The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1421: Ocean without a name

Just as the New World did not have a unified public name, the oceans between the old and new continents also did not have a unified name.

As a matter of fact, the name was raised as early as when the first stage of the Great Migration was completed. It has been hundreds of years, but until now, the name has not been settled after hundreds of discussions, and even The meeting to discuss the name of this ocean has become an international meeting held regularly every year. Now it seems that countries and churches are no longer eager to finalize this name.

The reason why this name is so difficult to decide on is mainly because of the interests of all parties. Everyone wants to give this ocean a name according to their own ideas, so that at least they have the right to own this sea area in name.

This is true for the country, and so is the church, because for the church, naming a certain area means the expansion of the theocracy and the expansion of the church's power. No one is willing to give up such a large piece of interest.

For the people, it doesn’t matter whether this ocean has a name or not. Through time and various stories spread, this ocean has long been divided into areas by the people, and there is a place that will not be recorded in any public file. , It's just a conventional name passed down by folklore.

Although the different sea areas of this ocean have a variety of folk names, there are three names that are fixed. The sea areas represented by these three names also divide this ocean into three. This division is also recognized.

Among them, the sea near the coastline of the New World to the island chain of the Pirate Bay is called the Sea of ​​Freedom, also known as the Sea of ​​Pirates. Almost 80% of the pirates haunt this sea, and this sea is also the freest place in the world. There is no legal restriction here, and some have only their own strength.

However, with the replacement of steam-powered warships by the sea power countries along the coast of the New World, it is difficult for pirates in this sea to sail in this sea as arrogantly as before. Except for a few pirates, they still keep looting. Traditionally, the vast majority of pirates have transformed into various part-time smuggling ships just like the Hailesa of the Beloved.

On the other side of the ocean, the large area from the coastline to the Slave Bay island chain is called the Sea of ​​Prisoners.

In the early and mid-term of the Great Migration, the New World required a lot of labor, and the wages and follow-up benefits paid by hired labor were too expensive. Therefore, slavery began to be re-implemented in various parts of the New World, and the source of slaves was all kinds of post-wars in the Old World. Prisoner of war.

If some countries do not redeem their prisoners of war in time after the war, these prisoners will be transported by the enemy to some islands in the outer island chain and sold to slave merchants who stay here all the year round. With hard labor, only a few slaves can finally obtain the status of free men, and the rest are all dead in fatigue and illness. The island chain composed of islands that specialize in slave trade is called the Slave Bay Island Chain by the people, which corresponds to it. The Pirate Bay island chain.

The sea area between the Slave Bay island chain and the coastline of the Old World is called the Sea of ​​Prisoners, because most of the slaves traded are prisoners and prisoners of war from the Old World.

Now the Slave Bay Island Chain is no longer engaged in the slave trade, but has formed several island countries, and these island countries have spared no effort in attacking the slave trade industry, and even did not hesitate to offend some powerful countries in the old continent.

The reason for this is mainly because the island countries established by the Slave Bay island chain were all formed by slaves in the past. The country’s first citizens were almost all slaves, so the entire country’s hatred of the slave trade has been integrated into the bones and blood. Among them, the slave trade is basically involved, and these countries will not give any possibility of negotiation at all.

The real ocean between the Slave Bay island chain and the Pirate Bay island chain is named by the people as the sea of ​​the gods, because in this ocean inhabit a large number of mysterious beings as powerful as gods, among them Daru is such The gods of the world, and the adventurers and navigators of the whole world have always explored this ocean only in the surrounding area, and the understanding of this ocean is only a fur, just like the understanding of the gods by human beings.

There are now three routes together with the old and new continents. One is to take the northernmost waters of the two continents. Because this route can often see icebergs floating in the sea, it is also called the iceberg route. This route is usually not There are any major dangers. As long as you carefully avoid the icebergs on the water surface and the bottom, you can reach the safe haven in time when the northern blizzard blows. Usually there will be no problems. Generally, as long as the trip is not too urgent, you will choose to go here. Routes.

Another route is to directly start from Golden Island, the easternmost island of the Pirate Bay island chain, and cross the ocean to reach the Libertador Island on the westernmost side of the Slave Bay island chain. This route is also the shortest route, usually as long as the direction is correct. Sailing on the sea for about a dozen days will be able to cross the sea of ​​God's Realm in the middle.

Although this route is still on the edge of the sea of ​​the gods, unlike the iceberg route in the north, this route is considered to be within the scope of the sea of ​​the gods. sailing in this sea often encounters some unforeseen things. Dangers, such as dense fog that can cause disorientation, mysterious existence that is so powerful and terrifying, and ghost ships that have sunk in this sea in the past.

However, although these dangers are terrifying, they can be smoothly avoided as long as they are handled carefully. For ships sailing in this sea area, the real danger is those huge storms that ravage the sea, almost as long as they encounter it in this sea area. When it comes to the storm, unless it is rescued by a **** like Daru, there is almost no possibility of surviving.

The storms in this sea area are completely different from those that appear in the Sea of ​​Freedom and the Sea of ​​Prisoners. The difference in power between the two is like the difference in combat power between a newly born fragile baby and a battle-tested veteran soldier. In such a powerful storm, the 100-meter huge wave is just normal, is it swept down by the thousand-meter huge wave, no matter how hard the ship is, it will be broken into pieces.

Therefore, almost all ships taking this route will choose to go before the arrival of the storm season and after the end of the storm season, because only during this period, this route will not have any storms and is the safest.

As for the last route, the newly opened route, it is located at the southern end of the old and new continents. This route is not a public route, but belongs to the largest churches in the world, because this route is a route made by their gods.

The sea area where this route is located originally did not have any islands. The route distance is very long. It usually takes about 60 days to complete the voyage. There may be many accidents and dangers in the middle. At first, it was just some desperadoes who hoped to make money through smuggling. And some fugitives who want to avoid chasing and killing choose to take such a dangerous route, and these people rarely reach the other end of the route alive, and most of them accidentally sink to the bottom of the sea.

Until later, the world’s largest churches borrowed the power of the gods through rituals such as the surrender of the gods, and forcibly pulled out a dozen islands from the bottom of the sea at a dozen key positions on this route. By building these islands into transfer stations and supply points, the danger level of this route has been plummeted, and it has also become the exclusive route of these churches.

Most of the ships taking this route are the exclusive fleets of several churches, and there are also aristocratic cruise ships that are willing to pay high sailing taxes to obtain the protection of the church fleet.

The route that Leo chose to take was not the shortest route in the middle, but the southern church route with the longest distance.

The reason for this choice is not because the storm is approaching and the intermediate route is not safe. In fact, there is still about a month before the storm of the Sea of ​​God's Domain, which is long enough for the pet to go back and forth.

The real reason is that a nobleman from a certain country in the Central Kingdom who traveled to the New World with servants and bodyguards asked the ship to take the southern church route.

If Haeresa encountered this situation in the past, he would not obey the passenger's request. No matter how reasonable the passenger's request was, he would not change the route he had set before sailing.

But this time he quickly gave up insisting, and chose to obey the passenger's request. All this was because the passenger took out a toll certificate issued by the church route, and it was the highest-level toll tax certificate.

With this certificate, the passenger can sail back and forth on the church route without restrictions during this year, and all the cargo carried does not need to be taxed and inspected separately, and he can also request a ship when taking this route. The warships loaded with church weapons were escorted.

There is no doubt that for Hereza, this toll certificate can completely eliminate him from worrying about being inspected by anti-smuggling ships, and he can freely dock on the church routes and those in the Old World who are closely related to the major churches. Harbor, this will undoubtedly make his task as easy as playing in the back garden.

So just half a day after the petting ship departed from the port of Saint-Pelia, Heresa changed the previously planned route, along the Pirate Bay island chain, towards the south of the church route, the starting port of Trident Island was lost, and He didn't even consider the thoughts of another group of passengers on the ship during his course of changing routes.

Leo knew about it when the pets changed its course, and even the whole process took place under the surveillance of Leo’s spiritual network, and Leo also knew the reason why Heresa changed its course, which was hidden by him. A combination lock box that is completely sealed in the passenger compartment mezzanine, and will never be taken out if there is no place.

"Take that box away and teach him a lesson!" Sylvia, who also knew that the route had changed, was a little annoyed by the captain's practice of not making any notice or consultation, so she suggested.

Sylvia also knew about such a box from Leo. She was curious about the contents of the box, but the box was made by a special method, and the metal used in the box should contain some special power. Metal makes the outer shell of the box have a very strong interference force, Leo's spiritual net cannot penetrate into it.

Although Leo also has other methods to break open the box forcibly, for example, the spiritual net fused with the power of the crystalline serpent is extremely corrosive and permeable, but he did not do so, because he felt that the contents of the box should not be anything. Good things, if you rush into contact, may cause some trouble.

Regarding Sylvia’s suggestion, Leo just smiled and shook his head, and said, “Don’t you think this pass came by a coincidence? It just so happens that the captain of this ship needs such a pass to guarantee his smuggled items. The inspection can be avoided, and as a result, this pass appeared in front of him, and it can be used at will."

Sylvia couldn't help but shook her head and said, "How can we not see such a strange coincidence? I am afraid that not only the two of us onlookers can see it, but even the captain of the ship should be able to see it, just This is not a bad thing for him, so he prefers to pretend to be deaf and dumb, as if he doesn't know anything." Then, she looked at the waves outside the window and said, "What should I do now? Change the ship or... "

"We are not in a hurry." Leo responded: "If this route is really made by several gods, as the church said, then there must still be those gods on the island where the gods are pulled up from the bottom of the sea. The power, even after so many years, will certainly not completely dissipate. We can just experience in advance how strong the gods believed by the largest churches are."

Sylvia nodded, which was the decision she wanted.

In this way, neither Leo nor Sylvia pursued Heresa's unauthorized change of route, and Heresa was lucky to escape.

In the evening, Hereza didn't know whether he was worried about Leo and Sylvia being held accountable afterwards, or he felt that his behavior of changing the route without authorization was inappropriate. personally came to Leo's cabin to explain to the two of the reasons for the route change, and also said that if Leo and the four do not want to take this route, he can also find Leo and the others when he arrives at the next port. An ocean-going vessel that meets the conditions of their status and takes the sea route of God's Domain.

Facing Hereza's initiative to apologize, Leo didn't show any emotions, but said he knew it indifferently, and let the smuggling captain who looked like an honest fisherman leave.

Afterwards, Leo and the others stayed in the cabin and did not come out, but the family in the cabin next to them seemed to relax. When the weather is clear, they would all run to the deck to enjoy the soft sea breeze and warm sunshine. And some seafood that is hard to eat in the inland, just like an ordinary traveler.

It's just that when the two children of the family were playing, an accident caused the cable buckle on the sail to fall off, and it happened to hit the top of the two children. The sailor did not notice the situation above his head either.

Just when the cable buckle was about to hit the child, an invisible force pushed the cable buckle away, causing it to fall beside the child, and this invisible force came from the gentleman and nobleman.

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