The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1271: The Disappearance of the Place Colony Star

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"I didn't expect you to be so good, able to put together 30 pieces of jigsaw puzzles, and the organization also pays special attention to you. Otherwise, it is impossible to give you Boval's letter box that only regular members can distribute. It took two years to complete five commissioned tasks before distributing this thing.” On the carriage back, Bojer Hans looked at Leo with jealousy and said: “If you want to, you should be able to improve in the organization soon. Go to a higher position, and if there is anything good at that time, you can take care of me as a guide!"

"Borval's letter box?" Leo looked down at the box in his hand, and remembered in his heart that this Bovar seemed to be a subordinate deity of the New World Polytheistic sect. This deity was in charge of letters, travels, travels, and so on.

Obviously, this box should not be an artifact of the **** Bovar. It just borrowed his name, because when the old man took out the box, Leo recognized that the box used for communication was actually some ancient one. Communication device.

The reason why it is said to be ancient is that this box is indeed very old. It is an experimental version of the early hyperspace communication device of the Earth Federation. Its function is to transmit information in a wide-area space based on galaxies, and it has only been produced. Production was discontinued in five batches.

The reason for the discontinuation is not because this thing is not easy to use. In fact, this thing is very easy to use. Even in the case of strong interference, the built-in wide-area spectrum communicator of this thing can still be used in the universe based on galaxies. It accurately transmits the correct information, and the reason it was abandoned is actually because the function of this device is too small, it can only be used to transmit information, nothing else can be done, and the price is very expensive.

However, for those fighters who perform special tasks, this thing is very useful. Its extraordinary anti-interference ability is incomparable to almost all similar communication devices later. Leo also bought one at that time and has been wearing it all the time. By his side, so when the old man took out this thing before, he recognized it at a glance.

"Number..." Leo looked like he was playing with it. He flipped the box and saw the serial number on the edge of the box. He quickly corresponded to the serial number set in the database and found the corresponding one. Decipher the code and interpret its content.

"Is it that batch?" After reading the code, Leo showed a little surprise, because he found out the production location, production date, and attribution of the box from the code, and this information was in his memory. There is only one piece of matching information, and that is the disappearance of the Pulis colony star.

The early Earth Federation has always focused on exploring colonizable planets, and it has also found some suitable planets for human colonization. Pulis Colony Star is one of them.

The discovery of this colonial star was an accident. A scientist in charge of cosmic spectrum collection was drunk and inadvertently lowered the basic value of the spectrum collector by three degrees. As a result, the collector found a A mysterious galaxy two hundred light-years away and covered by stardust. Through various analyses, it was found that the structure of this galaxy is very similar to the solar system, and there is also a planet that is very similar to the earth. It is a nearly perfect colonized planet. The planets and galaxies are also named after the drunk scientist, and they are called the Pres planet and the Pres galaxy.

As a result, the Earth Federation began to organize a new colonial fleet, because there have been several colonization experiences in the past, and this planet is a perfect colonization planet. Considering that primitive resistance creatures may appear on the planet, this one The colonial fleet was not only larger, but also equipped with various weapons.

The entire fleet consists of five battleships, four colonial ships, and two engineering ships. The entire fleet has 160,000 staff members. In addition, there are 100,000 hibernators and seven million primitive embryos on the colonial ships. Planetary hibernators will be awakened, and seven million primitive embryos will enter the cultivation tank for artificial insemination and other follow-up work, and it will have a population of tens of millions in 50 years.

The fleet’s colonial journey did not encounter any obstacles and reached the target planet smoothly, and sent back survey information, indicating that this colonized planet is very suitable for human habitation as presumed, and requested the earth to organize a larger group of humans as soon as possible. colonial.

After obtaining this information, the Earth Federation also began to form a second batch of colonial fleets, but during the process of formation, the observation department discovered that the Pulis galaxy had disappeared from the cosmic spectrum.

This matter immediately attracted the attention of the entire Earth federal government, and the fastest spacecraft was dispatched to explore the place where the Pres galaxy was before.

A few years later, the spacecraft arrived at the location of the Pulis galaxy marked on the star chart, but found that there were no traces of galaxies, not even planets, and it was a cosmic void.

This incident has also become an unsolved mystery in the history of the colonization of the Earth Federation galaxy. Regardless of whether it is official or private, related speculations are endless, and various related film and television novels are also numerous, until the years when Leo was born.

Among all the bizarre views, there are two that have the largest number of people. One is that an advanced cosmic civilization destroyed the entire galaxy, and the other is that a temporary black hole swallowed the entire galaxy. Unfortunately, these two views are only conjectures and conjectures. Above, there is no evidence to prove it.

At the beginning, the Earth Federal Government specially made a batch of various equipment required for colonization of the colonial fleet of the planet Pliss. All of these equipments are uniformly numbered, and this number is unique. After that, all equipment has not used this The number, and now Leo’s gadget has this number, which makes Leo can not help but produce a bold guess, guessing that the world he is now in is probably the planet Pulis that disappeared that year.

Although Leo was thinking about an amazing thing in his mind, he didn't show any abnormality. He just kept flipping the small box in his hand. To outsiders, he seemed to be thinking about how to use this box.

"Don't think too much, this thing is usually a square, only when it receives a message will it display the words." Bojie Hans on the side answered Leo.

The voice of Bojer Hans also made Leo out of his contemplative state. He felt the wagon swaying under him, knowing that this was not a good place to think about things, so he put the box in his pocket, not for the time being. Thinking about Pulissstar, but asking Boger Hans: "Where can I read more books?"

"Municipal Library!" Bojie Hans replied immediately.

"Not those ordinary books, but those that are not in circulation outside." Leo asked again.

Bojer Hans said with an apologetic expression: "There is no way. This type of book is very important to any family and will not be lent to outsiders. If you want this type of book, you can only think about it yourself. Ways to collect."

Leo didn't continue this topic, but instead asked: "Your Excellency Bojie, can you tell me about the truth?"

"Of course you can." Bojie Hans nodded, and then confided about the truth.

It turned out that the gathering just now was just a small gathering of Zhenzhihui. The members present were all members near the city of Beluk. The entire Zhenzhihui was actually very large, not only limited to the New World, but even the Old World had many members, and The members are involved in all walks of life and various identities. It is possible that under this hooded mask is a beggar, or it may be a leader of a country.

Their organization is very loose, and is more like a gathering organization similar to a wizard’s assembly. There are good things to be traded and can be mentioned at the gathering, and tasks to be released can also be mentioned at the gathering, and even after higher-level members, You can start a party like an old man.

In addition, the items that Zhenzhi will trade and the bonuses required for publishing tasks are all occult-related items. Under normal circumstances, money is not accepted, even if it is money, only special gold coins are accepted.

For example, in this gathering, the old man mentioned that Bonatades’s willingness to pay for the sacrifice mission is Gite gold coins. The number of such gold coins is very small, and the Gite Kingdom corresponding to the gold coins is a recognized The kingdom of mysticism, and the disappearance of the kingdom is also very mysterious. In one night, all the people in the kingdom disappeared, leaving only empty cities and buildings.

Because of this, many items in the Gite Kingdom are highly sought after in the occult world, and Gite gold coins are one of them.

"After the Gite Kingdom disappeared that year, all the things left by the Gite Kingdom were divided by the surrounding countries, and the gold coins of the Gite Kingdom were also taken away, so the number of people remaining is very scarce." Boj Hans suddenly Insert a topic and say: "This time Bonatades' sacrifice mission was able to come up with so many Gite gold coins as bounty. These bounty must come from some big countries that have enemies with Bonatades' sacrifice. "

"What is Bonatades' sacrifice? Can you tell me?" Leo also questioned at this time.

Bojer Hans did not intend to explain in detail, but only vaguely reminded: "It's just a bunch of lunatics, don't touch them."

Although Bojer Hans is not a central figure in the Hans family of the Otter Federation, he is still a member of the core decision-making circle, but he has a lot of power and wealth who will reveal the name of a secret organization only. The look of fear was lost, and the other members had shown similar emotions at the previous gathering, which made Leo couldn't help being curious about the sacrifice of Bonatades.

After that, the two seemed to have things to think about and lost interest in talking. It wasn't until the carriage stopped outside the Belmont Manor that Boge Hans suddenly asked, "Your Excellency Leo, you took it out at the party. Does that thing still exist?"

Leo looked at Bojie Hans, and said, "There's more."

"I want to trade one with you." Boj Hans said.

Leo said solemnly: "Yes, but I am not interested in money, only knowledge."

Bojer Hans thought for a while and said, "There are two options, one is that I can come up with a good value book of the ancient church, and the other is that I can open my private library to your Excellency for an hour."

Although Leo knew how to choose almost without thinking, he did not immediately make a choice. Instead, he made a contemplative gesture as if he was considering. After a while, he asked: "That ancient church book involved Occult?"

Bojer Hans replied: "No, it is a general book about the history of the ancient church, but for some reasons, this book is very valuable because it has a small number of remaining copies."

Leo pretended to be thinking, and after a while, he reluctantly said: "In this case, I'd better choose to study in your private library for an hour."

Seeing that Leo had made a choice, Boge Hans discussed a time with Leo, when he would send someone to pick Leo, and let Leo prepare things at that time.

Leo got out of the carriage, watched the carriage disappear at the end of the shade, and walked back to the manor. The butler of the manor was waiting at the door. After Leo came back, he followed and told Leo that Sylvia was waiting for him in the study. .

After arriving in the study, she saw Sylvia flipping through boredly with a large book. Seeing Leo coming in, she motioned the attendant to close the study door, and then asked Leo what happened.

Leo briefly told Sylvia the whole story, and also told Sylvia he guessed the origin of the world through the code of the communication box in his hand, just so that Sylvia could understand. , He modified some of the content, in simple terms, he told Sylvia that the first humans in this world were immigrants from the starry sky world.

After listening, Sylvia did not seem too surprised. After thinking a little bit, she asked doubtfully: "If the humans in this world are immigrants from the starry sky world, then the native ethnic group of this world What? What are they?"

Hearing Sylvia’s question, Leo couldn’t help but was stunned and fell into deep thought. As Sylvia said, humans in this world are outsiders, so what is the native race of this world? Since this world is so suitable for human beings to survive, then this world must have multiplied some intelligent creatures. What are those intelligent creatures?

What puzzled Leo the most was in his memory, UU reading www.uukahnshu. In the information returned by the immigration fleet of com, there was no mention of any intelligent life on Prince's planet. It only mentioned that it is suitable for human habitation. This is obviously unreasonable, because the migration and exploration of this kind of planet is in the transmission of information. There are some specific regulations. For example, those contents must be mentioned in the feedback information. Obviously, the information that Prince Planet gave back was not in accordance with the regulations. This is what the later generations of people who study the disappearance of Prince Planet want to answer most. doubt.

Regarding this question, many scholars have put forward the view that there are no intelligent creatures on that planet, so the immigration officials at the time felt that there was no need to specifically mention a word in the feedback information. After all, the intergalactic communication at that time was still very backward. One more sentence and one less sentence have two levels of difficulty in information transmission. Therefore, in order to allow the information to be transmitted back to the earth in its entirety, the commander at that time would completely compress the information into one sentence.

However, this view quickly proved to be wrong, because the spectral communication technology had been invented at that time, and the colonial fleet also carried the most advanced communication equipment, which could completely transmit a large amount of information.

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