The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1422: Pure mental power

Before boarding the ship, Leo checked the physical condition of the family through the mental network, and the result was that the bodyguards and a servant had some extraordinary powers, and the rest were just ordinary people. people.

However, the extraordinary power used by the parents of that family to save their children undoubtedly made Leo understand that his inspection was wrong, so he used the spirit net to check the situation of the family again, only this time he went into the spirit net. Incorporating the power of the real eye, this allows the spiritual network to discover more hidden secrets when inspecting.

But even so, Leo’s inspection results are still the same as before. This family is an ordinary person. This reminds Leo of the young couple on the Liszt River. It seems that his spiritual network is also in the young couple. The couple failed, and even was affected by the young couple.

In that non-existent building, Leo had thought of asking the observer about related questions, but he did not know why. Perhaps the observer mastered the rhythm of the conversation at the beginning, or the observer used them at the time. With the mysterious power that made them subconsciously ignore some things, in a word, he thought about the question to ask at the beginning, but in the end he didn't ask a word.

Now Leo couldn’t find any traces of supernormal power in the gentleman of the Old World, but he clearly sensed that he used supernormal power to save his child. It’s hard not to let Leo think of what the observer possessed. The mysterious power that makes people ignore everything.

But soon he denied this speculation, because if there was such a power, he might now ignore that the other party had used an extraordinary power before, instead of tracing the source of this power as it is now.

Thinking of this, Leo seemed to have thought of something. Instead of using extraordinary powers such as spiritual nets, he walked out of the cabin and came to the deck, not far from the gentleman of the Old World. He used the bio-scanning module of the Universal Recorder. The person's body is scanned.

"Sure enough," Leo muttered softly after looking at the scan results on the universal recorder.

"Anything to find?" Sylvia asked curiously.

"Look at it." Leo converted the scanned data into an image and showed it to Sylvia.

Although Sylvia can't understand the monitoring data around the image, she can understand the image because there is another person's image like it.

"Ability God Cell?" Sylvia whispered.

"No, it's completely different from the Ability God cell, haven't you noticed that the two action points are different?" Leo projected the image, and then controlled it to rotate a half circle, marking the suspected Ability God cell covering. , Acting on the location of the brain area, said.

Before, when studying the pseudo-Ability cells in Qiao'an, Leo explained to Sylvia the area of ​​action of various parts of the brain and its role in psionic energy. Although Sylvia is not considered a brain supernormal at this moment A strength expert, but also equivalent to a junior college student, at least as it is now, without Leo's further explanation, she can also understand the meaning of the marked parts in the projected image.

"This is pure mental power?" Sylvia asked in confirmation.

Leo nodded and said, "Yes, it is pure mental power. I didn't expect that the Earth Federation has studied pure spiritual superpowers that have not been realized for tens of thousands of years, but they have been researched here."

When the Earth Federation first came into contact with psionic energy, it regarded the magical effects produced by psionic skills as mental superpowers, and established corresponding disciplines based on this, but it soon became known as it came into contact with different alien civilizations. Although psychic power is related to spiritual power, the power of psychic power does not actually originate from spiritual power, and spiritual power is just one of the keys to unlock this power.

For this reason, psychic research was separated from the research subject of mental superpowers, and a special subject was established. However, the research of mental superpowers was not cancelled because of this. Instead, it was retained and continued to be purely mentally superpowered. Based on the hypothesis, relevant research was carried out, and this research still existed until Leo was in that era.

No one knows why the Earth Federation is still obsessed with the research of pure spiritual superpowers with infinite potential after having infinite psychic abilities. The only thing that can be known is that the Earth Federation has not appeared until Leo's death. A pure spiritual superpower.

How strong the pure mental superpower is and what kind of effect it can produce, these Leo are not clear, but the brain function derived from the study of the pure mental superpower is actually brilliant in the Earth Federation. Moreover, this research has also been recognized by many human-like alien civilizations, and some of the public knowledge has been absorbed into their respective related disciplines.

The reason why Leo judged that the old world gentleman’s power to stop the cable buckle from hitting his child was purely mental. It was mainly based on two aspects. One aspect was that the opponent’s body did not have any extraordinary power or energy response, and the second aspect was that The area covered by the type of Ability God cells in the opponent's brain is just the few special brain areas mentioned in the Earth Federation's pure mental power superpower hypothesis that can produce pure mental power.

Although Leo did not perform a further comparison and analysis, he can still see from the scan image that the Ability-like cells that stimulated special areas in the brain of this gentleman from the Old World and the Ability-like cells on Qiao An's body should be The same vaccination technique, but the implants to be inoculated are completely different.

The raw material used to make Imitation Ability God cells in Qiao An's body may be the body cells of the True Eye, and the Ability God cells in that Old World gentleman's body are more like his own body cells cultivated, two kinds of implants. The most obvious difference is rejection.

In terms of technology, Qiao An’s Ability God Cells are not much inferior to Velen World’s Ability God Cell technology, but it is precisely because of this that he also has Ability God Cells on his body that will inevitably appear after implantation. And the rejection reaction that will not disappear. Once this rejection reaction exceeds the body's control, the Ability God cell will change from coexistence to backphagy, and Qiao An will also mutate into an abnormal family of True Eye.

However, through the scan of the universal recorder, Leo found that the Psi-like cells implanted in the Old World gentleman did not show any feedback data that should be required for rejection. Instead, in the scan data, the Psi-like cells and the There is no difference in the other organs of the other party, as if this person’s brain is born with an extra organ, which obviously does not match the traces of external implantation in his brain so obvious, so Leo will judge the other party as a supernatural god. The original species used by the cells comes from his own body cells.

In addition, judging from the implantation technology used by this gentleman of the Old World and the degree of fusion of the Psi-like cell implants, the time for this gentleman of the Old World to undergo the implantation should be before Qiao An, or even just before his birth. After that, the implantation was completed.

And from the analysis of various technical characteristics, this kind of Ability cell technology in Old World gentlemen should be another type of Ability God cell technology, which means that the Ability God cell technology of the world of Vinylon has appeared in multiple categories and factions in this world. development of.

Leo and Sylvia didn’t use any concealment or shielding in their discussion of the Gentleman’s Ability-like Cell Technology. Although the man was on the deck, there were many sailors around him, and Leo was separated from them. It's not short, but the other party seems to have some feelings. When taking care of their own children, they looked at Leo from time to time, and their faces showed some confusion and doubts.

"It seems that his hearing and other physical perceptions are also beyond ordinary people. At such a distance and there are so many noisy sounds around, he can sense that we are looking at him and hear us talking." Although the old continent The gentleman made himself seem as indifferent to Leo’s situation as much as possible, but some of his inadvertent small movements exposed his thoughts at the moment. Sylvia easily recognized the situation of the other party at the moment, so he deliberately pointed out. .

When her words fell, the old world gentleman turned around, looked at Leo and Sylvia pretendingly, then nodded slightly, as if saying hello, and then ordered his servants to take care of them. His own child, and he walked towards Leo and Sylvia alone.

"Hello." After the gentleman of the Old World came to Leo and Sylvia, he took off his hat and bowed to the two of them in a local style, and then said in the Old World lingua franca with a strong local accent: " Greetings from Barbarisa Fernando from Livia."

"Livia?" Hearing the name of this country, Leo and Sylvia couldn't help looking at each other, and exchanged their views with each other.

The reason for this is that according to the geographical knowledge they have seen from the book, Livia is right next to the final destination of their trip, The Kingdom of Teresa, and the Kingdom of Teresa had done it a long time ago. The Livia Empire, the most powerful among the central kingdoms, was a subject country, but with the disintegration of the Livia Empire, the status of the Teresa Kingdom’s subject country automatically disappeared.

"Leo Dodd." Leo also told the other party his identity, but when the other party heard that Leo only reported his name without telling his origin, his face showed a little contempt.

"Sylvia Belmont." Like Leo, Sylvia also reported her name.

However, this time Barbarisa showed a shocked expression on his face. He looked at Sylvia and looked at it several times. Finally, his eyes stayed on the emblem of the Belmont family on Sylvia's clothes. .

Seeing each other's reaction, Leo and Sylvia faintly noticed something and looked at each other again. Then Sylvia asked calmly, "Why do you look at me with such unreasonable eyes?"

The Barbarissa Alliance explained: "Sorry, I was just very surprised. I didn't expect to see a Belmont outside the Kingdom of Teresa."

Although Barbarisa has suppressed his inner emotions as much as possible, his tone can still make people feel a little awe, or even fear, when he mentions Belmont.

It’s just that Leo and Sylvia didn’t care about Barbarisa’s emotional changes at this moment. Their focus was entirely on the important message that this person revealed, that is, there is a Belmont family in Teresa Kingdom. This corresponds exactly to their previous guess.

"Is there a Belmont family in Teresa Kingdom?" Sylvia asked in confirmation.

Facing Sylvia’s question, Barbarisa couldn’t help but stunned, and wondered: "Why are you asking such a weird question, aren’t you Belmonte? That’s not right!" Then, he pointed to Sylvia’s clothes. Going to the coat of arms of the Belmont family, said: "That is indeed the coat of arms of the Belmont family? I don't think anyone is so stupid to pretend to be a Belmont, right?"

"Why do you say that?" Leo asked suspiciously when he heard the words.

"What do you say?" Barbarisa looked at Leo in confusion.

Leo said solemnly, "Just that no one will pretend to be Belmont."

"Isn't this normal? There is no problem with this sentence?" Barbarisa still said blankly.

Sylvia interrupted at this time: "I am not a member of the Belmont family of Teresa Kingdom, so I don't understand the meaning of your words."

Barbarisa was stunned, and said in surprise: "There is also a Belmont family in the New World?"

"It's not a family, I'm the only one," Sylvia said.

"Oh, I see!" Barbarisa seemed to have some misunderstanding, a strange expression appeared on his face, and there was a little more sympathy in his eyes when he looked at Sylvia.

Seeing this situation, Leo suddenly had an urge to laugh, and Sylvia was able to guess what the other party was thinking at the moment, and she couldn't help frowning, her face showed displeasure, but she didn't show it. .

Sylvia’s obvious expression would naturally not be ignored. UU read and Barbarisa also understood that his reaction was a bit rude, so he took the initiative to apologize: "Sorry, but this thing is too irritating. Surprised!"

"Your Excellency has not answered the question just now." Sylvia suppressed her unhappy mood and asked in a deep voice.

Barbarisa explained: “The Desecrator family is not a good reputation in the Central Kingdom area. I am not very clear about the situation in the New World. However, in the Source Continent, more than 80% of the countries prohibit the Belmont family from entering, and the Belmont family People who enter other countries without bans also need special documents."

"The Blasphemer family?" Sylvia frowned and said, "Is it Blasphemy?"

Barbarisa shook his head and said, "I don't know this. I just know that the Belmont family was defined by most churches in the Source Continent as a desecrator family one day. Fortunately, the Kingdom of Teresa is an enlightened kingdom. If in other countries, maybe the Belmont family members have been burned to death by believers encouraged by the church."

Hearing this, Sylvia couldn't help but look at each other with Leo. They both felt that this trip to the Old World might be more interesting than expected.

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