The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1472: Sinier's self-perception

When the man spit out the Nordahan, Sinil was shocked no matter how calmly he was, because the name of his implant was not deciphered until recently, and it was only two days before he changed from special The channel knows the name Nordahan, and the entire organization knows the name of no more than 20 people. Except for him, all these people are the most knowledgeable core sages in the organization. Now this name is easily given to by the mysterious person in front of them. After speaking out, he couldn't help but wonder whether there was a traitor among the core sages of the organization.

But soon he denied this speculation, because even if it was a god, I am afraid that there would be no conditions that would make the core sages be so excited that they were willing to give up organizing everything, even if it was a promise to become a god.

"I divulged it." Sinil had a new guess. He felt that in the process of being unplaned and unconscious, the two in front of him might have used a special method to put out some organizational secrets, but he He quickly denied this conjecture, because he remembered that his implant was very powerful, not only could help him look directly at the gods, but also could resist those gods forbidden techniques aimed at the soul or spirit, so even if the two in front of him were gods, It is impossible to get any organization secrets from his mind.

Although Sinil tried his best to make his expression as calm as possible, even rigid, the men and women in front of him could still guess his psychological changes from his rapidly changing eyes, and could even see that he was thinking something. what.

The man directly pointed out the other person's thoughts and said: "Are you curious how we know the name Naodahan?"

Sinil did not speak and his expression did not change, but his eyes had leaked his inner reaction.

"Because we are from the stars." The man said in a deep voice. His voice became very weird at this moment. Although his tone and tone had not changed, he heard Xinier's ears as if he were listening to some kind of chanting.

Then he realized that he was no longer in a certain cellar, but appeared in an endless void, with a little bit of starlight shining around, and these starlights were just a foil. The real core of this void was him. The planet in front of me is entirely composed of water.

Sinil was completely fascinated by the sight in front of him. It was not that he had never seen the sight of the starry sky. When he was awarded the title of university fellow, he was given a chance to see the truth of the world. That opportunity allowed him Seeing the starry sky, knowing that the world is just a stone ball suspended in an endless void, so now he would not be surprised or strange to see a ball made up of water.

The reason that really attracted Sinil to this void water polo was that he suddenly had a strong sense of familiarity in his heart. He felt that he had seen this water world before, and that he had lived here before.

"Hometown!" Sinil couldn't help but burst out a word in his mind. This word was also the word he could think of that best suited his feeling at the moment.

Soon this illusion disappeared from his eyes, and he returned to the unknown cellar again, facing two mysterious people who could not see their appearances at all, a strong sense of loss struck his heart, even if he suppressed it no matter how much. It can't stop the spread of this sense of loss.

"Who are you?" Sinil was unable to maintain his peace at this moment. The strong emotion that appeared inexplicably broke through all his psychological defenses. His rigid expression also disappeared completely with the change of mentality, replacing the normal person. Excited and confused.

Facing Sinier, who was feeling a little out of control, the woman said in a voice with a peculiar tone: "It doesn't matter who we are. The important thing is that you know who you are?"

This question seems to have penetrated into the heart of Sinier with a special magic power, picking out the question that his heart was prevented from being blocked by various methods, and it made him keep repeating this question in his mind. Do any normal thinking.

In fact, almost all people who have undergone implant surgery will have this kind of confusion in their hearts after completing the first full state mutation, because after they see their full state, they will have a kind of separation from the human race. illusion.

Many people have completely abandoned the ability to change because they cannot adapt to this huge change in mentality and inhuman form. They have also given up the opportunity to join the core circle and obtain higher taboo knowledge and choose to undergo a second operation. Cut off the implants and the organs that will produce abnormal effects on your body.

And people like him who are unable to accept the whole state of change and are unwilling to give up the opportunity to join the core circle will receive the organization’s closed thought training, using their own psychological training, plus the help of special magic and drugs. Completely ban this kind of self-confusion thinking.

In the organization, there has never been a precedent for the idea of ​​banning being broken. Sinil, who has undergone various divine arts and other extraordinary power tests, also thinks that there is no problem with that level of ban, but now he finds that he is wrong, although the ban can stop it. External shocks, but no resistance to internal damage.

Almost instantly, those ideological walls built through a year of rigorous training and various methods were washed down from the inside, and the confusion in self-cognition reappeared, even stronger than before, Sinier felt He seems to have been divided into two people, one is a normal human Sinir, and the other is a Nordahan who has been completely mutated.

When Sinier was completely immersed in the confusion of self-recognition, he did not realize that his body was also mutating uncontrollably because of this strong confused mentality, but this time the mutation was no longer the whole state. Mutation, but the general body still maintains the human form, while the other half of the body has become a Nordahan, and the mutated parts are constantly changing, sometimes it is the head, sometimes it is the hands and feet, as if there are in his body. The two genes are robbing control of the body in general.

The two people who caused Sinir's confusion did not step forward to help Sinier stabilize the situation, but completely regarded the situation as two bystanders quietly watching the situation in front of them.

After a while, Sinir’s mutation began to slow down, and slowly spread towards the Nordahan form, and finally changed back to the three-meter-high Nordahan form, and at this moment, Sinir’s temperament It has also completely changed, becoming detached from the world, as if it has evolved to another higher-level intelligent race.

"Do you know who you are now?" the woman asked at this moment.

"I was wrong!" Sinil did not answer the women's question, but said to himself: "They were also wrong. They called this collapse, but in fact this is a gift. We started This transformation should not be resisted. Only by directly accepting this transformation can we truly gain the full power of the implant, as it is now."

Just as Sinil's voice fell, a mental storm created by pure mental power suddenly appeared in this cellar, and wrapped the two men and women in front of him, restricting their movements.

Sinil levitated in weightlessness, then slowly moved to the two people in front of him, lowered slightly, and said face to face with them: "Now it's my turn to ask you? Who are you?"

After Sinier completely accepted his mutated form and identity, his way of thinking and mentality began to change. He no longer thinks in the way of a normal human being, but thinks in the way of a Nordahan. , And at this moment he also obtained the mental power that almost every implant has, but at least a few talents can inspire.

Since the emergence of the first spiritual power owner, the core of the organization has a unified consensus that this ability that originates from itself and will not be affected by any divine arts and other extraordinary powers is comparable to the divine power of the gods. Powerful power. Only when this power is mastered can humans have the ability to truly face the gods.

However, it is a pity that after countless attempts over the years, no more than three people possess this mental power, and only one of these people can use this power freely and without side effects. Others People need to make some preparations when using this ability, and some abnormalities will occur in the body afterwards.

But now Sinil finds that he can use this ability as freely as using his own hands, and even his ability is powerful enough to be comparable to most of the magic arts he knows, which has surpassed all the organizations in the past. Study the case, and the way to get all of this is very simple, that is, to give up one's knowledge of human identity and completely accept the new race given by the implant.

From this point of view, Sinir at this moment is no longer an anthropologist Sinir, but Sinir the Nordahan.

Facing the questioning of Sinier from Nodahan, the men and women appeared very calm. Even Sinier could feel the disdainful smiles under the fuzzy faces of the two. This made him feel vigilant and immediately used his power to control his body. , Trying to keep myself away from the two people in front of me.

However, although his reaction was quick, the movements of the two in front of him were even faster. He only felt a sudden invisible pressure falling on him, making him as if he was carrying a hill in an instant, even if he used mental power. Suspended in the air, he still couldn't stop the power from taking effect, pressing him from the suspended state to the ground, unable to get up.

"It's really a guy without self-knowledge. He just gained a little ability and thought he could control everything. Don't say you are a fake Nordahan. Even a real Nordahan is not qualified to let us raise our heads and talk to him. ."

The woman's voice came from the top of Sinier's head, and the taunt in her tone instantly shattered Sinier's powerful self-confidence that had just been changed after his mentality changed, making him feel humiliated.

However, something that made him feel even more humiliating later happened. He felt a force of power penetrate into his body from the outside. Although his body had an insulating effect on most of the magical powers, it penetrated into the present. This kind of power in his body has no resistance. Even when he tried to use the pure mental power he just obtained to stop it, it was all touched and collapsed. Soon that power covered his body and covered it in his body. He explored it all inside and outside, and he felt like he was stripped naked and placed in front of the public as an exhibit. A sense of humiliation that he had never felt before instantly hit his mind, causing him to pass into a coma.

"Passed out?" After Sylvia noticed the situation of Sinir, she turned to Leo, who was scanning Sinir's physical condition through the mental network at the moment, and asked: "What did you do?"

Leo replied calmly: "He didn't do anything, he should have collapsed."

"What a hapless guy!" Sylvia couldn't help but smile, and then asked: "Did you check out anything useful?"

Leo retracted the spiritual net and said: "He has been perfectly integrated with the implants like Qiao'an and Barbarisa, but their integration is a little different. Qiao'an and Barbarissa are human beings. The subject is fused, and he is fused with the Nordahan as the subject. The cell genes in his body are mutating toward the Nordahan, and it will not take long before we can call him a false Nordahan."

"I didn't expect this kind of change to happen just by stimulating it." Sylvia raised her elbow, rubbed her forehead with her fingers, and said helplessly: "What do we do now?"

She was also very surprised by the situation in front of her. Just now, she just stimulated the other party’s mentality in the usual way to make the other’s mentality confused, and then continued to strengthen the stimulation and eventually collapsed his mentality, so as to facilitate them to extract from this population. The detailed information of that mysterious organization, but she didn't think that, just a little stimulus would directly stimulate the other party to mutate.

"This may be a good thing, UU reading, we may be able to get more useful information from him, and we can also get a useful chess piece." Leo was not surprised by this situation. But after careful analysis, I feel that the other party’s complete change has more advantages than disadvantages.

Although in the future, he may become a collaborator with the person in front of him, Leo will not let his guard down a little bit now, especially since the person in front of him has begun to mutate toward the Nordahan, and his previous analysis and judgments are also All need to be overthrown and restarted.

In his database, there is very little information about the Nordahan people, and there are also some public information. There is almost no information about the ability of the Nordahan people, which also makes him unable to estimate the person in front of him. What changes will happen after completely mutating into a Nordahan.

Judging from the fact that this person can already display pure mental power, it is obvious that after the opponent completely mutates into a Nordahan, the mental power will definitely be stronger, so Leo set up some special targets around this cellar before leaving temporarily. Spiritual rune traps and magic circles to prevent the opponent from escaping from his control after completing the mutation.

In addition, he also made some arrangements on the opponent's body to record the opponent's physical condition. After all, there are not many opportunities in the universe to observe the physiological changes of a Nordahan.

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