The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1308: Surprising change

Although this cube recorder only records and transmits images, it does not mean that this thing has no value. Only this thing can affect the spirit of others, and the fact that it is directly invested in the real illusion of the spirit of others is enough to explain the value of this thing.

If in the universe, the effect of this thing may not be great. Any mental stabilizer is enough to make the effect of this thing zero. But in this world, no one is equipped with a mental stabilizer. The power of this thing will naturally become. The magnification of multiples, such as creating illusions in the minds of ordinary people, making them think that the people around them are enemies that must be killed, etc., through this operation, he can even destroy a country in one day.

Because of this, Leo did not intend to take this thing out to Langenus, because he could feel that Langenus has been very different from the old Rembrandt in terms of acting in the world. Obviously in this world After his rebirth, his life experience has greatly changed his past personality. Leo is not sure whether he can fully trust each other now, so he will have reservations about many things.

With the help of the spherical scanner, everyone excavated well. In a short time, they found dozens of relatively well-preserved ruins fragments, the largest of which was almost equivalent to a small table.

Although there are still a lot of places worth digging, the physical endurance that has reached the limit now makes them have to give up digging, choose to return to the deep submersible, and then return to the sea monster to rest, and then continue after the body recovers.

Under the command of Langenus, everyone put down the digging tools in their hands, emptied their pockets, put every piece of excavated fragments into their pockets, and packed everything as much as possible. Everyone’s pockets were stuffed. It was full. As for the largest piece of debris, it was originally planned to be moved by several deep-diving soldiers, but the pieces were too heavy. Even if several people gave up the extra things on their bodies, they couldn’t move this piece of debris. In the end At Langnus's signal, Leo could only do it himself.

When everyone saw that the extremely heavy stone slab was held in Leo’s hand like a hollowed out dead wood, and Leo could still move forward, the shock in their hearts all turned into expressions. If they weren't all wearing diving helmets, maybe this scene with the same expression would be particularly interesting.

However, Langnus's fierce gestures soon reminded them of their current mission, and they all buried their curiosity and shock in their hearts, and began to move the fragments that had been excavated according to the plan.

The handling process went smoothly. These fragments were sent to the deep submersible one after another, but Langnus overlooked one thing when making the plan, that is, the load-bearing capacity of the deep submersible, which is much smaller than he expected. This is straightforward As a result, several deep divers and several special security guards had to stay outside the deep submersible, relying on hanging on the deep submersible to float together.

As the deep diving soldiers outside the deep submersible tap the outer wall of the deep submersible rhythmically, indicating that they have been hung up, Langenus immediately called the people on the sea monster through the built-in pipe talker of the deep submersible. Pull them up.

However, at this time, things seemed to be problematic. No matter how Langnus called, there was no response from the other end of the pipe, as if there was no one on the other side of the pipe.

The people in the submersible looked at each other, and they all had a bad premonition. At this time, Leo’s spiritual network also expanded, and he could clearly feel that the Sea Monster was still floating in the water, but The situation is not very good.

I saw that part of the sea monster's mechanical devices stopped working, some of the viewing windows were damaged, and the lake water poured into the sealed cabin corresponding to the viewing window, which directly caused the increase of the sea monster’s weight and sank a certain distance. , And the chain reaction generally caused secondary damage to the previously temporarily repaired damage, the lake was poured in, and the hull was slightly tilted.

Because of the rune effects on the surface and inside of the Kraken, Leo’s spiritual network cannot penetrate into it to check the situation, but everything that he perceives from the outside can already guess what is wrong with the Kraken. Things.

Just when Leo felt it, Soland suddenly knocked on the air gauge inside the deep submersible. Everyone looked at it. The pointer on the air gauge was slowly moving upwards, indicating that the current inside the deep submersible was moving upwards. The air is decreasing, which also shows that there is a problem with the air supply device on the Sea Monster. According to the current speed of the pointer movement, it only takes ten minutes at most. The air in the submersible will be completely exhausted, and they will all be suffocated in the water. in.

The sudden accident made everyone feel a little flustered, but they were well-trained after all, and did not make themselves flustered by emotional control behavior, but looked at Langenus and waited for him to make an idea.

At this moment, Langenus stretched out his hand to pat Leo, and made a gesture for him to go up and check the situation.

Leo naturally did not refuse, he took off the rope directly, and under the panic sight of everyone, he untied the sealed helmet, took off his diving suit and completely immersed himself in the lake.

Following him, under the gaze of everyone, he got out from the bottom of the submersible, made a bend in the water at a speed faster than a fish, and then swam in the direction of the Kraken, even lying on his back. None of the people outside the deep submersible noticed that someone had come out of the deep submersible.

Leo swims very fast, and he has swam to the entrance pipe of the deep diving chamber at the tail of the Kraken in almost less than a second.

At this time, he found that the pipeline that was supposed to be closed had been opened at this moment, and there was no trace of damage. It was obviously opened by the staff of the deep diving cabin above.

So, he swam up the pipeline, and quickly came to the pool at the entrance, and got out of the pool, because there was enough air pressure inside, so that the water in the pipeline did not flow back like a deep diving cabin, just the inside of the cabin. The air pressure is weakening, and the water in the pool has spread.

Leo looked around and found that there was no staff member in the entire deep diving cabin. The submersible crane tower next to the pool seemed to have encountered some impact, some damage, and the oxygen supply device not far from the crane tower was completely destroyed. Judging from the traces of damage, it should be corroded by some kind of strong corrosive liquid.

Not far away, the door leading to other compartments was opened. This door was supposed to be completely closed to maintain the airtightness of this compartment.

Apart from this, there were no more noteworthy traces around, and no traces of fighting were seen.

Although Leo was puzzled by the strange situation in front of him, he did not immediately investigate the cause. Instead, he walked to the pendant tower, jumped up, and reached the top of the pendant tower, leaned down and grabbed the link below to dive deep. The cable of the submersible pulled the submersible up from the bottom of the water forcefully.

Although the weight of the submersible itself, the weight of passengers and cargo, and the force of water pressure have made its total weight reach the load-bearing limit of the steel cable in Leo’s hands, this weight has evolved to another stage. For Leo, it's obviously nothing. There is no need to use supernatural powers such as psychic energy, and the power of the body can easily drag the submersible up.

About a few minutes later, I saw the calm pool water surging up, and then the submersible with several people hanging around also surfaced.

Because Leo’s dragging speed was too fast, the people hanging outside the submersible underwent too much water pressure, and all of them had passed out before they surfaced, if it weren’t for the hooks on their bodies. If it is connected to a deep submersible, it may have fallen to the bottom of the lake now.

As for the people inside the submersible, although the conditions are better than those hanging outside, they are also limited. The side effects caused by the rapid rise caused them to feel dizzy, and some people even suffered from broken ears and bleeding. .

On the contrary, Langnus, who should have been the weakest, had nothing unusual, but he did not immediately open the hatch of the submersible and left. Instead, he waited for others to recover and then left with the support of others. The deep diving vehicle looked as if he was also affected.

However, his actions did not hide from Leo. Leo’s mental network easily captured his physical condition and everything that happened in the deep diving cabin. Leo didn’t say anything about it, but just took it. Things are written down.

Everyone walked out of the deep diving cabin one after another. They picked up the comatose people from the water with all their hands. Only then did they begin to scan the surroundings to understand the situation.

After seeing the situation clearly, someone couldn't help but wonder, and asked, panting, "What happened here? Where are all the people?"

The same problem appeared in the hearts of other people, and some people also looked at Leo. After all, Leo came up ahead of them. At the same time, they also thought of Leo’s previous inhuman performance, and couldn’t help turning him Connected with the mysterious existence in their memory.

Leo closed the entrance of the passage under the pool again to avoid the water level from rising. He looked at the strange gazes of everyone around him, turned his head and said to Langenus: "I came up here and it is empty. It seems that something is cheating. The people on the boat opened the water passage and entered here, and suddenly attacked all the people here, and the attack speed was very fast, and none of the people approaching here made any response. Then the attacker opened the hatch and entered the sea monster. In the cabin of the ship, if I didn’t guess wrong, the other people on the Kraken would have been horrible.”

The deep divers who had just awakened from a coma heard Leo's words with a complete expression of disbelief. They felt Leo was talking nonsense. While clamoring that they were going to find someone in other cabins, they stood up and went forward Go to the door of other cabins.

However, what is different from these deep dives is that the special security guards showed a solemn look. They thought of the monsters in the water that attacked the Sea Monster before, and also thought of the inhuman power displayed by Leo, and then thought of it. The things they knew were covered up by the federal government. Although some people still expressed doubts about Leo’s words and didn’t think there was anything that could solve the staff in this cabin before everyone knew it, they still felt that Leo had mentioned. It might be true that something came out of the water and attacked the people on the Kraken.

"What should we do now?" Langnus is not as flustered as others have shown. He is still very calm, as if he doesn't care about whether there is a powerful attacker on the Kraken, perhaps because Leo gave him Brought enough confidence, it may also be that he himself has enough hole cards to support this confidence.

"You stay here, I'll check it." Leo looked at the soldiers who had left the deep diving chamber, and gave a very simple solution.

Langenus had no objection to this. After seeing that Langenus had no other opinions, other people would naturally not say much. Only Solander stood up and expressed the hope that he could act with Leo.

But this proposal was rejected by Leo, and the reason for rejection was very simple, that is, Solander would not bring him any beneficial effects, and would only become a burden on him. He did not undergo any modification in these words. Instead, he said it bluntly, making Soland look annoyed, and stopped mentioning the fact that he would check the situation of the Kraken with his partner.

Leo made the decision and acted immediately. He walked out of the deep diving chamber quickly, and then asked Soland to close the door of the deep diving chamber and lock it to prevent someone on the other side from opening the door to enter the deep dive. cabin.

After the door of the deep diving cabin was slowly closed by Soland and locked, Leo turned and walked along the passage towards the bridge.

When he left the deep diving chamber, Leo had already activated his spiritual vision. Under the action of the real eye, the residual energy fluctuations in the surrounding air were fully displayed, enabling him to I saw a very clear residual energy wave drilled out of the deep diving cabin, and then walked through each of the other cabins. This energy wave was gradually increasing, and the place where I finally went was on the bridge.

Leo’s pace was not too slow, and he soon came to the bridge’s hatch. At this time, he saw some traces of water on the ground, which should have been left by the previous sailors, and they should have come to the bridge. The hatch is also hidden.

Leo stopped at this time, following all the energy fluctuations on his body and his body converged under the action of his psychic energy, and the whole person became transparent.

When Leo's presence disappeared, he opened the hatch and stepped into the bridge.

At this moment, Sea Monster’s bridge has become a place like a spider’s nest, with a large amount of flesh and blood criss-crossed, the previous deep divers who left alone, the staff on other ships, and some seemingly It should be as if other anti-smuggling fleet soldiers were hung in the air by these threads, and some pipe-like things were pierced on their bodies, and some silver-like light spots were drawn away from the human body through the pipes and injected into the middle of the spider nest In a huge cocoon.

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