The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1300: Search for Gods Arms

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The fact that the owner of Belmont Manor suddenly wanted to leave Beiruk caused a lot of commotion in the upper class of Beiruk. When most people heard the news, they felt that this was a rumor, because in their opinion , The couple’s career in Beluk has just begun and is developing rapidly. They have established a firm foothold in Beluk, and their influence is not much worse than that of the local veterans. In this case, they chose to leave. Why? It makes people feel a little absurd.

However, as Sylvia began to clean up the servants hired in the manor, those who were willing to leave with them were sent to Josh County, and those who were unwilling to follow them were compensated for a severance payment, the upper class in Beluk realized this. When the rumor was true, the doubts in my heart became stronger.

Not to mention Leo Dodd, who has spent most of the time in the manor. As his wife, Sylvia is a man in the city of Beiruk during the recent period. It is no exaggeration and just one month. Over time, she has become a female leader in Beluk City, and all women-related clubs and political groups in the city can see her. If Sylvia is involved in politics at this time, she can definitely rely on this influence. Force has a place in the city council.

In addition, the situation of the smelters is also very good. The newly merged smelters have formed a smelting group, which almost monopolizes the steel output of Beluk City by more than 70%, and the market share is still increasing. According to estimates, at most It will take two months for Leo and Sylvia's smelting group to completely monopolize the steel market in Beluk City.

In such a good situation, the two of them are leaving, which makes people feel weird no matter how they look, so many people start to use their relationship to inquire about the situation.

Soon some well-informed people got some information and understood that Leo and Sylvia’s departure was related to the federal government, and that their careers were not suppressed, but better, and more than they thought. it is good.

For example, the smelter is no longer limited to the city of Beluk, but the entire Otter Federation, because the federal government has planned to merge the smelters in the surrounding counties and cities under the name of the smelting group in Beluk, and From the follow-up trend, smelters in other counties and cities within the federal territory will sooner or later merge together.

Although it looks like this, Leo and Sylvia have lost control of the smelting group, but they have fixed shares in their hands. That is to say, no matter how large the final group expansion, they both have The share ratio will not be reduced, which in the eyes of most people is undoubtedly a big deal for Leo and Sylvia.

In addition, Leo and the federal government have a secret cooperation agreement. Since it can be called a secret, its importance to the federal government is self-evident. This undoubtedly means that Leo, a foreigner, has entered the federal government. In the high-level vision, as long as Leo doesn't make any mistakes, then he can be said to have a bright future in the Federation.

Soon relevant news spread in the upper class of Beluk City. Many dignitaries were envious and jealous of Leo and Sylvia, especially those government officials who were unsatisfied. They tried every means to hope that they could enter. In the eyes of federal government officials, they were given the opportunity to work in the federal government, but they were never successful. Now two foreigners have obtained the opportunity they dream of, which inevitably affects their mentality.

Fortunately, even though most people are full of jealousy in their hearts, they dare not play tricks on Leo and Sylvia’s departure. Instead, they try their best to cooperate and solve the difficulties they encountered during the relocation, such as not having enough. The carriage carries their belongings and so on.

Although Sylvia has decided to leave Beluk City, she does not intend to completely give up the network of relationships she has established in Beluk City. In fact, she has joined the clubs and clubs in Beluk City. There is also a branch in the federal capital, so she intends to continue to consolidate this relationship, and may be able to use it in the federal capital.

Just before Sylvia was about to leave, she still expanded her influence, and when she wandered through various women’s clubs, clubs and political groups in Beluk City, Leo, as her husband, was not in Beluk at this moment. In the urban area, it is no longer Belmont Manor, but instead rents a sailing speedboat alone and sails into the depths of Lake Beluk.

Leo entered the depths of Lake Beluk alone this time mainly because he was armed with the gods who participated in the church's loss here during the religious war.

In the one-third of the weapon research materials Leo obtained, because the original weapon was based on a weapon in the religious war that year, some related content was more or less mentioned in the materials.

Although there are not many of these contents, a chain of clues has been formed to help Leo connect the other fragments in the database related to the religious war of the year, and finally form a roughly complete religion. War history.

What was the cause of the war and what churches were there? Leo compiled the information and did not have an answer, but it is certain that the cause of the war was definitely not due to beliefs or doctrines. From the perspective of the war process , It's more like fighting for something.

The contended thing changed hands several times between the various churches, and the interesting thing is that no matter who was taken, it could not be taken away from the current land of the Otter Federation, and it would be taken away by another one when it was about to be taken away. The church snatched it.

In the end, the area where Lake Beluk is now becomes the final battle in which all churches are involved. In this battle, there is a very clear message, that is, the gods of those churches have participated, and the gods The users of the armed forces also died in the final destruction that caused Lake Beluk. The weapons of the gods were scattered in Lake Beluk. Also lost in Lake Beluk was the unknown item that caused the war. .

The original form of the development of weapons of mass destruction by the Haute Federal Government should be a certain **** weapon, but it is not known which **** weapon is. Although Leo is also capable of developing other types of weapons of mass destruction, it is researched and developed. The knowledge of those weapons is too advanced, and all the tools that need to be used need to be made temporarily, which will take too much unnecessary time, so Leo decided to follow the ideas of the Haute Federation to make what they need. Weapons of mass destruction.

In a sense, the weapons of the gods are like the god-given artifacts in the world of Vinylon, but they are not entirely true. Because there are many kinds of artifacts in the world of Vinylon, most of them are only auxiliary artifacts, and there are few direct ones. Sacred weapon used to attack, and the gods of this world are all weapons used to attack.

It is mentioned in a book recorded from the Hans family manor that most of the church’s **** weapons are in the form of long swords, and can only be used by a specific person, and this person needs to pass some kind of Rituals are only qualified after being implanted with the power of the gods.

This made Leo couldn't help thinking of the ritual of the Gods Club, because from the final result of that ritual, it seemed that it was not only stealing the power of the gods, but also creating users who were armed with the gods of the church.

Although many years have passed since the religious war of that year, and the center of the war has become a lake, the immortal characteristics of the gods’ weapons indicate that as long as these weapons are not completely destroyed, they should be preserved. Leo I just want to perceive through my own spiritual network, and use this method of finding a needle in a haystack to see if I can find a piece of god-armed, or find some fragments of god-armed.

It's just that his search area was not randomly selected, but the result of precise calculations of various data. In his calculations, the big rift he is going to now should be the most likely to be buried with gods or weapons. Fragmented area.

Leo chose this place because he judged that this place should be the center of the huge destruction. This water area and surrounding water areas are more likely to be buried with **** weapons than other areas. Of course, this is not absolute, because there is also a kind of Possibly, the deity's weapons were thrown away to other places by a shock wave caused by huge destruction.

The Big Fissure of Lake Beluk is a very famous place. It is located in the center of Lake Beluk and the deepest place in Lake Beluk. The shallowest part of the whole area is more than 50 meters. The deepest crack is even Can't reach the end.

The reason why it is famous is not because the waters in this area are deep, but because it produces a kind of purple pearl. Only thread shells living in this area produce this kind of pearl. Because the production is very scarce, the price has always been high. No less.

Because this water area does not have a recognized ownership, this water area belongs to the owner of Beluk City. As long as the citizens of Beluk City can rent a boat to salvage pearls in this water area.

However, because the number of purple pearls produced is small, even if the price is high, the ultimate benefits are not amazing, so they are not seen by the dignitaries of Beluk.

As for ordinary people in Beluk City, they don’t have the time and spare money to rent boats to try their luck on the water. What's more, the water here is too deep, ordinary people can’t dive to the bottom at all, and there are many fierce fishes in this waters, so Ordinary people have never thought about getting benefits from here.

Some powerful gangs in Beluk regard this place as their own cornucopia, each occupying a piece of water and salvaging purple pearls. In order not to lose the waters under their control, even if it is not during the pearl production period, they also send some ships to station themselves. In the controlled waters, some even connect ships to the city, forming a small floating city on the water, so that some things that are not suitable for settlement on the shore can be solved here.

When Leo arrived in this waters, he happened to encounter a patrol boat from a gang of Beluk City, but this patrol boat did not cause Leo trouble, but let Leo pass, because Leo’s The boat is a kind of recreational sailing speedboat, not a salvage boat with deep diving equipment. In addition, Leo’s boat is borrowed from Hans’s family, with the Hans’s badge on it, as a way to be able to be in Beiruk. The gangs that survive for a long time naturally need to instruct who can and who can't.

After reaching the predetermined waters, Leo tried to release the spirit net to scan the bottom. Because the spirit net was used indirectly through another auxiliary method, the range and accuracy of the spirit net were reduced to varying degrees. This water area contains an extremely powerful interference energy, which makes the final feedback received by Leo very vague. Additional analysis and comparison are required to determine whether there are abnormal energy objects in the scanning location, which will undoubtedly slow down. Leo's search speed, so from reaching the predetermined waters to discovering the first anomalous energy object, he spent almost ten hours in total.

This abnormal energy fragment is not the fragment of the gods armed with Leo's expectations, but a bone of a fish creature. This fish should have generated a certain special energy radiation before it was born, and the body has undergone mutation, and after the mutation, the excess The energy is integrated into its bones, causing the bone to undergo high-energy transformation, and finally it becomes a high-energy substance, and it is also a very high-energy substance.

Although no **** weapons or armed fragments could be found, the abnormal energy fragment found now is also good news for Leo, because this extremely high-energy substance indicates the long-term existence of a special energy in this water area. Radiation source, and this radiation source is likely to be a certain deity weapon.

After that, Leo didn't continue to search blindly, but carefully compared the shape of the fish bone, and analyzed the data database that this bone should be a kind of saury bone.

This silver-line serrated saury is considered a special fish of Beluk Lake. UU Reading was originally a saltwater fish in some waters near the sea in the lower reaches of Beluk Lake. The formation of these fishes upstream, settled in Lake Beluk, and then multiplied and transformed into freshwater fish.

The only difference between this fish and its saltwater relative, Serrated Saury, is the three silver lines on the back.

During the day, the silver wire serrated saury will pay the surface of the water, allowing the three silver wires on the back to absorb the sunlight. At night, it will dive deep into the bottom of the water. At that time, the silver wire will emit light, attracting the fish from the bottom to approach and be caught by the serrated saury. Group predation.

Because serrated saury are hunting habit in groups, they are also the most dangerous fish in this waters. When they are hungry, they will even prey on any large creatures, including humans.

There are many habitats of saury fish in Lake Beluk, but in the current waters, there is only one place where saury fishes exist, and that is a place called the blue hole in the northern part of the waters.

After analyzing these data, Leo immediately turned the bow of the ship and drove towards the blue hole, hoping to find the radiation source that could make the silver-line serrated saury metamorphose.

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