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When the United Kingdom’s Parliament and Government moved south to Lanthi, many people were taken away. These people were both the nobles of Milia and a large number of scholars, but the ordinary civilians except for a small part of the civil servants and workers employed by the United Kingdom government. Except for the rest.

After the army of the empire came, although they did not enter the city of Milia and did not have the idea of ​​managing the city of Milia, all the main roads around the city of Milia were blocked, unless the passage certificate issued by the empire No one in Leah City was allowed to leave, which also trapped more than one million civilians in Leah City.

When the empire recruited the garrison, many civilians were recruited into the army. The families of these civilians moved out of the city of Milia and were placed along the railway. The army supplies food and other daily necessities every day. Worry about survival.

However, there are still nearly one million people in the city of Milia who have no supply, so in order to survive, these civilians either joined the gang or became scavengers.

The United Kingdom left in a hurry. Although it took away all the talents who could be taken away, the wealth that could not be taken away was left, but no one thought that the French Empire would use a radical and extreme method to take the city of Milia Completely destroyed, so those wealth are also buried in the ruins of the city.

If the wealth is to be cleared from the ruins, even if the French Empire sends millions of people, it may not take a few years to complete, so those civilians who have become scavengers for survival will become The best treasure cleaner. For this reason, some people think that the army of the French Empire blocked the main road of Miriam and did not allow people to enter and leave at will. It was a deliberate attempt to use this oppressive means of survival to force those civilians to scatter and collect as they wanted. Wealth in various ruins of the city.

If in other places, a set of exquisite gemstone jewelry can be exchanged for thousands of gold flanges, but in the current city of Melia, only ten breads can be exchanged.

Among the scavengers, there are some smart guys. They can see that the city of Miria has the most wealth, but the scavengers have the most people, so the battles for some treasures are also the most, and the degree of danger is also high. Scavenging here Some gains outweigh the gains.

On the contrary, the villas in the suburbs near the blockade line. It is noticed that there are not many scavengers here, and most of the villas are made of wood, which is easier to clean than the stones in the city, and you can find more easily. Treasure of value, so the mindful scavengers cleaned up this area early.

All the slightly valuable things in the villa were searched, and even some high-end wood that was not completely destroyed was taken away by the scavengers. The entire villa area looks like it has been licked again.

Leo’s mission from Sylvia was also related to the scavengers who cleaned the villas in the Moon Lake District. The mission was not issued by the United Kingdom, but by the Society of Foreign Affairs, whose degree of danger was related to the sacrifice of the swamp son. That village is similar.

Many of the members of the Odor Society like to live in a city that is very open to academics and knowledge, such as Miriam City. The Rembrandt old man is one of them. Several other members of the Odor Society also settle in The Moon Lake District in Miliya City.

When the war spread to Miria City, the Odor Society had an early hunch that Miria City might be hit, so when the United Kingdom was still discussing whether to give up Miria City, it had already All members of the Society of Hearing received a safe place.

The wise men of the Foreign Studies Society originally thought that the French Empire would capture the city of Milia. Even if the army would do some extraordinary things like smashing and burning, but for the sake of international prestige, it would also protect the residences of some scholars and celebrities. Therefore, there are some things that are not suitable for taking away. The scholars of the Yiwen Society have collected them in the safes of their respective secret rooms. After the war is calm, they come back and take them away.

However, no one thought that the revenge of Emperor Fran would be so heavy, destroying the entire city of Milia, and the villas on the outskirts were the main targets of destruction. What made them even more unexpected was that the scavengers found the secret room buried under the broken walls and evacuated all the safes in the secret room.

Most of the items in these safes are very dangerous curses. These curses come from the Odor Society and other allied organizations. They find the curses through various methods, and then send them to Miriam City Exchange. For the members of the society here to study ways to eliminate the curse. Because the transportation of these cursed objects requires special containers, otherwise people close to them will be entangled by the power of the curse and appear outside, so it will be decided by the Institute of Odors to temporarily store these things.

Now, the Yiwen Society found that some of the cursed things it had collected from other sources even spread to the markets of other countries and regions through the black market, which also made them realize that their collection of items may have been lost.

Although the categories of those cursed objects are all classified into one category, the dangers are high and low. The cursed objects that Leo is looking for in this mission belong to the extremely dangerous category. This cursed object The name of the thing is called the plague ring.

No matter when the plague is the enemy of any living things, so whether it is the ancient earth age of the Earth Federation, or the current Velon world, they have a strong fear of the plague from ancient times to today.

It is precisely because of this fear that the Velon world has always believed in the plague **** from ancient times to the present. Although the name and identity of the plague **** are different in each period, but there is one thing that is consistent, they Are all incarnations of the plague.

In the Great Plague that affected the entire Velen world and almost destroyed the whole world, the belief in the God of Plague was also the strongest. During that time, seven churches of the God of Plague appeared at the same time.

Some of these churches simply created a **** to believe because of the fear of the plague. There is no real god, but some of them actually have an ancient **** behind the church, and whether these gods exist The true God of Plague is still a mystery, but at least one thing is certain, one of the gods has been extremely close to the divine power of the plague, and the ring of plague is from the hand of this church.

Because this church used the ring of plague to spread the plague, and then harvested new plague varieties from the people infected with the plague, the kings, lords and churches at that time, the dark night watch organizations, towers, etc. all regarded this church as As the enemy of mankind, the joint force wiped it out, and this church's special magical product, the plague ring, fell into the hands of various forces.

Although most of the plague rings have been purified by the forces of various organizations, there are still a few that have been preserved. The plague ring lost by the Yiwen Society is one of them, and it is probably the only plague ring that can be used. .

The members of the Immune Society who won this plague ring are a high-level medical school and a well-known medical master in the world of Velon. Although there is no mention of who this high-level is in the mission file, the high-level medical school has long lived in Miria City There are just a few. Leo can easily find out if he wants to investigate, but he doesn’t have a lot of ideas.

This medical school senior originally wanted to study the ability principle of the plague ring, and planned to use this principle in the virus cultivation of the medical school. Unfortunately, after the things were in hand, he hadn't waited until he worked out a reason, and the war broke out. .

When the plague ring fell into the hands of senior medical school, there was no harm, because after so many years, the power contained in the ring has been reduced to the very bottom, and the plague used for breeding has long disappeared.

But it seems that the member of the society has committed the common problem of all the scholars of the research school. In order to study their subject, the danger brought by the research can be completely ignored. He actually sacrificed to the plague ring according to the rituals of the ancient plague church, and also provided a large number of germs to the plague ring, trying to use these methods to restore the power of the plague ring.

What is even more unexpected is that the member of the society has succeeded. The plague ring has regained some legendary abilities, such as absorbing plague pathogens, making new varieties of plague pathogens, and so on.

At this time, when the war came, the member of the society had to temporarily give up the research on hand, except that the Plague Ring was cultivating a very critical pathogen for him at that time, and he had spent several years for this pathogen, stopping halfway. If you come down, you will surely give up your achievements. So he found a special sorcerer's wonder and stored the plague ring there to let it continue to complete the cultivation work. He first left the city of Milia and waited for the matter to subside before returning to take it away.

It was just the practice of the imperial army. The appearance of the scavengers made the expectations of this member of the society fall through. Other cursed things were scattered on the black market, making him understand that what he had saved might also be in trouble. Because it was clear what serious consequences this leak would cause, the member of the society had to inform the other members of the Yiwen Society of this matter.

After analysis by other members, everyone felt that the matter had not yet reached the worst time, because there was no news of the Great Plague in Miria City. It can be seen that the wizard's magical object that the member used to contain the plague ring has not been opened, and the wizard's magical object itself is a treasure, and it needs to be opened with a special method, so those who get the plague ring may be It is unclear what exactly is in his hands.

In the opinion of the members of the Society of Astonishment, as long as the wizard's magical object containing the plague ring is opened and the things are recovered, then there will be no catastrophic consequences.

It’s just that the Society of Hearing has no influence in Milia City now, and the manpower is not enough. If you contact the black market, I am afraid that people in the black market will be more willing to sell this plague ring for a good price, and will never consider returning it to the strange. Wen learned.

For this, they had to resort to the United Kingdom, which still has a large number of staff in Milia City.

It’s just that the United Kingdom has different opinions on helping the Odor Society find the plague ring, because the Odor Society received some news before the Imperial Army crossed the Black Forest, but the Odor Society did not tell the United Kingdom Instead, it was Mielia City, who quietly evacuated, so many people think that although the alien society is not an enemy, it is not an ally, and it has no obligation to help them find the lost curse.

More importantly, some people feel that if the plague ring is working in the city of Miria at this time, then the army of the empire must be blocked. They can use this as an excuse to accuse the French empire of using the plague as a weapon to slaughter humanity. Although this does not directly harm the French Empire, it can alert those countries that secretly engage in commercial cooperation with the French Empire, and even cut off cooperation with it is not impossible.

It is precisely because of the attitude of the United Kingdom's top management that they have used various means to delay the release of the mission to the front line. When the mission command fell into the hands of Sylvia, more than ten days have passed, and they are mixed in one. Among the pile of tasks, I knew that when Sylvia discovered this task, he had been held back by other things and then executed this task.

If Leo does not appear, Sylvia may turn to other dark world organizations, such as witch, night watchman organization, etc. Now Leo’s appearance just solved this big trouble.

To be honest, Leo had the feeling of returning to the Earth Federation when he saw this mission, because in the countless missions of the Earth Federation, there are countless tasks such as wiping the **** for those high-level, among which similar to finding a certain The task of this kind of hazardous items is even more numerous.

It is precisely because of the large amount of experience in finding dangerous goods that Leo did not enter the city of Milia for the first time to find the black market to find news~www.ltnovel.com~ but came to the member of the society of strange smell in Milia City Check the situation.

Just like other villas, the villa of this member of the Hearing Society was completely destroyed, except that there are a lot of excavation and dismantling marks in this ruined wall, and there is a huge hole in the backyard of the villa. At the bottom of the pothole is a passage to the secret room.

Leo took a look around the villa, and then looked down from the pothole into the secret room. After coming up from the secret room, he looked a little dignified. Then he set off to the villas of several other members of the society.

After all the members of the Alien Society's villa in Miria City have been inspected by him, he can finally be sure that the loss of the plague ring is not an accident, but someone did it intentionally.

The reason why Leo has such a speculation is that he can see from the excavation traces inside and outside the villa of other alien society. The digger is very amateur, and it should be the person who has never engaged in such work. There are a lot of wrong excavation sites. .

Only the secret room where the plague ring is stored, the excavation traces are very professional, and there is no wrong excavation site. It is obvious that the digger is directed at the plague ring in the secret room, so this task is definitely not like the strange smell society and The United Kingdom thinks so simple.

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