The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1287: Colonial Warehouse 7

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Before coming, Leo had seen information about the Hans family manor, but the information he saw focused on how the Hans family expanded its family power to Beluk City, and was rejected by local forces. Based on it, integrated into Beluk City’s dignitaries system.

Regarding the Hans family manor, Leo also paid more attention to human factors, such as the manor builder, the first owner of the manor, etc. He did not pay much attention to the content related to the manor construction, just noticed it. Other people's descriptions of this manor, and most of this description uses the word weird, and the meaning of other different words is similar to the word weird.

Now, after seeing the main buildings of the Hans Family Manor, Leo understood why everyone who saw the Hans Family Manor had the same view, because even in the eyes of the people of the Earth Federation, the seventh colonial warehouse of the Federation was also It is also an object with a weird shape.

The whole building looks like a bunch of squeezed bubbles with a few shots sticking out into the surrounding ground, and there are some sunken holes in the tentacles, which look like they are rotten. Like sores, one can't help but produce a feeling of nausea.

It is precisely because this architectural form is very unique and impressive that Leo was able to recognize at the first sight of the Hans family manor that this building was imitating the seventh colonial warehouse of the Federation.

Regardless of the strange and disgusting appearance of the Federal Seventh Colonial Warehouse, its practicality is very high. From the time it was manufactured, until Leo’s era, this colonial warehouse is still being built and practical. This is mainly because Because this kind of colonization warehouse can adapt to most planetary environments, it can ensure that the earth's colonists can survive well in most planetary environments that are not suitable for human habitation.

Although the core technology of the seventh colonial warehouse is still in use, the external structure of the colonial warehouse has undergone several small-scale modifications. Although no matter how the modification is made, its weird form cannot be changed, but it is not difficult to distinguish the small details from some forms. Which version of the colonial warehouse you see belongs to.

For example, judging from the characteristics of the appearance of the Hans family manor, the building of this manor should be copied from the original seventh colonial warehouse.

Due to material limitations, the tentacles used as energy conduits and energy defense systems initially had only five, but soon other more suitable materials were found, and the number of tentacles increased exponentially.

The number and shape of the tentacles made by the Hans Family Manor is the first version of the seventh colonial warehouse, which also reminds Leo of his original conjecture about the world of Pulis Colonial Star, because as far as he knows Pulis The colony star is the colony star that uses the seventh colony of the first version of the Federation the most. After the colonial star of Pulis disappeared, the seventh colony was improved to the second version, and the first version of the colony was completely remodeled or eliminated. Up.

Since the Hans family manor was built in this way, those who designed these buildings for the Hans family must have seen the seventh colonial warehouse.

"Tasker Hans." The name immediately came to Leo's mind. Tasker Hans was the first owner of the Hans family manor in Beluk City, also the grandfather of Bojer Hans, you can say He is the key figure for the Hans family to gain a firm foothold in Beluk City, but he was kidnapped by his enemies in his later years, and his body was divided into many pieces, and he has not yet been able to find all of them.

According to the information, Tasker Hans was the designer of the Hans family manor. He led the construction of the Hans family manor in the Federation, which means that all the manor of the Hans family was designed and built by him. Even if he had not seen the seventh colonial warehouse with his own eyes, he must have seen things related to the seventh colonial warehouse, otherwise it would be impossible to grasp the shape details so accurately.

"Your Excellency Leo, the master has been waiting in the manor for a long time, please come with me!" Just when Leo fell into contemplation because of the shape of the manor, a well-dressed man walked out of a pavilion for rest not far from the road. The middle-aged man, he came to Leo, explained to Leno respectfully, and then led Leo through the orchard to the main entrance of the manor under the hill.

At this time, Bojie Hans, who had received the news, had been waiting there for a long time. After seeing Leo, he immediately greeted him and said: "I heard that the commissioner has something to do with you, and I thought you would not come today. Up."

Leo replied: "He did have something to do with me, but I didn't promise him immediately, and he didn't entangle him, so he left."

"You didn't agree?" Bojer Hans obviously knew what the commissioner was looking for, so he was a little surprised, and said: "This is not just to design a weapon, but there will also be orders for weapon production. You know Someone in the capital has been fighting for this."

"I didn't refuse, but didn't immediately agree." Leo explained in detail: "The commissioner asked me to make a very lethal weapon in a short time, but it takes a long time to involve any kind of weapon. , Not a short time can be done, not to mention starting from scratch, the time will be longer. If I can have a basic weapon plan, even if there is a problem with that plan, I can have traces to follow. The plan has come up with a more practical revision, but the problem is that the commissioner can’t come up with the plan, so I..."

Hearing this, Bojie Hans interrupted Leo suddenly, and asked in a deep voice, "Wait, you mean that if there is a set of original plans, even if it is a failed plan, you can study something?"

Leo replied deliberately and cautiously: "We can't say 100%, but no matter what happens in the end, we should be able to produce a real thing."

Although he was cautious in speaking, it turned into another flavor when he heard Bojer Hans's ears. He subconsciously believed that Leo had full confidence. Thinking of this, he had an idea in his heart, just this idea. In the end, it was not for him to decide whether it could be implemented or not, so he did not continue on this topic, but led Leo towards the manor on the hill.

Leo didn't ask the follow-up of this incident either, but actively changed the subject: "The architecture of this manor is really peculiar. This is the first time I have seen this peculiar building after I have traveled many places."

"It's not so peculiar, but the word weird might be more appropriate." Bojie Hans smiled self-deprecatingly, and said: "We also want to build some estates that are more in line with the aesthetics of normal people, but it's a pity that the family ancestors set it down. This system does not allow future generations of us to make any changes, so that our family’s manor has become the laughing stock of others. Even holding a banquet in the manor is not acceptable, and the family members are unwilling to live in such a manor. In the end, after these manors were built, they became furnishings and warehouses."

"There is such a thing unexpectedly." Leo pretending to be curious, asked: "Why is there such a rule?"

Bojie Hans obviously didn't think much, and directly replied: "I want to know too."

When he said this, Bojer Hans's tone was complaining. Obviously, like most of the Hans family, he was puzzled that the main building of the manor would be designed in such a weird look. And dissatisfied, but he can't do much. Obviously, he does not belong to the core decision-making process of the Hans family.

Seeing that he couldn't inquire anything from Boger Hans, Leo didn't ask much.

The two soon arrived in the manor. Although there are no other members of the Hans family living in this manor, and there are not many servants, most of them are responsible for cleaning and cleaning, but the protective measures here are a little bit. It is also unambiguous. Just from the gate of the manor and the main entrance of the building, there are five or six people in charge of security to patrol around. These people are fully armed and wore various weapons. They have not been thorough. Judging by the smell of blood dissipating, they must have seen blood in recent months.

Because Leo did not hide his sight, Borghe Hans also clearly saw the object of his attention, and thought he had guessed Leo’s thoughts, and proactively explained: “This place is in the outskirts after all. There have always been some problems with public security. Now the manor here is temporarily where the family stores their belongings. There are more or less valuables in those belongings, which need to be protected by sufficient personnel."

Leo asked, "Why don't you move to the suburbs of the city? With the current relationship of the Hans family in Beluk City, there shouldn't be anyone blocking your family from buying land and building manors in the suburbs."

"No need!" Bojie Hans shook his head and said, "It is already embarrassing to place these buildings here. If they are placed in the suburbs so that everyone in the city can see, we It's even more embarrassing."

Leo smiled after hearing what Boger Hans said, and said nothing more.

The two entered the house. Although the appearance of these buildings is very strange, the structure and layout of the house are very different from those of ordinary wealthy villas. The only difference is that according to the shape of the house, the attic of the manor building is slightly more, and the road There are also some detours, and people who walk for the first time will easily get lost.

Boge Hans led Leo around some roads, and he came to the outside of a library. Outside the library, he held several armed fighters. These fighters were a little different from the security of the manor I saw before. These fighters wore them. Their weapons are not inconsistent, on the contrary, they are matched more according to their own fighting habits. In addition, these people have weak energy fluctuations, some of them come from the body, and some come from the weapons and accessories they wear.

When Bojie Hans and Leo appeared in front of these people, these people did not relax any vigilance because of Bojie Hans. They always put their hands on their weapons, and their body positions were always ready to attack or The state of defense.

Bojer Hans was not dissatisfied with the behavior of the few people, nor did he pose as a master in front of the few people, but honestly took out an instruction and handed it to one of them. After the man took the instructions, he turned around and entered a small room next to him. After a while, he walked out again and handed the instructions back to Boge Hans, followed by a gesture to the person next to him, and there were two of them. Each took out a key, inserted it into the two keyholes on the door, rotated different numbers of turns and positions at the same time, and moved the guard on the door at the same time.

I saw that a huge door comparable to a bank vault was slowly opened, and Boj Hans turned his head and gestured to Leo, letting him go in by himself.

"Aren't you going in with me?" Leo frowned, questioning.

Bojer Hans explained: "The instructions only allow you to enter. You can browse through every book at will. If you need food or want to leave, there is a bell inside to notify the outside, and someone will prepare food for you. Or let you out. If you don’t come out by yourself, I will come to pick you up in two days.” He paused and said, “There is one thing I want to remind you that there are several bookcases in the library that are locked. , Although the key to open is hung next to it, I still don’t recommend you to look at the books in those bookcases, because those books are dangerous."

Leo nodded slightly, did not say anything, stepped in, and almost the moment he walked in, the door closed behind him.

He turned his head and looked at the door behind him, and he estimated in his mind how long it would take to open the door by himself, and how hard it would take to open it forcibly, he stopped thinking about it, and turned his attention back to the bookshelf in front of him.

I saw that this library is very large, with a total of three floors, each of which has hundreds of bookshelves of the same size and shape, and there are dozens or even hundreds of books on each of them. Judging from the number of books in the collection alone, it is no longer comparable. The municipal library in Luke is much smaller.

Leo didn't rush forward to take out the book and read it. UU Read www.uukanshu. Instead, com used the spirit network to scan the inside and outside of this library, and soon he discovered that there were some items with extraordinary power hidden in this library. These items should have been deliberately placed here, and the energy fluctuations were the strongest. The items in are all in the bookshelves mentioned by Bojie Hans, and the bookshelves are located on the innermost side of the third floor.

After finding no other anomalies, Leo walked to one of the bookshelves, picked up a book in his hand and quickly flipped through it.

He didn't try to understand the contents of these books, he just recorded them completely in his brain database, and later read them slowly when he had time.

Because he has evolved to the height of a seventh-level psionicist, his spiritual power has transformed to another higher level state, which makes his memory also transformed, and the speed of recording books is faster than before. I don’t know how many times. Nearly a hundred books on the shelf were completely recorded, and it took less than ten minutes.

In this way, he is like a sponge falling into the water, quickly absorbing the surrounding water. The information about the world in the brain database is becoming more and more complete, and some things that could not be analyzed before have gradually gained clues and answer.

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