The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 51: During the holidays, take a day off and resume tomorrow, forgive me!

Even if two years have passed, the residents of Hope City can still remember the grand occasion of Toran I’s coronation day, free food, free wine, jugglers from all over the world, endless carnival lasting ten days, and even the Kingdom Academy of Sciences. Take out the newly developed event film before the end of the carnival and show all the people on the Plaza of Hope to record the images recorded during the coronation of King Toran I.

The influence of this incident has not diminished until today. Although the vast majority of civilians in the Kingdom of Bodo are very proud of the coronation of Toran I and the establishment of the Kingdom of Bodo, they still feel that things like the crown of the king are harmonious. It doesn't matter much to myself, those are just games of the upper class.

However, when the live video of the coronation ceremony was broadcast, everyone saw the lady in the lake appear and put the crown on their king, all the civilians of the Kingdom of Bodo in the Plaza of Hope all had their own ways at the time. The feeling at the scene produced an inexplicable sense of pride. They felt that their relationship with the royal family of Porto was no longer so remote. An invisible bond connected them to the royal family, so that when the royal guards recruited members , A large number of civilians from the kingdom enthusiastically signed up, and in less than a day, the five thousand places were already full.

In addition, among these people who were caught in the carnival, some careful people discovered some anomalies that set the City of Hope different from other places.

Although during the coronation ceremony of Toran I and the subsequent ten-day carnival, the population of Hope City may have reached more than a million people, and may even double, but it is the City of Hope that makes people feel weird. There hasn’t even been a wave of mutant monsters in the surrounding area, and even the mutant monsters have not even appeared, as if the wave of mutant monsters disappeared at that moment. Everyone has a very easy life, especially those who have had life experience before the foggy years. People who seem to have returned to the previous illusion.

After that, even if Hope City returns to normal conditions, some mutant monsters can still be seen outside the city, but groups of mutant monsters are already very rare. For two years, I hope that only one wave of mutant monsters has occurred around the city, and That mutated monster tide had just formed and was already wiped out by the First Army stationed around Hope City.

The security and stability of Hope City is almost the same as that of the city before the foggy years, and even because it is a new city, the public security situation is still better.

And more people discovered that as the Kingdom of Bodo has arranged some legions on its borders in the past two years, built some churches of the White Deer Church and the Ladies Church in the Lake, and also erected some that look like shamanic totems. After the metal pillar, the mutant monsters in the entire Bodo Kingdom seem to be rapidly decreasing.

A large city like Odolin with a population density higher than that of City of Hope usually has a wave of mutant monsters almost every two to three months, and there will be a larger-scale siege of mutant monsters in more than half a year, but since Bodo After the kingdom made so many arrangements on the border, the frequency of the mutant monster wave has been postponed to once every six months, and large-scale mutant monster siege wars have also stretched out to happen once about ten months.

And because of the existence of the wizard tower in the city, the process of the battle has become very easy. Except for a few hapless guys who accidentally fell off the city wall and was overwhelmed by mutant monsters, the guards on the city wall basically did not have any serious casualties, and most of them were just light hurt.

Those who discovered this can’t help but speculate that the Kingdom of Bodo may have mastered the method to control the generation of mutant monsters. Even if the Kingdom of Bodo denies it, this kind of speculation is still not over, but intensified. Many people even suggested that the nations unite to do something to the Kingdom of Bodo. Suppress and force the Bodo Kingdom to share methods.

However, this proposal has not been passed by governments, because if it were two years ago, this proposal might still have an effect, but now the Kingdom of Bodo has grown to a level that can be equal to that of the United States of America, and even the overall military strength is still low. Beyond the Kingdom of America, the countries of the entire continent of Mozambique will not risk offending such a powerful country.

Not only did he not dare to risk offense, he would also take the initiative to join this powerful emerging country and become a part of this country. For example, the Kingdom of Parnir recently considered whether to join the Kingdom of Bodo. This is also the hottest topic in the Kingdom of Bodo recently.

For some knowledgeable people as early as two years ago, it was possible to judge that the Kingdom of Panir would join the Kingdom of Bodo sooner or later, because as the Kingdom of Bodo completed its control of the Saket Plain and Odolin, then Panir The kingdom was completely cut off from the countries west of the mainland of Mozambique, and was completely sandwiched between the northern tribal alliance and the kingdom of Bodo.

They now rely on the Northern Tribal Alliance and the Bodo Kingdom for all their daily necessities. However, as the Northern Tribal Alliance began to implement a closed-door policy, it is difficult for the Parnir Kingdom to receive more assistance from the Northern Tribal Alliance.

If they do not choose to join the Kingdom of Bodo, then they must join the Northern Tribal Alliance. For the Paniers who have long been accustomed to city life, returning to the tribal state is simply unthinkable.

Therefore, as the envoy of the Kingdom of Parnir came to Hope City a few days ago to have some discussions with the Bodo government, the merger of Parnir into the Kingdom of Bodo is considered a certainty.

The only thing that needs to be discussed is how to merge into the Kingdom of Bodo. According to some gossips, the Kingdom of Parnir hopes to be incorporated into the Kingdom of Bodo in a common way of subordination, and the Kingdom of Bodo is clearly opposed to this way of integration. Not interested, the royal family and the government requested a complete merger, while the Parnir royal family was demoted to a duke and retained a certain territory.

The fact that the Kingdom of Panir was merged into the Kingdom of Bodo not only drew the attention of the people of the Kingdom of Bodo, but also other countries on the continent of Mozambique. They also sent their own eyes, eyes, and spies to sneak into it. Hope City, want to get the latest news, so as to formulate countermeasures.

Among the countries that send spies, the United States is naturally the most nervous one, so it has the largest number of spies and eyes and ears. In less than half a month, the Ministry of Security of the Kingdom of Bodo has captured more than 30 people. The spies of the American Kingdom completely destroyed a secret spy stronghold, but everyone knows that the spies of the American Kingdom have not been completely found out, and there are more hidden among ordinary people.

The U.S. Kingdom may not look down on the Kingdom of Panir, which has declined to the extreme, but still attaches great importance to the land of the Kingdom of Panir. Although nearly 90% of the land of the Kingdom of Panir is mountainous and virgin forests, these lands There are a lot of mineral deposits below.

Due to technical limitations, it used to be very difficult to enter the deep mountains to mine. Not only was it difficult to mine, but it was even more difficult to transport the excavated ore. After the foggy years, a mutant monster was added to the cause of the difficulty, so All the fiscal revenue of the Panir Kingdom for so many years can only rely on less than 10% of the land, and this less than 10% of the land is not completely attributable to the government of the Panir Kingdom, of which 70% is in the hands of the local tribes. , So not only the people of the Kingdom of Panir are poor, but even the royal family is not much better. Someone once digested the difference between the royal family of Panir and the common people but there was an extra fish on the table.

For all countries on the continent of Mozambique except the Kingdom of Bodo, annexing the Kingdom of Parnir is equivalent to swallowing a huge burden, even a chronic poison, but for the Kingdom of Bodo alone, annexing the Kingdom of Parnir is like It was to swallow a supplement with extremely high nutritional value. This supplement is enough to make its overall strength, from the area of ​​the country, to the resource reserve, to the national combat power, all leapfrogged, and surpassed the United States.

The reason why the Bodo Kingdom will produce different effects from other countries in the Mozambican continent is that, in addition to the Bodo Kingdom’s effective methods against mutant monsters and the powerful military capabilities of the Bodo Kingdom itself, the more important thing is that the Bodo Kingdom’s academy of sciences in one year A giant machine called Titan was developed before.

According to people who have seen such a giant machine, it is like a small mobile castle, and its role is not only to move, in addition to the most basic warfare ability, it also has the ability to open roads. It has functions such as digging ore, dredging rivers, etc., and such a Titan, the Kingdom of Bodo has now built three.

If the Kingdom of Parnir is merged into the Kingdom of Bodo, the Kingdom of Bodo can use this giant machine to easily open a road in the mountains of the Kingdom of Parnir, and then you can lay railroad tracks and select a mining location. After digging out the initial mine pit, such a wave of operations can take up to one month, and the various ores contained in the mountains of the Kingdom of Panir can be continuously transported to the Kingdom of Bodo.

When the Titans appeared, the entire Vinylon world was shocked by the giant machinery that could move freely. They wanted to obtain the manufacturing method of this machinery. For this reason, they sent the elites of their secret departments to sneak into the City of Hope. As a result, these people Not only the mysterious kingdom laboratory of the Bodo Kingdom was not found, let alone the Titan-related manufacturing technical documents stored in the laboratory.

Therefore, there are various theories circulating among the people. One theory is that the Kingdom of Bodo has acquired technology left over from a certain prehistoric civilization, which can create this almost magical behemoth, and another theory is that this giant machine is Leo etc. The transcendents of the old age were created through the combination of supernatural powers such as wizards and witchcraft, witch powers, and so on.

As for the last statement, this is the artifact that the lady in the lake gave them to protect the country. Compared with the previous two statements, this kind of statement is easier to be accepted by the people of the Bodo Kingdom, because only the Titans have been seen with their own eyes. Humans can be sure that things like Titans are definitely not something humans can make, only gods can do it.

Also because of the appearance of the Titans, the overall combat power of the Kingdom of Bodo began to diverge from other kingdoms in the continent of Mozambique. The Kingdom of Parnir took the initiative to merge into the Kingdom of Bodo. The country began to establish a relatively close paramilitary alliance, and the northern tribal alliance began to implement a closed-door policy, which is more or less related to it.

Although foreign countries are afraid and worried about the appearance of Titan, for the people of the Kingdom of Bodo, Titan is something they are proud of. They are confident that they have the protection of Titan, and the territory of the Kingdom of Bodo will become safer than ever before. The overall national loyalty and sense of belonging are also rapidly increasing under its influence.

In contrast, the people of Bodo are eager to see the annexation of the Kingdom of Panir and the peaceful expansion of the kingdom's territory, but the government of the Kingdom of Bodo is not too interested in annexing the Kingdom of Panir.

This is not because the Kingdom of Bodo is worried that the annexation of the Kingdom of Panir will cause a series of adverse reactions in the surrounding kingdoms, or even lead to a war, but because government officials can see from the latest government financial reports, personnel transfers and other documents. Until today, the Bodo Kingdom government is slowly absorbing and reorganizing its own land, arranging the appointment and training of civil servants at all levels, and so on. According to estimates, it will take at least more than a year before the Bodo Kingdom, especially the Saket Plain, can be completely integrated. And O'Doryn's complete control is in his own hands.

If the Kingdom of Panir is merged into the Kingdom of Bodo at this time, the Kingdom of Bodo will definitely be understaffed, and in order to feed the merged Panir people, it may also need to use food reserves, which may affect A series of follow-up plans to the Kingdom of Bodo. UU Reading

But an exquisite supplement with high nutritional value that can fill the kingdom’s defects has been placed in front of them. If they don’t take the opportunity to annex the Kingdom of Parnir, then it is very likely that they will not have such good luck next time. If you want to annex the Kingdom of Panir, you may pay more.

In the end, these officials of the Bodo Kingdom government discussed with the councillors for several days, but they did not find a suitable solution. In the end, the matter could only be handed over to the hands of Tolan I, and the king would decide the final outcome of the matter.

Unfortunately, facing such a dilemma, even King Tolan I could not find a suitable way to solve it, so he made the same decision as the subordinate officials and continued to submit the matter to the pair. The couple who are no longer in charge and stay in the deer garden all day.

However, what Tolan did not expect was that after these files were sent to Luyuan, according to the description of the person who sent the files, the two people did not even open the files, so they returned the files intact and told Tolan. He is already the supreme ruler of this country, he should learn to make his own decisions, bear the consequences, and don’t always rely on them.

It seemed that when the couple handed over the First Witch Order and Wizard Tower to the right person, they had already done everything they had to do, and the next thing had nothing to do with them.

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