Mountains, can benefit from it. It is certainly far from comparable to the French Empire in the Eastern Continent. The Lan Empire can build a clan army composed entirely of supernatural forces.

Such a clan force with various psionic talents may not necessarily be able to defeat ordinary troops with a large number of firearms and weapons on the frontal battlefield, but if such a force gives up all the bottom lines and sneaks into the rear to engage in assassinations and destruction, etc. , Then it can definitely cause enough damage to the United Kingdom.

  A strong man who followed the industrial route and a strong man who followed the mysterious route, who will eventually become the pioneer of the new French Empire, Leo is not very clear.

  Just, after thinking about the reason why the French Empire signed the contract, Leo couldn't help but think about what benefits the Black Forest would gain here. Was it just to allow the family and monsters of the Black Forest to enter the seven mountains? Leo didn’t think the Black Forest would take a fancy to it. The Black Forest certainly had other purposes.

Thinking of this, Leo couldn't help turning his head to look at the white deer beside him. Obviously, the white deer mastering all the contracts in the Black Forest must know the purpose of signing the contract in the Black Forest, but he did not want to ask because he felt It may not be a good thing to know too much and know too well.

   "Mortal, have you already understood the question in your heart?" Bailu felt Leo's gaze and turned to look at Leo and said.

   "I really want to understand a lot of things." Leo nodded, but said: "But the more things I want to understand, the more questions I have in my heart."

   Bailu bowed his head to Leo and said, "Do you need me to answer it?"

   Leo shook his head and said his thoughts truthfully, saying: "No, I don't want to know too clearly. Some things are too much to know, not necessarily a good thing."

Leo's words made White Deer a little surprised, and also looked at Leo slightly with appreciation, saying: "You have fewer and fewer people who can see yourself and see the situation like this, although it is a little boring, But it can also live longer."

   At this time, another roar of hopeless psionic energy came out from the black shadow, and then saw a cyan fluorescence drilled out of the black shadow, tearing the black shadow completely and falling into the camp of the refugees.

   At the same time, the star shadow outside the black shadow also immediately wrapped the black shadow, and penetrated into the irreparable cracks and quickly penetrated.

A desperate psionic power continued to spread and became weaker and weaker, while the surrounding Black Forest clan and monsters that were still hitting the trap defense circle all stopped their crazy actions, and then escaped to Dibby involuntarily. In the fairyland of Asia, no longer ignored the psionic cry of help in the black shadow.

   With the last weak and extreme roar, the pure black shadow was completely replaced by the star shadow. It's just that when the last black shadow disappeared, a small psionic storm formed there and created a small black hole, impacting the surrounding star shadow into a gap, and drilled a hole from the gap Dark shadow flew out towards the distance.

However, the white deer that was prepared long ago raised his head, and the antlers above his head instantly burst into a strong light, which was about to illuminate the dark shadow that escaped far away, but an unexpected scene stopped him from casting the prepared spell. .

I saw that the original dark shadow seemed to be attracted by some invisible force, turned a corner in the air, and they hurried towards Leo. They were like moths that threw fire. But when he was about to hit White Deer, he walked in the air and directly hit Leo who was blocked by White Deer's huge body.

   didn't have time to defend. Leo could only watch the shadows penetrate into the body, and then only felt a strong will trying to impact his will. However, this already powerful will for ordinary people to face the will of the Leo ninth-level psionicist is like stabting a huge wall that is 100 meters high and tens of meters thick with a spear and has no effect at all.

Subsequently, Leo’s bulimia power appeared automatically, sweeping through the body, a sense of fullness that had never been seen came from the chaotic stomach pouch, and various strengths in his body also increased at this time, but the spirit The power of energy, gluttony and nightmare is only a small part of the growth. The power of creating shadows within a few days has increased by a factor of ten, reaching the bottom equivalent to the fourth-level psionic power in an instant, and Leo felt the shadow There seems to be an additional core of power in the power, just like the energy source on the mech.

Leo’s attention is now focused on the changes in the body. When he did not find that the strength of his body changed, some abnormal scenes appeared in the whole body, such as the black shadow completely wrapped his body, let him and the surrounding The darkness merges into one, and anyone who sees him will unconsciously ignore it.

"Mortal, you are also the divine clan of the **** of darkness?" This abnormal scene also fell into the eyes of Bailu. Seeing this scene, Bailu's eyes uncovered a strong killing intention, but this killing intention was very Retreat quickly, replaced by a face of doubt, and said to himself: "No, not that guy's divine clan, but why did the final divine consciousness choose him? Where is the power of the shadow on him? Coming? What secrets did he not find out?"

  The intense curiosity made Bailu couldn't help thinking

I must use some fierce means to find the secret inside Leo's But at this time he suddenly seemed to hear a sound, a pair of deer ears that were always pulling up, and turned his head towards The direction of the Black Forest looked over.

   Then, he lowered his head reluctantly, and then looked at Leo with great regret, then took an elegant step towards the direction of the Black Forest, and his body gradually disappeared and disappeared.

   At this time, Leo couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, the Gemini in his hand changed from the sacrificial knife mode to the glove mode, and several witchcrafts formed by the power of the nightmare were also lifted again.

   In fact, just when Bailu said to herself, Leo's attention was shifted from the changes in the body to the outside, and the white deer's curious and obviously malicious eyes were felt for the first time.

At the moment when he felt that White Hart was not good to himself, Leo made a move to counterattack. If White Hart was not the last to leave, he would use all his strength and means to fix White Hart's body. Then in a second or two, then use the sacrificial knife to sacrifice the white deer to the Lord of Turbidity and Light Spirit, even if his method would offend the one in the Black Forest.

Leo’s sudden departure made Leo feel a little surprised. Although Leo didn’t open his eyes, he was still able to perceive the movement of the white deer through the super five senses. Now it seems that the white deer is called back and can be called. There is probably only one Black Deer in the entire Black Forest.

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