The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 235: Spirit Prison

Although Vaschi in order to avoid Leo from continuing to track down, disrupting their plans, it seemed that they were honestly telling Leo about their plans, and also told the whereabouts of the plague ring, but Leo was very clear Vaschi's public plan for him is probably not complete. For example, the follow-up measures of those old imperial nobles, such as the follow-up arrangements of these calculated imperial soldiers, etc.

  However, Leo did not care. In his view, the success of the plan carried out by Vaschi and others did not have much to do with him, and he should not be affected as long as he did not ask for trouble.

   The only thing he was worried about at the moment was another person, so he couldn't help but ask: "What about Sylvia? Sylvia is in your plan..."

"It seems that you don't know Sylvia Belmont yet," Vaschi responded quickly and said in words: "She is not an ordinary person, even if the French Empire and the United Kingdom are destroyed, she both Nothing will happen. The reason she helped Philip is mainly because of the family’s vow, so you don’t have to worry about her at all.” Then, she looked at Leo thoughtfully and wondered slightly: “I don’t know why I think you have changed a lot?"

  Of course, Leo knows the changes in himself, but he wants to hear about his changes from other populations. After all, some people can see more clearly, so he directly asked: "Is there any change?"

   "I don't know what to say?" Vaschi hesitated, thought for a while, and said, "It's just feeling...I feel like you are more human? Yes, it's more human."

   Leo slightly puzzled: "What does this mean? Am I not a human before?"

   "You didn't really look like a person before," Vaschi looked at Leo, and said: "When I first saw you, you felt like a corpse walking around alive."

   "A corpse walking around alive?" Leo froze, saying, "Is it a ghoul?"

"No, it's not a disgusting thing like a ghoul, it's a living corpse." Vasque shook his head with a disgusted expression and said carefully: "Although you were no different from people at the time, I couldn't feel it You have the smell of anyone, and your heart is cold, no, it is not correct to describe it, it should be said that there is no heart."

Hearing this, Leo knew Vasque's meaning. Even if he had become Leodord at the beginning, he was still the biochemical man with only a number and no name, even if he disguised as normal human emotions by various means. , But the inner is still the essence of bioman. Ordinary people may not be able to see the anomaly in his disguise, but a powerful psionicist like Vasqi can feel his inner essence faintly.

  Now the changes in his body, brain and soul give him the normal human emotions. For example, when he sees those suffering refugees, he is no longer as indifferent as before, without any waves in his heart, but will produce some inexplicable sympathy and sadness, even if this feeling will still be controlled by rational thinking, but This kind of ordinary people's feelings have never been felt before.

  It's just that he doesn't know what kind of consequences this change will bring to him.

   "Is this change good or bad?" Leo, who had doubts in his heart, seemed to be talking to himself.

Vasque, who was sitting opposite, felt that Leo's words were asking himself, so he directly expressed his feelings and said, "I think it's not bad. I used to dislike you, especially the kind of indifference. Intellectual trading. If in the past, you will definitely talk to me about the conditions for exchanging intelligence information before you can tell what you experienced in that dream world. Now the way you do things has changed a lot, at least it makes me feel Not so annoying."

Although Leo knew that Vaschi was telling the truth, he did not like it in his ears. As his mood changed, he also counterattacked slightly, saying: "You have also changed a lot. If you hadn’t before, Tell me so much."

  Vasi smiled, did not care about Leo’s words, and did not seem to want to say anything on this topic, instead asked: “What are you going to do next?”

"I'm going to..." Leo was preparing to say his plan, and suddenly felt a strong psionic wave suddenly coming in the direction of the old mine pit. This psionic wave surged like a tide and came in. Among them, he felt a suffocation, and the same happened to Vaschi sitting opposite him. The whole person became extremely serious, and the scales on his forehead flashed from time to time in a deep blue light.

This explosive psionic wave comes and goes quickly, and it takes less than three seconds to subside like a tide. Except for psionicists like Leo and Vasque, other ordinary people do not Affected by anything, the military camp outside the tent did not show any abnormalities.

   Leo and Vaschi, who had recovered from the shock of the psionic waves, looked at each other, stood up, and walked out of the tent, looking towards the old pit.

   At this moment, Vasque is using her talented spirit to perceive the situation there, while Leo directly uses the spiritual sight skills to convert those spiritual energy that has not been completely dissipated into images, and sees it in his eyes.

I saw that in the air above the old mine pit, a red-black spirit with a shape like a hot air flow surged upwards. After reaching a certain height, it seemed to be blocked by some invisible force field, and it spread out around the opening. Leo looked like a huge red-black mushroom.

"What the **** are they doing?" Although Vasque couldn't see every detail of psionic dissipation as clearly as Leo's psionic vision, her ability was enough to make her perceive the strength of the psionic power, Orientation and even the source, and this also made a trace of her face

A look of surprise, said: "Is that rumor true?"

   "Do you know what's going on?" Leo Shensheng asked.

  Vasiqi nodded slightly, and said: "I know a little, now is not the time to explain, we said while walking."

When    finished speaking, she saw her walk quickly outside the barracks, and Leo also followed. Although the imperial soldiers in the barracks had not seen Leo, the guards did not step forward to block the inquiry because of Vasque. Soon the two of them walked out of the barracks and walked towards the old mine pit.

   On the way, Vaschi explained to Leo, who was following him, "After you entered 9 Golden Oak Street, Rembrandt and I also went to the place where the real eye was sealed to check the situation..."

  Just waiting for Vaschi to finish his speech, Leo asked a very personal question very abruptly, saying: "What is your relationship with Rembrandt? I used to remember you or the master and servant?"

  Vasi was stunned, stopped, looked at Leo indifferently, and said angrily: "Can I only be a maid for life?"

   "Sorry." Leo apologized.

"It's none of your business, I was just fired." Vaschi said vaguely, and then continued to move forward, turning the topic back very stiffly, saying: "At that time, Rembrandt checked a lot about the truth. The information in the eyes is a lot worse than that in the construction of Miria City. He found a rumor that it was built early in Miria City."

  Leo said: "This rumor should be related to the evil eye of the real eye, right?"

"Not only the real eye, but also some other evil spirits." Vaschi added, continuing: "Most people used to think that Melia was built on a completely deserted swamp, but in fact Melia City was built on a ruin, but no one had ever known who built the ruin. So later, there were rumors that there was a kingdom ruled here by the Melia City Swamp, Later, because of the discovery of some wizard items, the dark world also has rumors that this place was once the ruler of the towering wizard. However, the most ridiculous and untrustworthy of all the rumors is the one that Rembrandt found, and Rembrandt believes that the rumor may be true, and the evidence is the true eye of the ban."

   "What is that rumor?" Leo asked curiously.

  Vasi Qi said in a deep voice: "Spirit Prison, this used to be a prison where gods are held."

At first glance, this kind of statement is ridiculous. If it is heard by the people of the Orthodox Church, it will definitely be reduced to a heresy and be killed. But Leo, after listening to it, has the same idea as the old man Rembrandt. Think this rumor may be true.

Vasque continued: "Rembrandt inferred from this rumor that in addition to blocking a real eye, the area around the city of Milia also blocked at least three ancient gods, they are the sons of Obato and Swamp. And the Basilisk Tataia."

   Hearing these three names, relevant information immediately appeared in Leo’s mind, and he also thought of the swamp son killed by him in the mountain village.

  Leo said: "When I first returned to Velen, I saw a village in the Dibia Mountains offering sacrifices to the children of the swamp."

  Vasi was not surprised, but instead seemed to be accustomed to it, saying: "In the current situation of Melia City, these things are inevitable."

   "Is the son of the swamp not a servant of the swamp gods?" Leo then asked again: "How did he become a **** again?"

"The public information is indeed so," Vaschi quickly replied: "However, some unpublished information records that there was originally a **** called the son of the swamp, but after disappearing, the believers who served Obtained this name."

   Leo couldn't help but question: "How did Rembrandt determine that there are three ancient gods imprisoned around the city of Miria? And which **** is it?"

   "I also asked this question, but he didn't say it." Vaschi also said quite dissatisfied.

  The two had already drilled out of the woods at this time. Leo looked at the wall of the old mine pit camp in front of him and asked, "Do you think the matter of the old mine pit is related to an ancient **** imprisoned?"

   "Yes." Vaschi nodded and continued: "If I really guessed right, then the ancient **** who was disturbed is probably the Basilisk Tataia."

   Leo heard the words and his expression became serious. He didn't continue to ask.

To say which **** in the Velon world has the most widespread reputation, the vast majority of people will say that they are the masters of the sky, and there are also some denominations who say the name of the **** they believe in, but if calculated from a certain aspect The name Basilisk is definitely the most mentioned **** in the Velon world. It’s just that it’s not mentioned as a god, but as a villain in the image of a villain. Stepping stones, loot.

In almost every book mentioning the warrior, the basilisk will become the warrior's hunting target. The head of the book has been cut off countless times by people to make ornaments, weaponry or wizard potions, and can be under the warrior sword or There are only a few Basilisks.

  Only some scholars who are interested in ancient gods know what a powerful existence is the Basilisk Tataya. According to the information Leo saw, the Basilisk Tataya is a relic of the ancient dragon and has the blood of the ancient dragon on his body.

All along, whether it is a dark world organization such as a night watchman, a black market, or an orthodox court that is deeply involved with gods, they have questioned whether the ancient dragon really existed, because although some archaeologists have discovered some huge monuments in certain ruins so far, Scales, but no one can prove that these scales belong to the ancient dragon, let alone

Someone has dug up a complete pair of ancient dragon skeletons.

   Among the ancient books handed down from various countries in the world of There are very few books mentioning Gulong, most of them just treat Gulong as a monster.

   It was just that a dozen ancient scrolls of at least 5,000 years were unearthed in an underground palace under an abandoned altar of the mother of plants in the Mogaganu Kingdom of Mozambique more than ten years ago.

   By translating the ancient text above, archaeologists and religious scholars found that the content recorded on this scroll is actually a creation myth, and this creation myth is completely different from the creation myth circulating in the world. Because this creation myth mentions that the ruler of the world in the beginning was a powerful creature named Gulong. It was not until the emergence of the **** that the world’s dominance was taken away from the Gulong by the gods, and Gulong was also in that war. Was completely wiped out.

Because of this ancient scroll, the Weilun archaeological community began to be interested in the legendary creature of the ancient dragon, and proved through various methods that the legendary snake monster Tataya was the ancient dragon's relic, and also found some ancient books. The draconic monster Tataya has devoured gods, and has devoured more than one god. For a long time, he has been known as the World Serpent.

   If Vaschi actually said that if the Basilisk Tataia was banned under the pit, then this matter would be in trouble. Leo also made up his mind at the same time. Once determined that it was really related to the Basilisk Tataia, he left immediately and would never be involved in this matter. Because if all the contents about the Basilisk Tataya recorded in the ancient books are true, then the degree of danger is definitely far more than the real eye, the famous and powerless pseudo-god, because it is absolutely true Omi Gamma-level advanced creatures, and combat type.

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