The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1475: Prayer hall

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The city where the Holy Prayer House is located was originally called the New Municipal District. It was originally a municipal district relocation site formulated during the third expansion of the Port of Western Cape. However, in order not to affect the municipal management, various departments of the City Hall Both the office and the office were relocated while the city was still being built.

When half of the city was built, and one third of the municipal offices, such as the tax department, etc., were relocated, something strange happened. People who relocated would often get sick inexplicably, and they also got sick. Irregularly.

In the beginning, the municipal officials didn’t take this seriously, they just thought that their bodies hadn’t adapted to the new environment. It was only when several senior officials died in continuous illness that they realized something was wrong, and some departments tried to deal with it. The office location is moved back to the original place.

As a result, a surprising thing happened. The public officials who had been ill continuously recovered quickly, and there was no relapse in the next few months, and those who were still working in the new city still suffered from constant illness.

After discovering this, the senior officials and dignitaries of the West Point Yangjiao Port realized that there was a problem with the new municipal district that they had delineated, so they commissioned the church to investigate.

What is puzzling is that even the church investigation still did not find any abnormalities, but the things that caused the illness still existed, so this area was left idle by the port city hall, and the city hall re-delineated an area as a The relocation site of the new city hall city.

Later, the church wanted to build the Holy Prayer House here, and the city hall specially set aside a zone on the outskirts of the city for this purpose. However, the dean of the Holy Prayer House at the time felt that it was too far away from the city, which would not be conducive to the Holy Prayer House. The apprenticeship is in contact with society and understands believers.

When re-selecting the site, the dean of the Holy Prayer Institute quickly took a fancy to the idle cursed land that was surrounded by the city at that time, and after understanding the situation, he believed that this curse was not a bad thing, but could help the holy The Temple of Prayer tests the piety of the apprentices of the priesthood.

At the insistence of the dean of the Holy Prayer House, the Holy Prayer House at West Point Ocean Point was built in this cursed area. Even in order to save costs, the originally built city hall building was not demolished and rebuilt. Instead, it was directly used by the Holy Prayer House, so in some college buildings of the Holy Prayer House, you can also see special reliefs that can only be found in certain departments of the City Hall, such as the goddess of wealth who is blindfolded by the tax department and holding gold coins. picture.

After the completion of the Temple of the Holy Prayer, several churches successively built temples and churches around the Temple of the Holy Prayer, making more than half of the city form a group of church buildings, so the official name of this city It became the temple area.

Leo's carriage first passed through the Gate of Justice built by the Church of Justice, then walked through the gold coin avenue of the Church of Fortune, and then bypassed the Fruit Square of the Harvest Church, and then stopped at the entrance gate of the Holy Prayer House.

The courtyard of the Holy Prayer Courtyard is not open to the public. The carriage can only be parked outside. Leo got off the carriage and came to the foyer next to the entrance. He showed the badge of the lecturer of his college to the gatekeeper at the door, and then said: " I’m Leo Dodd, the lecturer of the college, and I have something to ask for Mr. Staf, the president of the Marvel Continental Magazine. The people at the magazine said Mr. Staf is in the Holy Prayer at the moment."

"Wait." The gatekeeper looked at the lecturer badge in Leo's hand, then signaled Leo to wait a while, then turned and entered a small room inside the hall, and walked out after a while and signaled the church guarding the door. The knight opened the door, and then said to Leo: "Mr. Staf is in the dean's office right now. Go there and find him directly! If you don't know the way, we can send someone to lead you there."

Leo refused: "No need! I can just take this opportunity to visit the courtyard of the Holy Prayer Temple. Are there any taboos here?"

The gatekeeper didn't care about Leo's visit to the park. He just reminded Leo: "Basically, there are no taboos, but if there is a church knight blocking it, you'd better not rush in."

Leo heard the words, nodded for a moment, and stepped into the park.

Although Leo has repeatedly scanned the campus through the spiritual network several times before, and his familiarity far exceeds that of most priests living in the park all the year round, the scanning of the spiritual network is still impossible due to the interference of the gods and powers. To the nuances, like the power of the curse shrouded in this area.

The churches of the gods entrusted by the city hall were unable to solve the curse power contained in this area, nor did the Holy Prayer House solve this matter. Not long after entering the park, Leo felt that there was a strong corrosive effect around him. The power of is infiltrating into his body silently.

This power is not so much the power of an evil curse, it is more appropriate to say that the power of the cursed gods is more suitable, because when this power penetrates Leo’s body, it immediately starts to be automatically affected by Leo’s special physique. Some unknowns gathered in the body, forming a vague imprint of the gods.

Leo didn’t know which **** the imprint corresponds to, but he was able to know two things from this imprint that might never be formed. The first thing was that the imprint represented the source of the plague, and the second The thing is that the **** who mastered the source of the plague is dead.

The reason why such a plague divine power appeared in this place was probably because the blood and body of the plague **** had fallen here, which contaminated this place.

This is why the church can’t solve this cursed land, because unless it uses the **** descending technique to completely dispel the plague divine power that has infiltrated this place, otherwise the clergy’s dispersal divine power cannot deal with this divine power. Any impact is more likely to have the opposite effect of adding fuel to the fire.

The dean of the Holy Prayer House at the time obviously also knew what the curse power of this place was about, so he insisted on building the Holy Prayer House here. As he said, the masterless divine power here is right here. For the clergy and apprentices studying, it will only play a supporting role. Under the stimulation of this divine power all the year round, the clergy learners here will be more sensitive to divine power and easier to accept than those studying in other regions. When divine magic is enlightened, one obtains divine magic bestowed by gods.

It’s just that there are advantages and disadvantages. These priests’ apprentices, who are repeatedly stimulated by the plague’s divine power, will also fall ill under the influence of the divine power just like ordinary people. For this reason, the Holy Prayer House has specially prepared some to improve the body. Incense to disperse diseases, censers are hung in various places of the Holy Prayer House and burned all the year round, which also makes the Holy Prayer House shrouded in smoke all the year round. Over time, there is also the elegant name of the fog garden.

Knowing that the park is surrounded by smoke all year round, the road signs that guide the road in the park are very eye-catching, and the words on the road signs can be read from far away, and there is absolutely no possibility of acknowledging the wrong place.

After Leo entered the park, he did not immediately go to the main building where the dean's office was located, but went to the prayer hall of the Holy Prayer House, which was completely opposite to the main building.

The prayer hall is a place where those priests who wish to determine their own direction of faith provide revelation and prayer. The priests who study in the Holy Prayer School did not know which main **** they want to believe in at first, until after a series of strict churches. After theological study and faith test, they will come to the prayer hall for revelation and prayer, where they will generally receive the divine revelation corresponding to their beliefs, and then become the clergy of this deity.

But not every apprentice of the priesthood can get revelation of the gods, and those who have not received the revelation, there is another chance to get the revelation, that is, after they decide which church to join, the church will also arrange A revelation prayer.

If the revelation is obtained in this revelation prayer, then the apprentice of the priest can also successfully become a priest of that church, otherwise the apprentice of the priest must become an ascetic, wearing the torn clothes that a beggar wears , With bare feet, went to different church temples in an ascetic way to perform self-enlightening rituals.

This ascetic cannot escape from asceticism until he is inspired by a certain god, otherwise he must continue asceticism until death.

When Leo scanned the entire park on the spiritual network, only the prayer hall his spiritual network could not penetrate in any way. It is not that there is such a powerful power here, but because the gods and powers contained in this prayer hall are too complicated. Now, the divine power contained here almost covers the divine power of the main gods of all churches across the continent.

Leo took this opportunity to go to the prayer hall, just to see if he could try his luck, capture a few divine powers, use his body's particularity to create a temporary imprint of the gods, and spy on some of the secrets of the gods. , And then disperse it to prevent the gods from tracking him back through the mark.

When he came to the prayer hall, there were already dozens of apprentices from the Holy Prayer House where they were trying to gain spiritual revelation. They did not recite specific prayers for the gods, but instead recite the Holy Prayer House and various churches. A large prayer written jointly.

This kind of big prayer is very simple. There are only ten prayers in total. The content is to praise the greatness of the gods. Because this prayer is commonly used in all the churches of gods, ordinary people, as long as they are not a devout believer of a certain god, will This prayer will only be used when participating in a religious ceremony held by a certain church.

What's more interesting is that not only ordinary people use this prayer, but some heretics who believe in evil gods also use this prayer in their blasphemy ceremonies, because this prayer is also applicable to evil gods.

Although there are church knights from different churches guarding the hall, no one is forbidden to enter. Any clergyman apprentice can enter the prayer hall to pray, and people like Leo who are obviously not clergymen in dress and clothes will not. He was blocked, but before he went in, he reminded him not to disturb the prayers of other people.

After entering the prayer hall, Leo found a corner to sit down, and then tried to use the spirit net to investigate the situation in the hall. As a result, the complex and chaotic divine power shrouded in the hall looked like the situation encountered by the spirit net before. Like an invisible storm of divine power, it easily shreds and dissipates the spiritual web trying to penetrate.

Leo tried several times afterwards, and after confirming that Spirit Net was indeed unable to scan the hall, he could only apply his own supernormal perception to perceive the presence of divine power in the hall.

This is not a difficult thing for Leo. He can easily perceive the surrounding divine power, but the problem is that he wants to extract a divine power from the surrounding divine power, extradited to the body, and form a temporary divine power. The imprint is somewhat difficult, because these divine powers are like a mess of entangled hemp, it is difficult to extract a pure divine power without being affected by other divine powers.

After several failed attempts, Leo could only find another way, and the way he was looking for was also very simple, and that was to **** from other people.

Although he himself cannot obtain divine power revelation through prayer, other priests around him can. He only needs to intercept and **** the divine power that produces revelation before it falls on the priests themselves.

Although the method is simple, it is somewhat difficult to do, and it is necessary not to cause the backlash of these divine powers in the prayer hall. The apprentice of the priest who was robbed was blank, because he clearly felt that he had received the revelation of a certain god, but the follow-up reaction after the reform did not appear, and he did not know which **** responded. In my own prayers, I can only think that the feeling of getting enlightenment is just my own illusion.

As for Leo after intercepting the divine power of revelation, he tried to integrate into the body, but after the divine power entered the body, it did not form a vague imprint of the gods in the body, but automatically integrated into the imprint of the gods in Leo's body. Among them, it became a part of it, and the imprint of God's punishment was also passed to Leo a series of related information as if it had been activated. UU reading www.uukanshu.cOM

The imprint of God's Punishment in Leo originated from the Lord of All Things Birth and Death. It was an imprint of God that he unintentionally obtained after seeing the battle of the gods, but for so many years, he has not been able to use this imprint of the gods. , As if the power of this imprint was completely insulated from him, it wasn't until the divine power of revelation was injected into it that this imprint of the gods began to react.

After Leo integrated the information transmitted by the imprint of the gods, he understood that this imprint is not so much a imprint of the gods, but rather a imprint of the magic arts, because this imprint is a god-punishing **** used by the Lord of All Things. The magic technique, and the reason it was activated, was entirely because the divine power he had absorbed coincided with some of the divine power fluctuations in the mark of the magic technique.

The divine power of revelation originates from the main **** justice of the just church. According to the doctrine of the justice church, the main **** justice represents the justice of the world, and the church is also the secular surrogate of justice, so it often initiates against certain unjust people and things. Some divine punishment, so the will to punish and punish is also contained in the divine power of justice, which just resonates with the imprint of that divine punishment, which in turn inspired this imprint of the divine technique that has been sealed for a long time.

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