The Mysterious World Under Steampunk

Chapter 1253: Arrange funeral

Among all those who are concerned about the activities of the Kingdom of Bodo, some people’s focus is not on what policies the Kingdom of Bodo has issued, what developments have been made in the industrial achievements of the Kingdom of Bodo, etc. The overall development of the Kingdom of Bodo, in their opinion No matter how changes in the development of, the core is still only Leo and Sylvia, so they only focus on the situation of Leo and Sylvia, or the two extraordinary forces of Wizard Tower and First Witch.

Leo and Sylvia have stayed in the Deer Park since the coronation of Toland I, and the power in their hands has been handed over to Toran. No one knows what they want to do. They really let go of all their power and let him Lan really mastered everything in the Kingdom of Bodo, or deliberately let Toran I attract everyone’s attention. No one knew what they did secretly, but those who were paying attention to these two people knew that they were both If there is any action, then it must be a big action, so it is unavoidable that there will be some unprepared situation. Their attention to the two has not diminished in the past two years.

Some people tried to start from other aspects to find out why Leo and Sylvia lived in Deer Park when they needed their support the most in the Kingdom of Bodo. In the end, no matter how they adjusted the difference, even if it was the secret agent of the first witch or the wizard Tase, They couldn't find out any news related to it. The only news that could be related to it was not what they found out, but it was announced by the envoys of various countries and forces after participating in the coronation ceremony.

The image of the coronation announced by the Kingdom of Bodo was not complete. It ended after the lady in the lake brought Tolan the crown, but everyone who participated in the coronation ceremony knew that the lady in the lake did not leave immediately, but went to Greece. In front of Elvia and Leo, they touched their foreheads.

Someone linked Leo and Sylvia’s return to Deer Park with Ms. Huzhong touching their foreheads. They believed that Ms. Huzhong was helping Toland I to obtain resources from Leo and Sylvia. For example, now The tower and the number one witch are already at the top among all the extraordinary strengths of the underground world.

However, it was soon discovered that this statement was wrong, because although the tower and the first witch were classified as the core strength of the Kingdom of Bodo, the leader was also designated as Tolan I, but the actual control rights were controlled by Leo and Xi. Elvia was assigned to others.

For example, the control of the First Witch is divided into three, which are controlled by Sue, Emily, and Irene respectively. Irene and Emily control a part of the First Witch, which is not unexpected. After all, Irene She is Sylvia’s adopted daughter, and Emily has already followed Sylvia a long time ago. She has also contributed to the establishment of the First Witch, but Su’s appointment is a bit unexpected, because Su joined midway. , And Su’s previous identity was a member of the secret department of the United States of America, and her relationship with the United States of America was extremely unusual. Her power to control some of the first witches made people worry about whether the power of the United States of America would infiltrate it. Come in.

Compared with the control of the first witch divided into three, Leo built the wizard tower with more decentralization. After he built the tower, he specified the core development plan, and then followed up Everything is given to a group of wizards who have just taken refuge in him. He will only come to the Wizard Tower once every month to answer various questions about wizards learning witchcraft. By the way, I will explain the contents of the wizard academy handbook he compiled, as if it is completely different. I was worried that the tower he had built would be taken away by others.

In fact, during this period of time, various countries in the world have also sent various spies and secret agents to the Wizarding Academy of the Tower to sneak into the Wizarding Academy by taking advantage of the opportunity of recruiting apprentices from the outside world. Their purpose is to see. Can you take advantage of Leo's decentralization opportunity to control part of the tower's power, and also want to find a chance to master the formula of the wizard's potion of the tower, especially the potion that can unlock the potential of human blood is coveted by all countries.

However, what everyone can't think of is that the spies and spies who entered the tower not only failed to follow the plan, but they all rebelled without exception soon, and these people’s rebellion further led to those countries in the Kingdom of Bodo. All of the spy organizations were uprooted.

Although it failed, the attention of various countries to the tower has not weakened, and they will still send people to mix into the tower from time to time. The final result is still betrayal, even if the agents of various countries have passed some extraordinary forces to repeatedly test their loyalty, and even Controlling their mentality through extraordinary powers cannot prevent their ultimate betrayal.

Regarding the practice of secret agents from various countries to the tower, Leo and the tower are silent, and will even be happy to see it, because in their opinion these countries are sending talents to the tower, and almost every one of them is selected to become The spies of the tower have great wizarding potential or extraordinary blood potential. A little training can become one of the tower’s helpers. Not long ago, Leo divided the tower into nine and set up nine towers. At the time of the lord, three of the nine tower lords selected were spies who were rebellious.

I have to say that after Leo selected the master of the nine towers, everyone was confused about the choice of candidates, and wondered if Leo and Tolan I had fallen out to make this kind of decision, because Leo The nine selected tower masters are all citizens of the Bodo Kingdom without exception, three of them are spies from other countries, and the six are from other countries. Even these nine people have published some articles criticizing certain parts of the Bodo Kingdom. The policy looks like a hostile force in the Kingdom of Bodo.

It is said that Tolan I was also very dissatisfied with these nine people. He complained about the matter in front of his ministers more than once, but in the end he was still unable to change the candidate of the tower’s lord. It can be seen that whether it is the first witch or the wizard tower, trust Lan I's control power is not too great, more like a nominal leader.

Therefore, when the lady in the lake touched Leo and Sylvia’s foreheads, she was using some kind of extraordinary power to give them all the power in their hands to Tolan I, and then go back to her own. This kind of speculation is totally untenable. .

But apart from this speculation, they couldn’t figure out why Leo and Sylvia were at the beginning of the Kingdom of Bodo, when they needed the two to stand in front of the stage to support King Tolan I and the Kingdom of Bodo, but they chose to retreat. Deer Park.

In fact, not only those who were hostile to the Kingdom of Bodo couldn't understand this, even Tolan I and others close to Leo and Sylvia didn't understand what they were doing.

Leo and Sylvia did not explain their behavior too much. They spend most of the month in the deer park. The rest of the time is either walking in the Bran Forest or dealing with the first witch and wizard tower. Thing up.

In fact, they all know that they should stand in front of the stage in the past few years to support the Kingdom of Bodo and make the Kingdom of Bodo completely consolidated, but they were unable to do so, because after the lady in the lake gave them some knowledge about the gods, While studying and absorbing this knowledge, Sylvia perceives that her strength seems to be increasing rapidly, and she can break through the existing power limit at any time and become a demigod witch.

However, when she sensed that her strength was about to break through that limit, Sylvia also sensed the danger, and the danger was right beside her, silent and everywhere, as if she was breaking through. Will encounter the tribulations bestowed by this world.

Leo also felt Sylvia's situation at the time, so he used the rune circle to limit the growth of Sylvia's bloodline power, and usually took Sylvia to the Deer Park.

Although the forest where the Deer Park is located belongs to the Bran Forest in name, with the completion of the Deer Park, the forest has separated from the Bran Forest and turned into the outer area of ​​the Black Forest. It is also because of this. Special creatures such as the Dryad, which belong only to the Black Forest, can also freely enter and exit the Deer Park and its surrounding forests.

It was precisely because of the special nature of the deer garden that when Leo took Sylvia to the deer garden, the feeling of breaking through was slightly relieved, and the sense of threat from all directions also weakened.

It was precisely because of this that Sylvia had to stay in the Deer Park, Leo also stayed there to take care of Sylvia, and at the same time assisted Sylvia in suppressing her power and speeding up the transfer of power.

Sylvia originally planned to distribute the power of the first witch to Emily through three stages and five years, and Leo also planned to train the first batch of qualified apprentice wizards in five years, and then divide it into nine. The master of the tower completed the division of power, but in the end all these were compressed and completed in two years. There must be some small problems in the middle, but they can no longer take care of it.

In fact, Ms. Huzhong didn’t know that she had done something bad with her kind intentions. He sensed that Sylvia’s power breakthrough was only a step away, so he would help Sylvia complete this transition during the coronation ceremony. As a result, But Leo and Sylvia's plans were all disrupted.

"It has been suppressed to the limit." Leo said solemnly to Sylvia who was lying in the sacred pond of the Deer Garden: "We can't delay any longer, we will leave in these two days."

I don't know if it was because of Leo's words or the pain caused by the suppressing power increase. Sylvia frowned slightly and was silent for a long time before slowly saying, "If you leave now, Tolan..."

Leo said flatly, "He is a king. He has been a king for two years. We have given all the resources to him, and the rest of the matter has been arranged. If this is the case, he can't sit down yet. To stabilize the throne, the Kingdom of Bodo cannot be maintained yet, so..."

Sylvia interrupted Leo somewhat displeasedly, and said, "Okay! Don't say it, you are his father, can't you have confidence in him?"

Leo did not continue to say anything. His attitude had already been revealed. In his opinion, Toran did not have the courage to be a king, especially some of Toran’s policies in the past two years, although some of Toran’s policies could bring some in a short period of time. It is good, but for a long time it may cause the danger of losing the crown. He did not directly tell Tolan about this. Instead, he explained it through the comments made by the wizards of the tower and listed the pros and cons of the policy in detail. The result was not Let Tolan wake up, and on the contrary, the originally embarrassing father-son relationship between the two has become even worse. This has also become Sylvia's biggest headache in the past two years.

Although Sylvia was not satisfied with Tolan’s policies like Leo, she did not say anything, nor was she as pessimistic as Leo, because in her opinion, even Leo and she had left. , As long as the various arrangements left by the First Witch, the High Tower, the White Deer Church, the Lady of the Lake Church, and the Dodd Group do not present subversive problems, the throne of Tolan and his descendants will be extremely stable, at least There will be no problems a dozen generations ago.

But she didn't know that Leo had encountered a descendant of an offspring in the subspace debris of Yam Island, a descendant who usurped the throne. Although the two communicated very little, Leo could still feel it for a while. This offspring will not be in a good situation in the future, and will definitely not be as worry-free as a royal family.

He does not know whether the Kingdom of Bodo will still exist in the future, but he knows very well that if certain policies as the foundation of a country are not perfect at the beginning of the country, then it will definitely become the key to the country’s problems in the future. It's too late to remedy it.

It’s just that Leo didn’t pay much attention to this matter. He was just an indirect reminder. Seeing Tolan didn’t think he would ignore it. In his mind, how far the Kingdom of Bodo can go is not a big deal, Sylvia. The current state is what he cares about.

"How about the abilities of the nine tower masters you appointed?" After Sylvia was annoyed, UU reading couldn't help but ask.

"Didn't you already ask?" Leo responded casually, seeing Sylvia's serious expression, and repeating what he said a few days ago: "Nine of them have potential, as long as According to my method, with the help of the tower’s power, it only takes up to 20 years to reach the level of an ancient tower wizard. If they cooperate with the tower’s magic circle during battle, the nine of them can unite and even fight with each other. The demigods confronted head-on."

Sylvia asked again: "Will they not have any ambitions?"

Leo replied immediately: "The more they use the power of the tower, the more they are affected by the power of the tower. There is absolutely no need to worry about the level of loyalty."

Sylvia was silent for a moment, and said: "In this case, we will leave after two days and my strength stabilizes."

Seeing that Sylvia was no longer procrastinating, Leo also smiled, and then asked: "Do you need to inform Tolan of them?"

Sylvia thought for a while and said, "No, just announce that we are going to the Black Forest." Then he looked at the Dryad playing on the side and said, "Of course this needs the cooperation of the Black Forest. "

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