After uttering the name of the old Rembrandt, Leo immediately realized that he must have admitted the wrong person, because the person in front of him who looked very similar to the old Rembrandt did not have any disabilities, his body was intact, and he did not resemble Lun at all. The old man Brown needs special devices to survive and move.

At this time, Solander looked at Leo with some confusion, and quickly realized that Leo must have admitted the wrong person, so he took the initiative to introduce: "This is Bachelor Langnus."

Bachelor Langenus, who had been studying the slate with his head down just now, raised his head, looked at Leo, and then said to Soland: "Can I be alone with Mr. Leo for a while? We have some academic things we want Discuss."

Soland was stunned, did not say anything, turned around and gestured to Leo, and then exited the room.

As Soland exited the room, Bachelor Langenus said to a corner of the room: "You go out too, I don't need protection for the time being."

"Bachelor, your safety..." I saw a vague human figure suddenly appeared in that corner and said.

"Don't worry," Langenus shook his head, interrupted his security staff, and then seemed to trust Leo, saying: "I will be fine with Mr. Leo here."

These words not only made the fuzzy human form cast a strange look at Leo, but also made Leo a little suspicious.

From just now, the look in his eyes and some behaviors after this Langnus looked at him were a bit wrong, and I felt that this Langnus knew him well and trusted him very much, otherwise he would not see him for the first time. When he was a foreigner, he transferred all his security personnel away.

It is precisely because of this that Leo couldn't help but feel a little suspicion. The person in front of the suspicion might be the old Rembrandt just as he recognized it at first sight.

This question did not last long, and the answer was soon answered. After the security guard with the invisibility ability left the cabin, Langenus smiled towards Leo and said, "I haven't heard it for a long time. The name Rembrandt!"

"Are you really Teacher Rembrandt?" Although he had already guessed in his mind, he was still very shocked, or more accurately an accident, so he confirmed again.

"It's been a long time, Leo! It's already..." Langnus wanted to say an exact time, but after thinking about it, he couldn't estimate it for a while, so he could only smile awkwardly and said: "It should be already. It's been many years, right? I didn't expect us to meet here."

After the other party said Miria, Leo did not doubt the other party's identity anymore, but the doubts in his heart remained undiminished, and he asked in a deep voice: "Didn't you disappear at the prehistoric civilization site in the wasteland? How come you come. In this world, has become a Bachelor of Langenus?"

"It's not that I became a Bachelor of Langanus, but I was originally a Bachelor of Langanus." Langanus said, pointing to the sofa next to him, motioning Leo to sit down, and he turned away from the side. Took out a bottle of wine from the wine cabinet, poured a glass for himself and Leo, and then sat on the sofa opposite Leo, drinking wine, and said: "I did have an accident in the ruins, I finally His memory is that a ray of light swallowed everyone at the time. When I regained consciousness, I had become the Langenus of my youth."

"Rebirth, reincarnation?" Leo immediately thought of two things that could explain this situation. It was just that he used the French language, because he had not found two of the languages ​​mastered in this world that could be compatible with these two. The vocabulary of things matches, and at the same time, he is also to test whether Langenus is old Rembrandt or not.

There are sayings of rebirth and reincarnation in the religious circles of the world of Vinylon, but this is only for the gods. For example, some gods let their incarnations reincarnate into the living gods on a dead devout believer in order to better preach the church, sometimes even more. It will directly reincarnate into human beings and establish and perfect its own church.

It's just that this kind of thing only appeared in the period of religious ignorance. Later, with the improvement of the church system, this kind of thing almost disappeared, but the relevant legends are still recorded in the church's classics.

Langenus obviously passed the temptation. He could understand the French language, and habitually explained in the French language: "No, not like rebirth, because I am not dead, more like reincarnation, but my memory is blocked. I woke up again because of a certain opportunity.” After he finished speaking, he realized that he was using Flange and couldn't help but smiled, and said, “I haven’t spoken in Flange for a long time. It sounds a bit weird. of."

"It should be because the tongue hasn't adapted to the pronunciation habits of French." Leo explained for him, and then asked: "Do I call you Rembrandt now? Or Langnus?"

Langanus thought for a while and said, "Langanus! Rembrandt is dead, and I have lived in this world for so long, and I have long been accustomed to the new name and identity." Then, He asked with a look of confusion: "To be honest, I was really surprised after seeing the news about you and Sylvia. I thought it happened to be two people with the same name and surname. Later, the investigation revealed that it was really you. Two, how did you come into this world? Wouldn't you be dead like me, and then be reborn or reincarnated in this world?"

"No, we are all alive and well. We came to this world through other methods." Leo Leo added a few unnecessary mentions, and compared the way he and Sylvia came to this world. After a brief talk.

Langanus showed a stunned look, and said, "The tower wizard? If it were them, it would be possible, after all, they had been here before."

Leo asked with interest: "Has the tower wizard also been to this world?"

Langenus explained: “Of course, isn’t the entrance to this place obtained from the items they left behind? How can they not come here to take a look at their personalities? As far as I know, they also built A secret organization, have you heard of the truth, right?"

"The Truth Society! The world's largest evil organization?" Leo was taken aback for a moment.

The name Truth Society will appear in newspapers every three days. It can be said to be the most famous underground organization in the world. This organization has never expressed its political aspirations or core ideas. Their only purpose seems to be to kill people, and they kill. The target of this is never the low-level civilians, but some world-renowned figures, either the political leaders of a certain country or the pope of a certain church.

According to statistics from the Herald, the most authoritative newspaper in the New World, more than 5,000 celebrities have died in their hands since the emergence of the truth conference, including some of the founding fathers of some countries, such as the founding father of the Haute Federation. General Rath died in the hands of the assassins of the Truth Society.

It’s just that the Haute Federation’s feelings for the Truth Society are extremely complicated, because if General Berat does not die, then the Haute Federation will inevitably become a religious country like other countries around it, and there are no anti-religious provisions in the Constitution. It may be passed, because General Berat is a devout believer of the Worm of Thousand Words, and he was also the most influential person among all the founding fathers at the time and had the most army in his hands.

In this respect, the Haute Federation would also like to thank the Assassins of the Truth Society. If the Assassins of the Truth Society later assassinated some dignitaries in the Haute Federation, maybe the Haute Federation would not define Truth as an evil organization. .

However, after hearing that the Truth Society was established by the Tower Wizard, Leo couldn't help but feel a sense of disobedience, because the Tower Wizard’s code of conduct would definitely not create an assassin organization like the Truth Society. Otherwise, The anti-witch nobles and churches in the Velen world are at risk for everyone, because it is too easy to kill them silently with the power of the tower wizard.

"You also find it incredible, right?" Langnus seemed to know Leo's current thoughts very clearly, smiled, and said: "I was the same as you at the beginning, feeling incredible, but it's a pity that all the evidence I collected pointed out The Truth Society was founded by the Wizards of the Tower."

After speaking, he saw Langnus drew a symbol on the table. This symbol can be said to be the most representative symbol of the tower wizard, and then he drew another symbol similar to it, no matter what. The dull people can also see that this similar symbol should be the improvement of the tower wizard symbol, and even the phrase "I want to know the truth in the world" is also preserved.

"What happened to the tower wizards in the end, have they returned to Velen?" Leo asked again.

Langenus shook his head and said, "As far as I know they are all dead, in the hands of the gods of this world."

"The gods of this world..." Leo muttered, and was about to ask related questions.

"Stop!" Langenus interrupted him, and said very solemnly: "This topic will stop here. Don't continue talking. There is one thing you must know about the gods in the world of Velen. Taboos are still effective in this world, and even more severe. Those tower wizards ignored this and died in the hands of the gods. I don't want you to be the sacrifice of the next god."

Leo didn't know what caused Langnus to be so scrupulous, but he knew that Langnus must know some big secrets related to the gods that could not be said, otherwise there would be no such reaction.

"Why did you come to Lake Beluk this time?" Leo also changed the subject in cooperation.

"It's for the ruin found at the bottom of the lake," Langnus became relaxed a lot when he mentioned something he was interested in. He picked up the stone slab that was just under study from the table and handed it to Leo. : "Look at this and see what it reminds you of."

Leo looked at the slate, and almost no need to analyze it, you can see that the cuneiform writing on this slate is exactly the same as the cuneiform writing of the ancient civilization in the desert of the Savile Kingdom. It should be a change of the same language. body.

Leo said his judgment, Langnus nodded in agreement, and said: "In fact, I have seen similar words on the temple site I discovered before, so I doubt the age of this world. Civilizations and the prehistoric civilizations of our world are very closely related. They can even communicate with each other, communicate, do business, etc., until one day something happens, this kind of communication is cut off, and the two civilizations have also moved in different directions. It’s just that even so, the development trajectories of the two civilizations are very similar, don’t you think?"

Leo did not rashly agree with this argument because Langnus put forward it. He thought for a while and said: "If the civilizations of the two worlds have close communication, then there should not be so few relics related to it. ."

"Indeed, this is where I am confused." Langenus did not deny the huge loopholes in his argument, sighed, and said: "I initially thought that the church was deliberately hiding these civilizational relics because of the existence of these civilizational relics. It just negates the theory of the origin of the world in most churches. The impact on church beliefs is undoubtedly devastating. They absolutely have reasons to conceal the existence of these civilization relics. But after I investigated and found that it was completely wrong, because these civilization relics The existence of is not as dangerous as I imagined for the church, and the theory of the origin of the world is not that important, because the core of the church’s faith is the gods, the gods that really exist in this world..."

When mentioning the gods, Langenus suddenly remembered something, his face became very ugly, and then reached out his hand and took out a small medicine box from his pocket, poured out a few pills from it, and swallowed it directly. , After a while, his tight face eased.

"What's the matter with you?" Leo looked at Langenus seriously, UU reading asked in a deep voice.

Compared with the sights seen by ordinary people, Leo’s spiritual vision can see more things. Just now, Langanus exudes an abnormal energy wave, and it is on Langanus’s head. A shadow full of countless tentacles also appeared on it. This shadow gave Leo the feeling that it was a bit like a mutated monster such as a skeletal butterfly. It was even stronger, and it was almost the same as an Omega-class advanced life form.

Langenus smiled bitterly and shook his head. It seemed that he did not intend to continue talking about this matter, but returned to the previous topic, saying: "I later obtained a lot of information that is difficult for ordinary people to access through various relationships. , I even went to the Scholar Mountain in the Old World and read the ancient books that can trace the birth of the first country in the world. Although most of the contents in those ancient books are some useless nonsense, but in Those nonsense also revealed some interesting information. Combining this information with the development trajectory of this world that I mentioned earlier and the world of Vinylon, I also discovered some truths about this world..."

Speaking of this, the ship's hull shook violently, as if it had hit something. Although Langenus held the table in time, the books on the bookshelf behind him fell out and smashed towards him. Fortunately, Thunder Ou took action in time and created a psionic shield to protect Langenus, without hurting him.

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