The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 204: Village full of families

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"It's a chaotic psionic wave!" Leo almost doesn't need to use a spiritual net. Just close to the edge of the village, he can feel that very strong psionic waves come out of the village, but these psionic waves are extremely chaotic as if they are hundreds. Phantoms of different frequencies seem to be mixed together.

According to Leo’s idea, this village is clearly in big trouble. All he has to do now is leave the war zone as soon as possible and go to the Inge Kingdom. There should not be much trouble, but his curiosity makes him want to know what is happening. What is the reason for such a chaotic psionic wave?

Leo looked at the darkening sky and decided to stay in the village for one night and wait for the road tomorrow, so that he could satisfy his curiosity and avoid the martial law of the French army at night.

Thinking of this, Leo stepped towards the village in front of him.

This village is a kind of villa-like farmhouse that is common in Miria City. It may have been used by a certain nobleman for vacation. It gradually developed into a village. The most obvious feature of such a village is that the streets and houses are all The largest and most luxurious villa estate in the middle was built as the center.

The streets of the village are quiet and there is no pedestrian. The residents in the village are hiding in their own rooms. Leo walking on the street can feel the strange eyes projected from the houses from time to time. These eyes are very complicated. , Leo can feel sympathy, compassion, happiness, indifference and so on.

This kind of feeling is not that kind of imaginary vague feeling, but actually feels the emotion contained in each eye, it is like there is a sight emotion resolver on him, any kind of sight falls He can clearly distinguish him.

Through this wonderful perception ability that may be derived from the blood and also from other forces, Leo found that although the emotions contained in these eyes were different, all the eyes revealed the same emotion at the moment they were retracted. , That is gloating.

Leo ignored these eyes and went straight to the hotel in the village, which was different from the other houses in the village. The door was closed. The hotel here was not only open, but also set up two rows of street lights at the door of the hotel to make the hotel a success. The most striking place in the entire village.

The hotel at this moment is not empty. Contrary to the indifference of the village, the hotel can be said to be overcrowded, because a group of patrol soldiers of the French Empire seem to be preparing to rest in this hotel tonight, nearly 30 people The squad crammed up the hotel that was not very big.

Leo, who came in from outside, quickly caught the attention of the officers of this team. After all, a tall, sturdy man was wearing a very unsuitable clothing, and two exaggerated pistols were placed in the waist holster. It’s hard to think or not.

However, the officer did not doubt that Leo was the People’s Army in the South. He did not think that the soldiers of the People’s Army were bold enough to appear alone in front of a well-equipped patrol team. Nor did he think Leo was the The wanted head of the rebels, because writing down the appearance of all the characters on the wanted order is a required course to become the patrol leader.

But he also does not think Leo is an ordinary person. In his guess, Leo should be one of those bounty hunters summoned by the Imperial Ministry recently.

Because the main army that attacked Miliya City was too powerful, and almost did not encounter too many obstacles, it captured Milia City, but it was precisely because the main army’s attack was too smooth, so that other auxiliary legions did not Complete the expected closure.

So when Miriam City was captured, all the rebels in Miriam City that the imperial emperor regarded as a must have escaped from the loophole in the encirclement, and a valuable rebel leader was not captured.

Fortunately, the Auxiliary Seventh Army blocked the passage from the Bidya Mountains to Lanzi in a timely manner, and laid a defense line on the north side of the mountains to prevent others from passing through the mountains and fleeing to the south, so those rebels are still there. Hidden in the forest on the outskirts of Miria City.

In order to complete the imperial emperor's arrest orders, the military department not only sent the most elite special troops, but also recruited a large number of bounty hunters from the black market, specializing in the arrest of those rebels who fled.

This patrol officer had seen some bounty hunters hired by the black market at the headquarters of the crusade in Miria City. Those people all dressed up weird and nagging. It was easy to separate them from ordinary people. come out. Although, Leo's dress was just a piece of clothing that didn't fit well, but he was dressed so strangely, he was able to walk on the street with ease, regardless of the weird eyes of the people around him. The bounty hunters are exactly the same.

Leo did not know that he was regarded as a bounty hunter by the officers of the patrol because of this unsuitable dress. He just felt that the soldiers of the French Empire around him had no intention of starting. Seeing this situation, Leo was also happy and scattered. Went to prepare the psionics that were used to create air hammer witchcraft

"Are there any rooms?" Leo asked at the innkeeper sitting inside the counter.

The innkeeper did not answer, just turned his head, glanced at the imperial soldiers, and gave Leo the answer almost explicitly.

Leo said again: "I only need a place to rest, the stables can."

The innkeeper frowned, and then said, "Seven Biyas a night, with one dinner and no breakfast," he said, then he looked at the patrol soldiers again, as if he was expressing his intentions. , Said a little louder: "As long as the coins minted by the empire, the coins of the rebels will not be collected."

Leo singled out seven imperial bia from the coins found on the corpse, and handed it to the hotel owner. Under the leadership of a servant, he came to the horse barn at the rear of the hotel and arranged it in a warehouse for storing straw. Inside.

When the servant was about to leave, Leo stopped him and asked him where there were shops in the village where he could buy suitable clothing.

The servant looked at Leo indifferently and said, "Even if the store is closed today, I'll take you there tomorrow." After that, he walked towards the lobby in front of the hotel and said to himself on the road. Whispered: "Tomorrow! You guys may not be able to see tomorrow."

The servant's voice is very low, and even ordinary people can only hear some humming while standing beside him, but Leo's five senses enhanced by his physical changes can clearly hear what the servant said.

Leo didn’t think about stepping forward to grab the servant and forcing out the mystery from the other party’s mouth. In fact, when he walked into the hotel and stood in front of the hotel owner, he knew that the person he was facing could no longer be considered People, whether it is the hotel owner, or the servants in the store should be dependents.

Although they covered up the place where the body was mutated with clothes, Leo was able to smell the breath of the ancient **** family from their body, just as he was able to judge the line of sight before. Like thoughts and emotions, the ability to judge the identity of a family member by smell alone was also discovered by him just now.

And while judging the clan, the name of the clan clan of the ancient **** immediately appeared in his mind, but he could not find any information that would allow him to make such a judgment, as if this is a kind of instinct discrimination Average ability.

Leo couldn’t find the reason for these abilities, let alone how to control them, and could only temporarily view them as the additional abilities that the body obtained after waking up from the unknown original bloodline, and after being able to control the power in the bloodline, Naturally, these additional capabilities can also be controlled.

After temporarily putting aside his physical problems, Leo began to consider the problem of this village. Judging from various circumstances, this village may have become a clan group of an ancient god. This kind of thing often happened in the ancient Weilun period when the gods appeared, but after the gods disappeared from the world, such things almost did not happen. Even if they happened, they mostly happened in the primitive atmosphere of Mozambique. In the wilderness and forest, it is said that there are some wild gods there.

Like the suburb of Miria, where the village is now, so close to a large city full of industrial atmosphere, under normal circumstances, it is impossible to have such a large-scale nationalization of the entire village, so there is someone in this matter. Playing ghosts, or some gods that have disappeared have come back.

No matter what the reason is, the time it takes these villagers to transform into dependents is probably not very long, because the mutations in these dependents are not obvious. Such unfinished mutations will not only increase the strength of these people, but will need to be consumed. A large amount of energy in their bodies continues to mutate, making their bodies less healthy and stronger than normal people.

"It seems to be a good show tonight." Leo's mind, while analyzing the family members in the village, was also looking forward to what happened at night.

From what the servants said just now, Leo is not difficult to hear that there will definitely be attacks at night, and the attacks are not only against him, but also against the soldiers of the French Empire,

With the combat effectiveness of that team of soldiers, even if these weak villagers are suddenly attacked, it is absolutely impossible to defeat these strong soldiers with weapons, so if there is an attack at night, then the shot will definitely be the behind-the-scenes hand that caused these villagers to undergo family mutation. .

Leo is not interested in why the black hands behind the scenes create the clan, he is interested in the other party's method of mass production of clan.

While thinking about things, Leo was lying on a simple bed stacked with haystacks, closing his eyes and resting.

When it was completely dark, the former servant took his dinner to the forage warehouse, put the tray on a haystack, and said nothing, then turned and left.

Leo opened his eyes and looked at the food on the tray. A smile appeared on his face. He sat up, ate all the food, and then lay back down to continue to fall asleep.

In fact, at the moment when the dinner plate was taken to the warehouse, Leo's sense of smell smelled the smell of those foods, and just as the para-brain system still exists, some main ingredients in the food were instantly analyzed and found from these ingredients Some herbs that should not have appeared.

These herbs are not poisons, but some very good herbs. In the herbal atlas published by the medical school, this herb ranks first among all the herbs used to help sleep. More interesting is this herb Of origin is not on the mainland of Velen, but on the east side of Minsk.

Because of this, this kind of herbal medicine, which is extremely cheap at the local price, is naturally placed here in West Flanders, and its price naturally becomes extremely expensive. Even the average nobleman cannot use it often.

But now this expensive herb has been put into the food of a hotel occupant, and it can be judged that there is a weirdness without much thought, so Leo simply calculated it and ate all the medicines that were drugged, and then waited for follow-up What happened.

With the passage of time, the sky had completely turned black, and the soldiers who had rested in the hotel also returned to the room to rest.

Although this village is already a substantive control area of ​​the French Empire, the officers of the patrol still remain vigilant. Before the break, they placed some security traps inside and outside their rooms, and arranged the order of duty on their hands, so as not to What happened.

Just before midnight, a thick fog suddenly emerged from the forest, and slowly approached the village, and soon the entire village was wrapped in it. The imperial soldiers who were placed on the roof to guard were aware of this situation very early, but he did not shake the alarm bell in his hand because this kind of dense forest fog spread to the fringe is a common occurrence, no fuss. .

However, when the dense fog covered the whole village and affected people’s sight, the soldier in charge felt that something was wrong, so he prepared to shake the alarm to notify the companions in the room below .

But I don’t know why, he suddenly felt that his body became very heavy, his strength became very small, and even the bell could not be lifted, let alone shaken, and a strong drowsiness also appeared at this time, dispersing his brain. The only sober consciousness left in him instantly caused him to fall into a deep sleep.

At the same time, in the forage warehouse of the stable, a large amount of dense fog was drilled through the cracks of the wooden wall of the warehouse, which quickly filled the entire warehouse.

About half an hour later, a tall figure appeared silently in the warehouse, and the strange thing was that the door of the warehouse had not been opened, as if this tall figure came in with the dense fog around.

The tall figure walked slowly to Leo lying on the haystack. He heard Leo's even breathing and slight snoring. He felt Leo should have fallen asleep, so he stretched out a pair of claws. Big hand, grabbed the heart of Leo's chest.

However, what surprised this tall figure was that his hand went straight through Leo's body and directly on the haystack. What surprised him even more was that before he realized what was happening, he felt a powerful force hit the back of the head and smashed him directly.

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