The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1302: Internal Revenue Service Anti-Smuggling Ship

Leo slowly raised the submarine from the water, looking with interest at the ancient appearance of the submarine. In his memory, it was written by a sci-fi writer in the enlightenment period of the Old Earth era. Mentioned such a submarine. The scientist seemed to have named the submarine after an ancient creature on Earth.

Just now, Leo discovered this submarine lurking underwater, and also discovered that the manufacturing process of this submarine is not only science, but also contains some of the kind that he has experienced on Emerald Island. The power of revulsion.

Although the power on this submarine is different from the power of Emerald Island, it is essentially the same, making people who can feel it have a very strong discomfort and disgust.

It was also officially because of this power that Leo’s spiritual net could not penetrate into the submarine, and he could not know the specific situation inside the submarine, but he was still able to identify the submarine from the flag of the Haute Federation on the submarine and the badge next to the flag. It should belong to the Haute Federal Internal Revenue Service.

In order to be able to develop weapons suitable for the world’s technological level, Leo also did some research on the world’s technological level during this period. He found that the world’s technological level would seem somewhat different if measured according to the standards of the Old Earth era. confusion.

Some technologies have reached a very high level. For example, they have been able to create iron-clad ships that travel around the world, and can use civilian electricity, etc., but some technologies appear to be very mediocre, such as farmland farming still using animal power, medical research in medical schools It is still in an early stage, and the best medical treatment is bloodletting.

However, even so, when he saw this submarine that looked a little out of technology, he was still not surprised, because it is not difficult to build a submarine with the current level of technology in this world, not to mention that there are extraordinary powers. participate.

When Leo first spotted the submarine, the submarine seemed to have spotted him, but the submarine did not surface at the time. Instead, it followed all the way until the gang boats wandering around the sailboat. It only surfaced after leaving, so Leo judged that this submarine would hide in this area of ​​water should be related to the smuggling of gangs entrenched in this area.

Soon the submarine has completely surfaced. Although compared to the deep-sea explorers of the planetary expeditions that Leo has seen, this submarine is not very large, but it is already considered a large ship in this world. The size is equivalent to five Leo's current sailboats.

Its overall shape looks like a fish, driving it forward, backward and direction are eight propellers around the hull. A special casting method is used to engrave some symbols with extraordinary power on the hull. , Unless the hull is damaged, the power conferred by these symbols will not disappear.

The entry and exit hatch of the submarine is not at the top, but at the front of the hull. When it floats to the surface, the hatch is aimed at Leo’s sailboat, which looks far away. As if being stared at by a big fish.

The hatch opened quickly, and then you saw a long escalator extending from the hatch on the side of the sailing speedboat, and then a group of heavily armed soldiers boarded the speedboat. They did not say anything to Leo, just After guarding each key area, he saw a middle-aged general in military uniform but wearing the badge of the Internal Revenue Service stepping onto the ship from the escalator.

The middle-aged general saluted Leo, and then said very solemnly: "I am Major General Les of the Seventh Anti-smuggling Fleet, His Excellency Leo Dodd, now we need to mobilize your sailboat, Please come with me."

"Do you know who I am?" Leo asked.

"Yes, at the docks around Lake Beluk, we will receive the news as soon as any ship leaves the port." Major General Les raised his head somewhat proudly, and then urged: "This is not the time to talk about this. If you have any questions, please follow me to the Sea Monster, and I will explain it to you slowly."

Just as Major General Les was speaking, the soldiers who had boarded the ship began to set up sailing speedboats. They set up some dummies that looked real from a distance on the ship, and dragged a few corpses out of the submarine. Inside the cabin.

In addition, some soldiers jumped into the sea with a few devices that looked like propellers and installed them on the bottom of the sailing speedboat.

Seeing this, Leo seemed to know what these people were planning to do, and without asking more, let the major general lead him into the interior of the submarine.

The soldiers quickly finished setting up the sailboat and withdrew to the submarine. The submarine sank quickly again, and the unmanned sailboat moved slowly under the force of the wind, and because of the presence of water. With the function of the lower propeller, the sailing speedboat will not lose power due to the change of the wind direction, and can still move in a certain direction.

In the submarine, Major General Les led Leo through a narrow passage to the bridge at the front end. Here is a huge sealed cabin. There are more than a dozen windows of different sizes on the surrounding walls. Each window is inlaid with a mirror polished with high-hardness transparent ore, and each window has at least two observers observing the situation of the water bottom outside the window, reporting the situation loudly to the driver at any time, so as to modify the direction of travel in time .

"This is the embodiment of the highest technology in our Federation. As long as there are ten Kraken, the entire ocean will be under our control." Major General Les looked around with great pride and turned his head to look at the person beside him. Leo, there is no doubt that he would like to see shock, amazement, etc. on Leo’s face, but the result was very disappointing. Leo appeared very calm, and there was even a hint of disappointment in his eyes. On the contrary, he looked at the inner wall of the ship. Those carved on it that look like decorative patterns are of interest.

"Your Excellency Leo, do you think this diving boat is not great and worthy of amazement?" Major General Les frowned and said: "From ancient times to the present, no kingdom can conquer the ocean, even the legendary ocean country. Eplands also only dared to call themselves the kingdom of the sea, but not the lord of the sea. They still knew nothing about the mysteries of the ocean’s depths, but the diving ship developed by our federation was able to dive deep to the bottom of the sea. Explore the real mystery of the sea, and be able to hide in the bottom of the sea, silently monitoring any ship on the sea, just like the legendary sea monster lurking on the bottom of the sea waiting for prey, this kind of great creation that has never appeared in the history of the world, isn’t it? Can you not shock you?"


"It is indeed an amazing creation." Leo echoed, but his expression is completely different from what he said.

Major General Les was extremely disappointed not to see the scene he had hoped to see, which also made him suddenly think of another possibility, that is, Leo had seen this thing before.

In the information in his hands, Leo and his wife are described as a pair of noble and knowledgeable travellers. The extensive knowledge brought about by their travels around the world makes their speech and behavior unique, so he feels that if Leo is in Similar diving boats have been seen elsewhere, so Leo's reaction should be almost the same as it is now, not too surprised.

Although there was suspicion in his heart, Major General Les did not ask Leo about this. Instead, he put the matter in his heart, and then changed the subject, saying: "Your Excellency Leo, I should feel uncomfortable with the current situation. Let me Let me explain to you."

Afterwards, Major General Les explained the matter carefully. If it is an ordinary person, Major General Les, a high-level military general, would naturally disdain to explain, but Leo’s identity is different, which is related to the reform of the army and the replacement of weapons. , And is one of the senior weapons research and development experts, so he had to treat it with caution to avoid Leo from having bad ideas for the federal government because of this incident.

In fact, Leo would be involved in the IRS and the smuggling dock. It was a complete coincidence, and this coincidence coincided with all the conditions of the IRS's anti-smuggling fleet plan, and even better than the expected conditions, they naturally did not It will be wasted, not to mention, in their view, if Leo’s sailing speedboat is allowed to sail in this area, it will not only destroy their plan, but also put Leo himself in danger, so their current approach is just to save Leo’s life was lost.

It turns out that the IRS has been eyeing the smuggling dock on Lake Beluk a long time ago. They are not only the dock docks of the Iron Gang, but also other mob docks in Beluk City and other cities along the lake. Because there are some high-ranking people behind these docks, rushing to do it will cause some unnecessary problems, and even make the IRS a target of public criticism.

Moreover, these smuggling docks can bring some benefits to the federal government at certain times, such as obtaining some items that the federal government cannot obtain through normal procedures through underground channels. Therefore, the IRS has to take a look at these smuggling docks at the request of many parties. Closed approach.

However, even if they were unable to deal with these smuggling docks immediately, they still did not relax their surveillance on the smuggling docks. Instead, they increased their surveillance efforts and secretly collected data on all the smuggling docks on Lake Beluk, even the Sea Monster. The latest weapons of the IRS anti-smuggling fleet were also placed in Lake Beluk to monitor the movement of the smuggling dock.

As the federal government began to expel various churches, the relationship between the surrounding religious countries and the federal government gradually deteriorated, and some forces that were originally hostile countries began to unite, and it seemed that they were preparing to form a coalition to deal with the Haute Federation.

In the face of this situation, the federal government is actively preparing for war as planned, while also starting to clean up some hidden dangers in the country, such as smuggling docks that are inextricably linked to foreign forces, and the IRS anti-smuggling fleet, which has been monitoring smuggling ships for many years, is naturally a success The best performer.

In order to wipe out all the smuggling docks on Lake Beluk, the IRS' anti-smuggling fleet did not act rashly, so as not to rush the snake. It caught a smuggling vessel, but let most of the other smuggling vessels run away.

After planning for a few days, they decided to find a bait to let the smuggling dock of the gang voluntarily create an accident. Then, in the name of investigating the accident, the anti-smuggling fleet was disguised as a police fleet on Lake Beluk and investigated.

The marine police on Beluk Lake has long been bought and infiltrated by the gangs behind the smuggling docks. Therefore, the emergence of the marine police will not cause the smuggling docks to react too much. At that time, you only need to act faster, and the news is tighter. The national taxation The bureau's anti-smuggling fleet can completely solve the smuggling docks that have been marked by them one by one in a short period of time.

After planning, the anti-smuggling fleet began to find suitable bait. This bait must have a certain identity. Otherwise, it is impossible for the fishermen who fish in the lake to disturb the police fleet. At the same time, the identity of this person cannot be too much. After that, otherwise, the people in the smuggling ship will think that it has caused a big trouble, and temporarily abandon the dock and go to the land to avoid the disaster.

Just when the IRS anti-smuggling fleet was looking for a suitable target, Leo, who rented a sailboat and sailed alone, appeared at this time. They found that Leo was the most suitable target, because Leo had a certain identity, but his identity was not. It will be too much, and its foreign status will make the gangster on the dock instinctively produce a mood that is not a big deal.

In addition, after Leo set sail, they happened to use the waters where the Iron Gang dock was the preferred target in their plan as the activity area, so the anti-smuggling fleet let the shipyard instruct the dock’s supervisor to act on Leo’s sailboat.

After that, there was the scene just now, and for the next period of time, Leo will stay on the Kraken, disguised as an accident disappearing on the water, it is convenient to disguise as The Marine Police's anti-smuggling fleet used this as an excuse to search the waters of Lake Beluk, and he could not leave until the anti-smuggling fleet completely controlled the situation.

After the explanation, Major General Les turned his head to look at Leo, waiting for Leo to react uncooperatively, and then he would use various rhetoric that he had prepared to convince Leo.

However, Leo’s reaction disappointed him again, because Leo didn’t care about being used as a bait. He appeared calm and calm enough to make it feel that what Major General Les just said had nothing to do with him. Like, on the contrary, he has always been interested in the patterns on the walls, and while Major General Les was waiting for his response, he pointed to those patterns and asked: "Major General Les, who designed the symbols on this? Meaning?"

"Huh?" Major General Les was stunned for a moment. Obviously he didn't expect Leo to ask such a question. Then he followed Leo's fingers and looked at the patterns on the surrounding walls that he wouldn't normally look at. Somewhat puzzled: "Is there anything special about these patterns? What do they mean? I don't know who designed them..."

At this time, a young man's voice sounded nearby and said: "This is designed by Bachelor Langnus. These symbols are derived from the Tafik Cave Temple."

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