The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 241: World Wide Web

A mysterious psionic energy poured into Leo's eyes from the spider tattoo on the back of the hand. Leo's spirit vision skills also changed. Although the eye prospect did not change, there was something more.

Net, a large net that covers the entire world endlessly, everyone is in the net, everyone is connected to a net, the net extends to the sky, and is connected to a large net covering the sky, on that big net There are countless web weavers crawling around. Above this layer of web, there seems to be a larger layer of net. This net covers the entire starry sky, with no end in sight. There is no net weaver on it, only a black shadow like a spider.


At the moment when he saw the shadow of a human spider, Leo immediately felt that his will, which was as strong as the ninth-level psionicist's will, was approaching the edge of collapse, and his mind might fall into madness at any time.

Feeling something wrong, he hurriedly lowered his head and stopped looking at the shadow, and it was stabilized as he approached the will to collapse. As he lowered his head, his spiritual vision also saw himself, and what surprised him was that his body was not connected by mesh, as if it were isolated from the whole world.

"Ah!" Just when Leo wanted to look further at the mesh on his body, there was a sudden pain in the spider tattoo on the back of his hand, and then he saw the spider tattoo dissipate like a washed stain quickly. Soon, there was no trace of it, as if it had never existed, and his spiritual vision also returned to normal, and the web he saw before disappeared.

After recovering from the shocked emotion, Leo turned to look at the net weavers, and at that time, the net weavers also looked at Leo.

At this moment, Leo realized why he always felt that these net weavers looked a little strange in his eyes. He subconsciously thought that these net weavers were not well-intentioned, but now he understands these net weavers. I'm just curious about myself, why I don't have mesh on my body.

"I saw just now..." Leo was thinking about what he had just seen, while preparing to ask the web weaver for more detailed content.

But the web weaver shook his head, put his hand on his lips, and made a gesture that he wouldn't say, so he didn't pay any attention to Leo, but kept looking at the asylum seekers ahead.

Leo didn't ask again when he saw this, but he carefully recalled all the information about the web weaver in his mind. He followed the large team with the web weaver in a hurry.

Although this gravel valley at the top of the mountain does not seem to be very large, in fact it is not the same thing at all, even if they can see through the snow that has become much smaller and see the mountains opposite the valley, but The actual distance is far more distant than what you see.

The original journey is far away, and the roads on the ground are mostly made up of pieces of gravel. These gravels are only relative to the towering high mountains around them. For ordinary people, these are the smallest The knees should be high, and the largest even needs to be climbed to pass, which virtually slows down the speed of travel.

From the beginning of the morning into the valley, to the evening when the sky was getting dark and the sun was about to set, the team of asylum-seekers did not walk out of the valley, or even half the way.

This speed of travel was much slower than Barak expected. At this time, Barak realized a mistake in his plan. He mistakenly regarded each asylum seeker as a hunter who often walked in the mountains, so he also followed Orion’s foot strength is used to calculate the time to pass the Dibia Mountains. And now it seems that the time required to lead these people through the Dibia Mountains is probably far longer than his expected time, and may even more than double.

However, now he is very clear that he can no longer look back and can only continue to walk. Fortunately, they have prepared enough food and warm items, and can also hunt in the mountains to increase food, so as long as the distribution is proper, it should not cause any adverse effects.

Before the sun was completely set, Barak found a relatively empty space, and then announced that he would stop advancing, stationed here tonight, and continued tomorrow.

Hearing this news, all the asylum-seekers cheered up. They were already exhausted. The reason why they walked on was only affected by others, so after hearing the order of camping, they sat on the ground one by one. , Breathing heavily, restoring the strength of the overdraft.

After a little recovery, the asylum seekers started camping under the guidance of the accompanying hunters, and soon tents were erected on this open space. Because the open space is not enough, many people cannot put their own The tent is set up and can only share a tent with others.

When the asylum seekers assigned tents, the accompanying hunters did not rest, but under the arrangement of Barak, some people arranged various defensive traps around the camp to guard against the night beasts attacking the camp, and some Spread around, looking for all kinds of prey that can be caught.

Although the food prepared is sufficient, in order to avoid unexpected situations, Barak will save food and increase food as much as possible, so he not only allows his hunters to go out to catch prey, but also allows the camp’s asylum seekers to be able to Keep food that has been stored for a long time, and eat those that are not easy to preserve first.

In addition, he also asked some asylum seekers to pick up firewood in a safe area that had been swept by hunters in preparation for the overnight campfire.

Under the command of experienced Barak, a large camp with a capacity of 1,000 people was quickly set up in this barren mountain valley. When the campfires in and around the camp lit, the sun set completely and the surroundings became dark. Everyone was relieved under the warm fire.

Barak personally arranged the camping things, not because he was really responsible, but because he wanted to show his ability in front of those powerful people, in order to gain the attention of those powerful people.

In fact, the effect of this approach is obvious. After the camp was set up, the dignitaries sent Barak to dinner in their tents. Obviously, Barak’s ability has been recognized by them, as long as they can lead these people through Passing the Dibia Mountains, then the city life he dreamed of will also be gained.

On the other side, Leo and the web weaver are very unattractive, and all the asylum seekers ignore them. It’s no wonder that these asylum seekers will have this attitude. This is exactly what Leo asked for. Other asylum seekers who are also not fully prepared will take the initiative to help and fully participate in the construction of the camp. Leo and the net weavers casually found a sheltered place to sit down without any help.

Therefore, when the camp was set up, other people, even those who did not bring anything except a simple bedding, were arranged to live in other tents and had hot food, but only a few Leo were not arranged.

Leo didn’t care about this. The web weavers didn’t even care. The few of them sat just outside the camp and looked at the noise inside the camp. This scene made the people who felt very strange and couldn’t help but produce some. curiosity.

It's just that because I walked a day during the day and didn't have a long rest afterwards, I set up tents and camps, which made most people's physical strength overdrawn. After eating a little hot dinner, they all went back to their own. Resting inside the tent, preparing for tomorrow's itinerary, the curiosity about Leo and their weird people obviously can't resist the fatigue and drowsiness.

Just when many people slept in the tent, a child ran out of the camp, carrying a basket in his hand, and ran in front of Leo and the net weaver, baking the basket deliciously and hot dry The bread was handed over to them, and then fled back to the camp again, and fell into the arms of a young couple.

Looking at the hot bread in his hand, Leo raised his hand, and the spirit of his fingertips drew a few runes in the air, and at the same time recited a few spells in his mouth, followed by those rune cultures that were invisible to the naked eye. Several green rays flew into the couple and the child.

Leo’s actions did not conceal the few web weavers next to them. They were obviously dissatisfied with Leo’s move and frowned, one of them stood up and tried to fall in the green light of those runes. Stop the family before they reach it.

However, before the web weavers acted, a strong psionic power overwhelmed them. At this moment, Leo used psychic power to imitate the power of the turbid and light spirit master. Although the two are different in terms of quality and quantity, but it is enough to suppress these net weavers. Until the rune is integrated into the family, Leo removed the spiritism, and some The battle is relatively average, placing the finger on the lips and making a gesture of not speaking to the net weavers.

Leo’s move undoubtedly had a certain impact on the web weaver’s harvesting of his soul, but the web weaver did not do anything with Leo. He just looked at the thunder monkey dissatisfied for a while, then turned his head and watched as he belonged to himself in the camp. Those prey.

Just as Leo didn’t know much about their strengths, and without complete assurance they could gain the upper hand in the conflict, they could also win or drive Leo without any confidence. If I saw Leo before and was surprised only because of Leo’s thick and strong psionic breath, then when Leo imitated the turbulent and light spirit Lord’s psionic fluctuation just now, they mistakenly thought that Leo Ou is a great flesh-and-blood clan that has more scruples and fears about Leiou, and naturally will not do it.

The misjudgment of these web weavers is exactly what Leo hopes to see. Just after he saw the existence behind the web weavers, he considered to find a backer for himself. Even if this backer is only forged, this can be reduced in disguise. Some possible conflicts and troubles, and from the current implementation, the effect is not bad.

Soon the noise in the camp subsided, and most of the people entered the tent to rest. Only a few selected brawns stayed and acted as sentries to guard against dangerous beasts that might appear at night.

At the beginning, these sentinels formed by asylum seekers and hunters were able to sit dutifully and patrol inside and outside the camp every once in a while. But with the passage of time, the camp became extremely quiet both inside and outside the camp, and no sound could be heard except the wind, not to mention the beast. This calm also made the sentinels relax their vigilance. Most of them will sit by the campfire and roast the fire to rest. Few people will continue to patrol the camp.

Just as the time entered the early morning, the snow outside seemed to become smaller, and the sound of footsteps in these snow sounds awakened Leo, who was on the edge of the camp, from his closed eyes .

Leo, who opened his eyes, immediately cast his psychic skills and looked in the direction of the sound.

I saw that on a large stone in the distance of the camp, a figure was lying looking towards the camp of the refugees, and under the stone there were four or five same figures huddled together.

Although Leo’s Lingshi skills have the ability to night vision and hyperopia, but because of the wind and snow blocking, the silhouettes seen are not very clear. However, from the obvious characteristics of the figure, he still quickly recognized that those who watched were the sons of the swamp he had seen before.

"Did you arrange it?" Leo asked the web weaver while pointing at the location of the children of the swamp.

The web weavers were a little puzzled and surprised by Leo’s sudden inquiries, and then they looked in the direction of Leo’s fingers, recognizing the children of the swamp with their own special abilities.

Obviously, the relationship between the family members is not necessarily friendly, and some may still be dead. When the net weaver recognizes the children of the swamps, an angry expression immediately appears on their Up, the body moved into the darkness as if floating, moving towards those swamp children.

The children of the swamps are obviously different from the children of the swamps that Leo encountered in the forest in the outer suburbs of Miria City. They have a stronger ability, and before the net weaver approached the danger, they were as fast as a frog. The swiftly moved between the gravel covered with a thick layer of snow, and soon fled into the deeper darkness in the distance.

Although the swamp sons like hyenas have been driven out, the net weaver is obviously not satisfied with the result. When he returned to the camp, his face looked very gloomy.

After a while, the oldest web weaver suddenly stood up, walked to Leo, and spoke for the first time, saying: "I... want... to... hire... maid... you!"

A very simple sentence is very difficult to say in the mouth of the web weaver, as if it were the first time to speak.

And this performance of the web weaver also confirms the disguise that Leo had seen the abnormal scene before, a speculation emerged in his mind. These web weavers are only attached to people, and their true appearance should be I saw those humanoid spiders densely covered with a large web in the sky.

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