The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1465: Pitfalls and conditions

Staf stood aside and looked at what was happening in front of him. As a bystander, he could clearly see that Leo had mastered the rhythm of the conversation from the beginning, and then he completely understood Clem’s emotions and thoughts. Controlled, and finally used an unknown object to completely make Clem out of control.

He was not surprised by this, because in his opinion Leo is the husband of the underground intelligence queen Sylvia, so he is definitely not a pure scholar, so he thought Leo was mentally prepared. The performance now is completely reasonable.

Although Clem was the one he brought over, he didn't have any idea of ​​reminding Clem or interrupting Leo's current practice. On the contrary, he was more willing to see Clem deflated.

It is undeniable that Clem’s artisan skills are among the best in the organization, and he has mastered the knowledge of the ancient kingdom that most people do not have, but because of this, Clem’s personality is extremely bad in the organization, and He was extremely greedy, and almost everyone who asked him to do business was severely cut off by him. Staf was one of them, so Clem had many enemies in the organization, if it weren’t for his role in the organization. There is no substitute, I'm afraid someone has already broken his body into pieces.

Now that someone was able to control Clem's emotions in just a few words, Staf was too happy to be too late, so how could he stop it? Even if Leo needed it, he would take the initiative to cooperate, as long as there was no substantial harm to Clem.

However, at the moment, Staf is even more curious about what is the thing that can cause Clem to completely gaffe? Now he can only rely on Leo's description of the item, guessing that it might have something to do with the origin.

This also made him think of another thing, that is, the organization's speculation on the origin of Clem's advanced knowledge. Many people believe that Clem's knowledge comes from a certain origin.

Because this is not an exception in the organization. In the past, many people have triggered some reactions and gained some knowledge due to close contact with the origin. It’s just that most of these are just strange symbols, They didn't know the meaning of the unknown words and fuzzy patterns. Only Clem seemed to have fully grasped the knowledge transmitted by the origin. This was the reason why Clem had a special position in the organization.

In Staf’s memory, although Clem was greedy, he wanted to get anything valuable and rare, but he had never seen a situation where he was completely gaffey like this, which made him think about it. One possibility is that the item Leo mentioned may be the origin that gave Clem advanced knowledge.

Thinking of this, Staf couldn’t help but want to participate in the competition for items, but he finally pressed down the impulse in his heart, and instead stood quietly aside. The reason why he is so calm is because even now Leo and Clem have negotiated the ownership of the items. It is impossible to give the items to Clem now. It will take some time for Clem to build tools for Leo before he can get paid, and this time is enough for him. Leo obtained the detailed information of this item here, and it would be directly handled by the top of the organization, even if Clem got the item, he had to hand it over.

On the other hand, facing Clem who was feeling out of control, Leo acted very calmly. He did not respond to Clem’s request, but looked at the opponent quietly until the opponent gradually recovered a little from the out of control emotion. Then he said: "Mr. Cramer, you should know the value of that thing. Do you think I will pay you that thing as a reward? In addition, do you think your craftsmanship is worthy of that thing I took out?"

Hearing Leo's words, Clem's face became extremely gloomy. He immediately realized that he was being tricked. For the first time in so many years, he was treated like this for the first time. An annoyed emotion made him have the urge to turn around and leave immediately. , But in the end he controlled his emotions, made his tone as calm as possible, and asked: "What conditions do you need to give me things?"

Leo smiled, not to mention that he didn't have that set of learning devices on hand, even if he had it, he didn't think there was anything in this world that could be more precious than it, even those divine artifacts mastered by various churches.

So he spoke very directly: "If it were you, what would you offer?"

Clem is not stupid, he was only controlled by Leo at the beginning, and his emotions were passively affected. At this moment, he has calmed down a lot and can clearly judge the other party from Leo's words. He didn't even consider selling the thing or using it as a reward, which made him even more irritated and unhappy.

But he was still a little unwilling, and with a questioning tone, he said solemnly: "Since your Excellency is unwilling to take things out as a reward, why do you tell me that there is this thing?"

Leo said: "Although I can't take things out as a reward, I can tell you the real usage of this thing."

Clem heard this and said with a look of disdain: "Tell me the real usage? Are you telling a joke? If you know the real usage of things, then you don't need me to help you build these tools now."

"Do you think that a person who can design this kind of tool has no ability to build it by himself? Just like you are more interested in making things, I am more interested in the mysteries of the human body. Everyone has different points of interest, so the ability is naturally There are different manifestations." Leo explained, pointing to the design drawings, and said: "Are you sure you can fully understand the content of those drawings? If you can't fully understand, then the knowledge you have won is not Complete, and the reason is that your method of using that thing is incorrect."

Clem was still disdainful at first, but after hearing that his expression gradually became serious, and the look in Leo's eyes became a bit wrong, he had to look through the design drawings again, because he just looked at it. It has been discovered that although some items in the drawings can be manufactured by themselves, they don't know what they are used for, only that they are components of a certain device.

In this regard, he only thought that this was a unique device designed by Leo based on his own ideas, but now that Leo said that, he couldn't help but follow Leo’s words to have a trace of association, wondering if he was real. Did not master all the knowledge.

This kind of thing cannot withstand too much suspicion. The more skeptical, the more he feels that Leo is right. In order to avoid his own misjudgment, he opened the information again and looked through the look more seriously.

The items that seemed to have a unique design style before now seem to contain some mysterious knowledge that he has not mastered. He can even feel that this knowledge has a certain connection with the knowledge he has learned, and is more advanced , This made him believe in Leo's words more and more in his heart, thinking that he might really have not mastered all the knowledge because of the wrong method.

However, even so, Clem still didn't fully believe Leo's words, he also felt that his current state was not right, so he didn't say anything, but directly took Leo's design information and turned and left Leo's. In the apartment, he boarded the carriage outside the door, and without waiting for Staf to follow, he ordered the coachman to drive away from Leo's apartment, leaving Staf alone in Leo's apartment.

Seeing Clem's rude behavior, and hearing the bluntness of the carriage outside the apartment, Staf was completely stunned, and then an embarrassment and annoyance appeared on his face, making his face flush, and then He looked apologetic and said, "Sorry, Mr. Leo, Master Clem has a bit of character..."

"It's okay, I know. People with ability are a little weird." Leo interrupted Staf's apology and said, "It seems that your request is not available for the time being. When will Master Clem deal My tools are built, let's talk about it!"

After listening to this, Staf nodded repeatedly, indicating that he was not in a hurry, and then he did not continue the conversation, got up and prepared to leave this embarrassing place for him.

At this time, Sylvia, who had been sitting on the sofa without speaking, suddenly spoke to Staf and asked: "Your Excellency Staf, there is some news about the entrustment you asked my husband to bring to me. You plan to pay. What is the reward?"

"Eh?" Staf was stunned when he heard the words. He didn't understand what was going on for a while, but soon he remembered what the commission was, his face suddenly changed and became a lot more serious, and he asked in a deep voice. : "You have found the whereabouts of the False Heart Knight named Joan."

Sylvia replied: "There is no exact whereabouts, only a trace was found."

Staf was a little disappointed, and said: "If it's just a trace, I'm afraid it will be difficult..."

Sylvia interrupted Staf and said, "Don't rush to conclusions, even a little trace of intelligence may be of some use to you."

Staf looked at Sylvia a little surprised, thought for a moment, and asked, "Madam, what kind of remuneration do you think is suitable for the information you provided?"

Sylvia made a request: "I hope your private library can be completely open to my husband. Please remember that it is completely open."

Staf frowned, surprised and made sense at Sylvia's knowledge that he had a private library. After all, Sylvia was the underground intelligence queen at Ocean Pointe Harbour and was able to know about the private library. This incident is not incredible.

Now what he needs to consider is the condition proposed by Sylvia. Obviously, this condition is beyond his initial consideration, but it does not exceed his bottom line.

For a long time, only a few people in his private library can enter. Those few people are people he absolutely trusts, because his private library contains too many prohibited books and items. Once it leaks out, even if it is organized as a backer, he is afraid He would also be thrown into the dark prisons of the trial houses of various churches, and never think of it, so let alone Leo, a newcomer who has just contacted, even if he is a colleague who has been working with him for many years, he would not rashly open his private library to him.

However, even so, Sylvia's condition is not impossible for him to consider, because his private library is not only one, and the private library in the Port of Western Cape is the least dangerous one, even if it is leaked. Going out will not cause too much trouble.

What he now needs to consider is whether it is worth the reward for this incomplete information. After all, no matter how ordinary this private library is, the books in it are still extremely precious, and a large number of books are out of print and manuscripts.

After thinking about it again and again, Staf finally nodded and said: "Yes, I can open my private library to Mr. Leo, but only if the information you provide, Ms. Sylvia, can be approved by me."

Seeing that Staf had agreed to his terms, Sylvia spoke out the so-called intelligence prepared by the sight: "In the past few days, the False Heart Knight named Joan has appeared in the city one after another. In these places, they appeared for a short time, did not stay for too long, and did not make any noticeable actions, as if they were looking for something."

At first, Staf was dissatisfied with the information provided by Sylvia, and he had already thought of words that did not recognize its value, but when he saw Sylvia pointing out Joan on the city map on the wall After the few places that appeared, he seemed to think of something, and his expression gradually became serious.

Later, he heard Sylvia say: "According to the news from my people, Qiao Ann was in the city to respond. The respondent is probably from a certain church in the city. He usually hides in a certain church. The church’s sanctuary is forbidden, so my talents cannot find his whereabouts in the city."

"Impossible! It is impossible for someone from the church to help him!" Staf retorted immediately.

Sylvia asked back: "You are sure that the churches in and out of the city will not provide any protection to this Joan Knight?"

Staf opened his mouth and read www.uukanshu. In the end, com didn’t say anything, because he knew very well that if there were churches that knew Qiao’an’s real situation, they didn’t even need to know the details. Just knowing that he was important to the organization would be enough for the senior leaders of those churches to make a decision. Some things that violate the agreement, in the eyes of those people, even if they do not cause any substantial harm to the organization, as long as they can cause trouble to the organization, it is also a thing worth doing.

Thinking of this, he could not help but secretly curse in his heart another high-level organization in West Point Ocean Point. In his opinion, it was the high-level search for Qiao An not long ago that attracted the attention of the churches. Otherwise, It is impossible for Qiao An to completely hide his whereabouts here.

In this way, it is logical that Qiao Ann appeared in the places mentioned by Sylvia, because with the assistance of a certain church in the city, Qiao Ann is naturally able to find some clues and find those few things. Location, interfere with their plan.

Staf was meditating for a moment, unable to deny the value of this information, he could only nod his head and acknowledge Sylvia's condition, and then promised Leo could go to his manor's private library at any time and read any book in the library.

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