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Seeing the document handed over, Staf couldn't help being stunned, because he was very sure that this document was an internal document of the heretical hunting team, and it shouldn't be shown to him.

But he didn't think that Sartos was confused. He thought that certain things recorded in the file were related to him, and that Sartos would act like this.

So Staf reached out and took the document and quickly flipped through two pages. He soon understood why Sartos would pass the document to him, because the person involved in this document was just him. Leo Dodd, who intends to use special referral rights, or more correctly, Leo Dodd's wife Sylvia Belmont.

Staf also knew that because of the shoe upper station, the church believed that there might be filthy believers lurking in the city, so it conducted a thorough investigation of the entire Port of Western Cape and its surrounding area. Not only the police, but the city guards were dispatched. , Even the church knights and the heretical hunting team members have carried out extremely strict investigations on the city, openly and secretly.

Although most people in the central part of the mainland and the core area of ​​the church think that the southern part of the mainland is a remote place, only those who are not valued will be sent here to take up positions, but from the geographical location, economic status, and political situation, etc. To weigh, as the southernmost point of the mainland, the Port of Western Cape is extremely important, so the church knights and senior clergy sent here are the elites of the various churches, and even the heretical hunting teams are veterans.

However, these elites and veterans have suffered a big loss in front of a woman. When a mixed army composed of a fully organized heretical hunting team and church knights inspected the city, they clashed with the people of the underground intelligence organization, and the result was This mixed militant, which Sartos seemed to be able to sweep the southern region of the mainland, was disarmed by the underground intelligence organization without any resistance, and then was thrown directly to the back door of the Holy Prayer House.

After such a big incident, the heretical hunting team can't cover it, so they can only write a report truthfully and give it to the highest level of Sartos. What is interesting is that the report did not mention how the mixed armed forces were captured. Those who lived and disarmed only knew that all of them had suddenly passed out in a coma, and when they woke up, they had been disarmed and tied up.

There is no doubt that the heretical hunting team and the church knights considered this incident to be a provocation by the underground intelligence organization to the church, and even proposed that the underground intelligence organization is sheltering certain heretics and colluding with the filthy believers. The underground intelligence organization of Wangyangjiao Port has come to a thorough cleaning.

"What do you think of this matter?" Sartos showed a serious look on his face, and asked in a deep voice, "Is this a provocation to the church?"

Staf shrugged and said, "Sorry, I only saw an incompetent roar on it."

"Haha! I think so too. It is indeed a group of incompetents who are clamoring!" Sartos' expression changed in an instant, and he laughed. Judging from his current look, although he is the highest level of the heretical hunting team, he is also A member of the church federation, but he didn't seem to see the armed personnel of these churches, and his tone showed strong contempt.

Staf asked in a deep voice, "What are you going to do? Will you agree to their request?"

Sartos did not answer directly, but instead seemed to be changing the subject. He asked inexplicably, "The name Belmont, what did you think of?"

Staf was stunned. At first he didn't understand the meaning of Sartos asking this question, but he still thought about it seriously, and soon he seemed to have thought of something, his face changed suddenly, and he couldn't help but said in surprise: "You mean that Ms. Sylvia may be from that family?"

Sartos shook his head and said, "As far as I know, there is no official member of that family named Sylvia."

Staf said in a deep voice, "Will she be an illegitimate child? Since she didn't use her current surname, but the old surname, then it is very likely to avoid suspicion."

"It's possible." Sartos nodded, then stretched out his hand and rubbed his forehead, showing a headache, and said: "Since that family is involved, this matter is not an ordinary thing. The other party did this. What is the purpose of this? Is there any instruction from that family? And this Leo Dodd contacted us, even aroused our interest, let you use the special referral rights, could it be that family..."

"Impossible!" Staf directly denied Sartos's guess and said: "I don't think that the talents of that family are rich enough to use a genius like Leo Dodd as a spy. As for the Sylvie Ms. Ya is not necessarily the illegitimate daughter of that family. You should know how much the family attaches importance to blood inheritance. The illegitimate children and illegitimate daughters will only be regarded as shame by them, and their status in that family is not even as good as their servants. They Even more will not let illegitimate children control their bloodline power, so I think that Ms. Sylvia may not have anything to do with that family."

As he said that, he thought about it seriously, and said, "If I remember correctly, the family seemed to have sent a tribe to the New World to carry out some plan. Later, it seemed that the plan had failed, and the tribe retreated. Origin Continent, is this Sylvia Belmonte the descendant of that tribe’s blood left over in the New World?"

"It's possible." Sartos hesitated for a while, and somewhat agreed with Staf's guess, and then smiled: "If this lady Sylvia really comes from that family, then her provocative behavior is also It can be explained, and it may not even be considered a provocation. If the family is changed, the church armed that broke into their territory without authorization will definitely turn into corpses and send them back to their church churches, rather than just let them coma. a bit."

"What are you going to do with this?" Staf asked.

Sartos was silent for a moment, and said very solemnly: "The dignity of the church cannot be trampled on."

"Do you want to do something with this lady Sylvia?" Staf frowned, then looked at the manuscript he brought with him, and said: "If you do it, then we might lose... …"

"I haven't finished it yet," Sartos interrupted Staf and said, "The dignity of the church cannot be trampled on, but the church is also tolerant. It can forgive some people for their improper behavior, and for us, it is more important. The important thing is to find the Defiled Cultist hiding in the city, the kidnapped Sinil and the Perfect Implant Joan.” He said, he paused suddenly, as if thinking of something, and said in shock: "The Defiled Cultist. Will the appearance of and Sinil's disappearance have something to do with Joan?"

Staf was stunned, thinking that Sartos's guess was a bit ridiculous, and he wanted to refute it, but he swallowed it when the refutation came to his lips, because he thought about it carefully and felt that Sartos's guess was not crazy.

Sartos earnestly analyzed: "The Defilement Cultist appeared in the upper station. After the Defilement Cultist appeared, Sinil disappeared from the Holy Land. Now at the Port of Ocean Pointe, he can directly enter the Holy Land without being summoned. There is only one person, Qiao An. Think about it, even imperfect implants can enter and exit unconstrained at the passage node of the Holy Land. Not to mention his perfect implant, so it is a perfect implant. The physical Joan is probably the one who broke into the holy land and abducted Sinil."

Hearing Sartos's analysis, Staf also nodded repeatedly in agreement.

If Leo were here, he would be a little surprised to hear Sartos's analysis. Although Sartos's analysis is somewhat different from the facts, it is not too different, at least in terms of Joan.

Staf then wondered again: "But why did you kidnap Lord Sinil?"

"Perhaps the kidnapping of Sinil was just an accident. They didn't actually..." Sartos made another guess, but this time he was halfway through but he denied it. From his point of view, the other party did not hesitate to make such a big fuss. He even exposed himself. It is absolutely impossible to kidnap Sinier because of an accident. It should have been directed at Sinier from the beginning.

However, Sartos didn't know that his guess was actually correct, and Sinil was kidnapped as an accident.

Staf asked again at this time: "There is another question. How did Joanne get involved with the filthy cultists? Didn't the organization even notice any signs in advance?"

Sartos looked at Staf and did not answer. Obviously he thought Staf asked a stupid question. This would not happen if the organization found signs in advance. He couldn't help but complain in his heart at the moment. If Qiao An stayed in the Church of False Heart, if it were not for this stupid decision, but to bring Qiao An directly back to the organization, maybe this kind of trouble would not happen now.

Now what he needs to worry about is not only the safety of the West Pointe Port, but also the safety of the organization. Qiao An, who has been half-crazy under the cultivation of a vain heart, plus the filthy cultists who are also the world-destroying lunatics, now He also kidnapped a member of the core circle who had a lot of secrets in the organization. He could imagine how threatening such a combination would pose to the organization.

Just when Satos and Staf were having a headache because of their inferences in the office of the Holy Prayer, Leo had returned to the apartment and met Sylvia who had also just returned, and from Sylvia I heard the skirmish between her and the people in the church.

Leo was very calm about this. In fact, this was part of their plan, in order to test the bottom line of the church. From the fact that the church has not sent church arms to surround the apartment where they live, it can be inferred that Hill Via’s behavior has not touched their bottom line, or it can be said that the various church forces in Cape West Point are controlled by moderates.

"How's the situation on your side?" Sylvia asked.

Leo said confidently: "It went well, I believe it will not be long before I can become a full member of that secret organization."

"Will my business cause you any trouble?" Sylvia asked again.

Leo thought for a while and said: "It shouldn't, and there may even be a bonus effect." Then he asked: "Have the underground intelligence organizations you control found clues about the filthy cultists?"

Sylvia heard this and took out a document from the briefcase beside him and handed it to Leo, saying: "I really don't understand why they associate the shoe upper matter with the filthy cultists?"

"As far as I know, Defilers have done similar things in other cities, and the effect of the dissolving potion I made is very similar to the Cthulhu Divine Art used by Defilers." Leo took Sylvia. He gave a brief explanation of the documents that he handed over. After flipping through it quickly, he was also surprised by the list above, because he found that many of the lists of suspected filthy cultists collected by Sylvia were all academies. Among the lecturers and celebrities in the city, there are even a few high-ranking church officials, and the name Ronco Byronville is particularly eye-catching.

Leo remembered that he had thought about using Ronco Byronville as a springboard to contact the secret organization, and the evidence obtained through various channels now shows that Ronco Byronville should be a member of the secret organization, and even the status and status of the secret organization. Taf is quite.

However, such a person would also be included in the list of filthy believers, which really surprised Leo.

"You are also a little surprised, right?" Sylvia looked at the surprised expression on Leo's face and couldn't help but smiled: "After I analyzed the list from the scattered information, I also talked to you. The same idea."

Leo didn’t think Sylvia’s analysis would be wrong. After all, it was easy to process intelligence, and he himself felt that he couldn’t compare with Sylvia. However, even so, he still asked with a little doubt: "What kind of evidence is it? Do you think they are all filthy cultists?"

Sylvia did not answer but reached out and quickly flipped through the list of materials to page ten, and then pointed to a name marked by her end point, Hope Light Orphanage.

"Although they have all covered up their origins a lot, there are still some small clues that can't be covered up. The people on this list will eventually be more or less related to the Light of Hope Orphanage." Hill Via solemnly said: "I have investigated the collapse of the Hope Light Orphanage. On the surface, it was only a house collapse accident caused by a natural disaster, but in fact it should be done by the church heresy hunting team. The Hope Light Orphanage and The Defilers have close ties, so there are still bounties for finding survivors of the Light of Hope Orphanage in the reward catalogues of those organizations under me."

Leo took this list for a while and said, "Do you think this list is given to the church as a gift? Or should we keep it for our own use?"

Without even thinking about it, Sylvia said directly: "Of course we keep it for use, so that we can maximize our benefits, and it can't be used directly by us. Give it to Joan! It's most appropriate for Joan to contact them. Up."

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