
Leo did not deliberately ask about the situation of the people and friends he knew from Sylvia, but when preparing to pack, Sylvia said a little.

For example, Dr. Nielsen and Jason have already received the original transaction. Nielsen has become a member of the Parliament of Port Sait by virtue of his family background and the reputation of practicing medicine in recent years, and he and Catherine Nightingale marriage.

Jason was also married and married the proprietress of a tavern and a tavern. He is in charge of the warehouse in the dock area. He has become the head of the dock porter union, and he is also a small and powerful figure in Port Saite.

With the support of Nielsen and Jason, Catherine opened a nurse school and civilians to teach women various nursing knowledge and provide medical services for poor civilians, because often at night, carrying lanterns, patrolling wards, and looking after The patient, gradually no one called her name, changed her name to Ms. Lantern.

After the old Rembrandt was burnt down at No. 9 Golden Oak Street, he left the city of Miriam and went to the Mosang continent in the south. The next two years because he discovered and excavated the legendary ancient city of Lumbell, it proved that Ya The existence of the ancient civilization recorded in the Scroll also rewrites the place of human origin, so it is respected as a master by the world and its reputation is unparalleled.

In addition to these four people who can be regarded as friends, Emily who has a "blood relationship" with Leo, Sylvia also mentioned a little, but did not say much, only that Emily is now in the witch The regiment is trained by other witches.

Although Emily's character has changed, her thoughts of revenge for her family have not disappeared. Now that the murderer of the murder case once again appeared in Miria City, she will naturally not miss this opportunity to find the murderer. It's just that the witch training she's receiving is at a critical moment and she can't get away, so she will ask Sylvia to help her, and let Sylvia's men secretly help her investigate the murderer.

However, from the current situation, Sylvia's men should have investigated some things related to the murderer, but unfortunately they were noticed by the murderer, but instead became the sacrifice of the murderer.

Unlike the situation when he saw the murder scene at that time, Leo did not need first aid to treat anyone, so he was able to carefully search every detail of the murder case through the spiritual network, which also made him discover that he had been unintentionally. Some of the content ignored in the article also seems to have discovered the true situation of this murder case.

In the past, Leo believed that the murderer who committed this murder was not a believer in evil gods or some evil wizard, but now looking at the scene again, from some clues found, the identity of the murderer is far less than he had previously As simple as he thinks, this murderer is probably a kind of existence called the ascendant.

Leo’s understanding of the God-giver is not derived from the books of the Velon world, but from the materials about the abandoned capital in the dream world.

In the dream world's exploration of the abandoned city, Wangcheng has always been the center of exploration. Whether it is the large library that Leo has visited, or the ashen plains that the most people in the dream world enter, etc., people in the dream world seem to Wangcheng as the center.

The reason why people in the dream world think so is because the other parts of the abandoned capital are all superimposed by fragments of different worlds of destruction, where the remnants of the world of destruction can be seen, only the king city is from beginning to end There is only one building, an urban building built around towering trees.

Leo did not know the specific image of Wangcheng because he had not been to Wangcheng, but through the information written on the material, he knew that except for the top, known as the residence of the gods, the branch, trunk, and bottom of the tree There are even different urban areas in the depths of the tree roots, and the ascendant is the only mysterious existence in the abyss of the roots of the tree roots that has sober minds and intelligent thoughts.

No one can say exactly what the ascendant is, and there are many opinions on the data. Some people think that they are some filthy souls who try to become gods, and some think they are fallen gods who have lost their glory. In addition, his shape does not have a fixed answer like his existence. Everyone who sees the gods will describe a different shape, sometimes a gust of wind, sometimes a leaf, sometimes a reflection in the mirror and many more.

Although the ascension of the gods is a mystery as a whole, one thing that everyone who has seen the ascension of gods agrees with is that the purpose of the ascension of gods is to become a god.

There are many ways to become gods in the data, but all of them are only effective for gods. As for other people using this method, they will only become lunatics who lose any reason. Among the recorded methods, the most common and the most detailed method is to create fear, and those who are enlightened can obtain some power from the fear, and then promote the evolution of the bloodline and become a new god.

The reason why this method can be recorded in detail in the data of the dream world is that the former chief chief captured a god-embarderer when he entered the blasphemous abyss of the king city, and brought it back to the dream world by some method. Torture it.

In the end, before this god-dead person died in the backlash of the dream world, he obtained a lot of information about the king city, the abyss of blasphemy, and the magical species of the deity-dead person.

It is for this reason that Leo, who has read these materials, was able to find some special runes used by the gods to transform the power of fear in the murder scene just now.

It’s just that Leo is puzzled by these runes. The wizards of the dream world have tried it, and it’s useless. He has also tried one or two of these runes and got the same results, but just now he was able to learn from these runes. Feel some faint psionic fluctuations, obviously these runes have worked.

This situation made Leo couldn't help but think that the three different worlds of Velen World, Dream World and Waste Capital might have different effects due to different environments, the same rune, root and magic circle.

The new discovery caused Leo to put the plague ring aside for a while and wait for the discovery to be re-investigated.

Leo quickly left the fish city and walked to the nearest ruined city in the fish city. There are many ruins in Miria City. Some places are difficult to clean and unsuitable for living, so there are no refugees to set up tents and simple Housing, the bow area is such an urban area.

The bow area was not originally named this way, but after several expansions, the shape of the entire urban area gradually became the same as the bow, so it had this strange name.

The earliest people who lived here were some stonemasons and their families who were responsible for building the city. It was only later that the area around the bow area became part of the administrative area of ​​Miria City, and the residents in the bow area gradually changed into Miria City. Civil servant.

When the airship of the French Empire bombed the entire city, in order to paralyze the basic administrative functions of the city in a short time, the office buildings of various departments of the administrative area and the civil servant city area were important targets. Therefore, the bow area was in the first round of bombing of the airship. Has become a ruin.

Because the war was too sudden and the war was too violent, all the residents of the bow area died here. You know that there were as many as 200,000 people living here at that time, and most of the relatives and friends of these deceased also died in the subsequent rounds of bombing, and the living people are thinking about survival every day, without cleaning up the rubble. The mood and time to collect the dead for the dead, so the bow area has become one of the largest ruins tombs in Milia City.

When the scavengers were first formed, there were also people who wanted to find some valuable things in the ruins of the nearby urban areas such as Chuantou District. After all, the people who lived here in the past were family members of civil servants in the city, and their assets were not Philip, you should be able to find some good things.

But a series of strange events that happened afterwards made this urban area a taboo land. For example, people entering here will experience hallucinations. In the hallucinations, the bow area is still intact, and the dead people are still there, but when the hallucinations are over, the person will be cursed and his body will gradually weaken and eventually die.

In addition to this, the most weird thing that happened was that a group of up to 300 people of scavengers entered the bow area unbelievingly, preparing to clean up the rubble and look for valuable things. Although they did not believe the rumors of ghost curse, they did not dare to enter the ruins full of dead bodies at night, so they chose to enter during the day. But not long after they entered, under the eyes of everyone, everyone suddenly went crazy and attacked each other until the last person fell under the pool of blood, and no one walked out of the bow area.

It is precisely because of these strange things that this place has become a forbidden area, no one dares to approach it, and no one dares to enter it at night.

Of course, the danger of the bow area is only for ordinary people. For those who live in the dark world, the bow area has become a very good living area. Because of unknown reasons, some places in this city area produce a natural psionic magnetic field. For those with psionic energy, staying in this environment for a long time can be beneficial to their own psionic growth. .

However, this environment is not helpful for people who reach high levels of psionic levels such as Leo and Blood Wizard.

The reason why Leo will come to this ruin in the bow area, except that there is no one here, the main thing is that this special psionic magnetic field can help him more easily test some Turing roots and magic runes. Wait for strength.

However, the arrival of Leo will inevitably alarm some long-term entrenched here, who has already made this a dark world person who is his own territory.

Just the moment he entered this ruin, seven or eight lines of sight fell on him around him, and he continued to follow him all the way. A few or two of these sights were just the eyes of scrutiny. Both are full of malice, obviously Leo as a prey.

Because Leo has converged all the powers in his body, from the appearance, it is just a strong ordinary person, and the dress on his body is the standard dress of the scavenger, so at first glance, he will be regarded as a bold solo Scavengers.

Over time, the scavengers gradually reported to the group, occupying a lot of ruined areas, the overall power is also very impressive, and some can even compete with well-equipped gangsters, so that those lone travelers who do not want to join the scavenger group change It is becoming more and more difficult to survive, so many solo travelers have set their sights on several restricted areas in the city.

Ruins with a lot of good things like the bow area are naturally the first choice for these lone travelers, some of them have good luck, did not break into those special psionic magnetic field areas, were not affected, and returned from the ruins with full load. But more lone travelers never came out after entering the ruins. These people either died in those special areas, or were killed by the dark world people living in the special areas, so when Leo entered In this urban area, all the monitors thought of another lone traveler who did not know what to do.

While these monitors are watching Leo, Leo is also viewing these monitors through the spiritual network.

Among these monitors, the two monitors only had a glance and did not reveal any malicious monitors with slight psionic fluctuations, and from the clothing and some iconic items on their bodies, these two can be judged. People should come from the watchman organization.

Therefore, these two monitors have been regarded as a guide stone by Leo, and they have cast a mana-marking magic, leaving a mark on them through the spiritual net. When the magic runes have been tested, he will pass these two. The mark on the person finds the secret place of the night watchman in the city of Miria, and then through the night watchman organization, finds Yongberg of the Free Front, and drags Yongberg into the search for the plague ring.

After all, Yungberlivier, who already regarded Miria City as her own territory, was absolutely unwilling to see the plague ring used in this ruined city, so in Leo's view, persuasion should not be difficult.

In addition, the maliciousness leaked from the sight of the several monitors has been obvious to the point that they can be felt without too much attention~www.ltnovel.com~ Leo naturally did not intend to let them go, but he was not prepared to kill directly They died because he still needed some useful information from these monitors, such as the situation of the underground church in Miria.

Although there has not been any communication, Leo and the blood wizard think that the plague ring is the best missionary artifact, and as far as the current situation in the city of Milia is concerned, those underground churches that are not visible should be the most hoped for The power of the plague ring.

Leo's underground church here is not the ancient **** churches that occupy a certain urban area, such as the birthing mother Maya and the observer Mobison, but the evil spirit churches that are regarded as evil gods by the Orthodox Church.

Although these evil spirit churches cannot preach in public like those of the ancient deity churches, the poor environment and despair of Melia City have enabled their churches to spread smoothly among the large refugee populations in the city.

At this moment, the monitors with malicious intentions behind Leo came from two very famous local churches of evil gods, they are the Church of the Snake Mother and Leo’s old acquaintance Church of Truth. () "The Mysterious World under Steampunk" only represents the view of the author Jiuchengjun. If you find that its content violates the laws of the country, please delete it. The position is only committed to providing a healthy and green reading platform. 【】,thank you all!

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