"I also want to know the reason. I have sent someone to investigate, and there will be an answer in a while." Facing Leo's inquiry, Lawrence Hillman, who had just returned from the outside, was also gloomy. Obviously Leo proposed The problem is also annoying him now.

Although he waited for a long time in the tent, he did not wait for the desired answer, but Leo did not express anger, but just did not speak, sitting silently in the tent, closing his eyes and raising his mind, an invisible pressure in the tent form.

   Lawrence Hillman looked at Leo, opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but because of some concerns, he didn't say anything in the end.

In the city of Miria, the eyes and ears of the blood wizard are also very large. In addition, his attention to the medical school has made him invest a lot of eyes and ears in the refugee city where the medical team is located. Return to him internally.

In addition, Leo did not deliberately hide his whereabouts. From the moment he entered the city, he had returned to Lawrence, so he naturally knew that Leo just broke into a medical center before the medical team suddenly changed. In the team's clinic, and spent a lot of time there.

If it is just a general clinic, the latest feedback shows that the clinic should be an important experimental place, and the person in charge of this clinic, the blood wizard, knows exactly, and it is very clear that Jeff Thomson is in The status of the medical school and recent research projects, so he estimates that there must be a lot of important things related to the secret incidents that the medical team is doing in that clinic.

When he just came back, he got the latest news that there was nothing more useful in the clinic except for the corpses left by the experiment, and there were no important items such as research materials, so he suspected that all those things might have fallen at the moment. In Leo’s hands.

Although the blood wizard is not clear what the medical school is studying, one thing is for sure, that the research is absolutely related to the things he was exposed to in the past, and may have already achieved results, because according to the news of the return, those found Among the corpses, there are some body variations similar to those of the family members.

It's a pity that now this research material is in Leo's hands. With his understanding, it is very difficult to obtain this information from the other party easily, but what he can use as a bargaining chip is really too much. Less, as to exchange information with his own blood witchcraft, he felt it was not cost-effective, so his heart is now very tangled.

   In this way, the two sat silently in the tent, quietly waiting for the information from Lawrence Hillman's men.

   About half an hour later, a rush of footsteps came from outside, and then saw a neatly dressed scavenger walk in.

"Boss, I have already requested the information..." The scavenger was preparing to report the news he heard to the blood wizard, and when he saw the outsider Leo here, the mouth he just opened immediately closed, and He gestured towards blood witchcraft.

   "Speak! It doesn't matter." The blood wizard signaled the other to continue.

The scavenger continued: "The news I heard indicates that most of the medical team's aid doctors suddenly left because the Liberation Front was investigating them and alarmed those people. After that, the medical school suddenly came forward to investigate. The reason why these doctors left, and issued an announcement claiming that these doctors joined some underground cult organizations to use their convenience in the clinic to capture refugees and carry out certain cult activities."

Lawrence Hillman said disdainfully: "For so many years, this method is still used. First, people are transferred away, and then they take the initiative to expose their scandals, cooperate with investigations, and then review themselves. That’s what I used to do. I didn’t expect it to be used now."

   "No matter how old-fashioned it is, as long as it is useful." The scavenger immediately responded: "From the situation there, it is clear that the refugees are eating this set."

"What?" The blood wizard was stunned, saying: "There was no news before that the refugees became very angry when they saw the bones in the basement, and began to smash other clinics, and many corpses were also found in other clinics. Has it left the medical school unpacked?"

"It was like this at the beginning." The scavengers explained: "However, most of the corpses found are skeletal bones with some body mutations, so news came out of the refugees that they were used by the cult doctors for experiments. It’s not human at all. Since it’s not human, and it has blown out my anger, coupled with the attitude of the medical school to cooperate actively, those refugees will not go directly to the medical school even if they are still very angry."

"Damn, these guys are so lucky." Lawrence couldn't help cursing, indicating that the man could leave, and then there was some gloating laughter: "However, there shouldn't be many good days for them, This matter may be used by various countries to become a reasonable excuse to receive and supervise medical institutions affiliated to various countries.

"This is not a loss, or the loss of the medical school this time is not great." Leo interrupted Lawrence's analysis, saying: "In fact, whether there is this matter, all governments will take back the medical institutions of the medical school. The only difference is the number of excuses. In addition to this, the real losses of the medical school are not much, they just lost some research materials, and these research materials can be regained in future research trials. There was no loss for the next time, and the researched items were not lost. We don’t know what they are studying. Even the item of the plague ring is also missing."

   Hearing Leo’s words, the smile on Lawrence’s face quickly converged and changed back to gloomy again


The serious-looking Leo thought for a moment, and then asked the blood wizard: "There are more than one hundred doctors involved in the study. Now the city of Miria is surrounded by the emperor. It will not be easy to let so many people leave. The black market The smuggling line over there was again stared at by the Liberal Front of Lung Bellevue, so they wanted to allow such a large group of people to leave at the same time, only from the railway controlled by the emperor. Can you investigate from this aspect? a bit?"

"Of course it's okay," Lawrence nodded and agreed, but his words suddenly turned around and said: "But I don't think there will be any results. Those people should have left the city of Miria, even the ring of plague. Take away."

   "Why?" Leo puzzled.

Lawrence walked over to the table, rummaging through several documents on the table, and drawing one of them to Leo, explaining: "Because I remember right, just a few hours ago, the smuggling fleet on the black market suddenly Three more cargo ships were added, and my men found that the three cargo ships were all people. He thought it was just a normal human trafficking, but now, when the three fleets departed, the medical team doctors withdrew The time it took to walk, and the time when the medical school suddenly stood up to admit that the incident was very coincidentally concentrated, so I think the people transported by the three ships should be the doctors who participated in the study."

Leo looked down at the contents of the document and estimated the time in his heart, and found that Lawrence's suspicion made some sense, because the time of these three was too coincidental, and previous experience told him that such a clever thing is not always possible. It is really a coincidence.

After putting down the documents in his hands, Leo thought for a while and said, "You did make sense, but if they really left from the smuggling ship on the black market, then why wasn't Bellevue not blocking or arresting him? It’s impossible for him to have the intelligence and experience to closely monitor the smugglers in the black market. Since you can find these news, how could he not know?"

   "What if he deliberately pretended to be invisible?" The blood wizard suddenly said an amazing question.

   Leo could easily figure out what the other person was referring to, but he asked some general questions and asked, "What do you mean by that?"

   "Do you just believe in Yongbélivière?" The blood wizard said clearly.

   Leo frowned and said, "Although I have only met with Yongbei Riviai only a few times and only talked a few words, I know exactly what kind of person he is..."

"But people can change." The blood wizard's expression was very serious, and said: "All the time, Yong Bellevue has regarded Miria City as his child, his lover, when the United Kingdom Parliament made a thorough When you gave up Miriam City and set up a defense line in the south, did you know what the expression of Yongbérivière was at that time? I can’t forget how Yongbeli cursed everyone in the Parliament Hall. Now Miriam City Being completely destroyed, how much sanity can you think of Yong Bélivière who loves Miria City so deeply?"

   Leo didn't speak, but his face became a little ugly. Obviously Lawrence Hillman's words had affected him.

"Yong Baili has always been cautious. After he founded the Liberal Front, he did so many things, and no one found any useful clues. Even those who joined the Liberal Front did not know." Lawrence said something, stood up, walked to the entrance of the tent, pointed to the men outside the tent, and said, "Don't say anyone else, there must be someone from the Liberal Front just under my staff, but I'm a little bit I can’t find it. Such a person who hides his whereabouts so deeply was found abnormal by the guys in the medical school during the investigation, and the old guys in the medical school uncharacteristically withdrew all relevant matters before any forces reacted. Staff, and do a good response. Can such a thing happen?"

"All the speculations you have made are that the people who built the medical school left from the black market, but the people at the key medical school left from the railway controlled by the emperor?" Leo soon thought of the blood wizard's inference. The loophole retorted: "In my opinion, these people are more likely to leave the railway. It is important to know that the medical school has a great influence within the emperor. According to my understanding, some logistics officers of the emperor even personally appeared for the medical school. People buy people who ship experiments, so..."

   Lawrence Hillman laughed: "Mr. Dodd, you may not know it, just one day ago the Northern Hannosa League issued a notice that prohibited the imperial team from entering and leaving their land."

"How dare they do this?" Whether it was in the past or now, the various data collected by Leo about the Hannossa Alliance gives a weak and deceptive impression, it is just sandwiched between the east and west flanges. Poor insects between regions can be destroyed at any time.

  Lawrence Hillman retorted the original words: "Why didn't they dare to do this?"

   Leo opened his mouth and said nothing, because at this time he recalled all the information about the Hannosa Union and found that he seemed to be misled. Almost all the information about the Hannossa Union comes from some biased news reports. All reports, without exception, claim that the Hannossa Union is a barbaric wasteland, and the people of the Union are also a group of backward barbarians.

In fact, from the establishment of the Hannosa Union to the most powerful period in the French Empire, it has never been annexed and has stood intact in the northern swamp. It can be seen that the strength of the Hannosa Union is not bad. It's just that the various materials have caused some misleading.

At this time, Leo did not think of the test of the medical test and the whereabouts of the plague ring~www.ltnovel.com~ It was not whether Yong Berry was really related to the test of the medical school, nor was it the blood wizard. Meaning analysis, but the vice brain system.

   has always been, no matter where

The ball federation, still in the world of Velen, is very dependent on the para-brain system. From the moment he was reborn on the battlefield, the first thing when he was slightly safe was to recreate a para-brain using schizophrenia, and Relying on the auxiliary brain system, he was able to integrate into this world so smoothly.

Just like this matter now, if the sub-brain system is still on, he rarely needs his main consciousness to think too much. The para-brain system in an absolutely sensible way will show him the analysis list of things, he just needs to choose from The most likely option is enough.

However, now that he has lost the accessory brain system, even though he still has the ability of data collection, data analysis, etc., which is almost the same as that of the accessory brain, he does not have that kind of absolutely rational mentality. His mentality is easily disturbed by some external factors. Make some wrong judgments and analysis.

Leo’s face at the moment made Lawrence Hillman misunderstand, thinking that the role of his rhetoric had played, Leo had doubts about Yong Berry and was preparing to make persistent efforts to see if he could use Leo’s power to investigate Yong. When Bailey's Liberal Front, Leo made an unexpected move.

  I saw that Leo ignored the blood wizard and stood up without saying anything. So he walked out of the tent and left Lawrence Hillman alone in the tent for a long time without any response.

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