The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1399: Extraordinary Parasites

"What is this? It's a divine power pollution body, or a family body?" Sylvia appeared out of thin air in the lobby of the Rock Temple, and walked to the fleshy ball formed after a large number of shots were twisted and entangled. Picking it up, he teased the tentacles of the meatball's teeth and claws like an animal, and said with disdain.

However, her question was not answered by anyone, so she turned her head, looked at an open space in a hall somewhere, frowned, and said, "Stop playing!"

"Oh! I'm not playing, I just want to see more of the things I fear most." I only heard Leo's sigh echoing in the hall, and then saw Leo also appear in the hall out of thin air, and said at the same time : "This Cthulhu divine art is really good, it can reflect the most primitive fear in others' hearts, and let the target be defeated by their own fear. Unfortunately, sometimes fear is not necessarily true fear, and sometimes fear becomes Motivation, from this point of view, this kind of magic may be more suitable for training people's will."

The most feared thing in Leo’s heart is the deep and boundless universe. Every time he enters space and looks at the darkness in the depths of the universe, he will involuntarily produce a trace of fear, and it is reasonable to say that biochemical people have no emotions, nor There is an emotion of fear, but he just had this emotion, perhaps this is what makes him different from other biochemical warriors made in the same batch.

Sylvia threw the meat ball in his hand at Leo and said, "Look at what this thing is? I always think it's a bit weird. I can't feel any extraordinary power, and it doesn't look like a product of Cthulhu."

Leo took the meatball, and after checking its condition through the mental network, he intercepted a section of tentacles and placed it in front of his eyes to use his spiritual vision ability. After checking the conditions of the cells exposed at the tentacles' incisions, he also said with a little surprise. : "This thing is a parasite, an evolutionary parasite cultivated in the laboratory."

To be honest, if this thing is a failed family or evil creature created by an unknown evil **** or some unknown evil force, Leo wouldn’t be too surprised, because this thing can be seen everywhere in this world. , Even these church knights and clergymen who have been baptized or blessed with divine power can be regarded as a kind of transformed family.

But this kind of parasites produced in laboratories is different. This thing is definitely a scarce product in this world, because it absolutely requires a very high level of biotechnology to produce such a kind of parasites, and this kind of scientific and technological knowledge is here. The world is almost non-existent, at least now Leo has not discovered any technological product that is far beyond common sense.

Even if a country like the Otter Federation has a product of a certain cosmic civilization, it has produced some items that look like super-epochs, but in fact the basic principles of these items are still not beyond the scope of people in this world's understanding of natural sciences. , And those super-epochal items are just piled up using some high-tech items that they don’t understand the manufacturing principles but know how to use them.

However, the parasite in Leo’s hands was obviously cultivated in the laboratory recently. This can be used to judge the approximate production time from the cell activity at the tentacles of the parasite. So this also proves that there are people in this world. Master some biotechnology technologies beyond the world's cognition.

"Does this thing have nothing to do with Cthulhu?" Sylvia walked over and asked suspiciously.

"It's okay." Leo shook his head, then looked around, and finally fell on a clearing not far away. His line of sight seemed to penetrate the camouflage of the clearing and saw a field of illusion hidden there. Said: "This ability to create hallucinations has nothing to do with Cthulhu. It should be the innate power of some transcendent creature. This parasite has absorbed the core genes of transcendent creatures, evolved, and acquired this ability. After the parasite is parasitic, it can also give the ability to the parasite."

Although Sylvia did not understand what the core gene was, she still understood what Leo meant to express. This parasite is very similar to certain abyssal creatures, and both gain the power of prey by devouring it.

Sylvia looked at the situation in the main hall at this time, and finally fell on the Capstone, and said puzzledly: "This rock sanctuary is also equipped with a large amount of defensive power. The power in the Capstone It can also have a powerful suppressive effect on other anomalous forces. You and I can feel the power of this power, but why can they create hallucinations here without penalizing the defense of the Rock Temple?"

Leo quickly explained: "It's very simple. The defense of the Rock Temple is aimed at other gods or some powerful beings. The power of those existences is almost all belonging to the energy system, so the defense of the Rock Temple is aligned. The anomalous power of the energy system. But the power that creates the field of illusion, or the power possessed by this parasite, is not the power of the energy system. They are all spiritual powers used. This power is not on the defense list of Rock Temple. Naturally, it is impossible to trigger any defensive force."

When the two were talking, the illusion domain that was shrouded in Rock Church suddenly disappeared, and Digaro, who was still in a state of riot, also reappeared in the main hall of Rock Church, but his state didn't seem to be too great. Well, he did not return to his normal state, still the same as he was in the hallucinations, and he also regarded Leo and Sylvia as the bodies of two warriors, so he raised the warhammer and large shield in his hand and moved towards The two rushed over.

Facing the Rock Church knight who was like a madman, Leo couldn't help smiling bitterly, letting go of the long sword that had been split very easily, and then reached out his hand and gently slapped the opponent's head. The knight immediately passed out and his body was unconscious. He also fell to the ground and slid forward a certain distance before hitting the pillar before stopping.

"What a hapless guy." Sylvia said with a smile looking at the Rock Church knight lying unconscious on the ground.

Leo had a different view and said: "It doesn't have to be bad luck. After he recovered this time, he might have made up for his spiritual flaws. In that case, he might be able to go further on the road to becoming a family of gods."

At this time, Qiao An staggered and walked in from the side door of the main hall. There were a lot of damage to his clothes, and blood came out from every damaged place, several of which were extremely deadly.

In addition, he held a cloth bag in his hand. Judging from the uneven state of the cloth bag, it should contain the kind of fleshy ball-shaped parasites.

"It turns out that you have this guy here," Qiao An didn't seem to care about his hurt at all. After walking in, he saw the flesh ball parasite in Leo's hand and said in surprise: "I went to the street just now. I wandered around in an apartment on the opposite side and solved some heretics, but after those heretics died, their bodies became this kind of meatballs. I put them all in a bag and brought them over to see if you want this thing. If you don’t want it, I’ll burn them all.”

"Give these things to me, I'm useful!" Leo walked over to Qiao'an, took the bag in his hand, and opened the meat ball parasites inside. Except for a few that have lost their life energy fluctuations, other meat The ball parasite is still intact.

The reason why Leo left these parasites was mainly to study the principles of their manufacture, because if the parasites are handled properly, they might be able to produce extraordinary people in large quantities.

"Are you not affected by the hallucinations?" Sylvia stepped forward and asked.

"Illusion?" Qiao An was stunned, and then as if thinking of something, he muttered to himself: "Is that an illusion? It's fun. I'd better play if I knew it."

Obviously, for people like Qiao An who is constantly in a state of chaotic thinking, there is no fatal fear deep in his heart. On the contrary, other strong emotions are triggered, and Qiao An is finally regarded as an amusement park.

Leo on the side also threw the meat ball parasite in his hand into the bag, took out a bottle of wizard potion and handed it to Qiao An, motioning him to drink it.

After Qiao An took the potion, he couldn't help but look at the color of the potion. Although the potion was milky white, he could not help linking the bottle of potion to the dark green potion that the witch doctor gave him back then.

Although Lenovo made him feel uncomfortable, he still pulled out the stopper after taking the bottle and saw the medicine taken by mouth.

The smell of the medicine was not as foul and bitter as imagined, but rather sweet, but after taking it, a warm current was generated in the stomach and spread to the whole body, and then Qiao An felt the wound on his body start to itch, itching to his desire Yelled, but he finally held back.

After a while, the itch on my body disappeared, and the heat flow also disappeared, replaced by a very comfortable cooling sensation, and there was no pain in the wound.

Qiao An immediately looked at some wounds on his arm and found that the bleeding wounds that had not been treated the previous moment had all healed at this moment.

"Does this thing still exist?" Qiao An couldn't help asking when seeing the magical effect of the potion.

Leo ignored Qiao'an's question, turned his head to look at Sylvia, and asked, "Will you go to the roof to see it?"

"Forget it, there is no need to go anymore. We already know the relationship between the Lord of Stone of the Rock Church and the King of the Hill!" Sylvia shook his head and said, "There is no need to explore other things, so as not to cause it. Pay attention to the Lord of Stone, not to mention that this Rock Church is not the headquarters of the Rock Church. Its headquarters is in the Old Continent, and there shouldn’t be any big secrets here.” She said, she looked up at the place where it should be. It was the core stone of a certain powerful existence, and said: "I am more curious about who this thing comes from."

"It's simple." After Leo heard this, he directly used the psionic wing to control himself under the suppression of many restraining forces, and controlled himself to fly into the air, then cut a piece of debris, fell back, and packed it in a box engraved with a forbidden rune. Said: "With this thing, we can use the method of sacrifice to see the reaction of this thing." After that, he turned to look at Qiao An and said: "We are leaving. If you are ready, In these two days, come to meet us at the hotel address I gave you. If you don’t come, I will give up automatically as you."

"Okay." Qiao An nodded and replied.

"Do we need to clean up here?" Leo pointed to Digaro lying on the ground again, and said, "Do you need to erase some of his memories."

Qiao An shook his head and said, "No, I will explain to him when he wakes up."

Seeing Qiao'an's answer, Leo and Sylvia didn't say much, turned around and walked out of the Rock Temple, and soon disappeared at the entrance.

Qiao An, who stayed behind, took the bottle containing the wizard’s potion and walked to the water basin used for hand-cleansing on the side. Filled the bottle with a little water, then shook it to dilute the bottle of wizard potion to the extreme. Into Digaro's mouth.

Although the wizard's potion was diluted, it still had some effects, such as helping Digaro recover from minor head injuries, and at the same time repairing some muscle strains on the opponent's body caused by excessive force.

After a while, Digaro woke up from a coma, but when he saw Qiao Ann, he was very surprised and asked suspiciously: "Jo Ann, why are you in the sanctuary?"

"Why can't I be in the sanctuary?" Qiao Ann didn't see what was unusual about Digaro, so he asked.

"You..." Digaro seemed to have some taboo. Just when he wanted to question Qiao Ann, he endured it again, then touched the back of his head, which was still a little painful, and asked with a blank face: "Why would I faint on the ground? Why did I feel sore in the back of my head? Have I been attacked?"

After hearing Digaro's question, from Qiao'an's own thinking, he didn't think there was anything abnormal in the other party, and naturally he couldn't see that Digaro seemed to have amnesia.

And Digaro’s amnesia seems to be just a fragment, the memory of Leo and others after entering the church, so he didn’t know how he was in a coma, and he also wondered why Qiao Ann appeared here. UU Reading wwwww just doesn't know whether this amnesia was caused by the palm that Leo slapped on the back of the head, or whether Qiao An was reluctant to face the past experience and self-sealed a part of the memory.

Qiao An explained very casually: "I just solved some guys on the opposite street. You should have been unconscious because of those guys."

"Are they the guys who are rumored to steal the Top Heart Stone?" After hearing Qiao'an's words, Digaro immediately made up some scenes, such as Qiao'an patrolling around, found anomalies, and solved the attacker. , And then came to the temple to see him fainted and so on.

"Thieves the heart stone? It doesn't look like it." Qiao An shook his head and said.

Digaro immediately asked Qiao'an to lead the way, go to the place he said to check, and before leaving the church, he used his badge to inspire various defensive measures in the church.

And when Qiao An led him to an apartment across the street, he saw some tattered clothing on the ground and some religious objects covered by the clothing, and the expression on his face immediately became a little ugly, as if thinking about it. Something bad, and then used secret methods to contact other knights and clergy of the Rock Church to come here to support.

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