The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1259: Looking for clues

     In this world, war can be said to be a common thing. From ancient times to the present, war has never ended. The history of the entire world is basically a huge history of war.

   When Leo looked at the information about the world, there were at least three hundred wars in the whole world, and more than half of them were great wars between countries, and most of these wars were concentrated on the mainland.

This is mainly because almost all countries in the Old World have feuds between them, and the hatred has lasted for thousands of years. Unless one party is completely destroyed, there is no possibility of relaxation. The countries in the New World are those who are willing to give up all past hatred. Although, in the process of the establishment of the country, it is still inevitable that all kinds of hatred will be generated by the people of the New World. However, compared with the old world feud, between the people of the New World, the country and the country Their hatred is much less and lighter, and even if a war breaks out, it will not be particularly serious.

But whether it’s the Old World or the New World, there are only a handful of wars between religions, which add up to less than ten times, because this world has enough land and a sufficient population to allow all kinds of churches to have enough. Therefore, even if conflicts arise between them, they will not escalate into wars. Most of the problems are resolved through negotiation or other abnormal means.

But even so, several wars broke out between various religions, and the number of churches participating in each war was not less than 30. As for the reason for the war, it was very strange, because there was no record in any document. The related reason is that these churches suddenly wanted to have a war one day, and then they agreed to a time when dozens of churches would send their own church forces out to fight, and then after fighting for a period of time, they felt war again. Enough, almost all stopped at the same time and returned to their original state. Almost all wars related to religion have highlighted an inexplicable one.

Just like the religious wars that broke out in the Old World, the religious wars in the New World also broke out very suddenly. More than 30 churches mobilized their church members to form church forces without any warning, and then launched them in seven New World countries. War against other churches.

This war broke out suddenly and the process was extremely chaotic. Almost all the churches participating in the war seemed to be hostile churches. They attacked and slaughtered any infidels they saw. There was no room for negotiation or reconciliation. The seven countries When the religious war broke out, the government lost control of the entire country, and eventually the entire region fell into anarchy.

This kind of anarchy did not ease until the religious war ceased after half a month. At that time, some remaining government organizations united and began to clean up the mess, re-established a new coalition government, formed a government army, and started the chaos around at hand. The cities and towns finally completely controlled all the land in the previous seven countries after a few years and formed a new country, which is the Otter Federation.

It is precisely because it knows the dangers of religious wars that after the establishment of the Otter Federation, all churches in its country have been kept under extremely strict monitoring. In particular, the 30 or so churches that launched religious wars were all controlled by the European Union. The Special Federation regards it as a cult and bans it.

   Moreover, the Otter Federation has always been investigating why these religions suddenly start undifferentiated religious wars like a group of lunatics.

Although no results were found in the end, the investigation organization of the Haute Federation still speculated from some clues that whether it was the religious war in the New World or the religious war in the Old World, the cause of the outbreak may be related to something unknown. Some people speculate that this thing may be a divine weapon, but this statement has not been recognized by others.

The first person to discover the abnormality of the Haute Federation was not Leo, but Sylvia. She served in the Orthodox Court and knew a lot about the secrets between the various churches. She knew better what could make those churches. Collectively fell into madness, so she thought that the reason for the religious war in the rumors was that the artifacts might be true, and also believed that the Otter Federation must also contain something that can be valued by the church. The two decided to go to the Otter Federation for the idea.

   However, it is not an easy task to travel to the Otter Federation from their mountain kingdom.

This country and the Haute Federation are not connected. There are more than a dozen countries separated by only a straight distance. Because most of the terrain is mountainous and forested, the roads often need to be detoured, and eventually the Haute Federation may need to pass through. Only more than 20 countries can do it.

However, fortunately, in the past few years of its establishment, the Haute Federation has actively invested in the construction of an international road connecting more than 100 countries in order to better trade with other countries. By taking this international road, it can be better than other places. It is faster to reach the countries connected by roads, and the safety is far better than taking other roads.

   Although the mountain kingdom is not one of the countries connected by international roads, it only needs to be tossed a few times in a few rivers that traverse the new continent and pass through five countries to reach the nearest country connected to the international road.

In this way, Leo and Sylvia spent several months transitioning back and forth between several rivers, passing through five countries, arriving at the country connected to the international highway, and then taking the latest construction. In the end, it took nearly seven months for the international railway to arrive at the Haute Federation.

   Some things happened on the way to the Otter Federation, but these things did not have any impact on the formation of the two, but instead provided them with some useful things, such as the old continent noble status that the two replaced now.

Although the countries of the New World say that they do not recognize the status of nobles in the mainland countries, and all people who come to the New World are ordinary people, in fact they still have some special care for the nobles of the old continent, such as those who are handling their status in the Otter Federation. At that time, the procedures are much less, the review is much easier, and the title of nobility is still retained, and they will not be unified as federal citizens like other ordinary immigrants, which also gives them certain privileges.

After coming to the Otter Federation, the two began to walk around the cities of the Otter Federation. One was to familiarize themselves with the environment and language, and the other was to find clues about the world and extraordinary powers, and finally to choose the right Sylvia to be promoted. location.

After almost half a year, the two of them traveled almost half of the Otto Federation, and finally found a place with abnormal energy in Beluk City. This was the first time they came to this world to find that a place still exists and is very active. Of abnormal energy fluctuations.

Before, they had also discovered many places where abnormal energy exists, but these abnormal energy are either very weak or just like stagnant water. As for the church in this world, it is the node of all the chaotic forces in this world. The two of them only need to be close there. , The discomfort I felt was several times that of other places.

Before looking for a real estate agent on this piece of land to see the manor, the two also learned something about this manor from other locals, but the locals were reluctant to mention too much about the manor, so they said The content is also very vague. The two know closely that a disappearance case occurred here more than ten years ago. As for the details of the disappearance case, neither of them is clear.

Now I saw a city police detective who actually came to investigate a case more than ten years ago. This aroused the interest of Leo and Sylvia. At the same time, he also discovered that this female police detective has special energy fluctuations in her body. Especially the monolithic eyes worn on her eyes should be a strange thing, so Leo agreed with Soland as half of the owner to enter the house to investigate.

For Leo and Sylvia, this is a good start. It took almost a year to find a manor with abnormal energy fluctuations. Now they have seen a manor with a special one they have never seen before. A person of strength, this may mean that the mysterious side of this world has broken a hole in front of the two, giving them a chance to get a glimpse.

   The real estate agent saw that Leo had agreed to take out the reservation fee, so he didn't say anything. For him, he can make a fortune no matter whether the manor is sold or not.

After opening the door with her own key, a group of people entered the house. Soland stopped at the door and then looked around. On the surface, she seemed to be checking the situation in the room and looking for clues. In fact, she was already Inspire the power contained in the monocle, and use this power to find some supernatural phenomena.

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Before graduating from Pickett Field, Solander had an internship in a federal town for two months. During those two months, she investigated a case, and in that case she discovered for the first time that the world was still hidden. She went to another mysterious world and saw some things in the mysterious world. As a result, she awakened some powers and obtained several items containing mysterious powers.

Now, through the special item of monocle, she is able to easily see things that ordinary people can’t see without relying on her ineffective power at that time. For example, the villa is filled with something that ordinary people can’t see with the naked eye. The gray fog, some very hideous monster faces appeared from time to time in these gray fog.

I don’t know if it’s because of the wrong way to use the monocle, or because of the gray fog. Solander indulged in after seeing the gray fog. He seemed to want to find something in the fog without realizing it. She was slowly falling into a state of absent-mindedness. From an outsider's perspective, she seemed to be sleepwalking.

Just when Solander was inexplicably caught up in observing the gray mist, and the whole person's thoughts were a little out of control, someone slapped her on the shoulder beside her and said, "Mr. Inspector, what do you find? ?"

This slap came very timely, and there seemed to be some unknown power in the slap, which instantly made Solander awake to his whole body, and in time closed the mysterious power in the monocle’s eyes, freeing himself from the gray fog. The adverse effects.

   After the sight in front of him returned to normal, Soland also felt that he was out of danger, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and then gratefully looked at Sylvia who had just slapped her.

"Did you find something just now?" Sylvia was very kind and asked: "Could you tell us, after all, we are already planning to buy this manor. Learn more about this manor, and it will be useful to us." Some benefits."

   Solander hesitated for a moment, and with a very sincere expression on his face, suggested: "If possible, I think it would be better for both of you not to buy this villa, because it is too dangerous here."

   The real estate agent who listened to this suggestion rolled his eyes and almost yelled at the other party for ruining his good business.

Sylvia smiled and said: "We have already said before. We have planned to buy this manor and will not change it, so you don't have to persuade us anymore. Let us tell us about this villa! Let us be mentally prepared."

   Seeing Sylvia said so, Soland did not persuade him any more, and did not intend to say more, so he walked silently to the basement full of bones in the case record.

   The group soon came to the basement, and Soland lit all the gas lamps hanging in the basement.

  Because there is a client who needs to see the house, the real estate agent had asked the gas company to reopen the gas pipe of the manor before he came.

   After adjusting the gas lamp, the brightness of UU Reading was quickly adjusted to the maximum, and a few people could easily see the situation in the basement.

This basement is very large, almost two-thirds the size of the villa, but although it is large, it is very empty, without any debris, and the ground has been dug, but the dug part has been filled. There should have been some stone slabs on the surrounding walls, but now they have all been dug away. Only the stone slabs at the bottom that ordinary people seem to be useless still remain.

This time Soland seemed to have learned to be smart. He did not activate the power in the monocle. Instead, he searched this empty basement based on his own perception and intuition. To her regret, there was no Find any useful clues.

   At this moment, a little anxious, she wanted to stimulate the power of the monocle again to see if she could find something like in the house above.

And just when Solander was about to excite his eyes alone, Sylvia suddenly said: "This basement is really empty. Why did the previous owner build such a basement? And where are the original furnishings? If we can restore the basement, maybe we can find something."

After hearing Sylvia's words, Solander was stunned for a long time as if thinking of something, then thanked Sylvia, and hurriedly left the villa, looking as if he had received some enlightenment. general.


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