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"Leo Dodd, you..." Baron Maupassant was shocked after his identity was broken, but after seeing the true face of the concealer, the shock in his heart was even stronger, and he could not speak for a long time until Lei Ou walked up to it, only some inexplicable casually found a sentence, said: "Your clothes are really ugly!"

Hearing Baro Mopoisan's words, Leo couldn't help but froze for a moment. He didn't expect that Baro de Mopossant would suddenly say such a word. Afterwards, he looked down at the very unsuitable suit on his body and couldn't help but smiled and said, "This is someone else's clothes, it really doesn't fit well."

Although Baron Mopsang couldn’t see his expression with the mask, it was not difficult to see from the trajectory of the mask’s movement. He was now taking a deep breath to calm the violent fluctuations in his heart, and then he heard him use the calmest tone possible, saying: This is not a place to talk, let’s leave first!"

Having said that, regardless of Leo’s intention to leave, he lowered himself, raised the corner curtain, and drilled out.

Although Leo still wanted to stay in the tent and study the metal fragments, he finally chose to cooperate with Baron Maupassant, also lowered his body, reached out and drew a Turing root to the shadow on the side, and pulled out part of the shadow to cover it. On his body, he got out of the tent and merged into the darkness, following the route that Baron Moposan left, avoiding the guard soldiers and coming to the edge of the barracks.

Then, he saw Baron Maupassant standing next to a brazier and made a few gestures towards a watchtower in the barracks warning area, following and ignoring the fires in the police isolation zone, leading Leo to walk directly outside the barracks and observe The imperial warriors on the tower seemed to be blindfolded, but they did not see the bodies of Baron Moposan and Leo.

The two easily left the tightly guarded camp and entered the woods. Baron Moposan did not stop, but led Leo to move quickly in the woods until he overturned a hill and stopped in front of a boulder .

I saw that Baron Moposan reached out and struck the stone twice, and the stone immediately cracked a door and a staircase extending downward, and then he led Leo to the hidden secret base.

The area of ​​this secret base is not large, but the interior is very meticulous. Each room with different functions is separated by a simple wooden board, and a lamp made of a special fluorescent liquid is hung on the top, which also makes the underground base The interior does not appear dim.

At this moment, seven or eight people gathered in this underground base. They all wore inconspicuous civilian clothes, but from their temperament, it is not difficult to see that they are all battle-hardened soldiers.

A bearded man among these people could not help but froze for a moment after seeing the figure of Baron Mopossant, and asked, "How come you came back so quickly, you are not..."

Talking, he soon discovered that behind Baron Maupassant followed a stranger who was extremely undressed, which caused him to immediately stop asking and placed his instinctive hand on the waist weapon.

Others in the room also noticed the anomaly, all stopped working in their hands, and placed their hands on the weapons beside them, ready to attack at any time.

"Don't be nervous, this is your own." Baron Mobosang raised his hand to the crowd, then handed the cylinder to the big man, and said, "Archive the contents and send it back to Lanxi together with the last document, here The excavation work is coming to an end, there is nothing new, and I have received information that the hound will be transferred from the north. With his ability, our base may not be able to keep it, or evacuate as soon as possible!"

"I know." Dahan took the cylinder. Although he remained alert to Leo, his hand was removed from the weapon, and everyone else ignored Leo.

"Come with me." Baron Moposan said to Leo, and then led Leo to the innermost room.

After entering the room, Leo looked at the simple arrangement of a table and two stools in the room and smiled: "Are you going to interrogate me?"

"I don't dare." Baron Moposan pointed to one of the chairs, motioned Leo to sit there, and then removed his hood and goggles, revealing his delicate face and iconic mustache, and walked to the corner of the room. In front of the small wine cabinet, asked: "What do you want to drink?"

"Just give me a glass of water." Leo answered in a chair.

Baron Mopoisan heard Leo got a glass of water, but he took out a bottle of spirits that looked great, and gave himself a glass. When he picked it up, he first drank a glass, and then when he got another glass, he only held two. The cup came to Leo, placed the glass in front of Leo, and sat on the table next to Leo.

"You are..." Baron Moposan asked, but changed his voice halfway, saying, "When did you come out?"

"Yesterday." Leo answered truthfully, then smiled again: "Don't you want to know about 9 Golden Oak Street?"

Baron Moposan shook his head and said, "No. 9 Golden Oak Street has been destroyed. Even knowing your experience is useless."

"Nine Golden Oak Street ruined?" Leo was surprised.

"You don't know?" As soon as the words were spoken, Baron Morbosant realized that he had asked a silly question, and then took a sip of wine, disguising his emotions, and said: "One month after you entered there, it was 9th Golden Oak Street. The fire was inexplicably lit, and the entire villa was burned to ashes."

Leo immediately questioned: "Impossible! There is no possibility of a fire there, and the building is more unlikely to be burnt to ashes."

"I know this, in fact, many people know it, but it happened." Baron Moposan looked at Leo and said, "After the accident, I went to the scene and it was indeed destroyed."

Leo knew that what Baron Maupassant said was destroyed was not just the building there, but the power that shrouded the building and the area disappeared. Even if someone lives there again, there will be no dense fog. The people there are sent to the dream world.

Although Leo has not visited the site to check the situation and there is no relevant evidence, he feels that the power of 9 Golden Oak Street will disappear, perhaps related to him.

At this time, Baron Moposan whispered again, "I and others thought you would never come out again." As he said, he paused for a moment, and finally couldn't help his curiosity. He asked: "The Golden Oak Street Nine What is in the number? Can you say it?"

"This is nothing to say," Leo did not conceal, said truthfully: "Nine Golden Oak Street is an entrance, all people who enter it will be sent to a new world, that world is a world composed of spiritual dreams Although there is not much evidence now, I think the **** who created that world should be the night **** who is one of the ancient gods of Velen."

"Night God?" Baron Maupassant was also calmed down by the answer given by Leo. He did not expect this matter to be related to the gods, which made him do not know what to ask next.

Leo said indifferently: "You shouldn't be stranger to the gods. Wasn't the original lake in the previous lake banned a real eye of the evil spirit?" As he said, he asked in due time: "I'm curious Who really robbed the banned real eye, and how did he rob it?"

Baron Mopossant did not struggle with problems such as ancient gods and dream worlds. He turned his attention to the current problems and said, "You are also my problem. I also want to know the answer."

"How do you say this?" Lei Ou froze for a moment, questioning: "Aren't you the one who robbed the real eye and body?"

"We?" Baron Moposan looked at Leo puzzled.

"Fair smelling society." Leo said his previous guess.

"It's not us, we went one step late." Baron Moposan shook his head and said, "In fact, when the accident happened at 9 Golden Oak Street, Rembrandt proposed to the society to dig out the real eye, but just sent someone to go. When I saw it, the underground things had disappeared, leaving only a lake formed by huge holes."

Upon hearing Baron Maupassant’s words, Leo was immediately aware, and Shen Sheng asked: “Listening to your words, the disappearance of the Real Eye and the burning of the 9th Golden Oak Street are very close.”

"Yes." Baron Morposan clearly knew what Leo was suspecting, and added: "A lot of people have investigated this matter, and the two are not directly related, just a coincidence. Not to mention the ability to be silent. Digging out a large hole in a lake, there is no need to solve the problem of No. 9 Golden Oak Street by incineration, and it is enough to dig the entire plot directly."

"You have a point." Leo nodded, looking like he agreed with Baron Maupassant's remarks, but in fact he felt that there must be a connection between the two.

Leo, who just didn't understand the reason, could only temporarily put this matter aside and wait for other suitable evidence and information to be found before continuing to investigate these two things.

Afterwards, he asked Baron Maupassant: "Since the lake was formed so early, you should have done some exploration inside the lake, and there must have been a lot of things at the bottom of the lake. Now why do you pay attention to that again? Lake?"

"At that time, the Society of Unknown Stories did not explore the lake. I did not participate because of other things, and I was not a member of the official Society of Unknown Sense," Baron Mopsang explained: "I didn't know what happened. Several members of the alien society responsible for excavation collapsed and each took part of the excavated items. This time the French Empire will send a large number of people to excavate because the excavation in the hands of one of the members fell to the Royal French Empire In the hands of the dean of the college, there was news that he had met Louis, claiming that the mystery of ancient gods was buried in it, and we didn’t want to..." Then, he paused and said, "Yes, I forgot about your present. The situation is still unknown. We and the French Empire..."

Leo interrupted Baron Maupassant’s narrative and said: “It goes without saying that now I know a little bit about the situation in West Franconia. It looks like you should be from the United Kingdom of France?”

Baron Moposan nodded and added: "I am now Earl."

"Congratulations." Leo congratulated somewhat blandly.

I don't know why both sides lost interest in talking at this time, the room became quiet and the atmosphere was a bit awkward.

In the end, Count Moposan broke the silence and said, "Wait, I will change my clothes."

After talking, he turned and left the room, and went to the single bedroom next door.

Because each room is separated by a wooden board, there is almost no isolation effect on the sound. Even ordinary people can hear the sound of the room next door, not to mention Leo’s hearing has experienced an extraordinary improvement, and the sound heard is even more. Very clear.

In the process of changing clothes, Count Moposan also returned to Sylvia Belmont, and seemed to be in a very good mood at the moment, humming a brisk song while changing clothes. And her actions clearly attracted the attention of others outside the cubicle. Even if those people were very awesome to Sylvia, they couldn't help but get together to whisper about what happened to her.

When the sound of changing clothes in the compartment disappeared, Sylvia walked out of the compartment, and those who first saw Sylvia dressed up couldn't help but hold their breath, and Leo, who was already prepared After the door of the room was opened, she couldn't help but feel a little lost when she saw Sylvia.

Leo has met Ms. Lake in the dream world. Although the woman in the lake is not counted as the Ms. Lake in the Velen world, she still said that her appearance is definitely the appearance of a goddess in anyone’s mind, and now Leo sees The arrival of Sylvia also gave him the same feeling. At least he stood with the lady in the lake, and his appearance and temperament never fell.

"Your appearance is comparable to that of the lady in the lake!" Leo regained his mind and said the truth.

"Thank you for your compliments." Sylvia thought this was Leo's compliment~www.ltnovel.com~ with a happy smile on her face.

"I'm not complimenting you." Leo was very clear about what Sylvia thought, so he slightly emphasized the tone of certain words and said: "I'm telling the truth, your current appearance is really able to match the lake Ladies are comparable."

Sylvia was stunned for a moment, and soon thought of something from Leo's accented vocabulary. He turned and closed the door. His finger drew a few circles on a metal card with a Turing root engraved next to the door to drive the metal card. The psionic energy in the spread and envelope the entire room.

For the women in the world of Velon, the ladies in the lake are the objects that every lady yearns for. Various legends about the ladies in the lake have become the pillow stories of the little things of the women in the world of Velon. Sylvia is naturally no exception. . When she heard Leo said that she had seen the lady in the lake, she did not suspect Leo lying, but like a little girl, she asked curiously: "You have seen the lady in the lake, really a lake Ms. Zhong? In the world created by the night **** dream?"

Satisfied with Sylvia’s curiosity, Leo said, “I did see the lady in the lake there, but the lady in the lake and the lady in the lake in the legend of Velen should not be the same. I guess that lady It should be the projection of Ms. Lake in the dream."


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