The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1462: Commission and difficulties

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"I am a personal researcher, but I am not a craftsman, and I have no ability to make this thing." Staf shook his head and said: "This is a master craftsman who has a good relationship with me after listening to my request. , Built, its function is very simple, it can magnify objects, magnify some dust-like objects to the extent that human eyes can see it," he said, suddenly lowered his voice, his tone of voice was extremely excited. Said: "Do you know what I was thinking after I saw my blood through this thing? I discovered the truth, the truth that no one else has discovered."

"What truth?" Leo asked pretendingly.

Staf smiled without saying a word, as if he didn't intend to continue speaking.

Although Staf didn't say anything, Leo felt that the truth in Staf's mouth might not be something like blood cells, and there might be other more mysterious things.

Leo didn't ask, but instead asked, "If I have any tools to build, can I entrust that master?"

The reason why Leo would be interested in the master in Staf’s mouth was that he saw on this microscope some manufacturing processes and science techniques that were far beyond this era, but not too much, and some of them The craftsmanship and technology have a strong scientific and technological style of the early Old Earth era, and they are completely decoupled from the technology of this world. In other words, it is absolutely impossible to extend the display of those types if they are deduced by the development route of the world's science and technology. Technology and craftsmanship.

So he judged that if the master craftsman in Staf's mouth was not the kind of genius who transcended the times, then the master craftsman must have a colonial version of the learning device.

In the early days of the Earth Federation, each colonial spacecraft was equipped with a large number of colonial star version learning devices. The function of this type of device is very simple. When a large number of equipment cannot be used due to a major failure of the colonial spacecraft, this device can provide various types of learning devices according to the surrounding environment. Corresponding scientific and technological support, and these science and technology are some general-purpose technologies, and even include a large number of technologies from the Old Earth era, and most of the devices corresponding to these technologies can be manufactured under relatively primitive manufacturing processes.

However, this device was quickly eliminated, because the Earth Federation found that this approach was very stupid. With the technology of colonizing spacecraft at the time, once there was a major failure and it stayed on a planet that is not suitable for human survival, then colonize the spacecraft. The people on board can only die. Those so-called learning devices can’t do anything. Even if you’re lucky on a planet suitable for human habitation, those learning devices cannot bring any help to the colonists, repair and rebuild the damaged spacecraft. Devices are far more useful than learning some primitive technology and manufacturing processes through learning devices.

Although these devices were quickly eliminated, later colonial spacecraft will still carry a learning device when they set sail, as if they were fortunate. If this world has a colonial spacecraft from the Earth Federation, then it will also There must be one such learning device.

Leo guessed that the master craftsman should be a member of the secret organization. If it can be determined that the master craftsman has a colonial version of the learning device, then it can be determined that the secret organization has at least a part of the colonial spacecraft, and therefore may have mastered some. More advanced technology and devices.

After listening to Leo's request, Staf immediately promised: "I can help you contact the master, but the cost of building is not low, but those costs should not be a problem for you."

Leo nodded, turned back to the topic, and asked: "You haven't told me what the research content I want to entrust to me is, and I don't know if I can complete your entrustment?"

When Staf heard the words, he turned around and took out a document from the drawer, handed it to Leo, and said, "Look at these documents first."

Leo took a quick look after taking it, and then confirmed: "Do you want me to help you compare the difference of two hundred blood types?"

Staf nodded and said, "Yes, I believe it shouldn't be difficult for your Excellency."

Leo frowned and said: "Comparison tasks like this are not difficult, and you don't need to master too advanced blood knowledge. You can entrust them to college students or other trustworthy people to do it, such as Mr. Eric, why would you look for me?"

"Because this is related to my subsequent research projects, there can be no mistakes," Staf shook his head and said: "Blood research is a taboo in the eyes of the church. There are also church believers among the students in the college. They are not like them. You are trustworthy as you think. As for Eric, although he is trustworthy, he has too little knowledge about blood. There is a possibility that errors will occur during the comparison. Another point is that you are wrong, you think It's easy because you have mastered enough blood mysteries, and not easier than the work of blood differences itself."

Leo did not refute, but deliberately showed a look of consideration, as if he was hesitating whether to accept this commission.

Staf did not ask, but waited quietly for Leo to consider himself.

After a while, Leo returned to normal and asked: "I am comparing the data directly, or the real thing."

"Compare the real thing." Staf smiled, then pointed to the microscope, and said: "If you don't have the right tools, use that microscope to observe the blood sample I provided you."

Leo shook his head and refused: "No! This device is too rough to see the mysteries deeper in the blood. I need to recreate a set of tools. Please contact the master craftsman as soon as possible, so as not to delay your research. "

When Staf first heard Leo disliked the tools he provided, his face showed a little displeasure, but then a look of surprise emerged and he said excitedly: "Mr. Leo, you can still make A finer microscopic instrument?"

"Of course, at least my previous tool is a thousand times better than it." Leo showed a very arrogant look. When Staf wanted to continue to ask for details, he said first: "Now I say these are It’s too early. You’ll know when the tools are manufactured and you can see for yourself."

Seeing that Leo was so confident, Staf didn't ask any more, and he looked forward to seeing the tools Leo said in his heart.

Leo asked, "You mentioned another commission to my wife just now. Do you plan to talk to her in person, or..."

"It's okay to tell you about this. There is no need to meet with your lady directly." Staf said while taking out a new document, "In fact, this matter is very simple. It just wants your lady to control it. The intelligence organization helps me find someone."

With that, Staf handed the file to Leo.

Even if Leo didn’t look at the file, he could guess who Staf was looking for, but he still had to install it on the surface, so he took the file and looked at it quickly, only to see a detailed record of the file. The information about Qiao Ann is included, and there is also a portrait of Qiao Ann.

"The quasi-palladin of the False Heart Church?" Leogu asked with a frown, and said, "Those lunatics are not easy to provoke. Is there anything special about this Joan? If it is not particularly important, I suggest you not Contact with him is too deep, if the lunatics taught by False Heart know that you are against their quasi-paladers, I’m afraid..."

Staf interrupted Leo and said, "I know very well how serious the consequences of provoking the False Heart Church are, but this person is more important to me."

"Are you sure this person is now at West Pointe Port?" Leo looked at the information pretendingly, and then asked: "I saw it mentioned in the information. The last time he appeared was five days ago, and There have been some conflicts with your people. Will he have left Ocean Pointe Port now? If he leaves Ocean Pointe Port, I’m afraid with my wife’s current ability..."

"No, he definitely didn't leave the Western Cape Port." Staf said very confidently.

Leo did not go further to ask why it was determined that Joan was at Cape West End, because he could guess that the organization behind Staf must have used some mysterious force to locate Joan's location, but this location was not The precise location is just a fuzzy area.

The reason for this may be related to the rune magic circle that Leo imposed on Joan.

Leo put the documents back, and then asked very formally: "I took the two commissions, but how do you pay for the commission? Don't you tell me how much you can pay."

"Of course it's not money. I know very well that Mr. Leo is not short of money." Staf, who had been prepared for a long time, smiled and said: "Knowledge, I can use knowledge as a reward. I heard that Mr. Leo has recently learned about religion, Theology seems very interesting."

Leo sat up straight and said, "It seems we should have a good talk."

"I think the same." Staf smiled.

Two hours later, Leo smiled with satisfaction and left the manor in the carriage that Staf had prepared for him, while Staf, who was standing by the study window watching Leo leave, looked frustrated and unhappy. Obviously, the results of the discussions just now did not satisfy him, and he paid a price far higher than expected.

Behind him, the door of the study was opened directly at this time, and a clergyman wearing the robe of the Spirit of Knowledge Church walked in and walked directly to Staf's side.

"Why did you pull this person into our experimental project? You should know how dangerous our project is. Once it leaks out, even I don't want to get out." The clergyman asked unceremoniously.

"You should have read his article. He is a talent we urgently need. With his joining, our research progress will be much faster." Staf looked at the priest coldly, in his eyes. The clergy who were sent to supervise the entire research project were there to add to the chaos, and did not have any positive effect on the research of the project itself.

"This is not a reason." The clergyman said solemnly: "What we need is privacy and safety."

"I know this too well, but the problem is that the above is not clear. What they want to see is the result." Staf said with an annoyed look: "You should be very clear that three urging letters have been sent to us this month. I have it in my hands. This is something that I didn’t have before. Obviously, I’m anxious about it. I heard that another group already has a finished product and the effect is very good. I will find a suitable place for group experiments in the near future. Useful things, the project may be abolished. Then I will still be the president of my magazine, and you? Return to the church and continue to be your servant, looking after those boring lights at work every day."

The clergy's face was extremely gloomy, and after a while, he said: "Can he really speed up the progress of the project by joining?"

"Then it depends on how well the test commissioned him can complete." Staf did not give an affirmative answer, but quickly turned the subject and said: "But I feel that his performance will far exceed ours. Expected."

The clergy did not show any reaction to Staf’s words. What he thinks more about now is not how much he can gain after the project is successful, but how he can reduce the loss and strive for if the project fails. The above gave more trust, as Staf said, he couldn't afford to lose.

When Staf was talking about Leo with this clergyman, Leo, who had left the manor, still used the spiritual net in the carriage to spy on the movement inside and outside the manor, and the content of this conversation and the clergyman were naturally complete. He was spied on and fell down.

In fact, before entering the manor, Leo knew that there were clergy members of the church hidden in the villa where the meeting was held, and there were more than one clergymen who also monitored the hall through some devices during the meeting. All the movements of the people, and these clergy are all from the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge.

From various circumstances, it is obvious that the higher secret organization of Staf is very closely related to the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge. UU reading and even the clergy of the Spirit of Knowledge have seen the extreme heresy behavior of blood research. There was no questioning, but instead participated in it, which made Leo extremely surprised and thoughtful at the same time.

After returning to the apartment, Leo narrated the matter to Sylvia one by one. After listening to Sylvia, Sylvia thought for a while and said: "Is this spirit of knowledge not a god, but created by that mysterious organization? Illusion?"

"Impossible." Leo shook his head and said: "If it is in the New World, it may be possible, but in the environment of the Old World, how could a forged **** not be noticed by other churches, and those churches The divine power of the clergy cannot be disguised."

Sylvia added: "In fact, we don't need to think too much. As long as it shows enough value, the secret organization will naturally take the initiative to show us their secrets little by little."

Leo nodded and didn't say anything. He just looked at the location of the Church of the Spirit of Knowledge from the window of the apartment and looked at the holy emblem representing the omniscience of the Spirit of Knowledge on the top of the church. He didn't know what he was thinking. Something.

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