The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1446: Killing God

Just when everyone who witnessed the emergence of a huge black shadow and fell down thought that the petting ship was already doomed, the light fishing net made up of one hundred and sixty metal pieces at the bottom of the petting ship came out of the seabed instantly, as if it turned into nothingness. Light and shadow are common, penetrating the hull of Petting, and directly enclosing the huge black shadow net that fell down, and before the black shadow reacted, it plunged into the black shadow body, forming a chain of shackles to bind the black shadow, so It was suspended in the air and could not move for a short time.

And the power of the fishing net seems not only to restrain the shadow in the air, it also seems to weaken the aura from the higher life form of the shadow, so that ordinary people can see that it is no longer a vague shadow, and It is a more concrete image, a half-fish, half-cuttlefish-like monster composed of countless rotten pustules.

However, at the moment when this true image was revealed, all the people in the entire sea who could see the huge black shadow could not bear the power behind this true image. That is the power of the gods, which is not for mortals to look directly at. Rules of life.

An unprecedented mental shock straddles the space directly covering the entire sea area. All people who look directly at the rotten pustule monster with their eyes are without exception. Their sanity is destroyed by the mental shock. The strong-willed directly fainted, while the weak-willed are all. Become a lunatic and an idiot, and those who were aware of closing their eyes or hiding in obstacles, and those who hid in the cabin because of the battle, had the best luck and were not harmed by this mental shock.

At the same time, the movement on the sea also alarmed the two gods who had been fighting in the dark clouds in the sky. Although they did not intend to stop, they were still in the melee, drawing a trace of consciousness to pay attention to the situation on the sea.

On the sea, neither Karuba the glutton nor the original greed is the main battlefield. Only the sea **** in this area is the sea god, and the monster composed of the rotten pustules below happens to be the sea **** Daru in this sea area. They They didn't want Daru to be the last beneficiary of this great battle, so they had to pay attention to Daru's condition after the fierce battle.

However, at the same time, they are also deeply surprised by Dalu’s current situation, because Dalu, the sea **** who occupies the main battlefield, is obviously not in a very good condition. His body is completely bound by mysterious and transcendent artifacts, unable to move, and the ship below it. It seems that there are not only mortals on the ship, but two power auras that are not much weaker than their gods are also exploding at this moment.

Obviously, Daru who suddenly appeared here was directed at two mysterious and powerful beings on the ship, and those two powerful beings seemed to have arranged traps for Daru to take the bait.

At this time, the original greed that had prevailed in the battle of Gods began to take an interest in the two mysterious beings, because he smelled the smell of his hometown in the power of one of the mysterious beings.

Daruben, who was in bondage, was corrupted by the poison of human belief and lost his sanity. The animal nature was greater than the divine nature. When his animal instinct struggled to break free from bondage, the only remaining rational wisdom was also shocked by the power that bound him. , Because he began to suspect that this was a trap, a trap of the land gods against him.

The reason why he was so suspicious was entirely because he discovered that the ray fishing net that bound him was actually an artifact made by the land gods, because he felt the power of more than one **** on the artifact, and even every time he tried to break free from the **** At that time, there will be different gods and divine powers that suppressed his resistance, as if he was besieged by a group of gods, making him feel an unprecedented aggrieved.

However, he didn’t know that the artifacts he knew were actually just a set of runes added by Leo to that set of basic intelligent wonders. Those runes all came from the one transported by Beloved. Small box.

Leo’s approach is very simple, that is, copy all the special symbols on the box that represent the gods one by one, and imprint them on the basic components of the strange object.

If other people want to copy the rune perfectly and make it work, it may be very difficult, or even impossible, but this kind of thing is extremely simple for Leo, he only needs to use Devour Force draws rune power, and then steals the mark of the gods through the special talents of the body, and then uses the power of the stone throne to suppress and kill the **** consciousness generated in the mark of the gods, and completely imitate the corresponding gods and powers through the power of nightmare Transfer on the finished metal plate assembly, and finally add a trigger magic circle to complete.

In fact, if Dalu has not been corroded by the poison of faith and can maintain the wisdom and reason that the gods should have, he should be able to easily find that the binding divine power produced by the ray fishing net is actually not as much as he imagined, only a dozen kinds. , It’s just that these dozen or so kinds are disorderly cycles. After each activation, the **** rune on the metal plate will become invalid, which means that this set of light fishing nets can only withstand one hundred and sixty impacts.

If Leo does nothing, the ray fishing net that loses the blessing of the divine power will eventually be unable to restrain Daru, but how can Leo do nothing.

Almost as soon as Daru was restrained, Sylvia, who was standing on the bow of the ship, released all her power according to the original plan. When it released her power, nine prismatic crystals flew from her necklace. It forms a ring on her head.

This is Leo’s special creation for her to stabilize the spirit, helping her to fully use the power of the abyssal dragon bloodline without being affected by the power of the abyss, so the power contained in these nine crystals is stimulated, and Hill When Via’s brain produced the same-frequency resonance effect, Sylvia’s body that had been transformed into a dragon began to be suppressed, but some crazy thoughts in her brain were also cleared, and her normal sanity was quickly restored, and her power It hasn't weakened because of this.

I saw that the powerful force belonging to the abyssal dragon turned into two sharp thorns composed of black flames under Sylvia's control and plunged into Dalu above, and an abyssal flame spewed out and burned. Daru's body, and the pustules all over Daru's body seemed to have been poured into lava, emitting a dark red color.

A scream that could not be heard by ordinary human ears erupted. In the sea covered by the sound, all creatures, whether humans, or marine creatures in the sea, were fainted at the moment when the screams came out. Even those non-human races that are free from the coercion of the gods and the Barbarisa couple who are protected by the gods in the name of saints are no exception.

There were only three gods left in the entire ocean, and two humans whose strength was close to the gods remained sober.

Leo did not stand by at this moment. For the first time, he directly used all the power in his body and transformed it into the purest psionic energy through the power of nightmare, forcibly pushing his psionic power level up to that of a ninth-level psionicist. degree.

And when he entered the level of the ninth-level psionicist, as he expected, a psionic singularity appeared in his consciousness space. This is the only way for the ninth-level psionicist to complete the final evolution, which is by compressing the psionic singularity. Point, create a big bang in the consciousness space, create a psionic universe that belongs to him, and the moment the psionic universe is formed, it will feed back to itself, allowing the body to complete the evolution from quantity to quality, and become an Omega-class higher life form.

However, in common sense, it is impossible to create psionic singularities through external forces. If psionic singularities can be created through external forces, then the ninth-level psionicists in the universe will not be so rare. Omega-class higher beings I'm afraid the body will be too much.

The psionic singularity can only be accumulated by the psionic person through his own psionic energy, a little bit of compression and exercise. This process is very long, from the moment of entering the seventh-level psionicist, until the psionic singularity explodes to form psychic energy. The universe will only end at that moment, and some psionicists may not be able to form a complete psionic singularity in the consciousness space throughout their lives.

Therefore, when Leo used external force to advance his psionic level to the level of ninth-level psionicist, and created a psionic singularity in the consciousness space, the psychic singularity should have collapsed in an instant, and collapsed. Psionic energy will form a psychic storm in Leo's body, crushing it into atoms.

However, the existence of the Stone Throne reversed this mortal backlash. The supreme power it possesses stabilized the psychic singularity to a certain extent. Although it cannot reverse the collapse of the psychic singularity, it slows it down to a certain extent. And reduced the psionic backlash formed by the collapse of the singularity, and allowed Leo to possess the powerful power of the ninth-level psionicist before the singularity was completely collapsed.

At this moment, Leo seemed to be incarnate into psionic energy itself. All the secrets related to psionic energy were all mastered by him. The questions he encountered in psionic learning in the past also became like one plus one. Simple.

It’s just that he doesn’t have time to sort out the mysterious knowledge related to psionics that he has inspired in his mind. He quickly stabilized his emotions and used the thunder gun skill according to the original plan. Although he has acquired all the mysteries of psionics at this moment, he can create more. Powerful psychic skills, but he did not risk doing that, but continued to use the already proficient thunder gun skills.

The difference between the seven-level psionicist and the ninth-level psionicist using the same psionic skill is fully revealed at this moment.

When Leo used his lightning spear skill, a flash of lightning flashed in the palm of his hand. At the same time, this flash of lightning seemed to have become a scepter of thunder and lightning, instantly absorbing the lightning that erupted from the dark clouds in the sky. Afterwards, even the divine power of the original greed and glutton in the thunderbolt was pulled out of Leo's hands and turned into a silver-white giant thunder gun measuring several feet long.

At this moment, Leo seemed to have turned into a **** of thunder and held the scepter of thunder and lightning, countless thunder and lightning surrounded his body, and a powerful force that far exceeded the three gods present radiated from his body.

At this moment, the three gods who had never been afraid of Leo unanimously had a fear of Leo, and they all felt that the huge thunder gun in Leo's hand was a fatal threat to them.

Under the influence of fear that they had never had before, the original greed and gluttons in the fierce battle unanimously gave up the fight and fled to a place far away from this sea area at the fastest speed, and Daru also wanted to escape. Here, both the ray fishing net and Sylvia's abyssal flames restrained him, imprisoned him, and made him unable to resist even the ability to resist.

And Leo had concentrated all the lightning in the air in his hands and transformed the thunder spear into a giant thunder spear. He felt that this force was too strong, so strong that he was already a little uncontrollable at this moment.

"Sine!" Leo reminded Sylvia loudly, and then threw the uncontrollable giant thunder gun towards the real eye power to discover the weakness of Daru.

When Sylvia heard Leo’s reminder, she didn’t care about taking back the power in Daru’s body, and instantly cut off the power of the abyss on her body. This forceful breaking of power made her suffer a bit of backlash. , The scales of the abyssal dragon caused by some abnormal changes burst open, and blood splashed out.

However, Sylvia had been prepared for the first time to take out the wizard's potion Leo handed her. After swallowing several bottles, the power of the potion suppressed the injury and the wound gradually healed. His attention did not stop on his body's injuries, and he quickly shifted to Dalu.

The huge thunder gun thrown by Leo did not have the speed of light like a thunder gun, but moved at a very slow speed towards the place Leo aimed at, and while moving, the thunderstorm formed by the huge thunder gun was torn apart. In the surrounding space, storms caused by space rifts were also injected into the huge thunder gun.

Although the speed of movement is very slow, Leo and Daru are not far apart. In less than a minute, the sharp thunderstorm of the giant thunder gun has touched Daru's body.

However, the power of the Thunder Spear was not the first to attack Daru, but the ray fishing net that bound Daru. Facing this tyrannical force, the ray fishing net blessed by more than a dozen gods could not resist it, and it collapsed when touched. , The metal block instantly melted into aerosol, and the binding force disappeared. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

At the moment when the restraining power disappeared, Daru tried to take the opportunity to escape, but the thunderstorm of the giant thunder gun reacted faster than his reaction. The power generated by the thunder and lightning plunged into his body, replacing the ray fishing net to bind it again. , And this time, he was not only bound by his body, but even his strength was completely bound. He could not make any resistance. He could only watch the huge thunder gun pierce into the body little by little, and plunge into his origin.

Endless despair drove Daru to let out a tragic roar. This was the last roar that He had existed in this world. This roar not only spread throughout the surrounding seas, but also spread to the entire ocean, even the land, to the world. border.

All people with extraordinary powers can hear this painful and desperate roar, and their will determines whether they faint immediately or just feel a severe headache.

And people with extraordinary powers can hear it, and the gods are naturally no exception, and everyone who heard this roar knows what happened, and they couldn't help feeling inexplicable panic in their hearts.

At the same time, the Dalu Temple in the Port of Sainte-Pelia collapsed instantly, and the cliff on which it was located also collapsed into the ocean. All the Dalu gods in this world shattered at the same time, just like the gods they represented.

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