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When Sinil heard the question raised by Sylvia suddenly, he couldn't help but was stunned. He had no idea that the two in front of him would suddenly transfer the topic from the organization and him to the Belmont family, which had nothing to do with him. There was nothing in his heart. The excuses were prepared in advance, so I didn't know how to answer for a while.

"Is this problem also under ban?" Sylvia asked in a deep voice.

"No, it's not under restriction." Sinil shook his head and said: "There is indeed a Belmont family in Teresa Kingdom, but I don't understand why you suddenly asked them about it. Are you right? Are you interested in organizational matters?"

"Is the Belmont family also a member of the organization?" Sylvia ignored Sinil's question and continued to ask herself.

Sinil immediately denied: "Of course not, how could they be members of the organization."

"Are you sure?" Sylvia emphasized.

"Of course..." When Sinil was about to give an affirmative answer, he suddenly stopped, then thought about it seriously, and said: "I am not sure about this, but based on the information I have, the Belmont family is not May be invited by the organization."

"Why?" Sylvia asked.

"Because the Belmont family cannot accept any implant surgery, all the people in the core circle of the organization must undergo the operation of the Starry Sky Crawler implant. Only in this way can they be able to access those in the organization..." Sinil answered Sylvie seriously. Ya's question, but the words were not completely spoken and stopped because it might have touched the prohibition.

"Tell me about the Belmont family!" Sylvia demanded.

Sinil frowned and said, "Although I am Teresa, I don't know the Belmont family very well. This family is very mysterious and dangerous. Anyone who tries to probe their family information will be attacked by this family. Chase, I can only tell you some information in the organization that can be made public."

"Yes." Sylvia nodded.

Afterwards, Sinil narrated everything he knew about the Belmont family of Teresa Kingdom. During the narration, he also secretly observed some of Sylvia’s reactions and tried to learn from Sylvia. His reaction judged the relationship between the mysterious woman in front of him and the Belmont family, but it was a pity that even if he had said everything he knew, he still didn't see any clues, as if the person in front of him was a stone sculpture.

Although Sylvia did not show any abnormality, her heart was full of emotion. He did not expect that the Belmont family in Velen World would decline to a time when there were few family members, while the Belmont family in another world was It has developed into a huge family with hundreds of direct members, thousands of collateral members, and a dozen branch families.

From the information revealed by Sinil, we can know that the Belmont family appeared in this world very early. It had already appeared during the melee in the Central Kingdom area and participated in several conferences that affected the situation of the entire Old Continent and the course of history. war.

Through the merits of these wars, the Belmont family soon became a family of meritorious nobles, and later escaped from the centuries-long war vortex in the Central Kingdom region, and moved to the special place where the Kingdom of Teresa is now located. The Rysha mountain area settled down.

The Belmont family that settled down did not develop the territory like other nobles, but chose to become heresy hunters and assist the churches in hunting down heretics, thereby gaining the trust and support of each church, and also receiving a lot of resources from each church. During this time, the Belmont family also developed rapidly, becoming the largest noble family in the Teresa Mountain Region at that time, and directly and indirectly expanded the family power to the entire Teresa Mountain Region through marriage, family separation and other methods.

When everyone thought that the Belmont family might establish a nation in the Teresa Mountains and make the family a further royal family, the Belmont family suddenly swore allegiance to one of the oldest families in the Teresa Mountains at that time. And assisted this family to establish the Kingdom of Teresa, this family is now the Royal Family of Teresa.

In order to thank the Belmont family, the Teresa royal family had married the Belmont family in the first few generations of kings. Many members of the royal family have also married or married members of the Belmont family, that is to say, the current Teresa. The royal family of Shah is also considered to be a branch of the Belmont family to some extent, and the blood of the two are very closely fused.

Later, the fifteenth patriarch of the Belmonte family, Prince Belmonte, who served as the prime minister of the Kingdom of Teresa, suddenly resigned from all positions in the kingdom. Other members of the Belmont family also resigned from the kingdom positions. The entire immediate family members were all When they returned to their castle in the deep mountains, they lived in seclusion. Until today, they had little contact with the outside world.

So far, the Teresa Kingdom is extremely confused as to why the Belmont family suddenly chose to become the hermit family.

Some people have suspected that it was caused by the deterioration of the relationship between the Belmont family and the Teresa royal family, but from the subsequent development, the relationship between the two families did not seem to deteriorate at all.

Many times when there was a crisis in the Kingdom of Teresa, the Belmont family spared no effort to help the Teresa royal family resolve the crisis, and the Teresa royal family has always maintained close contact with the Belmont family, even for safety reasons. Some members of the royal family of Teresa spent their childhood in the deep mountain castle of the Belmont family.

There are also people who suspect that the Belmont family’s seclusion is related to the church. After all, with the power of the Belmont family in the Kingdom of Teresa at the time, the only power capable of subduing the entire family and giving up everything is the power of the church.

However, from the perspective of later developments, the relationship between the church and the Belmont family is also very good, and even several patriarchs of the Belmont family were dubbed by the local Church of Justice, the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge and other large churches after their deaths. Saints, and the Belmont family will still send family members to join the church's heresy hunting team to help the church hunt for heretics.

What's interesting is that it is precisely because of the mystery of the Belmont family that some very curious scholars in Teresa Kingdom College spontaneously created a Belmont Family Research Association to study everything about the Belmont Family.

When Sinil was talking about this, he suggested that if Sylvia really wants to know more about the Belmont family, he can go to this research meeting, maybe he can find something.

Although the contents disclosed by Sinil are only some of the contents disclosed within the mysterious organization, and these contents are very rough, almost all of the contents are summarized, even the names of the patriarchs of the Belmont family. Only a few have been recorded, but for Sylvia, being able to know these things is already very good.

After she became the queen of the underground intelligence organization of West Point Ocean Point, she tried to use her own power to collect intelligence on the Belmont family. As a result, the intelligence she collected was very little, so little that people doubt whether this family is true. Have existed.

Through this incident, she felt that there was a force deliberately concealing the presence of the Belmont family. This force could be the church or the secular kingdom. She didn't even know whether this concealment was malicious or well-intentioned. Yes, the end result is undoubtedly that there is very little information about the Belmont family from the outside world, and most people have never even heard of the Belmont family.

For example, Barbarisa, he didn’t respond after hearing Sylvia’s last name. Obviously he didn’t know that the Belmont family existed. What’s interesting is that from Barnier, the Belmont family originated in the Central Kingdom. Regions, even the meritorious nobles in the Central Kingdom area, logically speaking, the Central Kingdom area should have relevant information.

Now, Sylvia already knows that the Belmont family in this world is deliberately hiding their information. As for the purpose, she doesn’t know what the purpose is. The churches all have a lot of influence, otherwise it would be impossible to ban their own news so tightly.

After listening to Sinil’s narration, Sylvia was silent for a moment, and then suddenly asked: “You think your organization does not recruit people from the Belmont family just because the Belmont family cannot accept implants. Surgery?"

Sinil hesitated for a while, and said, "At least the information disclosed by the organization says so."

"What about you? What do you think?" Sylvia asked.

"Me?" Sinil was stunned, and then he pondered for a moment, and said: "I remember an old proverb in my hometown. Everyone may be Belmont. Even if it is not now, it will be in the future. This sentence The meaning of the proverb is used to describe the aggression and assimilation ability of a thing. I think this should be the reason why the organization has not contacted the Belmont family."

Sylvia was stunned when she heard the words, and then she smiled knowingly, because she already understood the reason for this proverb. In fact, the Belmont family in the world of Velen had used the same method in the past to grow stronger. The family, as a result, has made the family blood thinner, the direct family members are gradually reduced, and finally ruined. Now it seems that the Belmont family in this world is also using the same method to grow the family, but they have succeeded.

After listening to the information she wanted to know, Sylvia turned her head and gestured to Leo, then stepped back and leaned against the wall of the cellar.

"How is the relationship between the organization and the church?" Leo asked, returning the topic to the organization again.

Sinil did not answer this question, obviously this question falls within the scope of the prohibition.

However, this kind of non-response is already regarded as an answer, and Leo then asked: "Is the relationship between the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge and your organization closer?"

Sinil still didn't answer, but there was already a little surprise on his face.

Leo then asked: "The Church of the Spirit of Knowledge and your organization are one body and two sides?"

This time, the doubts appeared on Sinil's face, and his face also showed contemplation.

From the change of Sinil’s expression, Leo felt that members of the inner circle of Sinil might not know the deeper relationship between the Church of the Knowledge Spirit and their organization, but Leo’s inquiry opened up his mind and made him I have thought of something, but these contents cannot be said.

For Leo, the various expression changes on Sinier’s face have revealed enough information, but this is just the beginning. He needs to get more and organization from Sinier’s unanswerable performance. Related core issues.

I saw that he stretched out his hand and directly used psychic energy to draw a luminous symbol in the air. This symbol belongs to the symbol of the Nodahan people’s faith. This symbol appears in almost everything related to the Nodahan people, but Leo didn’t. Do not understand the specific meaning of this symbol.

"How do you draw the Holy Emblem of Truth by the Holy Power? Are you the core sage?" The moment he saw this symbol, Sinier's face suddenly changed, as if he had seen something incredible, and was extremely Under the influence of shocked emotions, he couldn't help but say.

However, when Sinil uttered this sentence, his whole person suddenly seemed to be frozen in motion, and then his whole person instantly turned into a ray of light in front of Leo and disappeared without a trace. trace.

It happened suddenly. Although Leo discovered that Sinil was wrong for the first time, he didn't have time to make a move, so he watched Sinil disappear from his eyes.

"What happened? He ran away?" Sylvia behind was also surprised by what was in front of him and asked.

"No." Leo shook his head, reached out and grabbed at the place where Sinil was before, as if he wanted to catch something, and then said: "He has been decomposed into an atomic state just now."

"Atomic?" Sylvia had a dazed expression on her face.

Leo did not explain, UU reading www.uukanshu. com just muttered to himself with a solemn expression: "I didn't expect this mysterious organization to have mastered the atomic decomposition device, and used this device to make secrecy prohibition. It seems that the knowledge that this organization has is more advanced than I expected."

Sylvia said to the side: "What should we do now? We still have a lot of questions to ask. I am afraid it will be difficult to catch people from such a core circle."

"It's okay. If there is no accident, I will be invited to join this organization soon. The next question is how to do the implant surgery." Leo stood up and took a look. Where Sinil disappeared, he said: "But he just gave me a very useful information, maybe I can use it."

"Useful information?" Sylvia thought for a while and said, "Is it the core sage?"

Leo explained earnestly: "The conditions for becoming a core sage should not only have outstanding performance in mastery of knowledge and contribution to the organization, but more likely to have to master psionic energy or a power similar to psychic energy." As he said, he thought for a while, and said, "I think I know how to do hands and feet in implant surgery."

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