The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 249: Shadow Witchcraft

   This battle wizard note is almost as thick as the Herbal Daquan. There are only 17 pages left, and the contents of the 17 pages are not coherent. Because there is no complete context, it is very difficult to read. It is not difficult to see from the broken parts of the damaged pages that someone deliberately ripped off the pages of the book. The reason may be related to the complex magic runes composed of Turing roots hidden on the pages.

   The moment I opened this wizard's notes, Leo first noticed not what was written on the page, but the wave of psionic energy that was deliberately hidden from each page of paper.

Leo's magic runes on the pages of the book that he can see through his sight, not counting the stone ball used to imprison the true eye, the magic runes that he portrayed in a special method on the pages of his hand should be his The most complex one of the Turing roots that I have seen is composed of 57 different Turing roots. And these fifty-seven Turing roots are not all, because of the combination, these Turing roots are continuously recombined, and new Turing roots have evolved, so the final Turing word contained in this magic rune The root is probably an extremely large number.

Although Leo doesn’t understand the role of these magical runes, he can be sure that each page is a complete and powerful witchcraft. According to the damage of the notes, the method of using this witchcraft should be after tearing it off. , Inspired by some method.

   It can be seen from this that this note is not like the wizard notes he saw before, but only records the knowledge of the wizard. This wizard note is more likely to be a magic book whose production method has long disappeared.

   The earliest record about the magic book is the wizard notes of the wild wizard. In that note, there was a magic book of wizards and wonders that wizards used before in the tower. However, the wilderness wizard did not mention the content of this kind of wizard and wonder in detail, but the hastily mentioned the method of making the magic book has long been lost in the tower.

After   , Leo again saw the information about the magic book. Among the miscellaneous books acquired in the town of Hushang, one of the miscellaneous books recorded the deeds of the first generation first chief wizard of the founder of the wizarding association. In the book, there are several kinds of wizards and wonders most often used by the first chief. Among them are the dark magic books he made by himself, and some functions of the magic books are also mentioned.

The biggest function of the magic book is not to record the knowledge of the wizard, but to store the most commonly used and powerful wizardry of the wizard. Through the special power of the magic book, the wizard can consume any casting materials without any pre-preparation. Under the premise of spell-casting methods such as chanting, casting, etc., use these extremely high-level powerful witchcraft.

According to records, the first chief of the time used his dark magic book to instantly display a powerful magic called the dark sky, sending tens of thousands of dream spirits to a place called the dark realm in the blink of an eye. Kill each other until they are all dead.

It is not difficult to see that the wizard's note in Leo's hand should be a magic book, but unfortunately the person who got the book before did not know the correct usage of the wizard's singularity, but he found a one-off The usage of this book completely ruined this magic book.

From this point of view, the witch and the sorcerer of the witch group are probably very different. The so-called witchcraft they perform is probably their own natural ability. They do not need to learn a lot of wizard knowledge and practice all kinds of witchcraft like a wizard. , To master the ability to cast spells, otherwise, Su will never give him such a precious magic book so easily, maybe in Su's view this is just a note to record the wizard's combat skills.

The seventeen pages of mysterious witchcraft remaining in this magic book cannot be used by Leo for the time being, and may not be used for a long time in the future. After all, it is very difficult to crack the magic rune on it, even if he Has an extraordinary brain.

  Compared to cracking these seventeen pages of magic runes, it may be easier for Leo to find out how to make magic books from this broken note.

  However, the original intention of obtaining this magic book in the first place, the knowledge of combat wizards recorded on those seventeen pages may be available to Leo now.

Obviously, the wizard who made the magic book and the person who recorded the knowledge of the combat wizard are not the same person. Although these 17 pages of content are very obscure and difficult to read because they have no context, Leo can still analyze from these obscure texts. Come up with something useful.

   For example, a sorcery technique called super magic technique and a battle example of a war wizard.

This super-magic technique is derived from the rune witchcraft of the tower wizard, and the magical runes and magic circles that Leo has mastered are classified as Taoist rune witchcraft, and this super-magic technique is to use runes. Witchcraft gives wizards a method similar to the talents of witches. Through this super-magic technique, the wizard can perform some pre-prepared witchcraft anytime and anywhere, some of which are similar to the function of the magic book, but this method is tattooed on the body and exists permanently.

It is not clear what the name of this super magic technique is Leo, because the name should be recorded on another damaged page, but from the perspective of the skills used, this super magic technique should be very suitable for being called. Tattoo for magic.

This kind of magic tattoo needs to be equipped with very special tattoo potions. Fortunately, the materials needed for the potions are precious, but they are still available now. Most of the herbs have been artificially cultivated. A few rare mineral materials cost a little money. Can be bought.

It is a pity that the currently recorded method of making magic tattoos seems to be a low-level magic tattoo. Not only the magic witchcraft used for magic tattoos can only choose those low-level witchcraft, but even the number is limited. The current magic tattoos The picture can only accommodate three kinds of witchcraft, and a wizard can only have two such magic tattoos.

   although there

Some notes are missing about the adverse effects of magic tattoos beyond the limit, but according to Leo’s knowledge of witchcraft and psionic power, any use of this supernatural power beyond the limit will have catastrophic consequences. of.

  However, for any wizard, the current Velon world has six kinds of witchcraft that can be exhibited at any time like talents. It is enough, no need to add additional magic tattoos.

  The only thing you need to pay attention to is the choice of the six kinds of witchcraft, because once you engrave the magic tattoo on your body, if you want to modify it, I am afraid it is not as simple as the tattoo.

  On the page of the book, there is only one mention of the magic tattoo removal method, that is, the Stygian water, and Leo has no idea what this Stygian water is, but literally translates to the meaning of the dead river.

  The combat example of a combat wizard recorded in the notes detailed the combat style of the combat wizard and the six types of witchcraft he used for magic tattoos, which happens to be known by Leo.

Weak rays, silent phantoms, trances, ghost hands, mirror shadows, and exhaustion are all the magic tattoo witchcraft chosen by this combat wizard, and these six witchcraft are all low-level witchcraft, according to Calculating the level of the wizard now, as long as the normal wizard understands these six kinds of witchcraft.

  And with these six low-level sorcery, this combat wizard was able to create an unreal field around his body, so that all the people who entered in gradually weakened in the unreal world and eventually died.

  In the recorded example, the combat wizard used these six kinds of low-level witchcraft to deal with a monster named Valetta, and consumed the monster alive in the realm of illusion.

Leo happened to have read about Valetta in a collection called Velon Folklore. If the content in that book is true, there are definitely four kinds of monsters called Valetta The power of the fifth-level psionicist, even if he now wants to kill such a monster, will need to spend some effort. It can be seen that the effects of this magic tattoo are definitely not just the effects of six low-level witchcrafts, which must also hide the mystery that Leo has not yet discovered.

Leo did not intend to combine his magic tattoo in the way of this combat wizard. He has his own considerations. At the same time, he also feels that there is still the possibility of improvement in this magic tattoo, so he needs a period of research before he can decide. What is the magic tattoo finally engraved on himself.

It's just that because of the recorded combat process in this example, Leo also learned about the fighting styles of the high tower war wizards in the past. In simple terms, the wizard is staying in a safe place, using witchcraft to control, weaken and kill The enemy, only in the last resort, the wizard will use the magic with obvious lethality, but will expose the position, confront the enemy.

  Although Leo doesn’t agree with this kind of fighting, he still has to admit that this kind of fighting is the most effective and safest way, even if he encounters a strong enemy, he can calmly retreat. Unlike him, although he will use some assassination methods to solve the enemy at the beginning, but once confronted with the enemy, he will rush to the forefront and fight in a melee way. If he encounters a strong enemy who cannot resist, he is very likely to There is no chance to escape.

   "It seems that there is something wrong with my fighting style." Leo carefully analyzed his own fighting style, and felt that it was necessary to improve it, and to re-enact a new set of fighting procedures according to his ability.

In the time after Leo has made a decision, he constantly tries to improve his fighting style, and those Black Forest monsters and family members who try to attack those refugees are his best targets for testing his improved fighting style. .

After each battle, he was able to find a lot of areas for improvement, and he also found that many of the witchcraft he mastered were some powerful, but they were not very suitable for his fighting style, some were powerful, but he was able to match his own. The fighting style is perfectly coordinated.

   And as he continued to improve his fighting style and constantly found his witchcraft, he found that his fighting style became more and more like the fighting style of the dark star shadow blade.

The Dark Stars are a very unique alien race in the universe where the Earth Federation is located. Their mother star was destroyed by an adult star-eating whale when the earth civilization was still a primitive tribe, leaving only less than five 100,000 people, and these 500,000 people make up the dark star tribe, the most famous wandering race in the universe.

Although the home star of the Dark Star is destroyed and the race is almost extinct, this does not mean that the Dark Star’s power is very weak. In fact, when the Earth Federation entered the universe, among the Dark Star people with a population of only one million Two of them have already evolved to the level of omega-level higher creatures, and everyone in the whole family has more than two levels of psionic power, which is one of the few psionic races in the universe.

Like several other psionic races, the Dark Stars are also the key research objects of various alien civilizations, especially for the psionic combat units they belong to, and these psionic combat units are all The shadow blades, which are all level 5 psionicists, are the most noticeable.

  The Blade of Shadows is the special operations force of the Dark Stars. Their mission is the same as Leo’s original mission, which is to sneak into the enemy’s military base or the rear to engage in destruction and assassination when the war occurs. It is just that the difference between the two is a pure use of technological weapons to fight, while the other depends on its own psionic power.

The most famous spirit of the Shadow Blade is the boundary between Shadow Walk and Shadow. As the name suggests, Shadow Walk is able to move silently between the shadows of any object, and can even attack the target through the shadow itself. UU reading book www.uukanshu. com and the realm of shadow is more powerful

, Directly send the target area into a shadow subspace, and use the power of subspace to destroy the target and everything around it.

Among the witchcraft, there are witchcraft similar to the shadow walk and the shadow world, but the power and effect are much weaker, and they are all high-level witchcraft. Leo only knows the name and effect, and does not know the method used. .

However, Leo was able to imitate the virtual and real state of the Black Forest monsters and family members through some of the low-level witchcraft he now masters, and formed his own shadow witchcraft, able to use the shadow like the dark star. Silently kill the target from a distance. Because this shadow witchcraft was created by Leo during this time, many places are not perfect, there are loopholes, such as the consumption of psionic power and nightmare power is much more than the use of similar witchcraft alone, but he believes that once Perfect his shadow witchcraft, then his strength is definitely not weaker than the dark star shadow blade.

Now, Leo has become more and more fond of his new way of fighting. Just now he used the shadow dagger improved from the magic of the mage's hand and the shadow thorn, directly hiding more than two hundred meters away in the dark Dozens of Black Forest monsters waiting for opportunities were easily resolved.

This is also one of the reasons why he is more and more accustomed to the new fighting methods now. The shadow witchcraft integrated into the power of the nightmare can ignore the sub-space state of the Black Forest monsters between the virtual and the real, killing those monsters like normal assassination. The only flaw is that the Black Forest monster in that special state will not leave any high-energy matter, but the corpse will disappear directly.

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