The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1481: Mayor Morris

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The mayor of Cape West Point is usually selected from the civil servants of the city hall, and then reported to the city council for approval. Therefore, the mayor has always been the most prestigious and powerful civil servant of the city hall to serve as the mayor. This can prevent him from publishing some At the time of the decree, the following civil servants acted in violation and refused to implement it.

Therefore, the city hall of West Point Ocean Point has always been known for its high efficiency. A large number of urban construction projects, laws and regulations that do not need to be passed by the parliament can be implemented well, and there is rarely any blockage of government orders.

As the core of this efficient municipal machinery, the mayor of West Point Yangjiao Port can usually only serve two terms, each for three years. This is mainly to avoid a person staying in this position for too long, and it is easy to produce something that should not be done. thought.

However, the current mayor Maurice Vinson is an exception, because he has served as mayor for four terms, and a few days ago, the parliament passed his proposal for the fifth term, even for This amended certain provisions of the Mayor’s Act to make him the mayor reasonable and reasonable.

What’s interesting is that he was able to sit in this position for such a long time, not because of his abilities, but because he was the most incompetent of the past mayors of the Port of Western Cape. The ministers of the department were able to carry out each of them dozens of times higher than him.

The reason why such an anti-traditional mayoral candidate appears is entirely because the mayor before Morris is so capable, even the mayor’s mortal enemy has to admit that the mayor is from the past generations. The most capable and prestigious mayor of the mayors.

It is precisely because the mayor is too capable and too prestigious that he has a strong ambition that far exceeds that of previous mayors. Not only does he want to stay in the position of mayor forever, but also I want to completely erase all powers of the city council, and take the political and armed rights of the entire city into my own hands.

Someone even later discovered from some documents left by the mayor that the mayor had contacted certain anti-dignity organizations and formulated a complete plan to use these anti-dignity organizations to clean up those who could not. The people and forces he controls are not limited to his political opponents, and even the church has been written into the plan by him.

And more importantly, these plans are not utopias. They are feasible and feasible plans that can be implemented and succeeded. Some political scholars in the college have used this plan to deduct them and found that as long as the plan is implemented, the city will eventually The probability of becoming the king of the Western Cape will be as high as 90% or more, even if there is an accident, he will also be able to get greater rights.

Fortunately for everyone recorded in this plan, in the end this plan did not promote it and died, because the core mayor of this plan died of a heart attack while going to the toilet. In the end, everyone died. Escaped a catastrophe.

It is precisely because of the amazing performance of the mayor that surpassed everyone's expectations that incompetence became a necessary condition for the mayor when selecting the candidate for the mayor, and he served as the municipal document among all those who have the qualifications of mayor. Morris, the head of the archives management department, became the most suitable candidate.

The Archives Management Department belongs to the elderly care department in the Western Cape Port City Hall. Basically, those civil servants who are about to retire and are incapable will be stuffed here. Morris's appointment as the minister of this department is also entirely because of his incompetence and confusion. Days can basically sum up Morris' political career perfectly.

Such a candidate for mayor with sufficient qualifications and abilities that would not cause people to worry was naturally pushed to the seat of mayor by various forces. After sitting for more than ten years, he became the mayor who has been in office for the longest time.

When the term of the second mayor was approaching, it was not that the rich and powerful in the city had never thought of changing someone to be mayor, but in the end they searched all the candidates and failed to find someone more incompetent than Morris. Almost all civil servants who are eligible to become mayors are extremely capable, which is not reassuring. In the end, the city council has to take the initiative to ask Morris to propose an extension of the term of office.

Although Morris’s ability to govern is recognized as poor, he has not submitted a really useful proposal during his ten-year tenure. What he does every day is to go to work and off work, and then go to some private clubs to play cards and chat, but what’s interesting is this Over the past decade or so, the politics and economy of Western Cape Port have been developing the fastest for over ten years, and the public security and other aspects have also been good for over ten years. Basically, there has been no large-scale worker demonstrations or demonstrations like in the past. Poor riots and things like that.

This is not because Moseley has any magical abilities, but because in order to adapt to this incompetent mayor, the City Hall had to come up with a set of policies for itself. This plan is the Round Table Council, which is also called a small parliament.

The members of this council are ministers of various departments, and unlike the city council, a speaker responsible for the order and nominal leader of the council is established. All the ministers participating in the round table council, no matter how powerful the department they hold, are in The identity here is the same as that of other ministers.

All the implemented decrees are discussed and passed in the round table council, and then issued for implementation. In order to avoid disputes causing issues to stagnate, each decrement has a fixed time for discussion and voting immediately after discussion. Once passed, no matter how unwilling it is, it must be implemented. If it is not passed, the decree can be amended and left for the next discussion. However, each decree has only three opportunities for repeated discussions. If the decree exceeds three times, it will be completely abolished and no further discussion will be conducted.

The decree passed in the round table council will be handed over to Morris, the nominal mayor for signature, and then handed over to the city council for filing or voting as a proposal, and finally implemented in practice.

It is precisely because of the high efficiency of the round table council that even without the mayor as the leader, the city hall can continue to operate efficiently, creating a rapidly developing economy and stable public order over the past ten years.

If you change to a slightly motivated mayor, you will never allow the round table council, a special organization that completely deprives the mayor’s rights, to exist in the city hall, but Mayor Mosley is different. On the contrary, he is very happy to see it. The round table council took away all his rights. He didn't even need to hold those boring meetings. He just had to wait until the meeting was over and sign the documents brought by the secretary. It is no exaggeration to say that he could not remember. When was the last time I read the decree documents carefully.

Enjoying a variety of food every day, playing cards with a few good friends who can talk to, and going fishing during holidays, Mosley feels that he should live like this for the rest of his life.

However, what makes him feel headache is that such a stable life may not be able to go on anymore, because some cultists have arrived in the city. Although the church and the city hall did not tell him what kind of cult, but from the church and the city hall. Judging by the appearance of the enemy, these cultists are absolutely dangerous. Because of this, as the mayor, he was put under house arrest in the name of protection. Not only the city hall sent a team of elite city guards to protect him. For his safety, even the Chaser Church next to the mansion sent five church knights to station in the mansion to prevent accidents.

For these arrangements, Morris felt completely unnecessary. He didn't think those cultists would attack him. After all, he was a recognized decoration, and his life and death would not have any impact on the entire Port of Western Cape.

But others don’t think so. Even if Morris is a useless mascot, as long as he is in the position of mayor for one day, then he represents the Port of Western Cape. If something happens to him, he will definitely The prestige of Saiwangyangjiao Port was dealt a great blow.

"Couldn't you tell me what kind of cultist I am? I am the mayor, and I have the right to know which cultist threatened my city?" Morris scratched his greasy bald head, trying to make himself look majestic. Some questioned their secretary.

However, his trembling fat as he walked made the majesty he worked hard to look particularly funny.

However, the mayor’s secretary is professionally trained after all. Facing the funny-behaved boss in front of him, he can put up with the smile in his heart and keep himself as calm as he should, and then formulaically replied: "Mr. Mayor, you I have already submitted the request to the Round Table Council, and their response is if you know what the cultists in the city are, what do you plan to do? Are there any specific plans and methods that can solve the cultists?"

"Uh!" Morris opened his mouth and said nothing. As the question said, even if he knew which cultists were in the city, he couldn't do anything.

Thinking of this, he curled his lips and sat on the sofa a little displeased. Although this new sofa has been reinforced, he still inevitably made some crunches in front of his weight. The secretary who heard this sound I quickly wrote a sentence in my notebook style about the need to customize a new sofa.

"Mr. Mayor, Bishop Mullen of the Joyner Church is here." At this moment, someone knocked on the door lightly, and then the mansion housekeeper opened the door and saluted Morris.

Morris immediately got up from the sofa and said happily: "Bishop Mullen is here, it's great, finally there is someone who can talk, invite him, wait, let's invite him to the playroom! The last time I played the fate card with him, it happened to be over today.” With that, he turned his head to look at the secretary and said, “You go back! Just let me know if you have any news, anyway. I can't do much."

"Okay, Mr. Mayor." After the secretary gave a very decent salute, he turned and walked out of the room.

Morris also left the mansion office, and as he walked, he ordered the butler to prepare some good food and drink, and then sent it to the playroom later.

Morris stepped on his short legs, moved his huge body, passed through the hall, bypassed the main building of the mansion from a small road, passed the garden of the mansion, and came to the amusement room at the back of the mansion.

I saw that this amusement room converted from the former mayor’s studio was filled with various chess and card games that are now popular in mainland China. There are also many classic old games stored in the wall-renovated display cabinet, which is no exaggeration. The number of chess and card games here is enough to open a complete exhibition of chess and card games.

Although Morris’s ability to govern is almost equivalent to incompetence, no one can deny his talent in chess and card games. He is the five-time continental destiny card champion and the four-time sacred chess champion. In order to become famous for his amazing achievements in chess and cards, the Continental Chess and Card Association also specially customized a set of destiny cards and sacred chess for him with gold and gems.

Bishop Mullen of the Joyful Church is also a good chess player. Although he cannot compare with Morris, at least the two of them can communicate with each other in the game of cards and chess. They are not as easily defeated by Morris like others, so Ma Bishop Lun also became Morris's friend, even one of Morris's few friends.

When Morris came to the game room, Bishop Mullen had not been brought over by his servants. He quickly cleared a table, unpacked the set of destiny cards he had just bought, and followed the one they hadn’t completed before. The fate card was placed.

After completing these preparations, there was the sound of footsteps from the game room, and then the servant of the mansion opened the door, and the familiar Bishop Mullen came in from outside.

However, at the moment he saw Bishop Mullen, the happy expression on Morris's face suddenly stopped, replaced by doubts and incomprehension, and the sight of Bishop Mullen was also full of vigilance.

The servant closed the door of the playroom according to the customary past, let Bishop Mullen and Morris stay alone in the playroom, and then left.

When the footsteps of the servant's departure passed into the house, Morris asked abruptly in a deep voice: "Who are you?"

"Old friend, what are you kidding? Didn't you know me after only a few days?" Bishop Mullen said blankly.

Morris said solemnly: "I know my old friend Bishop Mullen, but I don't know you."

Bishop Mullen showed a dumbfounded look on his face and said, "What are you talking about? Am I not Bishop Mullen?"

Morris said with great certainty: "Of course not, UU reading, you just look like Bishop Mullen, your behavior, look and temperament are completely different from Bishop Mullen."

Hearing what Morris said, the Bishop Mullen in front of him couldn't hide his expression of surprise, and he looked up and down Morris like a large number of strangers, and then said: "It is really surprising, Morris City. Long, you are really surprised. Everyone outside looks down on you. The term Morris the fool shouldn't be used on you."

"I don't think there is anything wrong with this name? Sometimes it's much harder to be a fool than to be a smart person." Morris was very calm and asked in a deep voice: "What is my good friend Bishop Mullen now? Is it dead?"

The other party said: "Of course not, I just let him fall asleep, and then borrowed his identity to come to you to take away something that belongs to me."

"What belongs to you?" Morris was stunned, then pointed to the bust statue that he had moved from the office to the game room in the morning, and said, "Is that the statue?"

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