The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1431: Solve the problem

The gods of this world are not in a state of seclusion or decline like the gods of the world of Velen. They are often able to respond to the prayers of the believers and clergy, even if they respond passively. In addition, they bestow the gods and the gods with the gods and the high priests. It is normal. Basically, as long as the senior clergy of the Church of True God are promoted, they can obtain at least one kind of magic. The more majestic divine light technique is basically the standard for all senior clergy in the church.

But even so, like the current gold transport fleet of the round island, it was directly transformed into an entire fleet of artifacts by the gods using divine magic. This kind of thing can be said to be at least in the various information related to the gods that Leo saw. Very few.

The reason is not that you don’t want to do this, but you can’t do it. Even if this world has special world laws, the suppression effect on the gods recognized by the world will be much weaker, but it will only weaken. Once the gods’ divine power is too large, The suppression that should appear will still appear, that is, the divine power consumed by the gods will increase exponentially. Few gods in this world can withstand such consumption, and the current situation of the gold transport fleet is based on Leo's data analysis. It should have exceeded the critical point of the legal limit.

Precisely because of this, when Leo became interested in the gods who applied divine power on the gold ship, he immediately came up with the names of the strongest true gods that he had analyzed from the data, because there were only these few. Only a true **** who is already at the top of this world can resist such a huge consumption of divine power.

But soon, Leo rejected this list, because these churches of true God are truly ancient and powerful churches, and different theological churches are derived from the churches, and there are at least close to the churches of true God in the entire world. More than half of the churches can be grouped into their gods.

Such a powerful Church of True God does not need to raise their status and absorb believers through anomalous warfare. Even if they are dissatisfied with that true God, they do not need to do it themselves. Other true gods and churches of their subordinate theology will naturally do so. They serve.

"Could it be the disguise of original sin and greed?" Standing on the deck of Petting, Sylvia also guessed after listening to Leo's analysis.

Leo shook his head, and asked, "Have you ever seen such a generous abyss master? You have not gained anything yet, so you spend such a huge amount of power in advance?"

Sylvia thought about it seriously, then smiled and shook her head, and then jokingly suggested: "Actually, you don't need to guess here at all. You can go there and try to pull away a supernatural power. In the body, based on your body's particularity, a divine mark will be condensed in all likelihood. By then you will have mastered the mystery of this divine power, and whoever is behind the divine power will naturally know."

Leo calmly said: "The idea is very good, but the problem is that the moment when the divine power condenses into the imprint of the gods in my body, I will definitely be exposed to this unknown god, and then I will face this god, I can see When I reach him, he can see me, and I don’t think he will have a good impression of someone who steals his divine power."

Speaking of this, Leo couldn’t help being thankful for his past luck. The imprints of the gods or abyssal creatures in his body were either actively given or passively accepted. Even if he took the initiative to steal the cohesion, it would Because the **** at the source of the imprint is in a special situation, there is no time to impose any punishment or restriction on him.

He doesn't think that his good fortune can last forever. If he puts the imprint of the gods in his body uncontrollably, something will happen sooner or later, or the body cannot withstand the coexistence of so many imprints of the gods, and backlash occurs, or It is the malicious spirit trying to directly attack his body through the imprint, which is not the result he hopes to see, so now he will be particularly cautious in the matter of condensing the imprint of the **** in the body.

Sylvia also knew about Leo's situation. The proposal just now was more of a joke. Seeing Leo's serious response to this question, she felt a little uncomfortable, but more often felt that Leo's mood seemed a little abnormal. .

"Are you nervous?" Sylvia noticed the slight change in Leo's mood and said, "I felt you were nervous for the first time."

"Nervous?" Leo frowned, thought about it seriously, and said: "Nervous is not enough. It's just that such a powerful unknown **** appears, and it's a little uneasy," he said, he paused, and then Xu Xu said: "But I really like this kind of uneasy emotion, it makes me feel more real."

When Sylvia heard the words, she didn't say anything, just took Leo's arm, quietly looked at the scenery ahead, and enjoyed the rare peace.

It's just that some people seem to be uncomfortable when everyone is busy, but their couple is enjoying a peaceful time. The Barbarisas, who have not been in front of them during this time, came to them again.

Barbarisa came to Leo before and after, and did not say any polite words, and asked directly: "Excuse me, Leo, can my problem be solved? I don't want another person to control my body. NS."

Leo turned his head and looked at Barbarisa, and said: "It can be solved, but you are sure to do this. You must know that once I seal the more than that part of your brain, some of your special abilities will also disappear. It may even affect your physical health. For example, your physical fitness will gradually weaken and eventually become the same as ordinary people, and may even be inferior to ordinary people."

Hearing Leo's words, Barbarisa hesitated a little, then looked around at his wife who was concerned about him, his hesitant expression disappeared, and he said decisively: "I'm sure."

"In this case, come with me!" Leo said, turning around and preparing to take the Barbarisas back to his cabin.

"Wait!" Barbarisa stopped Leo and asked: "You haven't told us how much we need to pay?"

Leo thought for a while and said: "I haven't thought about what payment I want for the time being, and I don't know what you have that interests me that can be used as payment, so the payment for solving the problem and the payment for telling you are temporarily owed. Now, when I want to go to you again, I believe you will not fall back, right?"

The Barbarisas are very clear that this kind of debt that is not clearly directed is the most troublesome, but when there is a possibility that they are unwilling to sign this kind of debt, but now they are not given many opportunities to choose, they can only accept Leo Proposal.

The group of people came to Leo’s cabin. Leo asked Barbarisa to lie on the sofa at will, then handed him a bottle of potion that could put him into deep sleep, and then took out the symbols needed for the operation in turn. Wen Magic Array and other items

Although for Leo, Barbarisa’s problem is just a small problem, and he can easily solve it, such as a minor operation to cut off the nerve link between the implant of the god-like cells and the brain, but in doing so, he The benefits cannot be maximized.

In the past few days, Leo has customized several plans based on Barbarisa’s situation. In fact, the plan provided now is the worst one of his plans. In fact, he has a way to solve Barbarissa’s control. At the same time, it also retains the ability of the opponent.

But if he did this, he would not be able to fully utilize the special experimental body of Barbarisa to achieve the purpose he wanted.

What he has to do now is to use his psionic skills and wizard runes to completely bury his mark in Barbarissa’s brain implant, so that the mark can isolate the impact of the implant on Barbarissa. At the same time, it also removes all The collected implant activity information was fed back to him, so that he could study the secrets of pure mental power more deeply, and also be able to follow the vines when the person who controlled Barbarisa repeatedly performs the operation again. Finding out, and then finding out the secret organization that studies this kind of Abnormal God cell, can be described as multiple birds with one stone.

As for the Barbarissas, they don’t even know that they have become Leo’s experimental subjects. They were originally worried about whether Leo can solve their problems. After all, they have also found many special characters with mysterious powers, but in the end All got nothing.

Now, they saw that Leo seemed to have been prepared, and out of thin air, they took out the metal rune discs that seemed extremely mysterious, and they had inexplicably confidence in Leo.

As a result, even when Leo took out a bottle of potion that hadn't been verified, Barbarisa didn't doubt it. After drinking the potion, he fell asleep.

When Leo signaled Barbarisa's wife Vera to wait outside the room, Vera suddenly hesitated and asked: "Your Excellency Leo, the person who used to control my husband will never show up again. Right?"

"Yes." Leo nodded, and said: "I don't know if he is a real person, but it should be impossible for him to control what your husband does. Is there any problem with this?"

"No, there is no problem." Vera shook her head quickly, then hurriedly walked out of the room and waited outside the cabin.

"It seems that Mrs. Vera has other thoughts." Sylvia smiled disdainfully: "I don't know how long this loving couple can maintain their loving image after this matter is over. "

Leo looked at Sylvia, did not say anything, turned his head to inspire the rune magic circle that had been arranged, and formed an invisible chain that penetrated into Barbarissa's body and blocked all parts of his body. , So as to avoid any abnormalities when he fiddled with the implant.

After that, Leo began to infiltrate the implants of the brain with the psionic energy and wizard power in accordance with the method he formulated, and cleverly avoided all the parts that may start the stress response of the implant, and then carefully and slowly The imprint of his wizard's mark, or the imprint of the gods, is imprinted in the implant.

Although Leo is not a god, even as a seventh-level psionicist, he is only a demigod, but if you want to talk about the understanding of the original imprint such as the imprint of the gods, even the gods may not be able to interact with him. In comparison, after all, the gods can only have their own imprints, and he can not only have the imprints of the gods, but also the imprint of the abyss.

It is precisely because of this that his life form has reached the level of a seventh-level psionicist, but he has been able to forcibly create his own wizard or psionic mark, and his mark is not much different from that of the gods. Gives the printed person various powers, can monitor the situation of the printed person, perceive the printed person's thoughts, etc., and even control the life and death of the printed person.

It has to be said that Barbarisa is also unlucky. He gladly asked Leo to help him solve an unknown controller, but he unknowingly became Leo's imprint experiment, and the situation was not much better.

When the host fell into a state of deep sleep, the implant also fell into a silent state, and Leo carefully avoided all parts that might trigger the stress response. The process of engraving the wizard's mark was also extremely smooth, and it took a lot of money. Quite a half of the disappearing time has already been completed.

While the imprint was buried and triggered, Leo also instantly grasped Barbarissa’s physical condition, especially the details of the implant, through the information feedback from the imprint, and at this time he also keenly discovered the previous An undiscovered wave of pure mental power was transferred from the outside world into the body through a certain spiritual channel, and then passed out again. It felt like another imprint of the gods was hidden in the implant.

Although this mental power is very weak, it is so weak that Leo can no longer perceive the existence of this mental power through other means except for the wizard's mark through the control of the implant. com, but he still learned some of this external mental power through such a weak perception, the most important of which is the transmission direction of this spiritual power.

Even if Leo could not find the source of the external mental power through this vague direction, he could still find out through this point, and it was clear that someone was indeed controlling Barbarissa through the implant, and the hidden The controller is also a pure mental power.

Leo did not rashly cut off the connection between the implant and this external spiritual force, but guided this connection to his Mark of the Wizard, and forged a Barbarisa in the Mark of the Wizard.

When the hidden controller controls Barbarisa through the connection of spiritual power again, his spiritual power will be captured by the mark of the wizard, and then the secret of the other's spiritual power will be spied on, and even the captured pure spiritual power will be used to find it. It is not impossible to get out of the hidden controller.

Although the operation was completed, Leo did not call Vera in immediately. Instead, he waited for more than an hour before dispelling the effects of the sleeping potion on Barbarisa, and then called Vera in to inform them of the problem. already solved.

In fact, Leo didn't need to tell him that Barbarissa had already felt the changes in his body after he got out of his sleeping state and regained consciousness. He knew that he had gotten rid of his control.

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