The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1400: Ability cell that suddenly appeared

On the other hand, Leo and Sylvia went straight back to the hotel after leaving the Rock Church. What surprised them was that Penistan did not come back, but Leo was not worried because he used Penny to defend herself. The rune amulet used was not used.

"Did you find any secrets in that Qiao Ann? Why did you offer to treat him?" Sylvia poured a glass of wine for herself and Leo separately, went to the small balcony, and put the wine on the small coffee table. , And then asked Leo who was sitting in a wicker chair.

Leo took a sip from the wine glass, and said, "Qiao An's body is implanted with Ability God cells, and it is the Ability God cell transformed by the flesh and blood of the True Eye."

"Ability God cell?" Sylvia couldn't help but stunned when she heard it, and the wine glass she held to her mouth was also put down, and confirmed: "Are you sure it is the Ability God cell transformed from the flesh and blood of the True Eye?"

Leo didn't answer, but just nodded.

He knew very well why Sylvia was so surprised, because even in the world of Vinylon, most of the methods of making Ability God cells have been left behind, and it is difficult to restore them, and there will be Ability God cells in this world, and from time to time Look, the production time of this Ability God cell is not very long, not more than twenty years.

In the world of Vinylon, the production method of Ability God cells was mainly mastered by the Empire of Français and the Medical School respectively. Among them, the technology mastered by the Empire of Français was more complete and mature, but due to some defects in materials and technology, Ability Cells cannot be manufactured and put into use in large quantities.

The medical school’s situation is similar, or even worse. The Ability Cells they produce are usually accompanied by great side effects, and eventually get out of control easily.

With the sudden fall of the capital of the French Empire and the sudden destruction of the French Empire, most of the land of the entire Weilun continent was occupied by monsters. Many of the knowledge of the Royal Academy of the French Empire and the Kingdom Academy of the Kingdom of France did not have time to transfer, and finally this knowledge All are lost, including the method of making Ability God Cells.

As for the medical school, it was because of internal divisions. The school that mastered the production of Ability God cells deviated from the medical school with all the techniques and joined another faction that advocated nature and integrated part of the shamanism. After that, it was in Velen. The world has disappeared, and most of them are rumored to have gone to the depths of the southern wasteland, avoiding the turmoil of the world, and devoting themselves to research.

Sylvia led the people to move to the mainland of Mozambique to establish settlements for the remnants of the French, and naturally gathered a large number of scholars from the French empire and kingdom. These scholars also brought part of the lost technology, including some Ability Gods. Cell technology, so Sylvia established an independent experimental base specializing in the research of such technologies. Some of the natural school of medical school was also intercepted by her and stayed in the experimental base to join this type of research. Research, she hopes to use the flesh and blood of mutant creatures to create Ability God cells that can be used safely.

However, this technology is very difficult to complete. Until Leo appeared, this technology did not have a successful individual. This was later Leo participated in it, through his previous biomedical technology research based on the medical universe civilization. Ability God Cells, to fill in the defects, coupled with some extraordinary power stabilization effects, only to create some Ability God cells that can be used safely.

However, this Ability God cell is still somewhat different from the true Ability God cell, and the biggest difference is that it cannot evolve.

However, now the true Ability God cell has appeared in another world, and there is a perfectly used experimental body, which makes Sylvia's heart can not help but think about it, especially when he thinks that Qiao An mentioned that the person who treated him was a witch. When she was in medicine, Sylvia couldn't help but think of the missing school of nature in the medical school.

Because some of his researchers are medical scholars from that natural school, Sylvia also knows the natural school very well. When the medical school split, a large number of medical schools involving extraordinary powers joined. That school of nature, there were even some members of the wizard's assembly and shamanism shaman, and she also knew that when that school left the medical school, it took away a lot of precious test items, which seemed to contain the flesh and blood of the Eye of Reality.

Back then, Leo didn't know who poached the banned True Eye. He could only guess that it might be the medical school through the remaining traces and some minor clues.

After knowing that Sylvia recruited a group of scholars from the natural school, he realized that the people who poached the real eye were not only the medical school, but almost the largest secular and religious forces in the world of Vinylon participated in it, such as the law. The Orchid Empire, the Church of the Lord of the Sky, etc., but the real Eye that was poached was directly dismembered, and its body was divided into several parts and handed over to different forces. Naturally, the medical school was also divided into one part, but Later, the medical school split, and the body of True Eye was taken away by the School of Nature.

Sylvia knew about this from the medical school scholars under her. Now that she knew the origin of this incident, Leo naturally knew about it. So when he checked Qiao'an's physical condition, he found that he had implanted Joe. At the moment when the thing that aligns the eyeball is the Ability God cell made of the flesh and blood of the True Eye, I immediately thought of the missing natural school, and also aroused curiosity.

Leo said affirmatively: "The witch doctor who treated Qiao An may be a scholar of the natural school, and the natural school in the world of Velen may also be in this world, and it is still in the Old World."

"Are you trying to use that Joanne to find out the school of nature?" Sylvia guessed.

Lei Ou shook his head slightly, and said, "I am only interested in the Ability God cell in Qiao An. Maybe I can find out and make a real Ability God cell from this Ability God cell..."

As he said, he suddenly seemed to have thought of something, he was taken aback, and then took out a parasite meat ball from the storage space, put it on the coffee table, and then took out the knife to divide the parasite meat ball on the coffee table. Untie it.

After seeing Leo's actions, Sylvia also had some guesses in her heart. She didn't ask or disturb Leo's planing, so she just sat aside and watched quietly.

Leo’s planing technology is very skilled. If it is placed in the Earth Federation, it can almost be comparable to those ultra-precision smart planing tables. Soon the entire parasite meat ball was completely decomposed by him, and after decomposing, Lei From the decomposed flesh and blood with a knife, Ou dug out a piece of flesh that was slightly redder than the other flesh and put it aside.

"What is this?" Sylvia didn't feel any abnormal power from this meat, nor did he feel any strangeness in this meat.

However, Leo did not answer Sylvia's question, but took out a bottle of wizard potion and poured it on the flesh.

I saw that the moment the wizard potion touched the meat pellet was instantly absorbed by the meat pellet, and the meat pellet also had a growth response after absorbing the wizard potion, and it quickly grew into a parasite that was the same as the previous one. Meatballs are similar in volume to meatballs.

Sylvia felt a little sick looking at the dense mass of meatballs in front of her, but she still did not show any abnormality, but suppressed the discomfort in her heart, and checked the bottom of the meatballs by her own method.

Soon, she found that the meat pellets under her were different from the meat pellets she had seen before. The biggest difference was that the meat pellets were exuding a strong aura of extraordinary power, as if it passed through. A bottle of wizard's potion was transformed into a transcendent object.

"This thing itself has extraordinary power, only because the power is too weak, and it needs to be symbiosis with parasites to be able to produce, it is no different from ordinary flesh and blood in normal times, so our methods can't find it." Leo's side Explaining, while decomposing the meat pellets again, he took out several test tubes and put the decomposed meat pellets into the test tubes to save them, and said, "Don't you think this thing is familiar?"

Sylvia hesitated for a moment, and soon thought of something, and said, "This is a strange animal seed?"

Leo nodded and continued: "We made the alien animal seeds based on the production method of Ability God cells. This thing is so similar to our alien animal seeds. I believe that it is inseparable from Ability God cells. ."

After speaking, Leo put the test tubes full of test objects into the storage space, then used witchcraft to create a ball of flame and burned all the flesh and blood on the coffee table to ashes, and then swept the ashes out of the balcony with psychic energy. Wiped out the traces.

After Sylvia finished speaking at Leo, he pondered for a moment and asked: "This may be a clue. Should we stay a few more days and look for it along this clue. Maybe we can find some useful information." "

Leo shook his head and said, "No need! Let's go on the road according to the original plan! I may not find other useful information here."

"Why?" Sylvia asked puzzled.

"Those who were parasitized obviously came to the knight of the Rock Church. There may be some grievances between the two. We only need to start from the knight, and we should be able to find out the relevant information of that force." Lei Ou explained: “The other Rock Church’s knights are from the Old World. Given the Rock Church’s guidelines in the New World, they shouldn’t voluntarily leave the Rock Church in Nice City to provoke people outside, so those people are likely to be That knight had old hatreds and grudges in the Old Continent, so we have to find out the origins of those people and also go to the Old Continent."

At this time, the door of the room opened from the outside, and then she saw the wounded Petistan walk in carefully, clutching the wound on her shoulder, and she saw Leo and Sylvia sitting on the balcony opposite the living room. When she looked at her, she couldn't help being stunned, and then lowered her head, as if waiting for Leo and Sylvia to question.

However, Leo just looked at Petunia up and down and asked, "Is it all solved?"

"Huh?" Penistan was stunned, as if he didn't understand Leo's question.

Leiou asked completely: "I ask you, have the guys who attacked you solved it?"

Petistan recovered a bit, nodded quickly, and said: "It's all solved, eleven people have solved it."

Sylvia also asked, "Did you follow the method I taught you to clean up the traces? Is anyone following behind? Was anyone seen when I came in?"

Petistan hurriedly replied: "I have cleaned up the traces. When I returned, I took a detour and solved the two people who were following. When I came in, I came over the wall and avoided the security of the hotel. There was no one. saw me."

"Well, very good!" Sylvia nodded approvingly, then stood up, walked to Petunia, and said: "Let's go! I'll take you to treat the wound."

"Teacher, don't you want to know what happened to me?" Petunistein asked with a puzzled face.

Leo said very directly: "What happened to you is your own business, and the solution is your own solution. We are not interested and have no idea of ​​intervening. We are just your teacher, not your nanny."

After hearing Leo's words, Penistan curled his lips without saying anything, and followed Sylvia to the inner room to treat the wound.

After the two left, Leo stood up, walked to the balcony railing, looked at the street below, and muttered to himself after a while: "It seems that the training is not enough, and there are still tails that have not been cleaned. "

As he spoke, he saw him leaping down from the balcony, spreading his psionic wings behind him, sliding across the air, and disappearing into the night.

As a central city of the New World, Nice City is also the central hub of the road system of the entire New World. The people living here almost include the people of all countries in the New World, and because it is an absolutely neutral city, in addition to the laws formulated by the Nice City Joint Council, others The laws of any country are not allowed to be enforced here, so it has become a haven for criminals from all countries in the New World.

However, although there are a large number of criminals who have come to take refuge in Nice, the law and order in Nice is generally much better than that in other cities in the New World. UU read because the city's law enforcement is very strong. , And the punishment is very strong, and the entire city is shrouded under the watchful eyes of the gods of various churches, so any crime that occurs in the city can quickly find the perpetrator and bring it to justice.

Therefore, no matter how vicious criminals enter the city of Nice, they must follow the rules of the city to behave. Even if an underground gang or other forces are established, they also need to act in accordance with the rules of the city. Any attempt Those who provoked the rules of Nice City did not end well in the end. Death may be the most friendly solution for these talents, because the law enforcers of Nice City have too many ways to make life worse than death.

However, on this day, the rules of Nice City were provoked twice in a row. Once, someone dared to attack the Rock Temple and attempted to kill the Rock Church knights stationed there. This had never happened in the past, and it was immediately angered. In the Rock Church, which is regarded as a good old man, the next day you can see all the knights of the Rock Church and other church knights who have good relations with them. They arrest and interrogate suspicious people everywhere on the street. The city council also adopts acquiescence. Attitude.

As for the second matter more serious, the Moshi troupe in the theater district was killed in an apartment rented by the troupe. All members died, and none of them escaped.

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