The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1453: Secretly make trouble

   "What do you think?" The people watching the round theater gradually dispersed, Sylvia turned her head and asked Leo.

   Leo pondered for a while, and said, "It is not clear whether he is a high-level person in the secret organization, but it is certain that he is an extraordinary person."

   "I didn't ask this," Sylvia shook her head and said, "I asked what he said, don't you find it interesting?"

   Leo hesitated for a moment, and asked, "Are you talking about the contents of the First Dynasty of France, or those related to the installation of cosmic civilization?"

   "Of course it is the first dynasty..." Sylvia was surprised: "Wait, does he also know about the civilization of the universe?"

Leo nodded and said: "Knowing a lot, just to avoid shocking the world, so he deliberately hid a lot of content, only to say some fragments of information, even if someone heard it, they would only think that it was a certain kind of specific use by the ancients. name."

   Sylvia couldn't help laughing: "It seems that we have to have a good talk with this Professor Ronco."

   "Hmm!" Leo also nodded in agreement, then looked at the people who left, and said: "And fast, otherwise we may have to line up for a long time to talk to him."

Although Leo had some anticipation of the situation that Netac Byronville would face in a while, when he and Sylvia came to his office, they were still a step late. At this moment, it is not just the aisle outside Professor Netac. People are already standing, and even the stairs down there are people. Only a passageway for other teachers and staff to pass through is left near the wall. Leo and Sylvia are at the moment. On the aisle on the first floor.

Most of the people waiting to meet with Ronco Byronville are students of related majors who have just attended public courses, and there are some folk ancient monument researchers, explorers and treasure hunters, but apart from these questions for advice In addition to the people, there are some religious figures with inquiry purposes and some fundamentalists.

Compared with those religious people who can still reason, it’s much harder for the believers of the fundamentalists to dismiss them. They don’t allow anyone to tamper with the scriptures of their denominations. Ronco Byronville teaches in an open class. The content happened to be the biggest blasphemy of the most important first chapter of each church. Even if this blasphemy was just a taste, it still pierced their sensitive nerves and made them come to ask the guilt the first time.

The problem is that Ronco Byronville has to meet these fundamentalists because there are some nobles who have a great influence on the church. Once they entangle other fundamentalists and exert influence on their respective churches, then Ronco Byron No matter how knowledgeable and prestigious Renville is, it will probably be difficult to get out of this trouble. By then, he may only be able to escape to the New World.

In this regard, Ronco Byronville had already anticipated this before preparing for this public class. At this time, he was delaying the time by answering questions to the students, temporarily not giving the fundamentalists a chance to trouble, and waiting for him to prepare. The salvation soldier came over and talked about it.

   The current dilemma that Ronco Byronville is facing is easily grasped after Leo used the Spirit Net to scan the situation of the teacher's office building.

   After Sylvia learned about the situation from Leo, she suddenly smiled like a prank, and said: "Should we see how this Professor Netco planned to react after an accident?"

   Leo heard the words, thought for a while, nodded and said: "Yes, you come, or I will come."

   Sylvia shrugged and said, "You should come, this kind of delicate work is not what I am good at."

After Leo heard it, he immediately locked the area of ​​the fundamentalists through the spiritual network, and then through the spiritual resonance generated by the psychic energy, the fundamentalists naturally bypassed the people in front of them and walked to the front. Those who were bypassed didn’t care about the behavior of jumping in the queue, as if they hadn’t seen it. Soon the fundamentalists moved from the middle position to outside the office, as long as the students who asked questions in the office came out. , They can enter.

Soon the teacher-student question and answer in the office was over. The door of the office was opened. The students inside came out, but when these students opened the door, they found that the people they saw were not their classmates, but some famous fundamentalisms in West Point. The believers all felt that something was wrong.

When they were about to ask what happened outside and why these fundamentalists jumped in front of the line, those fundamentalists did not give these students the opportunity to speak, and pulled them out of the door, and then a few of them directly They walked in, but the rest of the people blocked the door. Professor Langke did not give them a satisfactory explanation, and they did not intend to leave.

However, facing the behavior of the fundamentalists, the students outside seemed to wake up from Leo’s mental resonance effect, and no longer ignored these people, but wondered why these people suddenly came to the front of the team, and at the same time found After these fundamentalists blocked the door of the professor's office, they became extremely angry and stepped forward to criticize these people's behavior.

Facing the accusations from the students, these fundamentalists seemed very calm. They didn’t have any arguments with these students, and they didn’t take the initiative to take the initiative. They just looked coldly at the students who came forward and looked at these students. The face seems to want to remember the look of these students.

Although these fundamentalists seem to be speechless and completely passive by the students' accusations, the aura they showed is far from what this group of students can match. Soon the offensive made by these students is like this. Under the suppression of the invisible aura, more and more students were worried that they would be targeted by these fundamentalists. They began to stop accusing them, and then withdrew. The accusations in the corridor became weaker and weaker, and finally disappeared completely.

Outside the house, the fanatical reputation of the fundamentalists and their respective identities gave them the absolute upper hand in the confrontation with the students and completely controlled the situation. But inside the house, the situation was completely opposite. The fundamentalists were completely under the control of Ronco. Byronville said with a face of shame, he could not wait to jump straight out of the office window.

If Ronco Byronville only relied on his own research knowledge in ancient human civilization to explain the blasphemy questioned by the fundamentalists after entering the house, those fundamentalists would not be as ashamed as this, but The problem is that Ronco Byronville completely uses the interpretations and explanations of the sages of their respective churches on their respective gods and scriptures to refute their knowledge of the church scriptures, and they refute that they cannot find any words to refute. This is what The reason they are ashamed.

In fact, they did not act calmly until this moment. Ronco Byronville was actually very flustered, especially when they entered the office, Ronco Byronville almost thought that his plan to prevent accidents had failed. These Fundamentalists have begun to disregard their status and external statements, and are ready to act hard against him.

In fact, before the opening of this public class, he had anticipated that the content of the public class would definitely arouse considerable controversy, and it would also provoke some rights and wrongs, but he had to give this class because it was his He and the organization behind him made a very important test of the religious forces in this world. Only after the test can they be allowed to decide how the organization will develop next.

   Therefore, in order to cope with the possible right and wrong and accidents, he has already made some preventive preparations in advance, and he is extremely confident that these preventive preparations are enough to prevent any trouble for him.

   What he never thought was that his first preventive preparation had not had time to take effect, and the biggest trouble had already appeared.

The fundamentalists are definitely a group of existence that is more troublesome than the clergy of the church. For this reason, he even couldn't help complaining in his heart why the students outside the office did not stop these fundamentalists from jumping in the line and let them meet with him much earlier than expected. .

However, what surprised him was that these fundamentalists were not as unreasonable as the rumors, they were more like a few church theological scholars questioning some of his academic research, and he deliberately used the church’s own classic interpretations. When self-interpreting the information, he also paid attention to arguing with him, forgetting the purpose of their inquiries.

At this moment, Leo, who was monitoring the office situation through the spirit network downstairs, told Sylvia what was happening inside and outside the office. Sylvia felt dumbfounded after hearing this, and could only lament the need to reassess the locals. If you make plans related to the locals based on their common-sense cognition, there will definitely be mistakes like the present one.

  Whether it is Sylvia or Leo, in their impression, students and fundamentalists are highly emotional and easily agitated people. As long as there is a little spark, they will lose control of their emotions and make a big fight.

   But the situation upstairs now tells them that the students and fundamentalists here are calm and sensible civilized people. Even if they are emotional, they can sit down and discuss them rationally, and will not do anything easily.

   "How about we stimulate them again?" Sylvia said, fearing that the world would not be chaotic.

   Leo raised his eyebrows, looked at Sylvia, and said, "You forgot the purpose of our coming here? We did it to get in touch with Professor Ronco, not to create chaos."

   "I just feel a little boring." Sylvia curled her lips and said.

Leo stared at Sylvia for a long time, and said in a deep voice: "You have begun to adapt to the dragon consciousness in your bloodline. Now you need to know how to control the way of thinking generated by consciousness, instead of being given by the way of thinking of the abyss dragon. Influence."

   "How can you be sure that it is not my own idea now?" Sylvia retorted.

   "Is that your idea just now?" Leo asked back.

   Sylvia did not answer, but looked around with a bored face, playing with a string of gemstone bracelets in her hand.

   Leo didn't say anything, he just reached out and took Sylvia's palm, and wrapped the bracelet in the palms of both of them.

Since in the eyes of the bitter water, the two worked together to solve Darul, one of the gods of the ocean, in an unimaginable and easy way, Sylvia seemed to have been stimulated with a certain potential, and the control of her own power was rapid. Ascension, Leo originally expected to take at least half a year to complete the control training, and it only took a few days to achieve a perfect pass. This surprised Leo, but also felt a little worried.

Afterwards, Leo conducted an all-round inspection of Sylvia and found that Sylvia had no problems in terms of strength. Both the inherited abyssal dragon bloodline and his own witch bloodline were developed perfectly. The two powers are also extremely balanced.

However, compared with her power, Sylvia’s consciousness has a big problem. The spiritual training plan studied by Leo and Sylvia was to suppress the dragon consciousness brought by the blood of the abyss dragon. Let Sylvia's own witch consciousness take the lead, control the dragon consciousness a little bit, and slowly nibble it, and finally only her own witch consciousness, so as to get rid of the influence of the abyss.

   But now, Leo discovered that Sylvia's abyssal dragon consciousness has been completely integrated with the witch consciousness, which is why Sylvia's power development and control will improve so quickly. U U Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

When Leo and Sylvia worked out their training plan before, they also estimated various possible situations. In their estimation, the consciousness of the abyss dragon and the consciousness of the witch itself perfectly merged into a spiritual consciousness. It’s the most unlikely situation. This not only involves the danger and rejection of the fusion of two consciousnesses, but more importantly, the abyss dragon and the witch are both mavericks. These two consciousnesses are like It is that water and oil may generally be mixed together, but they cannot be perfectly integrated.

However, now this most unlikely situation has appeared, and it has appeared so suddenly, so unexpectedly, and the whole process is silent. Even Sylvia did not notice any abnormality, let alone Leo. , What they see now is only the final result, and even Leo doesn’t know what subsequent changes this result will have.

   However, Leo still found what caused Sylvia's consciousness to produce this change. This thing is the remaining immortal divinity of Daru.

After Leo handed over the immortal divinity to Sylvia, in order to preserve the immortal divinity, Sylvia kept it in her mouth for a few days until Leo produced a series of bracelets that looked like gemstones. The strange object container was taken out of the mouth and stored in the bracelet. It was also during that time that Sylvia's consciousness of the abyss dragon and the consciousness of the witch perfectly merged together.


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