The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1485: Capture and rescue

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"Don't you need to stay in those underground intelligence organizations? When this person is in a panic, if there is no mastermind, it is easy to cause trouble." Leo was standing in front of the window, watching church knights and heretical hunters coming and going on the street. , When he heard the door opening behind him, he looked back and asked casually.

"No, I won't use it in the future." Sylvia shook her head and smiled: "I didn't expect the church guys to have such a heavy heart for revenge. They humiliated them only two days ago. Today, the revenge will come to my door. The mouse was arrested as a suspicious element, and the organization site was also destroyed by the church knights," she said, and she couldn't help but laugh at herself: "Now I, the underground intelligence queen, is a bit miserable."

"So serious?" Leo couldn't help but was stunned, then looked at Sylvia, who was neatly dressed, and questioned: "Did you not do anything? Just watch the church people take you..."

Sylvia didn’t wait for Leo to finish, and then asked, “Why do you want to do? Didn’t we control the underground intelligence organization just to understand the situation in the Old World? Now that we have almost grasped it, the underground intelligence organization Naturally, there is no need to exist anymore."

Leo hesitated for a while, and said, "It turns out that you are a person who deliberately provokes the church so that they can help you solve those people in the underground intelligence organization."

Sylvia walked to Leo's side, looked at the street outside, and confessed: "I had this idea, but I didn't expect the church people to move much faster than I expected, and almost made me sink into it myself. "

Leo smiled and joked: "Your subordinates are really pitiful."

Sylvia said disdainfully: "They are not pitiful. The bad things they have done can be filled with bookcases if they are written into books. Unfortunately, no matter how bad things are, as long as they don't touch the taboos of the church, they still have to learn from the church. The possibility of getting out of the dungeon."

Leo asked: "Have you never tried to put some heretical evidence on them?"

Faced with this question, Sylvia didn't answer, but just smiled, but this was already an answer to Leo, and those who were caught by the church should never come out.

Leo saw through Sylvia's thoughts and said, "It seems that you are already preparing to leave here. The Belmont family news revealed by Sinil has not affected you lightly!"

"I just don't think there is any need to stay here," Sylvia did not deny, and said frankly: "The closure of the church in Cape West Point will not end in a short time. As long as the filthy believers are not caught, the church The control here will only become stricter and stricter. Maybe it will affect the academy. After all, there are a lot of taboo things done in the academy. It's just that the saint tutor of Sartos used to support him, and now he may still be able to Provide some protection to the college, but it won’t be true in the future. We must know that the incidents we provoke to test the church are not trivial. Rather than being kicked out of the Port of Ocean Pointe in the future, it’s better to leave now, at least not. There was a head-on conflict with these churches, and it was on the church’s list of heretics. Isn’t this what we considered at the beginning? It’s just that the time and intensity of the church’s actions are somewhat different from what we expected, and we have to make arrangements in advance."

Leo shook his head slightly, and said, "But the problem is that my business hasn't finished yet, and Sartos has joined the core circle before..."

As he said, he stopped abruptly, then opened the window and looked at the noisy noise at one end of the street. Sylvia also stood in front of the window and followed Leo's sight to the end of the street.

I saw that a team of church knights was using a police prison vehicle requisitioned from the city hall to **** some heretics they believed to be rushing over from one end of the street. Because this kind of prison vehicle was simply assembled with wooden boards, it could barely Through the cracks of the wooden planks, the people escorted in the prison vehicle can be seen, and the people in the prison vehicle can be easily recognized by the eye-catching scholar costume.

“I’ve started on the academics of the academy so soon.” Sylvia was also puzzled by the current situation. Even when she and Leo were deducing the church’s reaction, they did think that the church would not find any filthy believers. , To start with the academics of the college, but this will definitely be a relatively long process. As the dean of the college, Sartos should also try to create a buffer to allow some important scholars of the college to leave temporarily. In principle, it should never be. There is a situation in which the mayor’s residence incident has just passed and the college has been attacked less than two days ago.

"It's a member of the Church of Justice." Leo said solemnly, looking at the church knights passing by the street.

Sylvia thought for a while, and said: "I remember the archbishop of the Church of Justice is called Wallace, he is a very utilitarian guy. Does he want to use this opportunity to gain a lot of heresy hunting? This is a step further in the rank of the priesthood?"

"Regardless of the reason, unexpected factors have already appeared. Our arrangements should be made in advance. Let Petunia and Joanne be notified! We will leave the Port of Western Cape in the next few days." It was discovered that the Church of Justice has become. Uneasy factors, Leo resolutely abandoned all the plans that had been arranged, and decided to follow Sylvia's heart and leave the Port of Western Cape in advance.

As for joining a secret organization, although it will cause some minor troubles, he believes that even if he goes to other cities, that organization will take the initiative to contact him.

However, before that, he still needs to inform Sartos and Staf. After all, he is now a member of the outer circle of the organization, and he suddenly left the Port of Western Cape not to speak to his introducer and superior. Some are too rude, and there is no need to look for a reason to leave. The Church of Justice is the best reason.

Just when Leo was about to go to the magazine to meet Staf, and then to meet Sartos, as one of the people he wanted to meet, Sartos did not stay in the Holy Prayer House, but was in The sacrament room of the Church of Justice sits expressionlessly on the icy slate chair, waiting for the Archbishop of Justice Wallace to complete daily prayers from the sacrament room.

In fact, before the church knights of the Justice Church went to arrest people in the college dormitory area, Sartos had received the news. He also sent someone to the academy to stop him immediately, and he himself also came to the Justice Church in the Port of Western Cape. The temple of the city intends to ask Archbishop Wallace what exactly he wants to do.

As the mayor’s residence incident gradually ferments, Sartos has felt that something wrong with the filthy believers has become more and more wrong. This is not only because they have not found any traces of the filthy believers even after the city is closed for search, more It was the actions of the Justice Church and the Holy Heart Church that made him feel that these two churches seemed to want to do something extraordinary in this incident.

However, what he never expected was that while he was still considering letting the members of the Church of Justice to inquire about the news, the Archbishop of Justice Wallace had already begun to act, and his target turned out to be the Port of Western Cape. Scholars in the college.

At the moment when he heard the news, Sartos couldn’t help wondering whether Wallace’s actions were directed at him. Obviously, if some of the academics in the academy were actually accused of heresy by the Church of Justice, then even if they were not filthy believers. , He, the dean of the academy, cannot escape responsibility.

As for whether the Church of Justice can produce evidence that scholars are heretics, there is no doubt about this, because a large number of experiments conducted in the academy can be classified as heretics in general. Basically, scholars and even assistant students in the college can be counted as heretics.

Naturally, Sartos would not allow such a thing to happen, so he came to the Church of Justice for the first time, and on the way he came, he had already figured out more than a dozen solutions in his mind, no matter the best situation, It was the fastest situation, and he was able to react immediately.

Satos waited for about half an hour, the door of the sacrament room slowly opened from inside, and Archbishop Wallace, who had completed the daily prayer rituals, led the other bishops out of the worship room.

Wallace, who had just walked out, saw Sartos, who was standing at the door with a gloomy face. He was not surprised. The moment he ordered to arrest someone at the academy, he had already anticipated Sartos' reaction. So he nodded calmly to Sartos, and then ordered the bishops beside him to leave by himself, and let the church knights guarding at the door stay away from the sacrament room, and then he signaled Sartos and him to enter the sacrament room. chat.

After the two entered the sacramental room, Wallace controlled the door to close, and activated the restriction of the sacramental room to isolate all possible probing forces outside.

After the banning force was activated, Sartos asked directly and unceremoniously: "Why send people to the academy to arrest people? Do you know what the consequences of your actions will cause? Are you planning to let the entire Origin Continent once again? Back to the Age of Judgment?"

The Age of Judgment is a term used by the church for the period between two and three hundred years before the Great Migration, but this term is only circulated within the church, and the age of chaos is the term circulated among the people.

It is called the Age of Chaos because in the two to three hundred years, the entire Source Continent is indeed in chaos. Wars, famines, and disasters are endless. Everyone is living in despair, thinking that the end of the world is coming. .

It is precisely because of so much suffering that has fallen on people that various cults and heretics have emerged in an endless stream throughout the Old Continent. Even for a period of time, the power of cults and heretics has swelled to the point where it can directly contend with the Church of the True God. Time Church's attack on heresy is also merciless. As long as there is a slight sign of heresy, it is the death penalty, and even family members will be implicated.

And during that time, scholars who studied various academics were naturally easily beaten into heretics. Now nearly half of the statues of sages erected in various urban colleges in the Old Continent were judged as heretics in the Age of Judgment. Then burned to death the martyred.

Back then, the Church of the Righteous was absolutely the core force of the Church of True God to fight against heresy. There were countless scholars who died in the hands of the Church of the Righteous. Until now, the Church of the Righteous is still a terrifying, terrifying and even abominable object in the eyes of scholars in various colleges.

Right now, the Church of Justice suddenly began to attack the scholars of the Western Cape Port College. Once the incident spreads, it will undoubtedly remind the scholars of other city colleges of the events of the year. By then, it is not only the Western Cape Port that will be messed up. Academies, perhaps the academy structure that the entire continent has finally built will collapse as a result, and the balance created by the various churches will also be broken due to subsequent chain reactions.

So Sartos said that Wallace’s appointment of church knights into the academy to arrest scholars would drag the Old World back to the Age of Judgment. It’s no exaggeration.

However, in response to Sartos's accusations, the Archbishop of Justice Wallace appeared very calm. He did not immediately respond to Sartos's reproach, but waited for a while. After Sartos' mood calmed down, he said slowly. : "Two days ago, when I was invited by you to the Holy Prayer House to discuss how to search for the filthy heresy, I suddenly felt a righteous power appearing in the Holy Prayer House prayer hall."

Sartos was stunned. He didn't understand why Wallace said such a thing without thinking. He also quickly remembered Wallace's unusual behavior that day when he left suddenly, so he asked back: "This and Does it matter if you send someone to the academy to arrest scholars?"

Wallace did not answer, but continued to say to himself: "After that, I returned to the temple and found that the god-given stone of punishment was shattered, and it was not only the **** of punishment in the temple where I was. The gift stone is shattered. Even the god-given stones of punishment in all other church churches are shattered. Your Master, do you know what this means?"

After hearing Wallace’s words, Sartos couldn’t help being stunned. He still didn’t understand what this had to do with the arrest of academic scholars, but he still judged based on the knowledge he had learned: "According to the records of your Church of Justice, Only when the righteous disciplinary messenger appears, the disciplinary **** bestowed stone will be shattered, and the disciplinary magic contained in it will be granted to the disciplinary messenger, which represents justice and punishment of heresy, and now all the punishment **** bestowed stones are shattered..." At this point, He suddenly showed a look of horror, and said: "Has the incarnation of justice come?"

Wallace nodded, and said: "You and I think of the same thing. The incarnation of justice has come, and it is very likely that it has descended at the Port of Western Cape. UU看书"

"It's impossible, it's impossible!" Sartos shook his head repeatedly, and then asked anxiously: "Since you discovered this, have you found the incarnation of justice?"

"If I find the incarnation of justice, I won't send people to the academy to arrest people." Wallace said with a very serious expression: "You are proficient in religious history, and you should be very clear about the history of my teaching. In the past, the incarnation of justice only appeared. After three times, and all three times appeared in the filthy land where heretics were rampant, and then the filthy land was purged. Now that the incarnation of justice appears here, then it represents this..."

"I understand what you mean, you don't need to say it!" Sartos interrupted the other party's narration, then looked at the other party, and said: "You want to clean up the entire Western Cape Port before the incarnation of justice takes action. Any one of the heresy of the whole city will no longer be regarded as a filthy place by justice, and will no longer carry out a major cleansing of the whole city, right?"

"Yes." Wallace nodded and admitted, and when he saw what Sartos wanted to say, he interrupted: "You think there is a better way to save this from the incarnation of justice besides this method. City?"

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